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[fan petition] please rebuild this team

Ted Lasso

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1 minute ago, Kenny Powers said:

No need for name calling.  Things not going well for you in the Yukon? You make a good point though, I won't presume to speak for a fanbase I find 75% embarrassing.  But I edited my sign off accordingly. There are lots of good points being made about what we could really realistically expect, I guess I'd like to hear management  explicitly state the focus is on developing players, whether or not we make the playoffs this year. Hopefully that clears it up.

The mixed message of last year (compete for a playoff spot, while developing youth) disappeared this season.  WD stated this is not a development league, right?  Now is that directive coming from the owner?  Maybe he's the one behind the new message?  I just get why our owner doesn't speak?  Are we to assume what ever TL says is what the owner is saying to him?

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59 minutes ago, Kenny Powers said:

Mr. Aquilini,


Thank you for being an owner of the Canucks franchise since 2004.


As a Canucks fan since 1993, I am grateful you've allowed this to be a salary cap team, and get within one game of our first Stanley Cup!


We fans have received the message that the 2016/17 Canucks are targeting a playoff berth, while simultaneously transitioning our core players, or "rebuilding on the fly."


Our petition to you is this:


Allow Canucks management the singular focus of rebuilding our team. Specifically, prioritize acquisition and development of younger players over regular-season success. 


We have the patience and interest to watch young players develop (and not win), and will continue to buy tickets and merchandise as we develop our next core.


Please consider the quantity and substance of voices from the largest active internet message board in the NHL.  These are your most engaged fans, including many of your past, present and future season ticket holders.


Thank you,


One Canucks Fan



Kenny, you may have patience, but who is the "we" for whom you're speaking?

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Just now, Kenny Powers said:

No need for name calling.  Things not going well for you in the Yukon? You make a good point though, I won't presume to speak for a fanbase I find 75% embarrassing.  But I edited my sign off accordingly. There are lots of good points being made about what we could really realistically expect, I guess I'd like to hear management  explicitly state the focus is on developing players, whether or not we make the playoffs this year. Hopefully that clears it up.

well i take offense to someone saying they speak all of us, especially since there's lil or no factual basis to back up anything is being talked about, are NOT seeing what's going to happen next year with the salary cap available nor for the year after that with the twins gone. What's going on is all about our younger guys getting nhl playing experience and getting a few more into the line up soon as well.  Obviously i think you read too much from the media and just spin it back out.  That's why i ASKED if you were that stupid, i didn't say it, i asked it.


Will i name call this towns lame media?  you bet!  Their "Boneheads" to put it mildly.... 

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Just don't think he will be listening very hard.........buisnessmen don't actually follow the crowds....and go with their guts and that of their advisors 

If the crowds at the games shrink........no more free games on TV...........can you say pay per view?

                                                    .........no more spend to the cap.............can you say Arizona?


If it gets worse........can you say..............moving the fanchise?


These almost all happened in the 90's

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to my knowledge, they are rebuilding. bringing young guys in when they can succeed. the team needs to be competitive until they can have enough young guys to push the vets out. we will probably pick near the top again this year. people, want a rebuild this very moment. it takes time. 

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6 minutes ago, oldnews said:

Kenny, you may have patience, but who is the "we" for whom you're speaking?

Anyone who agrees with me. I may be the minority. I don't mind that we've been losing, I just want to see management embrace the rebuild - relinquish this season and focus on the future. 

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1 hour ago, Kenny Powers said:

Mr. Aquilini,


Thank you for being an owner of the Canucks franchise since 2004.


As a Canucks fan since 1993, I am grateful you've allowed this to be a salary cap team, and get within one game of our first Stanley Cup!


We fans have received the message that the 2016/17 Canucks are targeting a playoff berth, while simultaneously transitioning our core players, or "rebuilding on the fly."


Our petition to you is this:


Allow Canucks management the singular focus of rebuilding our team. Specifically, prioritize acquisition and development of younger players over regular-season success. 


We have the patience and interest to watch young players develop (and not win), and will continue to buy tickets and merchandise as we develop our next core.


Please consider the quantity and substance of voices from the largest active internet message board in the NHL.  These are your most engaged fans, including many of your past, present and future season ticket holders.


Thank you,


One Canucks Fan




Canucks management is rebuilding the team how they see fit, Asking the owner to mandate essentially youth youth youth is funny since most feel they don't want ownership to be involved other than writing cheques. Management is in the process of rebuilding and passionate about it and with the goal to be a stronger, deeper, contending team annually. This is taking time, there are no quick fixes.





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Kenny, there is nothing to talk about other than this re-tool or rebuild should have happened awhile back but it started and i'm happy that it did rather than watch the same old again year after year. If you want to discuss something useful then maybe check out who will hit free agency next season whom we may go after with cap space or who would fit this team to trade for.  That would be worth talking about.

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Just now, Kenny Powers said:

Anyone who agrees with me. I may be the minority. I don't mind that we've been losing, I just want to see management embrace the rebuild - relinquish this season and focus on the future. 

How exactly do you think they aren't?  Do we not have rookies in the line up? 

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Here is what needs to happen, people can say what they want but this is the only way we can get the rebuild going




Obviously something is very wrong high up in the Canucks office, it's really reminding me of the 90's where you just knew there was no one manning the bridge, very strange time for any who didnt live through it, but hey! I guess you have now, so enjoy!

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1 minute ago, terrible.dee said:

Here is what needs to happen, people can say what they want but this is the only way we can get the rebuild going




Obviously something is very wrong high up in the Canucks office, it's really reminding me of the 90's where you just knew there was no one manning the bridge, very strange time for any who didnt live through it, but hey! I guess you have now, so enjoy!

70's and 80's weren't a box a chocolates either.  Except for the Twins' seasons we have been a horrible franchise. 

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4 minutes ago, janisahockeynut said:

Just don't think he will be listening very hard.........buisnessmen don't actually follow the crowds....and go with their guts and that of their advisors 

If the crowds at the games shrink........no more free games on TV...........can you say pay per view?

                                                    .........no more spend to the cap.............can you say Arizona?


If it gets worse........can you say..............moving the fanchise?


These almost all happened in the 90's

Hopefully the Aquaman is not thinking this way but it astonishes me he has stayed silent this long.  An omen?  You tell me.

I realize it would not sit well with many hockey fans but if he could have brought basketball back to Van, he would be a happier camper.

I, for one, would at this point, would feel better hearing something from the owner even though he's uncomfortable in the public eye.

Us fans gotta hear something soon, right???


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In business terms he needs to keep putting butts in seats and selling the product.

The product needs an injection of some kind. 

I say lop off WD let Jarvis take the reigns and finish the year AND put Linden behind the bench as an assistant coach.

That'll bump sales.

Or wait and do these changes after the xmas break.



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I hope you guys realize the rebuild won't start until the 2 highest paid players are gone. And no contender will have the cap space to fit the twins until trade deadline day of the final year of their contracts. Sending FA a letter is a waste of time and energy. Hopefully Edler follows the twins out the door and the rebuild can finally happen. We are going to suck bad for three more years plus at the very least. 

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5 minutes ago, 48MPHSlapShot said:

Hopefully the Aquaman is not thinking this way but it astonishes me he has stayed silent this long.  An omen?  You tell me.

I realize it would not sit well with many hockey fans but if he could have brought basketball back to Van, he would be a happier camper.

I, for one, would at this point, would feel better hearing something from the owner even though he's uncomfortable in the public eye.

Us fans gotta hear something soon, right???


Guys like Franisco pay people to do that for him. He could care less about answering to peasants like us. 

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Why is it that in this day and age everything gets reduced to a simple dichotomy (everything has to be a THIS or a THAT)?  Life is more complex than that.  Why does it have to be 100% rebuild or 100% win the cup now?  The answer is that it doesn't.  Sure the media keeps pushing for the 100% rebuild but they can go for a long walk (I'm trying to be polite).  And because they keep saying that's what we need, then it must be true (sarcasm alert).  Look, not only is it a stupid idea, but blowing up the team at this stage just isn't going to happen (management has been very clear and consistent about that even though the media is ignoring that).  Instead of chiming in with the media (who are definitely not Canucks fans) and constantly calling for THIS or THAT how about getting behind our team and our management and trying to win with the hand we have?  It really isn't that bad a hand, we're just going through some growing pains.  Please put down your pitchfork (and maybe your news feed as well) and please find some patience and have a little trust in Benning and co. (they are professional hockey people not hack journalists and believe it or not they are actually trying to create a winning team AND still have some entertainment now).  GCG!

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Why is everyone so insistent that we aren't re-building right now?


We are into our 2nd year of being the worst team in the league.  We dumped all our veterans - and replaced them with young, AHL-caliber players.  The only thing we are competing for is 1st overall in the draft.


And, you people think this isn't a rebuild?  Tell me, what would a real re-build look like (if not the above)?  If this is us competing (and we're still the worst team in the league), what would tanking look like?

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