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[fan petition] please rebuild this team

Ted Lasso

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4 minutes ago, FireGillis said:


Because it's the most important part.  You can have all those veterans and no McDavid and they would still suck like last year when he was injured for half the year.  You aren't being honest if you don't think McDavid is the leading hart trophy candidate right now and the main reason they're doing so well.

Oh, you're going to tell me what my point is?


Look,  When you shop players, you get less than full value.  So you lose.

When you buy players, you pay more than full value.  So you lose.

And at the end of the day, the veterans you end up with, because you need them, are not as good as the ones you started with.


McDavid as an Oiler was dumb luck.  Everybody knows that.

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6 minutes ago, two drink minimum said:

I think its more about the fact that MGMT has stated that their plan is focused more on the playoffs than on rebuilding. This is clearly an attempt to fool people into buying false hope


Yeah, I'm really confused why people are crediting management for this "rebuild."  They've tried to make the playoffs the past two years and it's blown up in their faces both times!  You don't credit someone for failing so spectacularly and then say see, they were rebuilding all along!  No...no they weren't!  The high draft picks were a result of their failure, not their plan because they wanted playoffs both years!

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2 minutes ago, Toyotasfan said:

What if the draft lottery didn't screw us and we landed Mathews instead of Joulevi , would we be having this conversation? 


Sweeping that cali road trip cost us last place last year, but hey all the anti tankers were happy about that cali sweep!

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1 hour ago, two drink minimum said:

Deceiving your customers is never a good way to go. The Canucks don't have the right coach for a rebuild any how and I think most real fans can see it. Toeing the company line is usually and idiom that means to... " go along to get along". It means you're not being true to yourself and eventually you end up regretting and resenting what you sold out for. This franchise needs new ownership imho. Look forward and leave the past in the past.

Local ownership that loves hockey and spends to the cap. The horror. You do remember how the sale of the Grizzlies turned out for their fans here?


Do you want a new owner to come in and say "We're gonna make the Canucks great again!" "We will tear it down and ice an AHL roster with a $40,000,000 cap because we owe the fans 5 years of 20 wins a season and 7,000 paying customers a game."


Then if we've been astute and lucky we MIGHT have drafted 5 times in the top 5 and lucky enough to have a Tavares or McMuffin come along? Patience is a virtue, no?

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3 hours ago, Kenny Powers said:

No need for name calling.  Things not going well for you in the Yukon? You make a good point though, I won't presume to speak for a fanbase I find 75% embarrassing - I edited my sign off accordingly. There are lots of good points being made about what we could really realistically expect; I guess I'd like to hear management  explicitly state the focus is on developing players, not winning or making the playoffs this year.

What you're saying is you want them to tank, because they're trying to develop players by giving them a competitive (if not winning) environment. The alternative is throwing the prospects into an even worse situation than we're in now, where we're at least trying to play the right way and could have some results go the other way with a bit more offence.


Maybe they aren't playing some players enough for you, but players are getting a chance to be in the roster. It's up to them to perform to get those minutes so I'm not sure what else you can expect.

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1 hour ago, Crabcakes said:

Two Drink Minimum buys popcorn?  Really?


Rebuild is just a word.  They don't have to say it for me.  There has been a massive turnover of players since Benning arrived.  That says rebuild to me.


The list of players remaining from before Benning was hired total 6 (Sedin, Sedin, Edler, Hansen, Tanev, Burrows), the other 17 are new.


Edit:  I just noticed, Benning has kept the top line and the top pair + Hansen from the team he inherited.  

And to boot , he had to aquire some of those 17 with worn out players past their prime.

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4 hours ago, Kenny Powers said:

Mr. Aquilini,


Thank you for being an owner of the Canucks franchise since 2004.


As a Canucks fan since 1993, I am grateful you've allowed this to be a salary cap team, and get within one game of our first Stanley Cup!


We have received the message that the 2016/17 Canucks are targeting a playoff berth, while simultaneously transitioning our core players, or "rebuilding on the fly."


My petition to you is this:


Allow Canucks management the singular focus of rebuilding our team. Specifically, prioritize acquisition and development of younger players over regular-season success. 


I have the patience and interest to watch young players develop (and not win), and will continue to buy tickets and merchandise as we develop our next core.


Thank you,


One Canucks Fan




It's already started. Who else is good enough to get in the team? Do people like you understand what a rebuild is?


PS I doubt you really do "have patience and interest to watch young players develop (sub top 5 draft picks) and not win. You won't be watching Oilers type elite or Buffalo or Panthers.

And if you do the chances are you will be pretty lonely in Rogers.

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46 minutes ago, Toyotasfan said:

What if the draft lottery didn't screw us and we landed Mathews instead of Joulevi , would we be having this conversation? 


Yes because we have absolutely no depth at all whatsoever. We easily have the lowest quality forward call ups in pro hockey including KHL and AHL. 

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44 minutes ago, FireGillis said:


Yeah, I'm really confused why people are crediting management for this "rebuild."  They've tried to make the playoffs the past two years and it's blown up in their faces both times!  You don't credit someone for failing so spectacularly and then say see, they were rebuilding all along!  No...no they weren't!  The high draft picks were a result of their failure, not their plan because they wanted playoffs both years!


And that's how it should be bud because the alternative is to make a mockery of this league. I don't mind us failing and picking high but I'm not into failure by design. Do you really think players like Bo and Stecher or Tryamkin want to play for a team that is being handicapped to lose? That's everything that's wrong with this country - no balls.


People are wearing poppies just now to honour those of another era where struggling against the odds to succeed was a way of life, it had integrity and people worked for what they got out of life. 

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1 hour ago, Chip Kelly said:

It's not a rebuild until your hometown #6 pick gets more ice time than Skille and Dorsett.


Also the roster is still top 10 for being the oldest in the league in terms of average age.


Trade Hansen dump Miller and Burrows and replace all 3 spots with a player 25 or younger.


Then you are rebuilding.


If he was good enough he would be in. End of story.

Youth is not the be all and end all. We need Miller, we can't part with the Sedins and Hansen is one of our most entertaining players. Burrows will exit at seasons end.


We are rebuilding, were are just not rebuilding like our idiot fans and media, who have no real emotional investment in the team, want.

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1 hour ago, Jam126 said:

The fact that people have to be told by management that it's a rebuild is sad.


Because most of them are idiots who have to be told something by the Vancouver media before they think it's true.


The sad thing is the media are the biggest liars and con men of them all. Most of them writing spurious stories and rumours without a care what effect it will have on the club the players, owners, management or the decent fans.

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1 hour ago, Crabcakes said:

Funny how people hang on to the least important part of my argument.  You're the 2nd person to comment on that.



It's because they are not programmed to accept logical arguments so they look for any minor point in a post they can concentrate on - thus avoiding overheating their brain cell and avoiding a parietal and the frontal lobe "rebuild.:P

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4 hours ago, janisahockeynut said:

Just don't think he will be listening very hard.........buisnessmen don't actually follow the crowds....and go with their guts and that of their advisors 

If the crowds at the games shrink........no more free games on TV...........can you say pay per view?

                                                    .........no more spend to the cap.............can you say Arizona?


If it gets worse........can you say..............moving the fanchise?


These almost all happened in the 90's

The team getting moved in the 90s was possible because of economic conditions (lack of a salary cap, subsidizations within the league and low Canadian dollar etc) . Other than the big two (we both know who they are), pretty much every Canadian team had a chance of relocation.

No more free games on TV would have more to do with the league instituting that, then the owners themselves. TV contracts are tied more to the league than any individual team.

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32 minutes ago, alfstonker said:

Do people like you understand what a rebuild is?


PS I doubt you really do "have patience and interest to watch young players develop (sub top 5 draft picks) and not win. 

Read the thread,  I gave my definition of what a rebuild is.


as for my patience and interests …


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1 minute ago, riffraff said:


The fact that mgmt has told fans the goal is to make the playoffs is sad.  

What else can they say? This market is not tolerant of rebuilds. Plus, playoffs were a realistic goal. But because of our scorers being dry (especially Eriksson), we aren't doing good. At least our D and goal-tending have been doing well.

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1 minute ago, Kenny Powers said:

Read the thread,  I gave my definition of what a rebuild is.


as for my patience and interests …



You said:


"Allow Canucks management the singular focus of rebuilding our team. Specifically, prioritize acquisition and development of younger players over regular-season success."


I'm saying they are rebuilding the team. Your use of "single focus" implies failure by design (now read my post) 


"Specifically, prioritise acquisition and development of younger players" What do you mean by prioritise? I think you mean basically trade the Sedins, Hansen Edler, Burrows, so maybe you can tell us where we get the replacements for these players -  you saw what was available in free agency - and what young half decent free agent is going to come to this club in the situation you have placed it in when they can go to a team trying to win. 


How long would Bo, or some of the other good players stay here given the policy you proffer.


You are advocating FAILURE for a period unspecified and with no guarantee it would work in any case.



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