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Elias Pettersson | #40 | C

-Vintage Canuck-

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57 minutes ago, 73 Percent said:

I'm glad thag he's trending up but I'm now a firm believer that he has the talent to overcome his size like Kane and Johnny hockey. Subban and shinkaruk are examples of those who didn't.

Yep. The difference I think is that Kane and Gaudreau's skill levels are elite whereas Subban and Shink were very skilled but not elite enough to overcome their other limitations.


I think Pettersson is in Kane and Gaudreau boat as you say. Elite level passing, vision, and shot. Enough to overcome his size limitation. Although I do have to say that if his skating reaches Patty Kane's, then Petterson would be something else. Then, we might really be talking about best Swedish forward since Peter Forsberg. EP's skating is not bad, his edgework and change of direction already seems fine but speed and acceleration looked just OK.


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18 minutes ago, Ihatetomatoes said:

There's more to hockey than just points.  Pettersson still needs to get at least 20lbs heavier before he is going to be remotely close to franchise level talent.  Sure he is playing against men right now but it's on the bigger ice in a much less physical league.  If he does fill out and get to 190+ lbs than I can see him having a chance at being a franchise talent. Right now he has the potential to be an elite player but there is still potential he never gets strong enough to be much more than an great talent. 

What does this even mean??????? 

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17 minutes ago, khay said:

Yep. The difference I think is that Kane and Gaudreau's skill levels are elite whereas Subban and Shink were very skilled but not elite enough to overcome their other limitations.


I think Pettersson is in Kane and Gaudreau boat as you say. Elite level passing, vision, and shot. Enough to overcome his size limitation. Although I do have to say that if his skating reaches Patty Kane's, then Petterson would be something else. Then, we might really be talking about best Swedish forward since Peter Forsberg. EP's skating is not bad, his edgework and change of direction already seems fine but speed and acceleration looked just OK.


Name a few players in today's NHL you'd consider franchise level talents that are better than Patty Kane

Edited by N7Nucks
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23 minutes ago, Ihatetomatoes said:

There's more to hockey than just points.  Pettersson still needs to get at least 20lbs heavier before he is going to be remotely close to franchise level talent.  Sure he is playing against men right now but it's on the bigger ice in a much less physical league.  If he does fill out and get to 190+ lbs than I can see him having a chance at being a franchise talent. Right now he has the potential to be an elite player but there is still potential he never gets strong enough to be much more than an great talent. 

I've only seen on SHL game live, and I can tell you it's very chippy hockey, not in the least a walk in the park. So much more so than the NHL game is. Lots of stick work, kicking skates, almost to slew footing level. If he's playing against these guys now, he's got a very good chance to succeed in the NHL. The only thing that I did notice, no one dropped the gloves.

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49 minutes ago, Ihatetomatoes said:

There's more to hockey than just points.  Pettersson still needs to get at least 20lbs heavier before he is going to be remotely close to franchise level talent.  Sure he is playing against men right now but it's on the bigger ice in a much less physical league.  If he does fill out and get to 190+ lbs than I can see him having a chance at being a franchise talent. Right now he has the potential to be an elite player but there is still potential he never gets strong enough to be much more than an great talent. 

Honestly this comment is just ridiculous. Patrick Kane, Johnny Gaudreau, are they elite?

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58 minutes ago, khay said:

Elite player that is not franchise level talent? 


Can you define elite and franchise level talent.  Can a player be a franchise talent but not elite?


Crosby, McDavid are both elite level talent and franchise players.


Patrick Kane? Elite level talent but not franchise level talent?


Jonathan Toewes? Franchise player but not elite?


How about Henrik Sedin? Elite but not franchise level?


To me, being elite is like being top 10 or top 20 in the league in something, like goal scoring abilities, points scoring, and etc. So if a player is top 10 in something, I'd say that is a franchise level talent. So if Elias will be elite, then I think he will be a franchise level talent. But from what you say, I interpret it to mean that a player can be elite but not franchise level talent. Is it correct to assume that in your definition, Patrick Kane is elite, but by himself he would not have resurrected the Hawks so not a franchise level player. On the other hand, Jonathan Toewes is not elite, but he is a franchise level player? 


Kinda weird. 

Don't even respond to this person. There a sad stain on these message boards that has been trolling different discussions the last few days.

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I think Pettersson said somewhere that he only really started a strict program, in terms of his diet and training, when he arrived at Växjö this season. He admitted that he kind of hated going to the gym previously, but now that he’s getting pushed, and seeing the results (he mentioned squats specifically), he’s really committed to working on building muscle and improving his physical performance.


Similarly, he hadn’t really been taking advantage of a dietitian/nutritionist until this season, but apparently he’s now eating he way he needs to.


A few pounds of gains might not seem like a lot, but it’s really tough for many players to add weight during the season, especially kids with Pettersson’s genetics. Nonetheless, he’s doing the right things and has been getting stronger and adding a little weight (unfortunately some of that was probably wiped out by his flu).


I’d expect the real tangible gains, as far what kind of numbers he sees when he steps on the scale, will happen this summer and beyond. But he’s definitely getting a jumpstart on the process, and reportedly has a team of people working with him now to make sure he stays on top of his diet and training.

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1 hour ago, N7Nucks said:

Name a few players in today's NHL you'd consider franchise level talents that are better than Patty Kane

Clearly better? Probably just McDavid and Crosby. On par or better? Probably can count with five fingers: McDavid, Crosby, Kucherov (the two players are now on par in my opinion), Malkin. Eventually this list will most likely include Matthews in a few years.


That's why I was saying, if his skating becomes better (I shouldn't have said becomes as good as Kane), EP would be a sure fire HHOF and probably the best Swedish player since Forsberg. Maybe even better than Foppa.


As he is now, he has a very good chance to become an elite player but nothing is set in stone. He might just turn out to be a offensive specialist whose defensive awareness is good enough to make him effective NHLer. Could be like a more dynamic version of Henrik Sedin in his prime, equipped with much better shot/goal scoring abilities. But Henrik Sedin with his brother Daniel might still end up a much greater player than EP.


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19 minutes ago, SID.IS.SID.ME.IS.ME said:

I think Pettersson said somewhere that he only really started a strict program, in terms of his diet and training, when he arrived at Växjö this season. He admitted that he kind of hated going to the gym previously, but now that he’s getting pushed, and seeing the results (he mentioned squats specifically), he’s really committed to working on building muscle and improving his physical performance.


Similarly, he hadn’t really been taking advantage of a dietitian/nutritionist until this season, but apparently he’s now eating he way he needs to.


A few pounds of gains might not seem like a lot, but it’s really tough for many players to add weight during the season, especially kids with Pettersson’s genetics. Nonetheless, he’s doing the right things and has been getting stronger and adding a little weight (unfortunately some of that was probably wiped out by his flu).


I’d expect the real tangible gains, as far what kind of numbers he sees when he steps on the scale, will happen this summer and beyond. But he’s definitely getting a jumpstart on the process, and reportedly has a team of people working with him now to make sure he stays on top of his diet and training.

sounds like the sedins before they came over, always able to skate by on talent alone and never having to do the hard work. hopefully he dedicates himself to nutrition and conditioning the way those 2 did shortly after coming to north america, because he has even more natural skill to draw from than they did. 

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Since the Sedins are probably close to retirement I wouldn't be opposed to keeping them one more year having Pettersson as their winger, while they rely on defensive partners the time has come where they will be 3rd line players, so they can have Pettersson with them watching how they commit themselves on the ice/off plus having the Sedins play with him will help his transition from Swedan quite easily. I thought about Utica but we have 2 Swedish hero's who can make it easier on the kid.

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3 hours ago, Ihatetomatoes said:

There's more to hockey than just points.  Pettersson still needs to get at least 20lbs heavier before he is going to be remotely close to franchise level talent.  Sure he is playing against men right now but it's on the bigger ice in a much less physical league.  If he does fill out and get to 190+ lbs than I can see him having a chance at being a franchise talent. Right now he has the potential to be an elite player but there is still potential he never gets strong enough to be much more than an great talent. 

Size is nice but the NHL has changed.  If by Franchise player you mean generational talent, well that's a different story.  There are "very" few of those and I for one don't expect him to be a generational talent no matter how much he weighs.


Elias Pettersson - 6'2 - 165 lbs at 19 years old.


Patrick Kane - 5'11 - 175 lbs / Johnny Gaudreau - 5'9 - 157 lbs / Nik Ehlers - 6'0 - 172 lbs / Nik Kucherov - 5'11 - 178 lbs


The list goes on.  

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6 hours ago, Ihatetomatoes said:

There's more to hockey than just points.  Pettersson still needs to get at least 20lbs heavier before he is going to be remotely close to franchise level talent.  Sure he is playing against men right now but it's on the bigger ice in a much less physical league.  If he does fill out and get to 190+ lbs than I can see him having a chance at being a franchise talent. Right now he has the potential to be an elite player but there is still potential he never gets strong enough to be much more than an great talent. 

Tell us all about this next year about this time....when he will be competing with Dahlin for the Calder....at 175 LBs....


10 LBs. of muscle is all he needs to prevent the Canucks management from delaying his career any further....at 175 he will play his way on to the team and be solid enough to earn the trust of Green ...from there it will be another Boeser / Bo story ...only larger....if Green puts the 3 of them together as a super line....it will be...Super....

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