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(Rumour) Maple Leafs Have Interest In Erik Gudbranson


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1 minute ago, The Lock said:

Cue the people saying "he's too old and can't develop!"

I think 26 makes sense. Especially for a guy that has 7 NHL seasons under his belt. It always seemed weird that EG was only 25. Maybe it's because he looks older than he is?


Players can definitely develop after 26 years old. Look at Biega for example, I believe he was around 26 when he played his 1st NHL game and he's definitely better now at 29 than he's ever been. But I would argue that years in the NHL, more specifically games played, is more of an indication of where a player is at in their development. So Gudbranson is definitely old for 26. 


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On 12/29/2017 at 1:26 AM, oldnews said:

Not that I didn't get a laugh out of that disclaimer....or care that much if I appear to 'despise' certain media, but I'll humour you anyway because I think there is a history in Van that deserves credit.


I 'despise' far fewer than I appreciate - they just aren't the arrogant, flippant attention 'seekers' that CA and the Province are.



Call me old school but I have always loved the professionals - Don Taylor, Jim Robson, John Shorthouse, Paul Carson....

The landscape has taken a severe nosedive since the Page days.

John Garrett is the greatest colour / scribe in the game.

I'm not a fan of the Van Sun, but they're not pro-trolls, nor are they pretenders - MacIntyre, Zeimer - they're not bad, and at least inoffensive.

When it comes to the younger crowd there are some that I highly respect - less vocal, non-opportunist types like Aynsley Scott et al.

There's even an exception or two at CA that I don't dislike...





1) I totally agree, really appreciate that Macintype and Zeimer has done over the years as I often read their pieces on way to school every morning. Solid writers who gave fair assessments of the team.  In some spurts I don't mind Ben Kuzma either.


2) I just found out about Aynsley Scott when listening to sportsnet 650 while doing his segment with Dan Riccio...solid guy.


3) I dislike all of CA's writers as they love to form their opinion...from behind a keyboard, and tv screen.  Only guy I can respect and follow is Ryan Biech who i think gives great overview on our prospects, and lots of ins and outs on draft, signing, and prospects formalities that many like myself don't have knowledge to.


I'm still very young myself at 24, and not having as much of experience to what media and reporting was like for the Canucks over the years, but even going back into the archives of pieces that were written and reported on, I can see a stark contrast in quality and how things were portrayed. 

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2 hours ago, VIC_CITY said:

I think 26 makes sense. Especially for a guy that has 7 NHL seasons under his belt. It always seemed weird that EG was only 25. Maybe it's because he looks older than he is?

-Maybe its because he is the biggest, meanest guy on the ice?

-Could be his leadership qualities?

-Maybe because he was one of the .1% of players who are drafted and actually play in the NHL at 19 years old.


-Young Ben Hutton is a year younger. 

-shiny new Stetcher is only 2 years younger

-Willie Mitchell had played 2 nhl games at this stage in his career.

-Bieksa was the same age during his first full season.


The dude is a man child, it's amazing that he survived the NHL as a shutdown D at such a young age on such bad teams.

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14 hours ago, rekker said:

Just Hockey DB Nielsen. Good prospect actually. Got some grit and size that we need. Him and a second and I'm inclined to go for that. Those thinking Lijigren are dreaming. Even a first alone is a dream.

Gudbranson’s contract value at re-signing should be an indication of his trade value at the deadline, no?


If the market demand is pushing him to 5 million there must be a strong market for him at the deadline (albeit half the number of buyers).


I would say he is comparable to Brendan Smith who garnered a 2nd & 3rd at the deadline and re-signed at a 4.35 million dollar cap hit.


Nielsen was a 3rd round pick who has shown some upside - let’s say he is worth a 3rd. A 2nd + Nielsen might be fair ?



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Does Gudbranson get resigned? IMHO he does unless he is not willing to resign. Benning has to make an offer. 


AT some point one has to consider the blueline composition in 2021. Edler will be gone. Quite frankly the way Tanev gets injured he could be gone either by injury or dealt. I have waffled on which dman to move between Edler and Tanev and have to come down on the side of dealing Tanev. He has the largest current value. Before he was injured last night the Laffers were running him relentlessly. The game showcased Tanev's biggest reasons for being moved. Opposing teams play him physically and he is often injured because of that or because of his shot blocking. 


So in 2021 who provides the d-side continuity if not Gudbranson?  

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1 hour ago, canucklehead44 said:

Gudbranson’s contract value at re-signing should be an indication of his trade value at the deadline, no?


If the market demand is pushing him to 5 million there must be a strong market for him at the deadline (albeit half the number of buyers).


I would say he is comparable to Brendan Smith who garnered a 2nd & 3rd at the deadline and re-signed at a 4.35 million dollar cap hit.


Nielsen was a 3rd round pick who has shown some upside - let’s say he is worth a 3rd. A 2nd + Nielsen might be fair ?



The problem with Nielsen is that his skating isn't good at all. I have watched him since his time at Lethbridge, then seen him a few times over the last couple of years in the AHL and he has made improvements in other areas but he still can't skate very well. To me there are fundamental flaws in his stride which aren't going to be fixed easily. I very much doubt he will ever be a NHLer. 

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2 hours ago, canucklehead44 said:

Gudbranson’s contract value at re-signing should be an indication of his trade value at the deadline, no?


If the market demand is pushing him to 5 million there must be a strong market for him at the deadline (albeit half the number of buyers).


I would say he is comparable to Brendan Smith who garnered a 2nd & 3rd at the deadline and re-signed at a 4.35 million dollar cap hit.


Nielsen was a 3rd round pick who has shown some upside - let’s say he is worth a 3rd. A 2nd + Nielsen might be fair ?




12 minutes ago, Toews said:

The problem with Nielsen is that his skating isn't good at all. I have watched him since his time at Lethbridge, then seen him a few times over the last couple of years in the AHL and he has made improvements in other areas but he still can't skate very well. To me there are fundamental flaws in his stride which aren't going to be fixed easily. I very much doubt he will ever be a NHLer. 

Those are fair offers. A second and third or a combo of a prospect and pick seems fair to me.

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8 hours ago, theo5789 said:

The flaw in what you suggest to get from Florida is that they are in a similar situation as us. They do not even know if they will be making a push, so giving up futures for a player they could hope will go to UFA is not a smart move. They will definitely not offer a 1st that could potentially become a lottery pick (imagine if they they and "won" one of the top 3 picks). Petrovic would be expendable for them if they are looking to bring in Gudbranson, however if he is the secondary piece, I don't see much of a primary piece coming back, if any at all. Again, giving up any top prospect for a UFA (probably would re-sign with Florida) is a gamble for a team that will need to go on a hot run to get into just a wild card spot. Also unlikely Gudbranson will be the difference maker for that push for them to give up a lot for. If we do not make a deal with anyone and he doesn't re-sign, perhaps Florida will give us a late pick for his rights.


Selling Gudbranson means we are pretty much done for the season and means he has no intention of returning, so I personally wouldn't care too much for an average NHL dman in return to boost the value of the trade back. We are having plenty of injuries on defense, but we are also being forced to sit out Hutton some nights and Biega several nights. We could bring up Weircioch or Holm as well. If we get Liljegren, he would slot right into the AHL, so it just pushes up the current dmen up a spot and we don't need another warm body on the blue line. If we can squeeze out another pick from Toronto, then great, but I would be estatic to nab a recent first rounder, who should be a top 4 dman (Pouliot isn't too bad). Plus that would allowed other dmen like Hutton or whoever to become expendable and try to bring in more return. I'm not wanting Liljegren because I'm buying the hype from Toronto, but I believe he will become a serviceable NHL dman and we get some value for a pending UFA.

Guds as a rental is not worth a young, mid first round pick dman who just had a good World Juniors. We would have to add for sure.

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1 hour ago, rekker said:

Guds as a rental is not worth a young, mid first round pick dman who just had a good World Juniors. We would have to add for sure.

That may be true, but some here believe he is an overrated prospect and they should add even more on top of him to make it fair. My point is if that was offered, I would be very estatic about it because I think that would already be the best offer we could get for a potential rental. I like Gudbranson and would like him to return with a reasonable contract first and foremost, but I'm not overrating him either and thinking we can fetch far more. If Toronto wants security for trading Liljegren, perhaps a Burrows type move could be made where he signs an extension with them before the deal is fully completed to make it more worth their while.

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Any other time Gudbranson would have whooped Martin in a game like last night, .. to  hear that puke chirping at EG must have had Eric coming apart at the seams.   EG stayed the bigger man,  and I think this proves that management has handcuffed his fists because they have possibly asked him to Play Hockey, stay healthy and show them everything he can to get his best value with the Nucks.

Im pretty sure the Canucks want him, and that EG wants to stay.. but both need to see what figure best represents fairness and satisfaction for something medium to long term.

With Tanev as injury prone as he is, he should be moved at the trade deadline.


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6 minutes ago, theo5789 said:

That may be true, but some here believe he is an overrated prospect and they should add even more on top of him to make it fair. My point is if that was offered, I would be very estatic about it because I think that would already be the best offer we could get for a potential rental. I like Gudbranson and would like him to return with a reasonable contract first and foremost, but I'm not overrating him either and thinking we can fetch far more. If Toronto wants security for trading Liljegren, perhaps a Burrows type move could be made where he signs an extension with them before the deal is fully completed to make it more worth their while.

I can agree. If Liljigren is what TO offered I would be all over it for sure. I also agree that if the numbers were right I would retain Guds.

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9 hours ago, VIC_CITY said:

On the surface, logic would suggest that Florida wouldn't likely be a dance partner for a Gudbranson trade, due to the simple fact that teams that low in the standings hardly ever trade for pending UFAs, but they're under a fair amount of pressure to make the playoffs this year, after a disappointing 16-17 season.


I'm sure Florida would like a Petrovic + deal but I really have no interest in him myself. IMO, any trade for Gudbranson has to involve youth coming back. Not someone that's a whopping 2 months younger than Gudbranson.


Interestingly enough, as of 11 minutes ago, it's Gudbranson's birthday! He's now 26 years old.

There may be pressure, but they need to put themselves into a position in under 2 months to make a move to get Gudbranson. Right now (or even the trade deadline) is not the best time to be selling young players or picks where you get cheap talent to take on a UFA that you will have to give a pay raise to keep. They want to make the playoffs for the revenue, but if they don't make it and end up needing to spend millions on a player to keep after giving up cheap futures, that doesn't sound like smart business sense for a team worried about money. If they can get Gudbranson for Petrovic + 4th, then they might consider it, but my post was in reference to oldnews who is suggesting they should give up their 1st as well. Maybe if they are in a playoff position and that 1st is no longer a lottery pick, but even then, I don't see it happening (but what do I know, I can't read Tallon's mind).

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with Tanev out again...

it's "now-time" to re-sign Gudbranson to something comfortable for both player and management and get the monkey off the back.

Trading Tanev at the TDL will bring a future asset, and or, allow prospects to show as we end the season.

Create the space for the likes of Joulevi, Tryamkin, and Mceceny to play and they will be here.

We also lose Edler end of next season, which may be a blessing itself,  as DDoughtey and EKarlsson become the legit #1 D men available. (EK is on MTC 10 teams this season and next at 6.5m per)< interesting eh?

With the Skill level rising on the Canucks, a solid all round D man like Gudbranson is needed, especially in the West.



ps. Tryamkin had a goal and an assist in a 5-2 loss to Traktor today.

    +0-    30 shifts.     21:25 TOI



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11 hours ago, oldnews said:

again, if you say so.

7 pts with a game in hand and half the season to go - no, that's not time to fold up your tent.  you can call that 'logic' if you want - I call it a quitter mentality that doesn't cut it at the professional level.

they're not in the 'same position' as the Canucks - the Canucks don't have a realistic roster intact to make a push.

You doubt they want him now - again, I don't pretend to know what Tallon does or doesn't want.   Apparently you have an updated line on Tallon's and Florida's mindset.


I don't need a line to their mindset to know that they will not trade their 1st this year for Gudbranson. I'm not suggesting they quit, but realistically they need a good run in less than 2 months (relying on Reimer for who knows how much longer) and let's not forget who is between them chasing for the same spot in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and even NYI who are also desperate to make the playoffs. Giving up 1sts and/or a decent prospect (on top of a NHL player) for a pending UFA doesn't seem very logical (I guess only to a quitter) at this point.

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