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Is Zack Kassian the least skilled player to play with the most skilled players ever?

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Goat James

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3 hours ago, MJDDawg said:



Sedin's linemate (insert name here).


Trent Klatt, Byron Bitz, Anson Carter....

To be fair, Klatt was in the twilight of his career when he played with the Sedins.  He had more points back with Philly.  


Anson Carter was similar in the sense that he was already an established top-6 player in the NHL before he came to Vancouver.  He was one of those "middle-class" NHL players caught in the new salary cap era.  Big money thrown to top players, low cap left for non-elite players.  Left the NHL due to injuries (concussions).  


Edited by Lancaster
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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:

You don't score 77 points in junior as a 17 year old without any talent.  Also Kassian has scored 14 and 15 goals in the NHL.  Jake hasn't done any better so there is a comparison there.  Both Kassian and Jake have great talent but the ultimate downfall of both is between their ears.  Kassian looks to have turned things around, here's hoping the same thing happens to Jake...

  Here here!  It was my biggest concern with our acquisition of both players.  Players who dominated at lower levels because they were bigger, stronger, faster than their peers.  They didn't have to develop much in the way of hockey iq, because they could bull their way thru it all in the beginning.  With time, maturity, and support, hopefully both will be able to get past all of that, and hit their niche, tho they will never be the Bertuzzi's that people would dream for.  The mythical unicorn that is the proto typical power forward is exactly that.  

  As to the question posed, there have been some excellent 'grit' that has gotten to play with some of the league's top talent all the way thru the leagues history, tho I love Semenko with Gretzky.  And Mario Lemieux was so talented, he literally used his linemates as pilons to knock pucks in on bank shots.

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6 hours ago, BabychStache said:

Marty McSorley with Gretz?

Not a chance - he was a serviceable defensive denfenseman in his prime even without the enforcer role...check out his plus minus some years - and was deemed important enough for Gretzky and the team that they begged the GM to get him back to LA after he was traded..he was never fast and sometimes played like he was wishing he was Coffey - definitely a decent third pairing guy on a good team - and a serviceable guy on the second line.  Despite his protector role he could play the game - that’s why he lasted as long as he did although in his later years his willingness to take a suspension to keep the stars safe was what prolonged his career.  Always liked him - which made his chop to Brashear all the more painful as a fan.

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And as far as plugs playing with stars both Lemuiex and Crosby come to mind ... some of their linemates were made to look better then they actually were for sure ... the Sedins were an enigma, aside from Carter and Burrows, nobody really clicked with them.  McDavid also turned Maroon, a good guy to have around no doubt - into an almost thirty goal scorer...this year watch McAan turn into one playing with Crosby and see all the anti-JB guys come out and whine.  


Rust .... looks like Guentzal is the real deal but take him off Crosby’s line and cut his points in half.   Gino had a career year playing with a Bure (16 goals I think) - but he must have missed ten-fifteen sure goals that year - Bure set him up every game for an easy tap-in it seemed - lost my voice yelling at the TV that season ha ha - great guy and kept him safe but you’d have to wonder how many  more points Bure could have got with a better winger to play with...elected to pass way too often instead of shooting himself including on 2 on zeros ...

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3 hours ago, Quint said:

Odjick got to play with Bure. He had some skills on the ice, but in terms of hockey skills I think he comes in below Kassian. In terms of chucking 'em, they don't come any better.

Just saw this.   Was wondering if anyone else remembers the year he played most of it 5 x 5 with Bure..think he scored 16 goals (didn’t check) a regular top six guy would have scored 35 plus - Bure was always trying to set him up and he did - seemed like every game and man he whiffed on a lot of open nets... also think Bure could have easily scored ten or fifteen more goals himself that year ... was hard to watch ...

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Kassian is actually solid in terms of overall skill level. Great hands and speed for a bigger guy. His problem was always between the ears. Really feel that is the only reason he isn't a 50-60 point player in the NHL. 

Edited by RRypien37
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9 minutes ago, RRypien37 said:

Kassian is actually solid in terms of overall skill level. Great hands and speed for a bigger guy. His problem was always between the ears. Really feel that is the only reason he isn't a 50-60 point player in the NHL. 

Agreed 100%.  Top 13 pick who got 77 points in junior.  He is a great skater and has good hands and can fight.  Everyone thought he was going to be the next Bertuzzi.  Bertuzzi wasn't the brightest bulb in the kitchen but he was gifted Naslund and Morrison for a few years and did have his head on straight until he went WWE on Moore.  Kassian on the other hand suffered from substance abuse and was traded several times.  He finally got his act together in Edmonton.  I believe he is even married now.  I think he has the potential to hit 25 goals next year playing on the top line.  Will definitely be the enforcer for McDavid and the team now that Lucic is gone.  At least Kassian can skate and can keep up with McDavid, unlike Lucic.  Kassian to McDavid is like Ferland to Pettersson. 

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13 hours ago, The Game said:

The talk out of Edmonton is that Kassian is gonna get to play with McDavid and Draisaitl, and it got me thinking; when he was here he often got to play with the Sedins. Can anyone think of a worse player who got to play with better players? 

Morrison with Bert and Naz




(just kidding)

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