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Would the Canucks be a legit playoff darkhorse if Nikita Tryamkin returned this season?

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Hindustan Smyl

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Would the Canucks be a legit playoff darkhorse if Nikita Tryamkin returned this season?


I want to be careful with how I word this post because I don’t want to come across as a guy that is being too homeristic......or a guy that is overreacting to what has essentially been a good STRETCH (stretch being the operative word here........atleast as of this writing) of play.  

Here is what I think:

We are extremely deep up front and in net:  

The Canucks are really deep up front even with injuries.    Assuming a fully healthy roster (I’ll pretend that Roussel replaces Leivo and Ferland moves to the right side), you’d have Leivo, Eriksson, Gaudette, Baertschi, and Goldobin as your substitutes.    That is REALLY good depth on the wings and down the middle (Miller can also play Center).  

In net, you obviously have both Marky and Demko.


Having said that, here is the one true weakness that I see on the Canucks.


Our depth on defense has come a long way, but we would still be in tough with TWO injuries to the top 4:  

My *only* small point of contention for this team, is that we are still a little thin on defense (although we’ve come a long way).    As of right now, this Canucks team will be in a bit tough IF TWO of Edler, Hughes, Myers, and Tanev get injured for an extended period of time.   

Like I said - our organizational depth on defense has come a long way, but we’re still not quite where we need to be.


Up front - many of our substitutes such as Baertschi, Eriksson, Leivo, etc., could fill in on the top 6 and not look horribly out of place, whereas guys like Fantenberg, Juolevi, Chatfield, Brisebois, Teves, etc., would pretty much need to be 3rd pairing defensive guys in case of injuries......and as of this writing, they’d be very marginal 3rd pairing calibre guys.    Their presence on the 3rd pairing would force guys like Benn and Stecher to move up to the 2nd pair (a spot where both dmen would be considered ‘marginal’ as far as 2nd pairing calibre dmen went).


Bottom line:  The Canucks are surprisingly deep up front, but are still a little thin on defense.  

What’s the solution?    My hopeful solution is as follows:   Tryamkin returns to the Canucks at some point this season.    IF Tryamkin returns to the Canucks and is used as our designated 7th defenseman (or if not Tree, then one of Stecher or Benn), THEN I would consider our D to be “deep,”.......and would consider our team to be ready to truly ready to battle when you factor in inevitable injuries.

I think the addition of Tryamkin would make us one of the deepest organizations in the NHL and would ensure that our defense would remain relatively solid even with 2 key injuries to the top 4.  

Edited by Hindustan Smyl
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Tryamkin solidifies our D on the back end the depth we need in case of Injury.  With Tryamkin and Fantenburg able to step in from time to time we are in a very good position.  I still feel that Tryamkin starts to replace Tanev over time eventhough Tanev has been fantastic.


Tryamkin replaces Tanev within a year and Joulevi replaces Edler within 3 years give or take.

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Tryamkin had his shot, he ran back to Russia cause he couldn't handle not having top minutes here. He wouldn't have that if he came back now too. I get he had a hard time adjusting to the culture and his fiance/wife didn't come along, but forget the primadonna imo. 

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Tryamkin might not make our top 6, but he’s still a worthy 3rd pairing guy that wouldn’t look horribly out of place in a 2nd pairing role for a brief period of time if injuries hit.......and that was the purpose of my post.


The addition of Tryamkin = organizational depth.  

Tryamkin, at this point in time, would be a massive upgrade over Fantenberg or any other guy that we have on the farm.   

So - if and when we got inevitable injuries to 1-2 guys on defense, the addition of Tryamkin would make us less susceptible to a sharp drop off (just as we saw the previous 4 seasons when we had injuries to our D).



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22 minutes ago, N7Nucks said:

Edler - Myers

Hughes - Tanev

Benn - Stecher


Honestly, not even sure I'd slot him in. Lol. 

Tree would still be a significant upgrade over Fantenberg and any of our other guys that we have in the AHL..........THAT is the point of my post.   A far greater insurance against injuries, which would make us far less susceptible to a drop off in play when the inevitable injuries to the D hit. 

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I think they're already a darkhorse team. A lot of peple are hesitant to claim them as good enough to be a playoff team, becdause they're stuck in the past, but I think they already are. Maybe with Tryamkin, they have a deeper run. Why should we be afraid to have hope? So we're not let down? That sounds like a defeatest attitude, and we should be confident in this team this year. What's missing?


highly skilled top 6 - check

speed throughout the lineup - check

size and grit - check

elite puck moving D - check

scoring - check

leadership - check

D depth - check

forward depth - check

goaltending - possibly? 

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13 minutes ago, RonMexico said:

Hell no!


Seabrook is an anchor with that contract. 

Agreed with this.   The Canucks will need to have some freed up money in order to re-up Pettersson, Hughes, and possibly Markstrom, while also having enough money to either re-sign Edler or find a dman (via UFA) that is just as good as Edler.  

Seabrook coming to Vancouver would cause us difficult long term cap problems.

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9 minutes ago, Gaudette Celly said:

Darkhorse?  Nope, we're grabbing one of the three divisional seedings. 


We'll also have Lockwood and likely Rathbone coming in late-season as well, not to mention what might happen at the TDL -- Jet Black Genius could pull in another asset or two to make a legit run.

I love your enthusiasm, but I still have questions about this team if we get 1-2 injuries to our D.......especially if those injuries are to Edler and Tanev, and we’ve seen how vulnerable those two guys are these past 4 years.


Having Tryamkin as our 7th dman is a MUCH better option than Fantenberg and any of our AHL guys.

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