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[GDT] Nucks @ Panthers Jan 9 2020 - 4pm Pacific - SNET

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I don't think Jake is going on Pete's line for offence, he's going on it for defensive balance- all the lines spent way too much time in their own end last game. Travis is looking to tighten up (obviously) after giving up 9 goalsThe minute (if) we start to chase the game Brock will be back on the first line.  

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6 minutes ago, hlinkas wrister said:

I don't think Jake is going on Pete's line for offence, he's going on it for defensive balance- all the lines spent way too much time in their own end last game. Travis is looking to tighten up (obviously) after giving up 9 goalsThe minute (if) we start to chase the game Brock will be back on the first line.  

I also think Green wants someone who readily shoots to be on EP40's wing because EP40 will always find him open. 

Brock has been overthinking things a bit lately. 

Perhaps, it's good for him to drop down and be the shooter in that line to regain his most lethal weapon back-- his shot. 

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1 hour ago, Spitfire_Spiky said:

I'm really interested to see how the lines play out in the game tonight and whether or not they use the lines from yesterdays practice or not. For me moving BB6 to the second unit is more balancing the PP units then a demotion. With Pettersson and Hughes on PP1 they are the ones being setup most of the time for the big one timers so moving BB6 gives you more options on PP2. Its the even strength play that I'm interested to see and especially who we have playing RW on the top 3 lines. Basically BB, JV and LE are currently our top 3 RW and heres my take on the new lines.


BB's play has not been bad, as can be seen by his point totals, but as a lot of people have mentioned his shot seems a little off this year and watching him play it looks like he has more to give. His defensive play and play making has come through a lot more this year and might be contributing to the above concerns but overall hes still is a 1st line RW and is integral part of the team. I can't see how putting him on the 3rd line is the right option here, he's had chemistry with Bo in the past so if you are going to demote him why send him to the 3rd line and not put him on Bo's wing?


JV  is having a career year for himself and looks like he's finally ready to start breaking out. He hasn't done anything too flashy but is playing a good 200ft game and is being rewarded with points and more playing time(even if it is on the lower side of the teams its up from past seasons). It seems like Green has been hesitant to play JV on his off wing but think he may be more effective on the 1st line if he was playing on the LW with EP40 and BB6 then playing RW with EP40 and Miller. Only problem with taking Miller off EP's line is in the faceoff dot. Have Miller able to take faceoffs on that line has helped our possession game a lot.  


LE is still not worth his 6M price tag but is finally finding his game a little and earning his spot in the lineup. His defensive play and injuries are  what is keeping him in the lineup currently. Hopefully he can keep up the defensive play but I don't see how he has earned a 2nd line spot over either JV or BB.


I guess we'll see how tonight line experiment goes but with our current crop of fwd if Green wants to shake things up I'd like to see the following:


Miller   EP40     JV

TP        Bo        BB6

AR       AG        LE


or if above isn't working


JV               EP40      BB6   

TP/Miller        Bo        Miller/TP

AR                AG        LE






To start I’d like






im okay with this


jake has been playing very well lately nice to reward him and see what he can do playing with miller and petey. His speed and physicality could create some extra space for them.


pearson bo and Louis have been playing well together so I say leave them be for now.


AG and BB have had nice chemistry together whenever I’ve seen them on the ice together. AR can do puck retrieval and AG and BB can be offensive I like the idea of trying it out.


4th line crash bang maybe score as usual and get er goin 

if it’s not working shuffle it back nbd

Edited by R3aL
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1 hour ago, brownky said:

It's not about what is, it's about what could be.


Right now, Brock looks like a lazy hockey player with immense skill and talent. He's had his ups and downs like any player, but the last 3-4 games he's looked like he's coasting.


Think back to a guy like Alexi Kovalev in his prime. Built like a brick lavatory he was probably one of the most 'raw talented' guys in the NHL at the time. But he never really gave any f**ks for a consistent span longer than a period or so. So his production, while relatively 'impressive' for what he did give was nowhere near what it could have been if he'd had the drive of a guy like Fedorov. He could have been *so* much more given the tools and ability if he'd worked consistently throughout his career.


Brock isn't quite that bad, but he also isn't Kovalev good either. I'd rather have a guy who works his ass off and barely gets 60 points than a talented but lazy guy who just gets to 60 by coasting because it's the things inbetween the points that matter. Guys who really work often make their linemates better, and get more points as a result. Otherwise that missed assignment can lead to a goal against at a very bad time. Good habits are important.




I seriously do not find him lazy, if it wasn't for him  Petey would not have scored the other night

, that is not lazy,  he works hard  , but lets face it they all take nights off.  

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4 hours ago, Glug Datt said:

yikes, 3rd line demotion for BB6?? the whole team played like $#!t in Tampa, I wouldn't pin it on Brock.. 


that said, I've been concerned about his shot pretty much all season.. I believe the last goal he scored was that one timer feed (from EP?) where he didn't even think, just released & buried.. so many times this season he has held on too long and the goalie gets set.. it ain't the skills comp, let er rip Brock! but I suspect it's an injury thing, not a confidence thing.. he'll come around.. 


either way as others pointed out, I'm guessing he'll be back with his boys before the end of the game.. sure hope I'm wrong, but I don't think Jake will work well with 40 & 9.. he has been improving his game & deserves the chance, but his game at his best is a poor man's Miller, and they might be getting in each other's way.. and I don't think his game is cerebral enough for EP.. but who knows, maybe magic will be made.. 


I think the last game was a defining game for Tampa - they're back to announce they're still contenders.. and this Florida game might just be a defining game for Van.. let's see what they're made of after that garbage dump of a game on Tuesday..


definitely see a different team effort tonight, can't wait! 

I kind of wish we'd quit looking at moves as demotions/promotions and treat them more as trying something new/shaking it up.  I don't know that it needs to be personal and can be more of a change in the team's look and something fresh?


Brock has more than just a shot (although that's what we count on from him).  With that, he's been really strong on the boards, battling for the puck, etc.  Has a physical edge that I'm quite pleased to see.


Tampa got momentum and ran with it.  Marky wasn't "on" but he can't always be.  As Burke said....teams can't play good 82 games, it happens.  All teams have stinkers but it doesn't mean you have to react dramatically or dwell on them.  Move on to the next one.


I see a spark in Jake that may just make this work and be huge incentive to him (in a rewarding him kind of way that he's earned lately).  He's got a lot of jump and is a guy who will go to the net....Brock's more positioned to play ping pong with Petey and this could just be doing things a bit differently.  I think it's kind of creative.  I believe this is more about Jake than Brock.

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59 minutes ago, Tystick said:

The boys will be itching to play a strong game.

This should be good.

I'm still salty about Matheson so I hope they lay some nasty hits on him tonight.


Feeling a 3-1 win for the Canucks.

Oh geez, forgot all about that clown.

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1 minute ago, SergioMomesso said:

Two things I would like to happen tonight.


1-score 5 goals to win


2- Punch Matheson in the face at least 5 times

Matheson will turtle again. He’s scared of the Canucks now haha

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13 hours ago, Wash said:

For the sake of my hockey pool, I hope that the Canucks win 7-5.   Miller with a 4 point night, and Huberdeau, Barkov and Dadonov all getting a bunch of points each.

I've got Miller and Petey... but Marky too (can't take another shellacking this week).

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2 hours ago, Spitfire_Spiky said:

I'm really interested to see how the lines play out in the game tonight and whether or not they use the lines from yesterdays practice or not. For me moving BB6 to the second unit is more balancing the PP units then a demotion. With Pettersson and Hughes on PP1 they are the ones being setup most of the time for the big one timers so moving BB6 gives you more options on PP2. Its the even strength play that I'm interested to see and especially who we have playing RW on the top 3 lines. Basically BB, JV and LE are currently our top 3 RW and heres my take on the new lines.


BB's play has not been bad, as can be seen by his point totals, but as a lot of people have mentioned his shot seems a little off this year and watching him play it looks like he has more to give. His defensive play and play making has come through a lot more this year and might be contributing to the above concerns but overall hes still is a 1st line RW and is integral part of the team. I can't see how putting him on the 3rd line is the right option here, he's had chemistry with Bo in the past so if you are going to demote him why send him to the 3rd line and not put him on Bo's wing?


JV  is having a career year for himself and looks like he's finally ready to start breaking out. He hasn't done anything too flashy but is playing a good 200ft game and is being rewarded with points and more playing time(even if it is on the lower side of the teams its up from past seasons). It seems like Green has been hesitant to play JV on his off wing but think he may be more effective on the 1st line if he was playing on the LW with EP40 and BB6 then playing RW with EP40 and Miller. Only problem with taking Miller off EP's line is in the faceoff dot. Have Miller able to take faceoffs on that line has helped our possession game a lot.  


LE is still not worth his 6M price tag but is finally finding his game a little and earning his spot in the lineup. His defensive play and injuries are  what is keeping him in the lineup currently. Hopefully he can keep up the defensive play but I don't see how he has earned a 2nd line spot over either JV or BB.


I guess we'll see how tonight line experiment goes but with our current crop of fwd if Green wants to shake things up I'd like to see the following:


Miller   EP40     JV

TP        Bo        BB6

AR       AG        LE


or if above isn't working


JV               EP40      BB6   

TP/Miller        Bo        Miller/TP

AR                AG        LE






Get ZM in on the 4th line, to wake it up (and send Schaller another msg). 

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