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[GDT] Vancouver Canucks vs. Vegas Golden Knights | August 29th, 2020 | 6:45pm PT, SNP | R2G3

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6 minutes ago, Roberts said:

I vote game-related conversations should begin tomorrow, and other subjects should be brought to a different thread. Thoughts? It would just be nice to get back on track.

Maybe keep this one going just change the title? Start a new one with a disclaimer of something. I’m not sure. Would be nice to have a proper Hockey gdt without the politics 

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2 minutes ago, You Mad Bro? said:

Maybe keep this one going just change the title? Start a new one with a disclaimer of something. I’m not sure. Would be nice to have a proper Hockey gdt without the politics 

@-Vintage Canuck- @StealthNuck not sure what to do. Either keep this GDT and begin hockey talks tomorrow, or I can create a new thread and have this one stay open for the conversations.

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3 hours ago, NUCKER67 said:

I woke up, not in a foul mood because there were no games yesterday, and none today. I actually felt proud, to be a Canadian and to be a Canucks fan.


It was the Canucks who reached out and got this conversation started. This is a great team we have, on and off the ice. I'm sure the Sedins are at home with their families, feeling good about it as well. For today, all of the players in the bubble will get along and work together, but tomorrow, the games will be back and it will be fierce competition again. Who knows, after getting to know some of the Canucks a little better, maybe Reaves will be less inclined to destroy them with crushing body checks lol  GCG   

If only.... highly doubt it... 

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1 hour ago, Darius said:

"Race" is a social construct.


Yes - it's a little more than that - but essentially, it's only skin (and cultural evolution) deep.  Class even more 'constructed' - and mere abstraction.  Sex is the most tangible 'difference' - arguably resulting in the 'original' abstract ideologies that derived endless 'meaning' from being men and women and both human.  In the end, I think sex and the constructs of gender are the deepest and most problematic.


"Race" is a falsely perceived 'reality' that derives from the simple fact of diverse 'evolution' ie - some people lived in Africa for millenia longer than others.  Some people migrated/originated in "Europe" - and evolved along a different path.  The implications are 'real' - have 'objective' differences - but they are only skin deep relative to the fundamental 'sameness' / oneness that underlies all humans.  Europeans - with less exposure to the sun - evolved to be lighter.  Does that consitute "race"?  Only if we take relatively meaningless differences and assign them absurd meanings.  For me the question whether "we" all share a common origin, or are polygenetic - has relatively meaningless imlications in the end - people can make extreme implications of those questions if they seek to, but.....


I forgot to mention this in my previous post - but for me - the question becomes relatively simple when we ask:


Can we, do we, are we capable of reproducing with one another - by "natural" means? 


It's a simple 'scientific' question - that imo destroys the concept of "race" or racial 'identity' in the end.


Of course we do, of course we can.   We can and do, naturally, reproduce with one another.  The 'scientific' basis of racism has a real difficulty, imo, grappling with that underlying reality.


And every person born of "inter-racial" / "intercultural" families - are every bit 100% naturally human as any other person.  Period. 

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22 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:

How are lives always on the line? Yet these same situations are de-escalated and resolved peacefully in places like the UK, Germany, Australia, Canada?


I think part of this is the US culture of guns. And also how much of the black communities are historically ridden with crime. That's not to blame Black people for that, the white man has certainly helped foster this systemically (redlining for example). But it is part of the conversation that needs to happen here, as is the culture of guns.


It must be hard down there to police. Anyone could have a gun. Its crazy to see Kenosha & all the people out on the streets with rifles, contrast that to Canada where you would never see that. Same goes for Australia & the others I'm sure. Imagine having to enforce law when your life could be on the line at any second. That's not an excuse for the bias towards blacks - which is absolutely clear, and not just against people in the higher crime areas - but its part of the conversation in moving forward.



22 hours ago, DonaldBrashear said:

The media isn't interested in covering this aspect of it. It's almost like they don't want people to know he had a knife and was likely reaching for it. It makes the story not so much fun. Sort of like the coroner report that came out for George Floyd where the coroner said there was no damage to his neck and he did not die of asphyxiation. Or that George Floyd had insane amounts of meth in his system and a heart condition. The media doesn't want to tell those stories.



And its not even that these details excuse the actions of Police either. Those details about George Floyd don't excuse kneeling on his neck for 8 minutes. But its still relevant to know the facts.


As a benevolent person, you don't want to believe that's there a narrative being blatantly driven, or a purposeful manipulation of facts, but things like this make the idea harder to refute. And it just fuels the divide that needs to be overcome to progress more quickly on these issues. 



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23 hours ago, dexterwang said:


Hate police brutality? Let’s talk funding more police training, reforming police unions that protects bad cops, and better recruitment. But nope!!! let’s defund the police, antagonize them and riot. This have hurt and will hurt minority neighborhood. 

Hate disparity? Let’s talk about culture, valuing education, supportive family structure, and improving community safety... but nope!!! According to BLM website, let’s dissolve the nuclear family, kill capitalism and blame everyone else. 



There's definitely something to this.


And at face value its hard to blame people for jumping behind it. Everyone agrees with the sentiment that Black Lives Matter. Its just the conversation about the facts & how to move forward is where things fall apart. 


At this point the debate isn't (or shouldn't be) about whether racism is acceptable or not. Everyone agrees that it isn't, & those who don't hold extreme views politically that wider social rejects. Point blank, period. 


Yet.... it feels like alot of people on the internet are acting as if this is still the debate - whether they realize it or not. (And I don't think alot of them do).


For example, there'll be these vague statements like 'be apart of the solution' or 'time for difficult conversations', exc. But then its just left at that. None of it is actually concrete ideas. And if someone who they perceive to be against them pushes it further, they run the risk of being labelled a racist & dismissed - as if they are debating that racism is acceptable - when in many cases that's not it at all. 

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Want to reply to several things on this topic.  First off anyone who mentioned socioeconomic conditions is thinking big.   That’s a big part of the issues on both sides of the border.   People don’t usually go to crime if they can make a decent living.  Bingo.   Systematic poverty is also a root problem.  So is jailing for profit (more people are incarcerated in the US then any other country).  


Second -   One poster said he’s been around for 50 years and has seen a lot of change over that time.   Would have to agree to that.  Not enough change but definitely quite a bit.  A lot of things that would be considered social suicide these days by what the “greatest generation “ said casually.  Anyone who likes to eat licorace babies and remembers what they used to be called will get it.  Or if you were working too hard physically and got told to “stop working like - the N word” understands where I’m coming from.   Not far enough but definitely some big steps.   You can be racist just from naivety and that generation is virtually dead.   Their kids ( baby boomers) were rebels - and definitely made a lot of headway. 

Have two kids one going to university right now first year and another in high school.  It’s disgusting and disturbing to them what’s going on.   I’d say for my generation racism wasn’t nearly as bad as how we treated sexually different people growing up - always called each other gay or lord of the gays or the F word etc thinking we were pretty cute and it was funny?). Have to live with that shame - but at least I see it in a different lense now - again progress.  The world has gone a long way in acceptance on both fronts over the past four generations.  

What I’d suggest anyone who’s right wing, proud to be white or a stupid supremacist is go do the DNA test to find out your lineage.  It’s 99% accurate 4 generations and very accurate all the way back to 12 plus.    My daughter did it ... and we found out that we have roots all over the world.   Including Chinese only four generations down which means my wife’s very white great grandmother who she knew as a kid, slept with an Asian man.  Hilarious.   99% certain.  Also have African, Vietnamese , Italian, Peru,  and a whole bunch of other things going on.   Sure she’s blonde hair blue eyed kid but she’s not white inside.  Neither are ANY of us.   Learn your history and find out where man started out.   Neanderthals ha ha.  


Never in my life understood why skin colour mattered and had a lot of friends not white.  But get now that things are ass backwards still South of the border and that we haven’t treated our First Nations people much better.  Agree all lives matter because of course they do - but all lives have to be equal FIRST.  And they are not yet.  Thankfully the trend is definitely in the right direction and this movement should keep it at the foreground.   Don’t mind missing hockey for a couple days.   And also folks - be kind to each other some people aren’t fast learners.  

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