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[Friedman] Canucks looking to “overhaul blue line” ...Ekblad & Cernak could be available


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2 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

If the team misses the playoffs this coming season, Benning will be looking for a new job. 

I love Benning, but I can't see him being here if he does nothing to at least stem some of the blood loss from free agency and we miss the playoffs as a result. Especially if we're a bottom 3 team in the league, which looking at this blueline and our 3rd line could very well be the case. Any GM can come in and draft top 3-5. So his drafting prowess wouldn't even save him for that.


It's still early in the offseason, but Benning is gonna have to work some magic to salvage the season. Cause I can't see the roster as is taking a step forward. We lost a top 4 d-man, a 3rd pair d-man, and our team MVP goalie. That's not even including how sketchy our coaching staff is. They got bailed out hard by Marky's goaltending and our top 6's overwhelming offensive production.

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2 minutes ago, Kobayashi Maru said:

If nothing is done I agree, however there are a ton of good players out there still not including the trade market.  Feels like the dominos are falling but if we were done we would have heard from JB already.  

For sure. It’s becoming somewhat undeniable that some contracts are truly coming back to bite the team in the ass. He could still very well pull off a great trade and make the team better. I hope he does. 

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3 minutes ago, 24K PureCool said:

I think JB probably get a pass next season given the economic circumstances and how this team performed this year. But missing two in a row will definitely get him fired.

The economic circumstances haven’t affected other teams, so I’m not sure he’d get a pass. If anything, how the team performed is extra pressure on Benning from ownership to get the vacant spots in the roster filled.

I can’t see a single scenario wherein the team misses the playoffs and Benning stays on as GM. 

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sutter comea off this year, beagle buyout next year will be around 400k for 2 yrs and rousell buyout next yeae will be 600k for 2 yrs. That takes 6m off cap hit and put back 1 m..so 5m savings. Baer comes off next year as well, another 3.36m comes off. That totals to 12.74m of cap space and noy including edlers 6m. So in real life we will have around 18.74m extra cap space if we wait to buy out roussel amd beagle till next year and we pretty much have to sign petey, quinn and mayb edler to small money deal. Oh yeah we are still stuck with eriksson even after that


i would prob be patient until next free agency cause we are going to have a down year next season anyways, well until we somehow trade for an elite RD and sign tofolli back

Edited by Nuck1991
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4 minutes ago, N7Nucks said:

I love Benning, but I can't see him being here if he does nothing to at least stem some of the blood loss from free agency and we miss the playoffs as a result. Especially if we're a bottom 3 team in the league, which looking at this blueline and our 3rd line could very well be the case. Any GM can come in and draft top 3-5. So his drafting prowess wouldn't even save him for that.

Exactly. I like Benning as well, and have rarely ever called for his head. 

4 minutes ago, N7Nucks said:


It's still early in the offseason, but Benning is gonna have to work some magic to salvage the season. Cause I can't see the roster as is taking a step forward. We lost a top 4 d-man, a 3rd pair d-man, and our team MVP goalie. That's not even including how sketchy our coaching staff is. They got bailed out hard by Marky's goaltending and our top 6's overwhelming offensive production.

To be honest, Tanev would be a marginal top 4 on most contenders, especially with his vast injury history, age, and lack of physicality or offense. That being said, he’s still a very intelligent and shrewd defenseman positionally who was underrated. Same with Stecher. 

Markstrom has a couple of great seasons, but a lot that was the product of working with Ian Clark, so expect Jacob to regress. 

I hope that Benning pulls a rabbit out of a hat though, as I’m sure he’d prefer not to regress either. 

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1 minute ago, J-P said:

I'll hold on the Banning doubts until he actually makes a bad deal or signing. So far signing Holtby and letting Marky, Stecher and Tanev walk were under the circumstances all good decisions in my eyes.

Stetcher I don’t think was a good decision. The rest I can live with cause the contracts down the road would hurt. But as of right now we’re a lot worse than last year so hopefully he has something up his sleeve.

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20 minutes ago, Nuck1991 said:

sutter comea off this year, beagle buyout next year will be around 400k for 2 yrs and rousell buyout next yeae will be 600k for 2 yrs. That takes 6m off cap hit and put back 1 m..so 5m savings. Baer comes off next year as well, another 3.36m comes off. That totals to 12.74m of cap space and noy including edlers 6m. So in real life we will have around 18.74m extra cap space if we wait to buy out roussel amd beagle till next year and we pretty much have to sign petey, quinn and mayb edler to small money deal. Oh yeah we are still stuck with eriksson even after that


i would prob be patient until next free agency cause we are going to have a down year next season anyways, well until we somehow trade for an elite RD and sign tofolli back

Why would we buy out beagle 

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4 minutes ago, Tortorella's Rant said:

This team is currently on the outside looking in come playoff time. And the blueline is horrendous. There was something to be desired even before free agency. And now? ...

Hard to say


There was always a chance of us taking a step back for a year though, next couple offseasons should be better as cap space is freed up 


We wouldn't be the only team to not take a step forward though, it's been a weird year 

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There probably won't be any gate revenue until the 21/22 season at the earliest.

There is a lot of blood yet to be let.


Benning made a point of saying they were going to honour the contracts they had signed.

I took this to mean that the first priorities were going to be, to be able to pay everything currently, e.g. including the kids' bonuses.


I can see why he signed Holtby and he kept the contract to 2 years or less, which I also believe is in his mandate.

No long term deals, no NTCs nor NMCs, keep enough cash to pay everything with nothing carried forward to next year.


It is going to be such a goofy season anyway; that is not to say do not try.

More like, use this time to clean up the books as best we can, and take advantage when cap-strapped teams get desperate for our cap space.


I think JB may have a deal for Virtanen but has to wait for the arbitrator, and then Jake goes.

I like Jake and wish he could stay, but Benning singled him out after the playoffs, Virtanen turned down his QO, and opted for arbitration.


If we keep Jake we will have to protect him in the expansion draft, maybe losing him for nothing anyway.

So a trade may open up a spot where we can protect a different forward.


I think we are going to get a good RHD, not a true #1, but hopefully a solid talent that can compliment Hughes.

Maybe we go with:

Hughes - New Guy

Edler - Myers

Juolevi - Tryamkin/Rafferty


That way, we would only have to protect Edler, Myers, Juolevi (I think).

We get some extra room to get that "Almost #1 RHD" and maybe a winger like Tofu at a new reduced price and term.




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1 minute ago, Nuck1991 said:

overpaid 4liner mayb?

Maybe for someone who sees cap cost and line number.


he offers a lot more to this team. Remove him and you have Horvat taking all the defensive draws. 

plus in 2010 malholtra was 4th like centre earning 2.5 mill. His cost is fine - some of the other not so, but beagle isn’t a problem player or a problem cap 

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Just now, UKNuck96 said:

Maybe for someone who sees cap cost and line number.


he offers a lot more to this team. Remove him and you have Horvat taking all the defensive draws. 

plus in 2010 malholtra was 4th like centre earning 2.5 mill. His cost is fine - some of the other not so, but beagle isn’t a problem player or a problem cap 

Yep Beagle is full value for his contract.


Lumping him in with Sutter and Roussel is silly.

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