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41 minutes ago, stawns said:

it almost feels like it's some millenial/gen z movement to thin the herd of boomers and Gen X



The cynic in me would say that it makes total sense.  Cuz it Boomers and Gen X kick the bucket, it means less money spent in healthcare for those seniors.  And possibly increase job vacancies.

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39 minutes ago, BPA said:



The cynic in me would say that it makes total sense.  Cuz it Boomers and Gen X kick the bucket, it means less money spent in healthcare for those seniors.  And possibly increase job vacancies.

There should be a 'spend/ donate your inheritance' movement started by the older generations.


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5 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

There should be a 'spend/ donate your inheritance' movement started by the older generations.


A clause in the will:  Should someone give me COVID please sew all my dollar bills into masks and distribute them for free at drum circles and strip clubs.  Each one with a RIP logo (Really Idiotic Person)

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Just now, debluvscanucks said:

A clause in the will:  Should someone give me COVID please sew all my dollar bills into masks and distribute them for free at drum circles and strip clubs.

Wouldn't it be awesome?

Someone should start, what would you call it? a commitment list? like a petition that states exactly that.


"dude, you're not coming to the party tonight?"

"Nah, man my parents actually signed that frickin #boomerbucks list if I bring home covid"

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9 hours ago, coho8888 said:

If you don’t mind fishing for the fall chinook, there’s plenty of those.  That run is 5 times larger and in the coming years it’s projected to double because they’ve increased the production at the hatchery to provide more food for the Orcas in the Ocean.

Nice only gone for Chinook a few times like 5 years ago on the Vedder, should try again.

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9 hours ago, Toews said:

I would say the people who can't follow simple instruction are more of a problem.

In your scenario are we living in some sort of alternate reality where gravity doesn't exist below 3 feet? In that case we would all be floating 3 feet above the ground. If not then this is entirely nonsensical, and in this scenario I would not be crawling I would be wondering if Dr. Bonnie somehow got replaced by a pod person.

No one says that you have to wear a mask all the time, if you are outdoors and can social distance then you really don't need to be wearing one. If you are indoors and have great ventilation, you can probably get away with not wearing one but I would recommend still wearing one. If you are in an enclosed space, with the AC running, little to no ventilation then everyone should be wearing a mask without exception. If a mask is not available then just use any piece of cloth as a facial covering. Masks have nothing to do with masculinity or toughness, or whatever insecurity you are projecting onto them. A mask is about respect and consideration for your fellow human beings. I know I am at less risk if I contract the virus, (for all I know I might even have it) but if do not take precautions then I am needlessly risking spreading the infection to people who are at risk either directly or indirectly. 

As I explained above wearing a mask isn't about self-preservation. Its not about keeping you safe, its about keeping those who are at risk safe. 

If what you desire is normalcy then you should take the guidelines to curb the spread of COVID-19 seriously. The NHL playoffs are the furthest thing from normal, just ask the players who are now away from their friends and families, playing in a bubble without any fans around.


If we want normalcy then we will need to be rid of the virus, anyone who is ignoring guidelines is just delaying how long we remain in this state. They are put simply a blight on our country as we need co-operation from the public in order to open things back up. Our economy, businesses, livelihoods, are dependent on each and every citizen taking responsibility for their actions. If Donald Trump can stop fighting masks and accept that its one's 'patriotic' duty to wear a mask, then so can you.

The mask thing I get it. To each their own.


But when I'm grocery shopping I'll walk down whatever aisle I want. It's getting out of hand.

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15 minutes ago, Canorth said:

Not to be a downer... but I never thought I’d see the day that an unidentifiable  US special forces would be unleashed onto US citizens.


With a guaranteed more to come. In opposition Cities States....


This is some real fkd up Sh!t right now.

4 months to go... anyone actually think those troops will be gone by November?


Any reason to think he won’t escalate this war against his own people as his polls continue to hemorrhage?


If you’re not scared by what’s going on down there, as a Canadian, then you are a Moron


PS. Obviously not directed at you C. Just used your post to launch. Full respect.

Over the last few years we had few people, including some frequent posters, “enjoy” the dumpster fire down here.

Sure if you live in New Zealand something like that might be interesting.


But when you share 5500 mile border that is undefended and roughly 70-75% of your exports goes to that country.

Personally I feel when to toilet starts to overflow with $&!#, you will be in there as well with the plunger trying to stop it.



Edited by CBH1926
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10 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

Over the last few years we had few people, including some frequent posters, “enjoy” the dumpster fire down here.

Sure if you live in New Zealand something like that might be interesting.


But when you share 5500 mile border that is undefended and roughly 70-75% of your exports goes to that country.

Personally I feel when to toilet starts to overflow with $&!#, you will be in there as well with the plunger trying to stop it.



BC is not much better...


We have a government and Dr that does  not support mandatory masks.....

We have a government that promoted local tourism and inter province tourism this summer.....

We have a government that expects  people  / businesses to make good safe  decisions with next to no enforcement....

We have a government that does not provide masks, hand sanitizer or barriers to our classrooms - 


BC only got lucky with the latest spring break of any province. 

Edited by kingofsurrey
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4 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

BC is not much better...


We have a government and Dr that does  not support mandatory masks.....

We have a government that promoted local tourism and inter province tourism this summer.....

We have a government that prefers people  / businesses to make good safe  decisions with next to no enforcement....

We have a government that does not provide masks, hand sanitizer or barriers to our classrooms - BC also actually funds each child less than pretty much every kid in every other province in Canada.....


BC only got lucky with the latest spring break of any province. 

Whatever you have going on in B.C, I got a guy down here that trumps all that!

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