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27 minutes ago, UKNuck96 said:

Shouldn’t the Spanish flu be Kansas flu or potentially Chinese Flu based on that though, as the only reason it was called Spanish flu was because of wartime censorship rules which let reports from Neutral Spain be reported

And yet it's still referred to as the Spanish flu. 

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5 hours ago, stawns said:

I feel terrible for them, no doubt.  But that doesn't change reality and the reality is we're in a pandemic and it's getting worse, not better.  


what are you advocating?  Letting the virus run wild so we can keep businesses afloat?

Its easy to say when you're a teacher and on a salary and you're livelyhood hasn't been effected in the least.  Hard to put yourself in the shoes of people who are used to bringing in a normal wage only to have the government come $&!# on them, and basically demote them to EI which doesn't pay crap.  When you haven't been financially hit like these people are, you have no idea what they are feeling now as buisness owners and as employees.  How many restaurants and bars have permanently closed now after the last big shutdown?  Lots.  Thats lots of people who are now out of a job, who are going to be competing for a handful of possible jobs.  

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On 3/30/2021 at 5:01 PM, PhillipBlunt said:

And yet it's still referred to as the Spanish flu. 

Some circles, sure. But it is now called the 1918 influenza pandemic H1N1 in medical texts, the some used to call it the Great Influenza of1918. There are also the 1957 flu pandemic H2N2 (Asian flu), 1968 flu pandemic H3N2 (Hong Kong Flu) , Russian flu of 1889 etc. 


Ebola is named after the river only after they decided not to name the village (Yambuku) that it was first discovered, so it won't be negatively impacted. 


When first cases came out, COVID-19 was referred as the Wuhan Pneumonia inside China and in East Asian places like Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore.   But it turns out COVID-19 is not just pneumonia so that term was dropped.  For a short time it was called the 2019 novel coronavirus disease. Wuhan Coronavirus disease might work, but they went with COVID-19. SARS in 2003 is basically COVID-02, since it was discovered in 2002.  Wuhan flu or Kung flu is just stupid, since it isn't a flu and the latter is just trying to be racist or inflammatory a la trump.  


AIDS used to be called GRID (gay-related immune deficiency) and it was changed in 1982. 


It isn't unusual to rename diseases in medicine over time. Recurrent pyogenic cholangiohepatitis, for example, used to be oriental cholangiohepatitis.   Syphilis was initially called the French disease. They are also a lot of diseases named after the first person that discovered or characterized it. Wilson's disease, Meniere's disease, Down Syndrome, etc. But if I ever discover a new STD, I wouldn't want it to be named after me! 

Edited by Jaimito
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42 minutes ago, Russ said:

Its easy to say when you're a teacher and on a salary and you're livelyhood hasn't been effected in the least.

Had you bothered to look you would have seen multiple posts from Stawns asking for schools to close; but go ahead and jump to your opinion.

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5 minutes ago, Jaimito said:

Some circles, sure. But it is now called the 1918 influenza pandemic H1N1 in medical texts, the some used to call it the Great Influenza of1918. There are also the 1957 flu pandemic H2N2 (Asian flu), 1968 flu pandemic H3N2 (Hong Kong Flu) , Russian flu of 1889 etc. 


Ebola is named after the river only after they decided not to name the village (Yambuku) that it was first discovered, so it won't be negatively impacted. 


When first cases came out, COVID-19 was referred as the Wuhan Pneumonia inside China and in eastern Asian places like Taiwan  Hong Kong, and Singapore.   But it turns out COVID-19 is not just pneumonia so that term was dropped.  For a short time it was called the 2019 novel coronavirus disease. Wuhan Coronavirus disease might work, but they went with COVID-19. SARS in 2003 is basically COVID-02, since it was discovered in 2002.  Wuhan flu or Kung flu is just stupid, since it isn't a flu and the latter is just trying to be racist or inflammatory a la trump.  


AIDS used to be called GRID (gay-related immune deficiency) and it was changed in 1982. 


It isn't unusual to rename diseases in medicine over time. Recurrent pyogenic cholangiohepatitis, for example, used to be oriental cholangiohepatitis.   Syphilis was initially called the French disease. They are also a lot of diseases named after the first person that discovered or characterized it. Wilson's disease, Meniere's disease, Down Syndrome, etc. But if I ever discovered a new STD, I wouldn't want it to be named after me! 

Thanks for the info.

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43 minutes ago, Russ said:

Its easy to say when you're a teacher and on a salary and you're livelyhood hasn't been effected in the least.  Hard to put yourself in the shoes of people who are used to bringing in a normal wage only to have the government come $&!# on them, and basically demote them to EI which doesn't pay crap.  When you haven't been financially hit like these people are, you have no idea what they are feeling now as buisness owners and as employees.  How many restaurants and bars have permanently closed now after the last big shutdown?  Lots.  Thats lots of people who are now out of a job, who are going to be competing for a handful of possible jobs.  

You must fall into the "restaurant worker" criteria eh? As your post is very strongly in support of them, which I can understand 100% as I used to be employed in that industry and would service and repair draft beer systems as well as as the pop and juice and hard liquor guns. With this new shutdown work is no where close to coming back for me, which sucks and the boss told me last month he was hoping to be back close to full staff (meaning I would be back) around end of May-June but that is unlikely to happen

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15 minutes ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:


I wonder how this will go.  With so much bad press over and over.  Especially with this age group.  People 65 probably only have to wait another week anyway to book for Pfizer.  

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2 hours ago, Russ said:

Its easy to say when you're a teacher and on a salary and you're livelyhood hasn't been effected in the least.  Hard to put yourself in the shoes of people who are used to bringing in a normal wage only to have the government come $&!# on them, and basically demote them to EI which doesn't pay crap.  When you haven't been financially hit like these people are, you have no idea what they are feeling now as buisness owners and as employees.  How many restaurants and bars have permanently closed now after the last big shutdown?  Lots.  Thats lots of people who are now out of a job, who are going to be competing for a handful of possible jobs.  

I also own.a farm that relies on tourism to stay afloat, which is struggling to survive......a farm that has been in my family for 140 years.


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9 minutes ago, stawns said:

I also own.a farm that relies on tourism to stay afloat, which is struggling to survive......a farm that has been in my family for 140 years.



I know you do some progressive stuff too with your cannabis and your bees. I think that's great. 

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1 hour ago, BCNeil said:

I wonder how this will go.  With so much bad press over and over.  Especially with this age group.  People 65 probably only have to wait another week anyway to book for Pfizer.  

I fall in this age range but I have no intention of getting the AstraZeneca vaccine.

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2 hours ago, DonLever said:

I fall in this age range but I have no intention of getting the AstraZeneca vaccine.

The efficacy of AZ is supposedly 62%.  Really low compared to Pfizer.  Would rather wait and get the good stuff.

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37 minutes ago, BPA said:

The efficacy of AZ is supposedly 62%.  Really low compared to Pfizer.  Would rather wait and get the good stuff.

You can't directly combats efficacy rates without head to head trials since the viral variants and demographics vary. For the UK trial it was an average of two dosing intervals. They did 4 wk interval and a 12 week interval. The 4 week gave 55%, but 12 week gave 81%. 


The US trial just announced was 76% overall efficacy. 85% in older group. They are all 100% efficacious against disease and death. 

Edited by Jaimito
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2 hours ago, DonLever said:

I fall in this age range but I have no intention of getting the AstraZeneca vaccine.

48 million doses given worldwide and it works.  Boris Johnson, PM of France, PM of Thailand all got it. The rare adverse events being investigated are mostly in younger women that's why the 55 yo cutoff.  If you fall in the recommended age group, the benefit outweighs the risk.  Couple of my friend's family got it, one in Ont another in Sas. No issues at all. Early 60s. 


With the P1 variants rising in BC, it will likely escape mRNA vaccines too (i.e. some people will still be infected). But being vaccinated with any of the available vaccines will protect you from getting severe covid or death. That's due to T cell immunity, which is not antibody dependent so the variants have less effect on it. 

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7 minutes ago, Jaimito said:

48 million doses given worldwide and it works.  Boris Johnson, PM of France, PM of Thailand all got it. The rare adverse events being investigated are mostly in younger women that's why the 55 yo cutoff.  If you fall in the recommended age group, the benefit outweighs the risk.  Couple of my friend's family got it, one in Ont another in Sas. No issues at all. Early 60s. 


With the P1 variants rising in BC, it will likely escape mRNA vaccines too (i.e. some people will still be infected). But being vaccinated with any of the available vaccines will protect you from getting severe covid or death. That's due to T cell immunity, which is not antibody dependent so the variants have less effect on it. 

There was a study that analyzed over 180,000 Welsh residents from up to January who received the AstraZenica vaccine and found no increase in  clotting. 

https://www-bbc-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/uk-wales-56578562?amp_js_v=a6&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQHKAFQArABIA%3D%3D#aoh=16171673836456&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s

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12 hours ago, stawns said:

I feel terrible for them, no doubt.  But that doesn't change reality and the reality is we're in a pandemic and it's getting worse, not better.  


what are you advocating?  Letting the virus run wild so we can keep businesses afloat?

All I'm advocating is not hampering small business such as restaurants when there is simply, for the hundred millionth time, little to zero evidence they are responsible for a rise in cases. 

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