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8 hours ago, bishopshodan said:



Also, schools are deemed essential so no mandate there either.


This is going to be messy. 

I know we had to do this however my 8 year old son has missed out on 8-10 months of school in the last year and half.


It is the lack of socialisation that is having a dramatic negative effect on our kids here in Victoria. 


This will have a lasting effect on them.

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1 hour ago, Alflives said:

This is so sad it’s funny.  The idiots eating horse dewormer are keeping the gunshot victims from getting hospital care.  Would this story come from any other country than the US?  

And people on the prairies up here look at that and say, sure lets have a go too :picard:

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2 hours ago, sassbs said:

Do you seriously find the smallest things to argue with people.   You cannot go to movie theatres, you cannot go to restaurants, you cannot go to the gym, you cannot go to any large public event.   Yes that is being forced.  It’s a simple question.  Some people need the gym, are you prepared never go out again? Or go to a restaurant with fam or friends ever again??   

OK so you are being forced. 


You want someone to feel sorry for you? 


I suppose when you get sick, you will want someone else's tax to pay for your ventilator. And your mum's, and that you wont be held criminally liable because your kid went to school.  And got the teacher sick who died. Nor will you chip in to pay wages for those losing jobs.  I am not being dramatic.  Its just the life of Delta.


Your body, your right to be stubborn. We get it...



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1 minute ago, Canuck Surfer said:

OK so you are being forced. 


You want someone to feel sorry for you? 


I suppose when you get sick, you will want someone else's tax to pay for your ventilator. And your mum's, and that you wont be held criminally liable because your kid went to school.  And got the teacher sick who died. Nor will you chip in to pay wages for those losing jobs.  I am not being dramatic.  Its just the life of Delta.


Your body, your right to be stubborn. We get it...



Did you see what Pauline had to say about Covid Brother ?

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2 minutes ago, Ilunga said:

I know we had to do this however my 8 year old son has missed out on 8-10 months of school in the last year and half.


It is the lack of socialisation that is having a dramatic negative effect on our kids here in Victoria. 


This will have a lasting effect on them.

We just found out one of my nieces is anorexic.


She has gone through puberty during covid. Her doctor has contributed her eating disorder as due to stress. 





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1 minute ago, bishopshodan said:

We just found out one of my nieces is anorexic.


She has gone through puberty during covid. Her doctor has contributed her eating disorder as due to stress. 





I am really sorry to hear this my friend.

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11 minutes ago, Ilunga said:

Did you see what Pauline had to say about Covid Brother ?

She did her own research. No illegal immigrants = = no risk of Covid right?



For those not knowing Paulene Hansen is a Trump like politician with white Australia undertones. And of course thinks vaccines are a waste.


How are u feeling; you had vax 1?

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27 minutes ago, NUCKER67 said:

My take - restrictions suck, masks suck, isolating sucks - but none of this would be happening if those anti-vaxxers got the shot. The more they whine and cry, the longer this goes on. Bunch of babies.



Actually none of this would be happening if the government would have stepped up and did there job during the pandemic and closed our borders.  There may be an argument when it first hit the world that it was a tough call to closeeverything down but almost 2 years into it and we still have people flooding into our country. How did the Brazilian strain get here ?  How did the delta strain get here ? 

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1 hour ago, johngould21 said:

The more that get the double jab takes the pressure off the ICU staff, and hospitals in general. The more cases, the more that are likely to be admitted to hospital, being vaccinated means less serious cases. If we were at 95%+ in Canada, life would be much easier, at least. 

Oh for sure...   


It's very interesting to look around the world at different percentages of vaccinations.  I think the average is something like 39%, so the fact that we will be surpassing 80% is quite a feat.  

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1 minute ago, TheAce said:

Actually none of this would be happening if the government would have stepped up and did there job during the pandemic and closed our borders.  There may be an argument when it first hit the world that it was a tough call to closeeverything down but almost 2 years into it and we still have people flooding into our country. How did the Brazilian strain get here ?  How did the delta strain get here ? 

Regardless, we have vaccines now that will almost certainly keep people out of the hospital.  The only reason why we have these restive measure now is the selfish antivaxxer freedumb fighters.  These whining cry babies (because that honestly how they are behaving) are now the pandemic.  I guess, though, they are too stupid to understand if they were vaccinated there would be no need for vaccine passports.  

As you can tell from the tone of a lot of posts in this thread, there are a great many people (84% recently polled in BC) who are fed up with these antivaxxer dough heads. 

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8 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Regardless, we have vaccines now that will almost certainly keep people out of the hospital.  The only reason why we have these restive measure now is the selfish antivaxxer freedumb fighters.  These whining cry babies (because that honestly how they are behaving) are now the pandemic.  I guess, though, they are too stupid to understand if they were vaccinated there would be no need for vaccine passports.  

As you can tell from the tone of a lot of posts in this thread, there are a great many people (84% recently polled in BC) who are fed up with these antivaxxer dough heads. 

Even if we get to 100% it wont keep people out of the hospital. This delta variant seems to be very powerful and the numbers in Israel are proving that. The talk now is that 3rd booster shots are going to be needed. There is no argument that the hospitals wont have nearly as many extreme cases but why are people letting the government off the hook for mishandling this ?  There should be equal if not more anger towards the government for still allowing people into the country until things in the world have settled down. This virus seems to be mutating and becoming more powerful each time. Whats next after the delta variant ? And where will it come from ?

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2 minutes ago, TheAce said:

Even if we get to 100% it wont keep people out of the hospital. This delta variant seems to be very powerful and the numbers in Israel are proving that. The talk now is that 3rd booster shots are going to be needed. There is no argument that the hospitals wont have nearly as many extreme cases but why are people letting the government off the hook for mishandling this ?  There should be equal if not more anger towards the government for still allowing people into the country until things in the world have settled down. This virus seems to be mutating and becoming more powerful each time. Whats next after the delta variant ? And where will it come from ?

90+% of the Covid patients in hospital aren’t vaccinated.  The data has been posted here already.  And considering that 90% is coming from 20% of the population, that pretty friggin’ significant.  It’s not the government’s job to be the peoples’ mommy. 

Get vaccinated and end this pandemic. 

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Meanwhile back here in Albertabama our premier finally showed up


In case you missed it over 1400 cases and a new incentive to get vaccinated - good ol Cons and people say NDP waste taxpayers money:




I wish we didn't have to do this': Alberta to offer $100 incentive to get vaccinated against COVID-19

Masks mandatory for all indoor public spaces and workplaces starting Saturday

CBC News · Posted: Sep 03, 2021 10:02 AM MT | Last Updated: 4 hours ago
Premier Jason Kenney and Alberta's chief medical officer of health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw, announced new public health measures on Friday, including a $100 payment to those who get their first or second doses of vaccine. (Jason Franson/The Canadian Press)

Faced with surging cases and the lowest vaccination rate in the country, Alberta will begin paying $100 to people who get a first or second dose of COVID-19 vaccine, Premier Jason Kenney announced Friday.

The move is part of a suite of new measures announced by the province, including making masks mandatory for all indoor public spaces and workplaces starting Saturday.


Alberta is the first province in Canada to offer a financial incentive for vaccinations, though the tactic has been used in the United States, Kenney told a news conference in Edmonton. 

"I wish we didn't have to do this, but this is not a time for moral judgments," he said about the incentive program, which is expected to cost about $20 million.

The number of eligible Albertans who have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine is about five percentage points below the Canadian average, he said.

"If the choice is between a sustained crisis in our hospitals or, God forbid, widespread restrictions, which I want to avoid at all costs, or finding some way to get the attention of those vaccine latecomers, we're going to choose the latter."

Among the public health measures announced Friday are:

  • Beginning Saturday, restaurants, cafés, bars, pubs and nightclubs will be required to end alcohol service at 10 p.m.
  • Unvaccinated Albertans are strongly recommended to limit indoor social gatherings to close contacts of only two cohort families, up to a maximum of 10 people.
  • Alberta Health is developing a QR code that will allow Albertans to quickly prove their vaccination status.
  • Employers are urged to pause return-to-work plans and instead continue with work-from-home measures. If employees are working on location, employees must mask for all indoor settings, except in work stations or where two-metre physical distancing or adequate physical barriers are in place.
  • School boards will continue set their own masking rules for schools.

The news conference also offered sobering updates on the current strain on Alberta's health system and modelling that gives a glimpse of how bad things could get.

Alberta Health Services is postponing scheduled surgeries and procedures by between 30 and 60 per cent, depending on the zone. It is also opening up specific beds in Calgary and Edmonton for COVID-19 patients in a bid to free up space in hospitals.

"The situation is serious," AHS said in a news release.

Meanwhile, modelling done in mid-August suggests a worst-case scenario in the next few weeks of 700 people in regular hospital beds and as many as 290 more requiring intensive care, the government said in a news release.

Unvaccinated filling hospital beds

Kenney said the delta variant is pushing up hospitalization rates, almost entirely among unvaccinated people.

As of Thursday, 70 per cent of eligible Albertans ages 12 and up are now fully vaccinated, Kenney said.

"But the bad news is that we still have 30 per cent of the eligible population without full vaccine protection — that is to say, without two doses. And the delta variant is ripping its way through this group at an aggressive rate."


Large number of unvaccinated Albertans causing severe problems, says premier

6 hours ago
The delta variant of COVID-19 is spreading quickly in Alberta and causing an increase in severe illness, primarily among the unvaccinated, says Alberta Premier Jason Kenney. 1:08

Health Minister Tyler Shandro said the new measures will also help slow the spread of the virus and its impact on the health-care system.

"We need to bring these measures back to keep us safe," Shandro said. "We're confident that these things, along with our vaccines, will be enough to see us through with relatively small impacts on our lives, on our economy, compared to what we've seen previously throughout the pandemic."

The masking requirement "is a step that we can take with minimal disruption of businesses and people's normal activities," he said.

Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta's chief medical officer of health, said the new protocols are part of Alberta's evolving strategy to fight COVID-19.

Hospitalization and ICU numbers are trending upward with no guarantees of when the province will see a peak, Hinshaw said.

"We know that behaviour and contact patterns will likely change in September as fall activities begin," she said. "So it is likely that the peak hospitalization and ICU numbers will exceed these current predictions if we do not implement public health measures now."

Kenney said cases of the delta variant were in decline in July when the province lifted restrictions as part of its "open for summer" plan. More recently the variant has spread widely "and caused severe outcomes at much greater rates in unvaccinated adults," he said.

"This is true even among younger adults, as an example. Since July 1, unvaccinated people between the ages of 20 to 59 have had 50 to 60 times higher risk of hospitalization than those who were vaccinated."

Unvaccinated people have made up more than 80 per cent of all hospital admissions since July 1, he said.

Alberta is leading the country in daily new COVID-19 cases and active cases during the pandemic's fourth wave. The absence of government and health officials during the recent surge of cases has been widely criticized. 

Alberta reported 1,339 new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday, with 12,868 active cases across the province — an increase of 578 from the previous data update.

There were 487 people being treated in hospital, including 114 in intensive care beds.

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51 minutes ago, TheAce said:

Actually none of this would be happening if the government would have stepped up and did there job during the pandemic and closed our borders.  There may be an argument when it first hit the world that it was a tough call to closeeverything down but almost 2 years into it and we still have people flooding into our country. How did the Brazilian strain get here ?  How did the delta strain get here ? 

hindsight, the world is a major economy and you don't shut it down cold turkey. The complexities involved it was quite impressive how things shutdown to begin with. Sure we'd like it to have been done fast and across the board but thats just not how it works. I mean the border has been open the entire time while people think nobody has been traveling. I work in veterinary medicine and can tell you for fact people have been traveling, taking pets to and from other countries the whole time covid has been here.


Government is also responsible for the vaccines being acquired and distributed. 

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