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2 hours ago, WeneedLumme said:

Aw, did I hurt your feelings when I pointed out that in a deadly pandemic, one of you disgusting anti-vax, anti-mask, covid-denying jackasses could easily cause more deaths than any but the most prolific of serial killers? What a shame. After all, everybody is entitled to their opinion, even when they are willfully ignorant clowns with mid-double-digit IQs like you, right? 

I've already said many times that I have been double vaccinated. Why do you think some woke weirdo on here could hurt my feelings. Calling unvaccinated worse than serial killers is completely moronic, even for you. Nice deranged rant you had there though

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Just curious, is there really a large group of idiots on 18 wheels and jacked up trucks going to Victoria to whine about Federal mandates? 


Do they really expect they'll be allowed to be there for months like they claim they're willing to do?


Do they actually think they'll be tolerated?


How do they differ from the racist and white supremacist filth that tried to overthrow our elected federal government?

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4 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Just curious, is there really a large group of idiots on 18 wheels and jacked up trucks going to Victoria to whine about Federal mandates? 


Do they really expect they'll be allowed to be there for months like they claim they're willing to do?


Do they actually think they'll be tolerated?


How do they differ from the racist and white supremacist filth that tried to overthrow our elected federal government?

From what I understood from the CKNW show yesterday (where I heard the leader of this group) the morons are led by some of the same idiots from the Ottawa occupation.  They are just really stupid people, who believe stupid things. 

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2 minutes ago, WeneedLumme said:

I understand that you are not very bright, so I will point out something that is obvious to anybody who is not completely illiterate: I did NOT say, "worse than", I said, "could easily cause more deaths than", something that is obviously true. If that difference is too subtle or complicated for you, if you know anybody who has a triple-digit IQ, they could explain it to you if you were willing to learn.

Hard to reason with people who will argue eating horse dewormer and drinking urine are effective ways to battle Covid. 

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14 hours ago, Mossberg said:

Well that leaves you out of it. I seem to remember you saying unvaccinated people were worse than serial killers. That has to be one of the most braindead things I have ever heard

Meh. I think driving 3000 miles to Ottawa to protest mandates that were issued in Victoria, is pretty braindead....but that's just me....

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2 hours ago, Warhippy said:

Just curious, is there really a large group of idiots on 18 wheels and jacked up trucks going to Victoria to whine about Federal mandates? 


Do they really expect they'll be allowed to be there for months like they claim they're willing to do?


Do they actually think they'll be tolerated?


How do they differ from the racist and white supremacist filth that tried to overthrow our elected federal government?

the strategy seems to be to protest as far away as possible from the people who can change things. #shrewd 

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On 3/12/2022 at 4:11 PM, Mossberg said:

You don't think it's wrong to call martial law on fellow Canadians for parking violations and noise disturbances?  It's not wrong to freeze bank accounts without a court order?  Everyone, whether you agree with the convoy or not, should find that problematic. It was a total overreach and turned Trudeau into an even bigger laughing stock to world  than before. Even the far left media is ripping him for that

What about the people in Ottawa who were impacted by the truckers' protest?

What about the businesses around the area where the protest happened?

What about the people with confederate flags literally within the protest (not nearby, but actually part of the protest)? Seems to me that would be a little uneasy for people nearby.


In my opinion, this wasn't just about disbanding a protest. This was about sending a message. I don't believe in claiming "rights and freedoms" while stomping on other peoples' "rights and freedoms". That's not a free country to me.


I fully agree with what needed to be done as harsh as the punishments may have been. Yeah, it sucks for the protestors, but it also sucked for the other people they made suffer through this. That's my thoughts on this anyway. I got stuck in a protest here in PG, and I can straight up tell you a lot of protestors didn't care how they were affecting people outside of the protest so I can only imagine what it was like in Ottawa.

Edited by The Lock
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China has partially locked down the cities of Shanghai and Shenzhen

  • A change of pace from Russia's war on the people of Ukraine - back to COVID-19!

Over the weekend China partially locked down major industry hubs Shanghai and Shenzhen

Sections of the cities of these major electronics manufacturing centres locked down for a week


Shenzhen government on Sunday night

  • public transportation in the city will be halted
  • non-essential businesses ordered to suspend operations from Monday through March 20
  • all industrial parks, local residential areas and communities in Shenzhen to adopt lockdown measures
  • only businesses essential for daily life, such as markets, pharmacies and medical institutions, are allowed to keep operating as usual
  • restaurants can only take orders for delivery
  • people should not leave the city unless it is necessary
  • logistics to and from Hong Kong will continue

Shanghai on Saturday

  • urged residents not to leave unless absolutely necessary
  • while anyone travelling in or out of the city must present PCR tests conducted within the last 48 hours
  • Buses travelling between Shanghai and other provinces, such as Anhui, Shandong and Jiangxi, will halt operation from Monday


China shuts down city of 17.5m people (Shenzen)

  • Coronavirus news out of China - the 'zero' policy is alive and kicking in the country.

Shenzen abuts Hong Kong, which is also struggling with its outbreak.

China has shut down the southern business centre of Shenzhen

  • city of 17.5 million people
  • everyone in Shenzhen will undergo three rounds of testing
  • all businesses except those that supply food, fuel and other necessities were ordered to close or work from home

Is also restricting access to Shanghai by suspending bus services.


shenzen china


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12 hours ago, gurn said:

Ayy one know for sure just which type of covid is spiking in China?

Don't know for sure but pretty certain it's Omicron.


China reportedly to lock down Jilin province from Monday

  • More lockdowns being announced in China

That's a population of roughly 24 million, with Jilin being one of the three provinces of Northeast China and a major food producer at that.

The move above comes after Jilin reported 895 locally transmitted COVID-19 cases earlier today

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28 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

Don't know for sure but pretty certain it's Omicron.


China reportedly to lock down Jilin province from Monday

  • More lockdowns being announced in China

That's a population of roughly 24 million, with Jilin being one of the three provinces of Northeast China and a major food producer at that.

The move above comes after Jilin reported 895 locally transmitted COVID-19 cases earlier today

Anything in and around major port cities and factory provinces will see even further issues int he supply chains.


With record fuel prices, inflation running away and the cost of everything essentially increasing by double digit percentages the last few months it's gonna get worse if they keep locking things down.

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On 3/11/2022 at 6:03 AM, ronthecivil said:



Even with my "always be drinking beer" manoevre I actually got told to still wear a mask, and pull it down to take a sip. That was quite recent and I talked to the staff about it and apparently they were feeling heat from the politicians due to all the people QQing that people at Canucks games aren't wearing their masks.. (Tommy got a toy how come I don't get a toy!!!!)

It was people "manoeuvring" around the "masks unless eating or drinking" that spoiled it for themselves. So you clearly were caught trying to stretch things and that likely made others around you uncomfortable. I'm glad they told you...as they should have. You're not special and the rules are there for everyone. Don't like them, don't go.


If "all the people (? what is qq'ing?) were complaining" about those abusing the mask guidelines, maybe it's you that did it wrong?


The new toy stuff is garbage....people are trying to keep loved ones safe. For me, it's an 84 year old father who's battled cancer and has not left his home in 2 years. But sure, your faking you're drinking beer for the entire duration is legit. Mask policies were in place and you admit to manoeuvring around them. But somehow it's someone else's problem? Accountability.



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8 minutes ago, -DLC- said:

It was people "manoeuvring" around the "masks unless eating or drinking" that spoiled it for themselves. So you clearly were caught trying to stretch things and that likely made others around you uncomfortable. I'm glad they told you...as they should have. You're not special and the rules are there for everyone. Don't like them, don't go.


If "all the people (? what is qq'ing?) were complaining" about those abusing the mask guidelines, maybe it's you that did it wrong?


The new toy stuff is garbage....people are trying to keep loved ones safe. For me, it's an 84 year old father who's battled cancer and has not left his home in 2 years. But sure, your faking you're drinking beer for the entire duration is legit. Mask policies were in place and you admit to manoeuvring around them. But somehow it's someone else's problem? Accountability.





Well let's just say almost everyone isn't wearing one now.


As far as the policy, I would have been happy just removing the mask mandate where everyone is vaccinated. Being triple vaxxed myself, it's no big deal not wearing one for me in an area where everyone is vaccinated. I don't have an elderly people to worry about.


So my feeling before the lifting of the mask mandate are the same. If you aren't feeling safe attending the game due to the lack of masks, or you have an elderly person you are concerned about.......


Wear a mask, or an N95 mask. Or stay home. Do what you need to do to stay safe. I did my part by being triple vaxxed, and sorry, that's the best your going to get out of me.


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