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[GDT/PGT] Canucks @ Oilers Oct 7th 6 PM

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I know there are injuries involved, but has there been a line put together in the preseason that will be the same line in the regular season?


Maybe Bo, Pearson, Hogz ? 

Err at least they will have that long opening  road trip to gel … 

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Just now, Nuxfanabroad said:

Our midgets need to get angry & bite at their knees, dammit!

Would be nice if Petan could make a proper pass on a 3 on 1 too.


I still can’t get over Green still giving chances to guys who will 100% be in the AHL. I’m starting to think Benning and Green aren’t on the same page. I think Green thinks Benning signed Petan to be in our top 6.

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It just feels like the gm leaves holes in the lineup so they have excuses in the end as to why the season didn’t go the way they expected. I am really worried about the pk and our right side defense. These holes are huge and it’s why most don’t expect the Canucks to do much in the division. I am frustrated because we can see what’s going to happen before the season even starts.

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2 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

We’re less than a week from the start of the season and Green is still blending together AHLers into the lineup.


If that doesn’t make you at least a little bit concerned I would say you’re a little too hopeful this team won’t struggle out of the gate.

If we are, let’s say, 6 games into the regular season with our full lineup and we are seeing results like it’s looking like we will see tonight, then sure, sound some alarm bells.


But way too premature to panic like some are doing after a period in which we couldn’t stay out of the box. Discipline is one of the easier things to fix. 

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