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[Rumour] Bo Horvat Trade/Contract Talks


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11 minutes ago, wai_lai416 said:

If they are short by a little maybe they’ll increase the cap maybe not the full 4-4.5 but maybe 2.5-3 who knows.. but regardless this benefits Horvat not so much the team. He could easily hold out wait and see the cap situation and get a higher pay whether it’s Vancouver or elsewhere

For sure.   There is a lot of hockey left .. and absolutely what happens next off season, will affect all that years UFA class.   Said in the summer if the cap doesn't go up this season, that we could see quite a few one year deals - like Klingberg and Hall did.    Players might hold out for more guaranteed money.  


There is only so much available cap league wide.  And next off season, if the cap doesn't go up, it will be the closest the leagues ever been to having no cap space left anywhere.  OTT is now off the table ... Seattle and ARI .. who else will have much of any?   UFAs get more as a group, then they did with their RFA deals, and RFAs now are getting paid close to what UFAs do.    It's a pickle for sure.    Not much point in worrying about it either way.   JR said that Millers deal won't affect Horvat and that's enough for me, he's got all the data.  


Also as far as cap goes, it's really all about percentage when their deals start.  Millers is absolutely fine.   He's starting at a couple points lower then the Sedins got.   And caps going up.   Bet by the time he's done, it will be well over 100 million.   And over 90 within a couple seasons.    This team can afford to pay for one guy in the double digits soon (EP maybe) and have room for good support players etc, plus Miller and Horvat.  Should the be doing that though?   Thats the flip side.   Our D isn't going to get better without a trade.   Or some great drafting anyways.   Both would be nice. 

Edited by IBatch
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17 minutes ago, IBatch said:

There will be teams that would take a gamble on Brock, it just means the return is cap space at this point, more then  anything else.   Reinhardt in Buffalo ... was heavily criticized and is a pretty good comp stats wise anyways.   He got a one year deal, then another 3 year deal which is pretty close to what Brocks got ... Was a total minus magnet, way beyond Brock, while in Buffalo.   It's pretty amazing what a change of scenery and what playing on a good team can do for a player. 

Brock has a superior shot which isn't used all that well. I have called for his trade because of his health record and some concern over his effectiveness. That said he had a decent stretch last year as a net presence. He has value and moving him is all about the return.  

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21 minutes ago, IBatch said:

In the 80's and early 90's, listening to games on the radio was pretty normal still.   The broadcasts were so good, we'd often watch the TV with the volume off and listen to the radio. 

Tried it lots of times but always got annoyed with the time delay.

I think you heard about it on the radio quite a bit before you saw it on TV if I remember correctly.

If it was the other way around, it probably wouldn't be such a drag; that is, if you saw it first, then heard the play-by-play.

(Which is not some rambling wistful listing of statistics that anybody could read on their phones/computers.  Call the freak'n play, John!) 

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41 minutes ago, wai_lai416 said:

Well Reinhardt actually earned his 3 year deal he signed. Not so much brock who’s been mediocre for a while now and when he signed his deal. No team is going to take a gamble on a 2+ year deal including the current year on a project hoping he can regain his form or they are f for years 

Your missing the point.   Reinhardt was -25 ... or -18 or whatever his entire time with Buffalo, and his stats are right online with Brocks.   Was also heavily criticized in Buffalo, heck even on this site - Alf!  Rhino what a busteroo.   If you don't think Brock wouldn't get the same deal he just got, by a lot of other GMs league wide - i think you need to look a little deeper into what others are getting paid for equal production at his age.


Rhino is a good example of a player who was struggling to meet expectations and did that.   Brocks deal for sure could have been different if JB didn't make that deal, and likely would have been given a one year deal instead.   Nobody was upset about that deal back then either.   Wasn't until covid (cap not going up)and Brocks poor play last year that the noise started in full.   Not many GMs would have let him walk to free agency either.   Or signed him for his qualifying offer.   It is what it is.   He's not the first player that hasn't lived up to expectations.   Horvat won't likely earn his next deal either.  He's in his prime and should be getting around 6.5 to make the par line as a UFA.    Will he sign a deal like that?  Doubt it.  


Brock is still getting paid for potential to a degree, but not quite as much as some might think, and didn't get much term did he?   Neither did Reinhardt.   We all want these guys to outperform their deals ... for EP his par line is 75ish points ... hasn't done it yet either.    


Anyways, Brock likely is the player we see.    Which is too bad, really rooting for him still,  we haven't had too many players with a shot like the one he had his rookie season. 


Edit:  As far as his trade value goes, if he scores 30 this year ... which is still possible .... or next year which is also possible .. then it goes up.   Funny thing though, as he continues to climb the all-time record (about to pass the Streak), i wonder if that happens (have serious doubts .. 25/25 is more likely what we have, he's getting paid like a UFA ugh) would people jump back on the Brockstar bandwagon and even want to trade him anymore? 


In other words we only want to trade our underperforming guys, who don't have value.   And have Stockholm syndrome since Neely was traded.   To me nobody should be off the market, Hansen recently said that only 3 players should be safe, i wouldn't even say that.   I'd trade EP, QHs or Demko if it helped our future.   This team is awfully close to getting a complete overhaul. 


Edited by IBatch
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3 minutes ago, Goal:thecup said:

Tried it lots of times but always got annoyed with the time delay.

I think you heard about it on the radio quite a bit before you saw it on TV if I remember correctly.

If it was the other way around, it probably wouldn't be such a drag; that is, if you saw it first, then heard the play-by-play.

(Which is not some rambling wistful listing of statistics that anybody could read on their phones/computers.  Call the freak'n play, John!) 

It might have affected where you lived, and where the games were been played.  The delay was barely there...what is interesting though, is watch a game live and on your ipad or something lol.   Think it's about 3 seconds.   So a goal is scored and the guys have already celebrated, then you can watch it again lol.   For us it was mostly Victoria, and don't remember it bothering us.   Because of how the play by play was commented on, compared to TV ... sometimes TV guys get on a tangent, and a lot of plays don't even get talked about - with Radio,  they had to paint a picture.    Actually was camping when Bure scored his game 7 goal vs CAL... about 8 of us huddled around a campfire ... little radio on high... was probably my favourite hockey moment ever, for sure the most memorable.   Like reading books, newspapers etc, radio is nothing like it used to be.    Entire generations got to have the same moment i got with my pals and the radio.   Can see why Foster Hewitt is a deserving accolade. 

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10 hours ago, wai_lai416 said:

lol so that'll leave us with no 2c and we already don't have a 3c and losing a top 6 winger. JR/PA betted on Miller to be the 1c so they could move horvat if needed.. well looks like they betted wrong and we have nothing worth while to trade for a rhd.. if u move horvat for RHD.. that leaves even more holes than before with missing a 1c or 2c whatever u wanna call horvat and a 3c.. unless miller magically starts playing like a center which if you watch all his games.. hes always playing near the wing.. and as a center.. your responsibility should be first forward back and last forward out of the defensive zone.. he's always been last forward back first forward out..


if horvat doesn't re-sign and is traded.. this team gotta look at asking miller to move and go on a full rebuild.. i've seen enough of Miller the past 3 season as a center to know he's not a real center.. with horvat gone this team doesnt even have 2 capable top 6 center.. and doesn't even have a center over 50% in the faceoff. 

All I ment by it was..your not getting a #1or 2 for crap lol

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10 hours ago, wai_lai416 said:

lol so that'll leave us with no 2c and we already don't have a 3c and losing a top 6 winger. JR/PA betted on Miller to be the 1c so they could move horvat if needed.. well looks like they betted wrong and we have nothing worth while to trade for a rhd.. if u move horvat for RHD.. that leaves even more holes than before with missing a 1c or 2c whatever u wanna call horvat and a 3c.. unless miller magically starts playing like a center which if you watch all his games.. hes always playing near the wing.. and as a center.. your responsibility should be first forward back and last forward out of the defensive zone.. he's always been last forward back first forward out..


if horvat doesn't re-sign and is traded.. this team gotta look at asking miller to move and go on a full rebuild.. i've seen enough of Miller the past 3 season as a center to know he's not a real center.. with horvat gone this team doesnt even have 2 capable top 6 center.. and doesn't even have a center over 50% in the faceoff. 

All I ment by it was..your not getting a young #1or 2 D man  for crap lol.

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10 hours ago, wai_lai416 said:

lol so that'll leave us with no 2c and we already don't have a 3c and losing a top 6 winger. JR/PA betted on Miller to be the 1c so they could move horvat if needed.. well looks like they betted wrong and we have nothing worth while to trade for a rhd.. if u move horvat for RHD.. that leaves even more holes than before with missing a 1c or 2c whatever u wanna call horvat and a 3c.. unless miller magically starts playing like a center which if you watch all his games.. hes always playing near the wing.. and as a center.. your responsibility should be first forward back and last forward out of the defensive zone.. he's always been last forward back first forward out..


if horvat doesn't re-sign and is traded.. this team gotta look at asking miller to move and go on a full rebuild.. i've seen enough of Miller the past 3 season as a center to know he's not a real center.. with horvat gone this team doesnt even have 2 capable top 6 center.. and doesn't even have a center over 50% in the faceoff. 

All I ment by it was..your not getting a young #1or 2 D man  for crap lol.

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12 minutes ago, wai_lai416 said:

lol did u really have to quote me with the same reply 3x and add an extra word or 2 each time

Twilight Zone GIF by Giphy QASeason 5 Episode 3 GIF by Paramount+Season 3 Episode 24 GIF by Paramount+taylor lautner twilight GIF


Sorry about the last meme thing.   I just laughed and couldn't help myself.   Had teenagers and well, twilight zone,  comes up with Twilight that goofy series that romanticized things that scared the crap out of me as a kid .... you know Werewolf in London...Howling ... Salems Lot (back then kids read crap and it scared the crap out of me!) ... Since it's Halloween and all.    Vampires and Werewolf's are not cool.   Neither is Brocks cap hit.  


Looks more like this: teen wolf 80s GIF

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9 minutes ago, Putgolzin said:

Apparently leaf land is in meltdown and one of the “this core is stale” solutions being floated is:








Marner's 10.9M cap hit is a bit yikes for me (goodbye internal cap structure), but he would probably be incredible on a line with Petey. Highly doubt he's on the table though.

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1 minute ago, BabychStache said:

I’ve got a big oiler fan buddy that thinks the Oilers have made an inquiry for Bo. 

Not sure what they’d have to offer though.

broberg +


heard it too

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