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[Rumour] Bo Horvat Trade/Contract Talks


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10 hours ago, N4ZZY said:

Sad, but this is true. 


I think once Bo's gone, this is Petey's team. They have to "build" around him moving forward. He's got to be the guy, once Bo's out of the picture. 



Should have started transitioning towards it being his team this past offseason. 


8 hours ago, Alflives said:

Not if he gets injured.  If there is a good trade for Bo then we need to pursue it.  This sounds exactly like Miller from last season.  The closer we get to the TDL the more our owner might get in the way of a B trade that returns futures.  

Don't you speak that voodoo into existence Alf, you know better than that! :shock:


1 hour ago, R3aL said:

Prolly a minny fan who still thinks we their rivals 

I miss the days where we'd beat on the rest of that division 

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17 minutes ago, N4ZZY said:

Just general rumours that we're hearing. And the lack of progression on contractual talks. 

Meh, we heard rumours and had lack of progression for months about Miller, and out of nowhere we signed him ( not that we should have lol). But I wouldn't take that as a sign of anything yet.


17 minutes ago, N4ZZY said:

What are some of our expiring contracts coming off the books? 

Well this season you have Horvat obviously (though I'd likely prefer to keep him, trade return/extension cost dependent), Miller still technically on an expiring deal (extension in place), Kuzmenko (if we're not extending, should garner a good return), Bear, Schenn and Dermott (should he get healthy and have value). Though Bear might be a keeper and I try to retain Schenn for cheap as a veteran leader if possible (even better would be the rent and re-sign). 


Next year we have Myers and Pearson who should have some positive value as rentals. Particularly if we retain/take back cap.


If they don't view Boeser as a long term fit, ideally he ups his value, with more opportunity, in that time frame as well (and ticks off some more term/risk in the interim). Same with Garland.

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5 minutes ago, aGENT said:

Meh, we heard rumours and had lack of progression for months about Miller, and out of nowhere we signed him ( not that we should have lol). But I wouldn't take that as a sign of anything yet.


Well this season you have Horvat obviously (though I'd likely prefer to keep him, trade return/extension cost dependent), Miller still technically on an expiring deal (extension in place), Kuzmenko (if we're not extending, should garner a good return), Bear, Schenn and Dermott (should he get healthy and have value). Though Bear might be a keeper and I try to retain Schenn for cheap as a veteran leader if possible (even better would be the rent and re-sign). 


Next year we have Myers and Pearson who should have some positive value as rentals. Particularly if we retain/take back cap.


If they don't view Boeser as a long term fit, ideally he ups his value, with more opportunity, in that time frame as well (and ticks off some more term/risk in the interim). Same with Garland.

Way too optimistic here Gent lol

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39 minutes ago, Devron said:

Actually making trades and getting stuff back haha 

I mean who knows what the management group will actually do (I would have already moved Miller, and you, know, actually addressed some of deficiencies they themselves noted)? But that's the general game plan they should be following IMO. 


But I don't think it's a stretch to suggest Horvat, Miller, Kuzmenko and Schenn would garner pretty good returns if moved. Particularly if retaining/taking back expiring cap on them. Then utilizing that expiring cap again next season to add further rebuild assets as well as get "ok" returns on expiring Myers/Pearson. Maybe even sign some of the quality depth vets on 1 year deals with some of that cap and rent them next TDL as well.


Also don't think it's a stretch to suggest both Garland and Boeser could potentially up their trade value, with more opportunity (and Boeser getting healthy/up to speed) over the next year'ish, either. No guarantee obviously and I'm not suggesting they'll return a "Jiricek", or high 1st on their own, but they should be able to up their present, minimal value.


Honestly don't think I said anything terribly controversial there lol.


That said, I'm not expecting anything done until likely heading up to the Christmas roster freeze, and more likely not until the TDL. Other teams aren't generally looking to make moves yet. They want to confirm how their season is going/standings, identify holes, clear cap either by LTIR or saving space until the TDL etc. 

Edited by aGENT
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40 minutes ago, Canucks Curse said:

miller has to go, no doubt about it, get a 3C and right shot D lol, do it!!!!!


40 minutes ago, Canucks Curse said:

then sign Bo, I mean $ign BO

My pessimistic side thinks you gotta trade both and pray (1) you can draft another elite C and (2) hope Petey wants to stay and slots in as your 1a or 1b when (1) is rdy to go

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38 minutes ago, Angry Goose said:


My pessimistic side thinks you gotta trade both and pray (1) you can draft another elite C and (2) hope Petey wants to stay and slots in as your 1a or 1b when (1) is rdy to go

I lean towards trade both and as part of it acquire a potential 2C and draft picks that could be used there too.  Can also sign a 2C in Free Agency as a short term gap if needed.  Aim to have Studnicka, Aman, Karlsson all battle it out for 3C.  We need to take some steps back for sure.

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Me I would try to get rid of BB,Miller,Pearson at tdl, Myers plus for young rhd that should play next year.  


Resign Bo and Kuz.  


Garland is weird as he plays hard checks not bad and us a puck hog at times. So trading him might be a mistake.  


Rathbone isn't playing so trade him.  


Demko might be a tradable goalie at tdl but then we don't have a goalie and maybe it's just an off season for him.  


So questions on a few but you get the right deal you take it as thus team needs a boost or something.

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2 hours ago, Kobayashi Maru said:

I lean towards trade both and as part of it acquire a potential 2C and draft picks that could be used there too.  Can also sign a 2C in Free Agency as a short term gap if needed.  Aim to have Studnicka, Aman, Karlsson all battle it out for 3C.  We need to take some steps back for sure.

If you can do something like MTL did with Patches/Suzuki %100

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On 9/11/2022 at 1:03 PM, SilentSam said:

I’d be surprised if Bo is signed before Christmas,  if he has..   then someone else has been moved deemed expendable,   And that could well be Boeser IF Kuz and Mihky prove to be strong.


Pretty sure one of Boeser or Horvat will be moved if this team needs to be better by Christmas.

Finding or waiting for the right trade partner is a timeline of its own.


hope we come out of the gate hot!


I don’t think Bo’s signing before Christmas. that’s only 3-4 weeks away, and it doesn’t feel like there’s been a lot of movement between management and Bo’s camp. 


I expect a trade, since everyone else on the roster seems to be junk. 


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3 hours ago, J-Dizzle said:

Miller and Burroughs to Florida for Montour, Bennett and a first. Re-sign Bo. Retool and rebuild at the same time ftw :emot-parrot:  

I'd do it but Florida wouldn't, Miller isn't worth that 


I mean, for one Bennet is a real center and he's not that far behind Miller pointwise on his own 

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1 hour ago, Coconuts said:

I'd do it but Florida wouldn't, Miller isn't worth that 


I mean, for one Bennet is a real center and he's not that far behind Miller pointwise on his own 

While I was somewhat being facetious, you might want to go have a look at Bennet’s numbers. They’re nowhere close to Millers…. Like not even remotely. 

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54 minutes ago, J-Dizzle said:

While I was somewhat being facetious, you might want to go have a look at Bennet’s numbers. They’re nowhere close to Millers…. Like not even remotely. 

Sam Bennett currently has 5 goals and 10 assists for 15 points in 19 games, JT Miller currently has 10 goals and 8 assists for 18 points in 19 games. JT Miller has an 8M extension kicking in next season, Bennett is two more seasons at 4.4M. 


Bennett appears to be Florida's 2C behind Barkov, I'd say he's doing alright. If you're talking career numbers, highs, ect. Sure, it's not much of a comparison. But thus far? Yeah, Bennett's right behind Miller and playing as an actual center to boot. He's also 26, not 29 and hit a career high of 49 points last season. Wouldn't be shocked to see him match or beat that. 

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8 hours ago, aGENT said:

I mean who knows what the management group will actually do (I would have already moved Miller, and you, know, actually addressed some of deficiencies they themselves noted)? But that's the general game plan they should be following IMO. 


But I don't think it's a stretch to suggest Horvat, Miller, Kuzmenko and Schenn would garner pretty good returns if moved. Particularly if retaining/taking back expiring cap on them. Then utilizing that expiring cap again next season to add further rebuild assets as well as get "ok" returns on expiring Myers/Pearson. Maybe even sign some of the quality depth vets on 1 year deals with some of that cap and rent them next TDL as well.


Also don't think it's a stretch to suggest both Garland and Boeser could potentially up their trade value, with more opportunity (and Boeser getting healthy/up to speed) over the next year'ish, either. No guarantee obviously and I'm not suggesting they'll return a "Jiricek", or high 1st on their own, but they should be able to up their present, minimal value.


Honestly don't think I said anything terribly controversial there lol.


That said, I'm not expecting anything done until likely heading up to the Christmas roster freeze, and more likely not until the TDL. Other teams aren't generally looking to make moves yet. They want to confirm how their season is going/standings, identify holes, clear cap either by LTIR or saving space until the TDL etc. 

What your saying makes sense. Too much sense. Lol. That’s what I was getting at.


I have no idea what this group is thinking/planning. Frankly I think the whole situation is bizarre.


Rutherford has no confidence in his coach yet we pick up his option.


We sign Miller yet we might be headed for a rebuild? Lol


Any moves made thus far have been band aid moves (Although I like the Russians) and we aren’t talking Band-Aid brand. More like Kids baby shark bandaids.


When we signed Miller I was like right on, what’s the next step… no plan. Same defence. Which could get us through a season if everything went perfect and Demko was at the very least average. 

Now it’s looking like Bo Horvat will be traded cause why the hell would he stick around. They did him dirty and now we are potentially stuck with Miller. Ass Backwards!


I guess what I’m trying to say is I already lost faith that they will move in any sort of direction here 

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