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[Rumour] Bo Horvat Trade/Contract Talks


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3 minutes ago, CanucksJay said:

I have no idea what you are talking about. 

Seems a little ironic that equal rights means you HAVE to wear a rainbow colored jersey or be called a biggot and potentially get cancelled



It doesn't mean "you" HAVE to at all. I haven't seen anyone suggesting he be held down and forced to wear a pride jersey. But you're kidding yourself if you don't think that not wearing one makes a VERY clear statement on how you view those rights, for those people.


And people are equally free to point out that those actions are indeed intolerant, ignorant and hateful. Because they are. And it has exactly bupkiss to do with what your personal religion happens to think about marriage.

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2 minutes ago, Coconuts said:

Rutherford can blow all the smoke he wants about wanting young NHL players but in the end he'll have to take what the market offers. He came in thinking this roster wouldn't need serious surgery and said our D, as structured, would be good enough for us to compete last summer. And well, here we are. 

But this is so strange he said that

When he first got here last year, he was talking about all the deficiencies and the need to get younger etc. 

It sounded like he was going to blow up the team

He basically said Demko is making the team look way better than it was. 

That doesn't sound like minor surgery


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2 minutes ago, Coconuts said:

Rutherford can blow all the smoke he wants about wanting young NHL players but in the end he'll have to take what the market offers. He came in thinking this roster wouldn't need serious surgery and said our D, as structured, would be good enough for us to compete last summer. And well, here we are. 

To be fair that equation included a healthy Demko playing like he did last season.


Not making excuses for them, but that would likely make the difference for us being a playoff team.

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2 hours ago, HOFsedins said:

Why can't we bash on them for not being straight.


wow, just wow.

Member the  old days, when you could get away with gang swarming gay people, beating them up and leaving them in the cold to die?

Or you you could not hire them, or rent them houses/apartments?


do you miss those days?


I know I don't miss those times at all, and am hopeful that barbaric 'old fashioned ideas' die out. Soon, like today would be good.

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1 minute ago, CanucksJay said:

But this is so strange he said that

When he first got here last year, he was talking about all the deficiencies and the need to get younger etc. 

It sounded like he was going to blow up the team

He basically said Demko is making the team look way better than it was. 

That doesn't sound like minor surgery


I liked what he had to say coming in but then he went on to not really follow through 


We gave up a pick to dump cap and he'd stressed the importance of picks, this was after going and blowing our cap wad on a bunch of forwards and painting ourselves into a corner with Dickinson 


Instead of making the proper move he extended Miller


Could have traded Boeser, retained him 


We did actually acquire a younger D in Bear I'll give him that but he's largely just kept Benning's core intact 


All they've done thus far is really just tinker around the edges



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3 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

To be fair that equation included a healthy Demko playing like he did last season.


Not making excuses for them, but that would likely make the difference for us being a playoff team.

Yeah, but anyone who actually paid attention to how the team was playing in front of Demko last season could tell that probably wasn't sustainable 


I mean, Rutherford himself commented on it, it wasn't an unknown 


His falling off the way he has this season was surprising but his not playing out of his mind the way he did last season wasn't, that's tough for any tender to sustain 


They did nothing of significance to address our D, it was always going to be an issue so it's not really surprising that our goaltending has been affected




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6 minutes ago, NUCKER67 said:

I just hope it isn't BOS


I'd be okay with:


NJ - won't get Nemec or L. Hughes

CBJ - won't get Jiricek or Johnson

DET - won't get Edvinsson or Seider

CAR - I think Kotkaniemi comes back, though 

I'm sick of the "won't gets" every time we have a highly valued asset. It feels like we get bullied into scraps. I'm okay with none of those teams not getting Horvat in this case.  

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1 minute ago, 73 Percent said:

I'm sick of the "won't gets" every time we have a highly valued asset. It feels like we get bullied into scraps. I'm okay with none of those teams not getting Horvat in this case.  


Horvat is an absolute grade A pickup for a contender. 

Good team guy

great on the faceoffs and is a centre

Plays a playoff style game

Strong 2 way player

30+ goal season


Picking up a guy like Horvat in 2011 to play alongside Sedins and Kesler would prob win us the cup 


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I guess the question is, what contender on the cusp of winning the cup has a grade A prospect that is yet playing an impactful role on the team?


That has to be the starting point + draft picks. 


It doesn't make sense for us to ask for a current impact player on their roster if they are gearing up for a cup run. 

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Just now, CanucksJay said:

I guess the question is, what contender on the cusp of winning the cup has a grade A prospect that is yet playing an impactful role on the team?


That has to be the starting point + draft picks. 


It doesn't make sense for us to ask for a current impact player on their roster if they are gearing up for a cup run. 

Carolina fits that bill the best, I would think. Morrow is a great rhd prospect and they need someone like Bo. They also haven't taken any leaps to go for it with acquiring someone like Bo while they're contenders, and at some point they'll probably need to or else they'll start to decline pdq.

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3 hours ago, GB5 said:

That may be the end result but barring an injury to Bo they still have time to try and get a bidding war going.

Have you not been following the Canucks for the last 25 years? We absolutely know that an injury or something of the sort will happen. It always does

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30 minutes ago, NUCKER67 said:

I just hope it isn't BOS


I'd be okay with:


NJ - won't get Nemec or L. Hughes

CBJ - won't get Jiricek or Johnson

DET - won't get Edvinsson or Seider

CAR - I think Kotkaniemi comes back, though 

Still in the Kotkaniemi, Morrow and a 1st camp.  Cap savings vs signing Bo to 8M goes a long way to re-signing Kuz as well.  I believe Kotkaniemi to be at least a 3C going forward which his cap hit aligns with, a true RD prospect ready to play next year, and a 1st to build our pipeline.  This aligns perfectly in my mind.

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19 minutes ago, Jester13 said:

Carolina fits that bill the best, I would think. Morrow is a great rhd prospect and they need someone like Bo. They also haven't taken any leaps to go for it with acquiring someone like Bo while they're contenders, and at some point they'll probably need to or else they'll start to decline pdq.

They really do make the most sense, so long as they aren't planning to continue their fence sitting during their contention window. Bo would fit that team like a glove, at their greatest position of weakness and they have solid assets to return.


Writes itself honestly.

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16 minutes ago, Kobayashi Maru said:

Still in the Kotkaniemi, Morrow and a 1st camp.  Cap savings vs signing Bo to 8M goes a long way to re-signing Kuz as well.  I believe Kotkaniemi to be at least a 3C going forward which his cap hit aligns with, a true RD prospect ready to play next year, and a 1st to build our pipeline.  This aligns perfectly in my mind.

JK, Morrow, Seeley and 1st or one of Necas/Jarvis, Heimosalmi and 1st. Their choice.

Edited by aGENT
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I’m worried this managements desire to be good soon will impact what they value in a trade. 

Targeting 25-26 year old players who contenders deem expendable might not be the best approach. If they can’t help a cup team win there’s probably a reason for it.


I also hope they are very clear with teams with what their needs are. Don’t get fooled by a big offer with lots of average pieces that don’t fill any of our needs.


We need a young RHD and a RHC, nothing less than that. If either of them are the teams best prospect so be it. Keep pushing for them. If they don’t wanna part with them tell them to take hike. Don’t waste time with teams that don’t have those pieces.

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3 minutes ago, MaxVerstappen33 said:

Matt Sekers said he'd have to think about Horvat+Lekerimaki for Shane Wright. 


I wouldn't. That is a trade you jump on. Anyone disagree ?




+ Borgen and their 1st...yup.

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