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[Proposal] Van - Buffalo


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1 hour ago, Fanuck said:

I'd take that deal - but I doubt very much Buffalo gives up an unprotected 1st for that little in return.

They have 3 first round picks now and a lot of prospects.  They also need to show some improvement, so maybe a pick that will start helping them in 2-4 years isn't as valuable.

It isn't worth it for us unless there is that small chance at the big prize in the draft, which is pretty low likelihood even if Buffalo ends up being just as bad next year.  We could end up with the 10th pick in that spot easily.  Maybe a condition that if their pick ends up in the top 5 we have to give up our 2nd round pick going back their way.

Boeser and DiPietro fill their needs.  Samuelsson, Thompson, and a blue chip player who will be on an ELC for us fit ours pretty well.

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No one giving up unprotected 1st rounders.. 


No one would dare make a mistake like that..  especially for 2023 Bedard draft.


Overall no one gives up unprotected 1st without a clause... 

Example: if pick is top 10 then pick moves to following draft.. 


BUF has FLD and VGK 1st rounders this season. Both have top 10 protected clause. 


PHX has 1st rounders with similar clauses. 


Also 2023 draft is Bedard draft.. BUF won't take that risk. Only a top tier team that is sure to make playoffs would trade an unprotected 1st at the trade deadline IMHO



Edited by WHL rocks
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I like the premise, but am not sure Buffalo would


Here is my go at it..................


Boeser, Rathbone and MDP




Thompson, the middle 2022-1st, Samuelsson, and a 2022-2nd


It breaks down this way.............


Thompsson, 2022 - 1st = Boeser

Samuelsson = Rathbone

2022-2nd = MDP


Boeser is the proven commodity, but Thompsson is scoring  at a 60% rate this year, this years middle 1st, off sets that.

Samuelson is more defensive, Rathbone more Offensive

An early 2022-2nd  buys a seasoned  prospect in MDP



Edited by J.I.A.H.N
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28 minutes ago, WHL rocks said:

BUF getting loaded..


2 horses at D plus lots of young guys


They have 3 first round picks this year.. 


Future is bright for BUF and OTT



I get; but Green has proven that coaching matters, more so than talent.  If Buffalo, hits on a coach and a goalie, they will be like the loaded Sabres of old - until (ofocurse) those rookies are off there ELC; and then it will take, some shrewd GM skills to keep the talent together.


Botterill, showed his ineptness - by not, having an idea of how it takes to win in the NHL.  Just like Dubas, he was building a team that would be a perrenial cup champ, in the world of video games.

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Brock Boeser is exactly what you hope you're first rounder works out to be, if he's a top ten pick.   So don't think Provost is too far out at all with this idea.  Also think he's a better trade chip then Miller to a team that's looking for cycle bumps.   Miller is better for a contending team and pretty useless to an up and coming team.   This would have to be a sign and trade type deal...too bad MIN is capped out because Brock would for sure fit with them too.


Just for some lopsided trade information.   It does happen.   Benning never really hit with that, with the exception of his massive LE trade but even then it's not a terrible one for ARI, a 9th overall and 11.5 in cap space later is pretty valuable (Garland and OEL's).   The NYR fleeced OTT for Zinbanejad, it cost them a second plus Brassard and got a 7th back lol.    Even better they got a Norris winner for two seconds lol from CAR.    Just bring that up as recent examples, of total fleecings.   They do happen.    Will add that two seconds it's better then one late first to from a contending team ... once the draft gets to around 22/23 in the first round, historically the odds are virtually identical right to the end of the second round to get a 200 game player...  Food for thought when changing this up so all we get is one late first for anyone we think we should move.   Two seconds is 2 times as good as getting one late first.     Every draft is a risk - you have to take them absolutely, and you just never know this is hockey.   But are we really supposed to rebuild again?    Miller is older - i'd trade him first.  

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To me Brock is worth an unprotected first for sure.   Just like Duchene was.   Same with Miller really.   These guys don't grow on trees, and even a top ten pick isn't a slam dunk.   We've seen that in our own recent history with JV and OJ...as have many other teams as well over the last decade, 2 decades, 3 decades ... all the way to when the draft began.   Don't know the actual odds exactly, but do know we've had many drafts where at least two guys (in the top ten) haven't worked out at all.   And some like the Sedins draft, that were just dreadful.   Going out on a limb but would say 20% or two out of ten on average are busts, just in the top ten - based on a bar that is lower then a lot think (400 games for JV that's his bust line, he should have made that).   Brock Boeser is in his prime now, and pretty sure last year was the player we should expect to see throughout it going forward.   Skinner type guy - 30/30.    We need that.   As do other teams.   Can't have a team of playmakers, need shooters too, 

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  • 11 months later...
On 12/27/2021 at 10:18 AM, Provost said:

Buffalo has a lot of high end defensive prospects.... yet need wingers and goalies.  Unlike many possible trade partners they also have a ton of cap room.

Boeser and DiPietro


Tage Thompson
Buffalo 2023 1st round pick unprotected

Just looking at the scores tonight… and even without the 1st round pick imagine if we had have pulled this off before Thompson took off and Boeser/DiPietro lost value.


Why can’t nice things happen to us!?  :D

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6 minutes ago, Provost said:

The proposal agedreally well, imagine if it happened…. the responses aged poorly :)

Lol I see it now.  Disregard my other reply in the other thread.  This would have been highway robbery.  Samuelsson and a 1st on top of Thompson would have been insane haha

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40 minutes ago, HKSR said:

Lol I see it now.  Disregard my other reply in the other thread.  This would have been highway robbery.  Samuelsson and a 1st on top of Thompson would have been insane haha

Yep, at the time Thompson was still a 3rd line player and Samuelsson hadn't logged an NHL game.  Also at the time Boeser was playing top line minutes and had been producing .84 ppg over his prior few seasons even with some injuries, and DiPietro was widely considered one of the best goalie prospects not yet in the league.  Buffalo badly needed to have some quick improvement to show their fans with the Eichel thing happening, rather than continuing to flounder.

It wasn't out of the realm of value when I posted it... though the argument from other folks was whether the 1st should be protected or not.

The value of their players skyrocketed shortly after this proposal and the value of ours tanked.  A move like that out of the gate would have JR being heralded as a genius.

Of course, Buffalo knew their players better than anyone outside the organization did so maybe they weren't letting go of those guys for anything close to that price.


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