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[PGT] New Jersey Devils at Vancouver Canucks | Nov. 01, 2022

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-Vintage Canuck-

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Don’t really understand the changes just because we have some new players, especially when Dries and Brisebois played so well. Must suck for them knowing no matter well they play a new shiny toy will always beat them out, especially after a huge game against the Pens.


I get there are limited roster spots but Stillman hasn’t done a whole lot to show he deserves to be here more than Brisebois.

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21 minutes ago, Pickly said:

At this point might as well go full send and gut it. Make the best hockey trades you can and gather as many picks and prospects as you can gather. That includes every single player on this roster and there is nobody not named. This core is dysfunctional and it’s been long enough to warrant that it isn’t going to work. 

I have no doubt that is coming at some point if this garbage continues!

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4 minutes ago, MaxVerstappen33 said:

We were also primed to tank in 2014 for Mcdavid. We could have fire saled it. 


Imagine 7 seasons from now, looking back at today , still wishing we tanked , as Bedard leads a team to the playoffs. 

yes we cannot let this opportunity to pass again. We actually have tradable assets compared to the 2014 roster, the fans want a rebuild so I don't know why management/ownership thinks we wont support the team if we rebuild. 

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Just now, Trebreh said:

yes we cannot let this opportunity to pass again. We actually have tradable assets compared to the 2014 roster, the fans want a rebuild so I don't know why management/ownership thinks we wont support the team if we rebuild. 

I would actually go see some games if we sell off our good players and take on other teams Loui "Player Name"s. 


Would rather pay to see the antics of an empty net bandit than this tragedy on ice.  

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4 minutes ago, amplified0ne said:

LMAO with a 7 year extension waiting to kick in?  With what cap space?  The teams with cap space are either rebuilding themselves or they know they will have to eventually pay their own players.

You underestimate the shortsightedness of many GM’s. 

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9 minutes ago, iinatcc said:

That's the thing about last season. People here we're so confident the success once Bodreau took over would carry over but ost of those wins were mostly attributed to Demko's play.


My doubts going to this year is if Demko can repeat the same level of performance. Which is a big ask for any goalie since their season to season performance tends to fluctuate. 

Yep he’s playing terrible so far.

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1 minute ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:


I don’t mind believing this because I think it’s a mental thing.  They feel like they’re playing 110% but moving at 80. Lose all their energy the minute something bounces the other team’s way and with Demko looking super shaky that’s way too often. 

(plus I think they’re just plain bad at PK)

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9 minutes ago, *Buzzsaw* said:

At this point I would say Demko needs to get some time off and a chance to heal mentally.


The way the defense is playing and the fact Demko probably isn't 100% means he is getting bombed.


Martin is playing well and seems resilient... let him take the heat for a while.

I'd start him against Anaheim, they haven't won much at all 



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3 minutes ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:


Just another guy trying to figure out how " a team like that "has no heart. Edmonton burned through how many coaches in a similar spot? Maybe snubbing the bubble playoff team UFA's wasn't such a goof idea after all ? Ironic the guy preaching culture destroyed it. What a putz 

Edited by cuporbust
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33 minutes ago, EmilyM said:

If they couldn’t get a good trade deal for JT, they 100% should’ve waited to see how the season played out. JT at 50% would still get a great deal at the deadline.

Allvin flinched and played the extension way too soon. 

This may turn out to perhaps be:



*************************************** THE POST OF THE DECADE ****************************************


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2 minutes ago, Trebreh said:

yes we cannot let this opportunity to pass again. We actually have tradable assets compared to the 2014 roster, the fans want a rebuild so I don't know why management/ownership thinks we wont support the team if we rebuild. 

Who knows. It is amazing how clueless a "business leader" can be. That's what he calls himself on his Twitter bio. 

How can ANY "business leader" not see the business sense in a rebuild? It is basic stuff.

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