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Zdeno Chara makes scathing allegations about Canucks during 2011 Stanley Cup Final

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1 hour ago, Baratheon said:

"we saw them... We found out about it."

Lol which is it?

Yes, this seems odd. However; his English language skills are not exactly perfect so I could see him using both descriptions in trying to convey his point. 
Having said that, I don’t believe it ever happened. He claims the team used it for motivation so it would be fair to say at least 30 or so people were conscious of it. How could this possibly remain quiet for 11+ years ?

If Bieksa addresses it on HNIC his words will be carefully chosen. He’s too smart to sewer himself. 
That’s  as much energy and attention I’ll give this ‘story’.

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27 minutes ago, Barnstorm said:

Yes, this seems odd. However; his English language skills are not exactly perfect so I could see him using both descriptions in trying to convey his point. 
Having said that, I don’t believe it ever happened. He claims the team used it for motivation so it would be fair to say at least 30 or so people were conscious of it. How could this possibly remain quiet for 11+ years ?

If Bieksa addresses it on HNIC his words will be carefully chosen. He’s too smart to sewer himself. 
That’s  as much energy and attention I’ll give this ‘story’.

Did you listen to it?  Didn’t sound to me like he was struggling with English.  Sounded like he goofed on his story.

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2 hours ago, SID.IS.SID.ME.IS.ME said:

Can’t believe the people on social media right now with the audacity to say that Canucks fans should “get over it,” “move on,” and “stop obsessing over 2011.”


We were sitting here minding our own business, with the Cup loss in our rearview, when Chara comes out with some decade old story, obviously fabricated IMO, designed to cast our team in a bad light.


Canucks fans naturally call BS on the whole thing, and now suddenly we’re the ones living in the past?


Sore losers is one thing. But sore winners? 100X worse IMO. Even if the story were true, Chara should have kept it zipped. But coming out 10+ years later with a complete whopper like this? Classless and utterly embarrassing for Chara.



I've made that point to a few....we are over it. It's Zdunno who's dredging up he said/he saw crap 11 years later. Seems maybe he's a little salty seeing the boys get into the HHOF...what timing. Should be paying respects to them like the rest of the hockey world. Classless at any time, but considering the timing, bottom of the barrel. Hockey players generally celebrate one another at this point and when it's all said and done. Zdeno's seemingly stuck in the past and has no idea how to be a gracious winner or pay respects to fellow players who are now retired. Sedins run circles around him in the class department.


What a dumbass.

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Chara's comments are a function of the fact the Bruins all know they won the Cup because of interference from the League... and they feel guilt.


The League was dirty then and its dirty now.


The clearest indicator of that is the fact no Canadian team has won a Cup since the year Gary Bettmann took over as President and the fact he has blocked the expansion of the NHL into Canada as much as possible.


Meanwhile their chosen hitman Kelly Sutherland continues to ref the finals.

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Not the first urban legend to emerge from that final.  Supposedly Gillis was playing big spender with the press on the flight out to Boston after game two, ordering champagne for all, anticipating a sweep.  Or something like that.  The intended takeaway is that the Canucks were arrogant, something that stuck on Gillis. 

Of course I'm not saying this happened, just that there is a stable of stories like this one.  We all know how awful HNIC was at the time:  there was a narrative out there.

What is truly pathetic is that Chara still can't let go of this fabricated bulletin board material after all this time.  Those guys know in their soul that they didn't deserve to win.   I think we should all chant "Daddy's cup" at them.


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4 hours ago, Bure2Win said:

This stinks of a Neely locker room wall motivating tool nothing more. Refs won them there Cup plain and simple, Bill Daly basically admitted it at the start of the next season presser with Canuck fans, he said they were introducting a few new Officials during the season and into the playoffs that year and mistakes where made. IDIOTS!!!!!!   Still it would have been nice if the Sedins would have gone John Wick on these guys instead of rolling over in the finals.......Sigh

Hockey is one sport where having too much class hurts your chance of winning.


Sedins and Luongo had too much class for the scumbag Bruins and the corrupted NHL.


The hall of fame knows this and that's why they were first ballot HHOF inductees. Everybody in the entire hockey universe knows the true winner of 2011 Stanley cup finals.


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On 12/9/2022 at 12:04 AM, jyu said:

Not many of them will say bad things about the opponents, especially if they won.


Most retired athletes, at least the respectable ones anyways, tell a funny story about their own teammates. Bieksa talking about Kesler or about Luongo for example.


Why is no one from the Canucks come out blaming the refs or the Bruins? Rome could easily come out and say $hit about the league for suspending him for 4 games. Daniel could come out and blast the ref that gave him a penalty for getting punched in the face or the countless cross checks to his back from Boston defenders.


Like a few others posted, once players retire their lips can start flapping.   It might upset fans, and others or maybe it's just adds some colour.   Garret has ridden the line well for us over the years adding colour from his era... Kypreos threw some shade against our 94 team (and was awful IMO, couldn't stand his mug on the panel).  


When series/rivalry's heat up, the emotions get pretty heated too.   Mike Keane said he still gets a stomach ache when he sees the Wings logo.   Best rivalry in sports back in the 90's.   Coffey and Fleury had some interesting things to say about the battle of Alberta ... a lot of F Bombs, in an article a couple months ago.   Total war was used by Fluery, and that the game has nothing like it anymore and would agree with that.   Used to have to separate those groups in the summer during events to raise money on cancer etc.   Hated each other.   Circled all the games when the schedule's came out etc.   Saved their best for that - Otto/Messier..even as Ranger he hated Otto.   Beat the tar out of him lol ... the same guy we had to move Linden to center to handle. 


Get this is upsetting and my take sucked balls.    But no take backs.   For me anyways, I didn't have any hate for Chara as a player.   Marchand yes absolutely .. Don. Cherry was great during our run until the final.   Then his biases came in, understandably so, the rest of the media doesn't get a pass though.    Glad they had Babych involved at least.  


Maybe this is still a little too fresh.   A decade plus tells a story too.   Boston games still matter because Marchand and Bergeron are still playing.    If Bergeron retires and says two things we don't like, should we hate on him too?    


Chara is obviously the enemy.   Every story needs a villain i suppose and why not Frankenstein's Monster  and the Ogre (Lucic).   And that goofy little dude that eats bugs as stuff (Marchand!).   Suppose my point is, we are lucky to have these characters in the past, and I for one, am grateful for that at least.   The same way i'm grateful for the CAL stuff (89-96ish), and the CHI/BOS stuff.   We wouldn't have that without having some great teams in our past. 

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5 hours ago, IBatch said:

Like a few others posted, once players retire their lips can start flapping.   It might upset fans, and others or maybe it's just adds some colour.   Garret has ridden the line well for us over the years adding colour from his era... Kypreos threw some shade against our 94 team (and was awful IMO, couldn't stand his mug on the panel).  


When series/rivalry's heat up, the emotions get pretty heated too.   Mike Keane said he still gets a stomach ache when he sees the Wings logo.   Best rivalry in sports back in the 90's.   Coffey and Fleury had some interesting things to say about the battle of Alberta ... a lot of F Bombs, in an article a couple months ago.   Total war was used by Fluery, and that the game has nothing like it anymore and would agree with that.   Used to have to separate those groups in the summer during events to raise money on cancer etc.   Hated each other.   Circled all the games when the schedule's came out etc.   Saved their best for that - Otto/Messier..even as Ranger he hated Otto.   Beat the tar out of him lol ... the same guy we had to move Linden to center to handle. 


Get this is upsetting and my take sucked balls.    But no take backs.   For me anyways, I didn't have any hate for Chara as a player.   Marchand yes absolutely .. Don. Cherry was great during our run until the final.   Then his biases came in, understandably so, the rest of the media doesn't get a pass though.    Glad they had Babych involved at least.  


Maybe this is still a little too fresh.   A decade plus tells a story too.   Boston games still matter because Marchand and Bergeron are still playing.    If Bergeron retires and says two things we don't like, should we hate on him too?    


Chara is obviously the enemy.   Every story needs a villain i suppose and why not Frankenstein's Monster  and the Ogre (Lucic).   And that goofy little dude that eats bugs as stuff (Marchand!).   Suppose my point is, we are lucky to have these characters in the past, and I for one, am grateful for that at least.   The same way i'm grateful for the CAL stuff (89-96ish), and the CHI/BOS stuff.   We wouldn't have that without having some great teams in our past. 

Again, you're making this about US...it's not.


This isn't about "adding colour" this is about humiliation, through what seems to be fabrications.  And it's not that it's "still fresh"....that's mostly the point. It's done, over, stale...so why is Chara adding "colour" to the events 11 years later? He won, move on...don't make up stories. Be gracious, humble and complimentary at this point. Especially considering the timing and that some of those players are being honoured. There's a lack of respect from Chara at this point. 


When you state crap like "says things we don't like" it's a little too forgiving. He's making crap up years after the fact...why? (Because he's an ass...his dives, alone, tell us all we need to know about his honesty).


You can be grateful for Lucic, Chara and Marchand...doesn't mean we all have to be. 


Maybe Chara should take a page out of a guy like Iginla's book...pure class. Hated when our team played against him, but had nothing but respect for him and how he conducted himself when Linden retired. That's how you do it...you leave all the ugliness on the ice and focus on a mutual show of respect. 






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2 hours ago, -DLC- said:

Again, you're making this about US...it's not.


This isn't about "adding colour" this is about humiliation, through what seems to be fabrications.  And it's not that it's "still fresh"....that's mostly the point. It's done, over, stale...so why is Chara adding "colour" to the events 11 years later? He won, move on...don't make up stories. Be gracious, humble and complimentary at this point. Especially considering the timing and that some of those players are being honoured. There's a lack of respect from Chara at this point. 


When you state crap like "says things we don't like" it's a little too forgiving. He's making crap up years after the fact...why? (Because he's an ass...his dives, alone, tell us all we need to know about his honesty).


You can be grateful for Lucic, Chara and Marchand...doesn't mean we all have to be. 


Maybe Chara should take a page out of a guy like Iginla's book...pure class. Hated when our team played against him, but had nothing but respect for him and how he conducted himself when Linden retired. That's how you do it...you leave all the ugliness on the ice and focus on a mutual show of respect. 






My bad.   No hard feelings.     Iginla for sure is a class act just like the Sedins. 

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