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[PGT] New York Islanders at Vancouver Canucks | Jan. 03, 2023

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-Vintage Canuck-

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12 minutes ago, Muttley said:

The entire defense needs to be trashed and rebuilt with the exceptions of Hughes and Schenn. I don't know how that can happen without gutting the best forwards

that are under twenty sixish. Last night exemplified just how bad Myers and Ekmond Larrsen can be as big minute defenders. Will not be easy to move them but it

needs to be done. We'd be just as well off using a couple of players from within our own system

I think OEL contact is a lost cause but Myers is very tradeable if we get creative. He basically has this tdl/playoffs and next year on the books. 

A contender would love him as a 4D or 5D. Problem is, it's tough paying 6m to a 5D. So the canucks should retain say 2-3m and then take back a crappy expiring contract from that team for a 1st rounder and a prospect. 

We would only be on the hook for Myers 3m next year and then we are done but got good assets in return. 


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1 hour ago, -DLC- said:

Tank hard for Bedard. At this point, winning's doing more harm than good. It's sad...was a good game until it wasn't. We need a high pick this draft so I'm just along for the ride at this point. "It is what it is". Still love my team, will go and cheer them on but at this point it's hard to defend a drive for playoffs. In my heart, yes...I still hope for that but reality is we're in the same boat as last year and would need a miracle to pull it off.


I will say one thing...what you don't see on tv is that the Islanders frustrated our team with a whole lot of holding...they do this hook on with one arm deal that really held our guys up at times. It was effective but infuriating. JT's slash was likely in response to some of that. Sutherland still can't call a game to save his life. But in the playoffs, it's a battle out there and that stuff wouldn't be called anyway...so you have to be able to contend with it and still find a way.


It's just not clicking. Petey was a little off last night...likely the frustration setting in. The shot block differential really came in to play...Islanders played a gritty in your face game and, despite getting away with a lot of garbage stuff, it worked.  Which is why I like JT...behind the play, he's battling back in that same in your face way. I agree with what Dan Riccio said....sometimes what people see as a lazy glide off the ice is him depleted/conserving some energy because he does engage in those battles. And that goal that he and Bo clicked on again...that stuff's magic. They have a good thing going there and I will hate to see Bo go. But I'm at the point that something's gotta give. Whatever will be will be. I will still cheer my team on every game but if/when they lose it's for a greater good. We need help on d...badly. I've been patient with this group but am open to anything...I don't want Petey wanting out. That would be disastrous.


If this team fires all on the same cylinder, we can win. But, on any given night, they aren't and that's a problem.



Surely this is the nail in the coffin. Never thought I'd see the day.


My condolences (Superfan) Deb. We will live to fight another day! :canucks:

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2 hours ago, Muttley said:


Sorry BB, but that's literally your job - to coach your team and give them appropriate strategies to overcome adversity. 


The primary objective of every single team in this league is to force your team into adversity by beating you on the scoreboard - if as a coach you can't develop strategies for your team to overcome this more often than not, you have no business being in that role unfortunately. 


To simply say 'that's it' isn't good enough. 


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27 minutes ago, Mustard Tiger said:

Yes sir! Plus we literally gave up Guenther for him. Imagine adding more picks and prospects to now move him? Holy we would get dragged by the hockey world for the rest of our life 

Rather get dragged and rebuild than worry about the niceties. 
That being said, no sweeteners. Let the bad contracts expire while we tank. Trade what we can to actually gain pics and prospects, you know what successful teams do. 

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35 minutes ago, aGENT said:

Some of us wanted to start that process last spring/summer...



This exactly. All the bitching about him... but he has an NMC, we'd have to pay assets we don't have/can't afford to move him, and he's a perfectly capable top 4 D in the mean time, on a team with a severe lack of top 4 D.


People just need to accept that he's almost certainly, not going anywhere. Never mind that he's not the problem with this team. At worst, he's a problem. On a team full of PROBLEMS.




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A brief look at the timeline:


Loui reigns over his kingdom for years

He is traded to AZ 

Trade return from AZ makes us awful and capped out

Benning gets fired as a result

JR brings in Stillman to "help" (command the tank) the defense

JR now has ammunition to go to ownership and justify trading Horvat & going for Bedard

Bedard will win us a cup


In hindsight it was inevitable. Loui will be remembered for bringing the stanley cup to vancouver, with riley stillman as his right hand man. 


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51 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:

@stawns I'd move Schenn. We need all the help we can get. No one is so valuable at this point they are must keeps except our youth we choose to move forward with.


He's not doing a single thing for this waste of a season ... and realistically I'd say there is less than 50% chance, probably smaller that he wants to stay here for the next couple years. If I'm Schenn I'd be sick of this crap and I'd like to go to a team with a chance of winning. Especially seeing as how he's somewhat re-invented himself there should be a market. Unless of course he really has settled in and loves it in Van. That's certainly possible, in which case he'd come back and that's win win.


Currently he's providing an example for a group of dmen that should be put out to pasture.

I'd let LS make that call honestly.  He may very well want to end his career in van and I, for one, support that 100%.


People talk about the lack of culture in this org.........that's how you build a culture

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56 minutes ago, aGENT said:

Not sure that's entirely true. Depends on the return, what subsequent moves are made, do we get a top 3-5 pick...


It could certainly end up that way though. It's a risk.


Not really. I'm just getting tired of the constant "we need a re-thingy" semantics bickering :lol:




Nothing they get in a deal is going to replace what bo brings to this team.  Lose him and it's a full on rebuild, imo, and that'll be many years in the making and then even more to get to contrnder..........look at the Oilers, they drafter McD in 2015 and are out of the playoff picture right now.


They need to stay the course of their current rebuild, make a few bold moves and focus on the right core and they can get past this spot, like most contenders have in the past.



Edited by stawns
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8 minutes ago, eeeeergh said:

A brief look at the timeline:


Loui reigns over his kingdom for years

He is traded to AZ 

Trade return from AZ makes us awful and capped out

Benning gets fired as a result

JR brings in Stillman to "help" (command the tank) the defense

JR now has ammunition to go to ownership and justify trading Horvat & going for Bedard

Bedard will win us a cup


In hindsight it was inevitable. Loui will be remembered for bringing the stanley cup to vancouver, with riley stillman as his right hand man. 


Benning got fired for hanging onto green.  The OEL trade was a good trade

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3 minutes ago, stawns said:

I'd let LS make that call honestly.  He may very well want to end his career in van and I, for one, support that 100%.


People talk about the lack of culture in this org.........that's how you build a culture

I can live with that although I think there are more pressing matters than culture at the moment. It's very important too though don't get me wrong.

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That Bear turnover can be coached out. But whatever they're thinking, this D all thinks they can get away with what Quinn does. Bear has 2 guys on his ass hounding him. And he tries the fancy play. Just pound it into the boards right behind the net. 

They all trying to make plays like Quinn. 

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2 minutes ago, Hairy Kneel said:

That Bear turnover can be coached out. But whatever they're thinking, this D all thinks they can get away with what Quinn does. Bear has 2 guys on his ass hounding him. And he tries the fancy play. Just pound it into the boards right behind the net. 

They all trying to make plays like Quinn. 

We've got 5 #7 dmen. I don't really blame them. I'd be lost too if they just threw me and 4 other CDC'ers into an NHL game together. :frantic:

Maybe if the let @Alflives use his scooter and cane :lol:

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4 minutes ago, Hairy Kneel said:

That Bear turnover can be coached out. But whatever they're thinking, this D all thinks they can get away with what Quinn does. Bear has 2 guys on his ass hounding him. And he tries the fancy play. Just pound it into the boards right behind the net. 

They all trying to make plays like Quinn. 

I honestly don't think there is much in the way of structured systems from this coaching staff.  The dcorp looks bad, but it's mostly because they don't have any outlet fwds in a safe vicinity and their options are minimal.  


This is as much a coaching issue as it is a personnel issue......they need a coach with well defined systems and the ability to teach those systems and hold players accountable when they deviate from that system.


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2 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:

We've got 5 #7 dmen. I don't really blame them. I'd be lost too if they just threw me and 4 other CDC'ers into an NHL game together. :frantic:

Maybe if the let @Alflives use his scooter and cane :lol:

Again, it's the lack of systems and structure, imo.  Systems are all about ouck support and I see none of that on the ice

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