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How forgiving would you be?

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1 hour ago, LTC123 said:

If this Penguins Club with a proven history for winning cups wins us a cup in, lets say, 2026, would we all be smiles and giggles and forgiving/forgetting the mistakes, turmoil, disrespect, and embarrassment of 22/23? 



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this was a mistake
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46 minutes ago, LTC123 said:

If this Penguins Club with a proven history for winning cups wins us a cup in, lets say, 2026, would we all be smiles and giggles and forgiving/forgetting the mistakes, turmoil, disrespect, and embarrassment of 22/23? 



Yes. All forgiven.


But it won't happen. Lighting doesn't strike one man 4 times. Evidently it does 3 times but not 4.


Rutherfraud won a cup in 2006 bc of a Dwayne Rollison injury. Without that cup he doesn't get the Pens job 

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46 minutes ago, LTC123 said:

If this Penguins Club with a proven history for winning cups wins us a cup in, lets say, 2026, would we all be smiles and giggles and forgiving/forgetting the mistakes, turmoil, disrespect, and embarrassment of 22/23? 



Yep, winning forgives almost all sins (I'm looking at you Chicago). 

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57 minutes ago, LTC123 said:

If this Penguins Club with a proven history for winning cups wins us a cup in, lets say, 2026, would we all be smiles and giggles and forgiving/forgetting the mistakes, turmoil, disrespect, and embarrassment of 22/23? 



I stated earlier that all will be forgiven (forgotten) by many if the team starts winning and turns things around.


Personally, I forgive but I don't forget. A cup is the most important thing but it isn't everything. Right now, this team is swirling in drama and there are high paid people accountable for that. At least for overseeing and correcting it. Bruce is taking the hit in it all but I'm not sure he's "the problem" and proved to be a solution at least temporarily. Or at least not the only problem. Demko was counted on and this year things didn't pan out...but there may be bigger fish to fry behind the scenes. Time will tell.


So, if we win a cup that erases the history and recent past failures but hopefully it doesn't leave a trail of residue if it's done without any regard for integrity and respect. Winning at all costs that comes with a price. Personnel who leave have a story to tell and I hope it's a good one when they reflect on our city.


The controversies surrounding the team don't sit well...we want players/personnel to see this as a good destination that treats people right. I'm not sure that currently is (at least perceived) the case. If Petey ends up wanting out that'll be a big blow.


This organization talks about "culture" in the room...I want that to extend to all rooms, including execs and VIP's.



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I think this season has gutted our fan base and significantly made us feel like crap. I want a cup but to be honest I don’t want Jim Rutherford in charge when it happens. I don’t like how he’s handled anything. I hope he’s gone by the end of the year so this question has no bearings. He can take Allvin with him too. Say what you want about Benning but at least Benning has a spine. 

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If this team ever wins a Cup, I’ll be “smiles and giggles” and probably shed a few tears as well.


But will I forget 22/23? No. Just like I haven’t forgotten how the organization treated Green/Benning, Linden, and even going back to Gillis and Nonis, etc.


What’s going on right now is typical of the Aquilini ownership. They have never respected their outgoing employees. The normal MO is for them to let bad situations drag on, create “lame ducks,” leak information, sideline current employees, and begin an open hiring process for replacements while the current guys are still expected to come to work, etc.


I rarely quote Drance, but he said something recently that really rang true. Since the Aquilinis took over, there hasn’t been a coach or manager who’s left this organization without having to go through some version of what Bruce is dealing with right now. And nearly every one has had their reputation/legacy tarnished and disrespected by the way this team has treated them on their way out.

There’s never been a time when these owners have relieved a coach or manager of duties as soon as their future with the team was known to be over. That respect has never been given. They consistently keep people in place while they openly seek their replacements. These owners don’t do interim hires (other than the 4 days of GM Smyl). They make their coaches and managers exist as “dead men walking” for as long as they need to. 

They only real difference with Bruce is that he’s probably the most popular and beloved coach this team has had since Pat Quinn. And the “lame duck”/“dead man walking” aspect has played out longer than average. But that’s about it. The rest is typical Aquilini.


And while I’m not necessarily trying to defend management here, I’m almost certain that, if Rutherford/Allvin were truly working with autonomy, they’d have fired Bruce a long time ago, and put in place the kind of coaching staff they wanted.


Also, much as I love Bruce, he should have never been hired before the PoHO and GM. 

I definitely won’t forgot what happened in 22/23, but ultimately, it’s going to get filed away with the countless other reasons I don’t respect the way these owners do business.

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I'm smiles right now! ::D I've always hoped the Canucks would one day get a person in charge who isn't afraid to make tough decisions, who had the guts to do what's unpopular, to try and get this team back to contending. 


Right now, the Miller signing looks real bad, but it might not be if the team is better constructed. No one is playing particularly good these days. I'm willing to wait and see how he does with different coaching and team mates.


It's a s***storm right now, but I can see daylight way in the distance. Canucks are maybe at an all-time low in their existence, but there's only one way to go. Up! 


Better days ahead.

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I dream of the day the players and staff hoist the cup, and then they pass the cup to Aquilini and it’s followed by the loudest boos enough to shake the entire arena. Boos so loud Aquilini’s smile is wiped off his snarky face and he feels every inch of his body in deep shame and embarrassment. 

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Would I forgive the bumbling management and ownership that's been behind the circus we've watched most of the past ten years? Or the circus we'll likely continue to watch? No. A cup doesn't erase things, nor does it make people forget. Winning a cup would be fantastic and I'd be thrilled but it wouldn't negate mediocrity or how much of a circus this organization has been. 


Would I gripe about it as much? No, but people don't forget. 


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1 hour ago, NUCKER67 said:

I'm smiles right now! ::D I've always hoped the Canucks would one day get a person in charge who isn't afraid to make tough decisions, who had the guts to do what's unpopular, to try and get this team back to contending. 



But they act a little "afraid" because rather than shooting straight and saying "we're looking at replacements for Bruce" then pursuing that, they're doing it in reverse. And saying things like "we don't WANT to". Well then...don't. You're supposed to be in charge. There's a lot of distraction being thrown in front of this stuff right now...but we're not stupid.


Guts is putting it out there with transparency so everyone knows where they stand. Unpopular is what they're trying to avoid with this pussy footing around nonsense.


Own it.


And where is Emily these days? I'm wondering because usually we see her up there in the box. She was heavily paraded at first and now that there's a scandal she's tucked away somewhere. Haven't seen or heard anything about her recently and it's been radio silence now for the most part. Guts is being out there in the hard times too. High paid execs and assistants all need to be in the line of fire...not just one guy. Where did our Assistant GM go?


I'm a little disillusioned sour and salty right now. I'm going shopping before the game so I can try to fix my bad attitude. 

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If they trade Bo then I’m done with the Canucks. They have no idea how to build a team with character. The Sedins carried the franchise with their attitude. Now Bo is trying to do the same but is being treated like garbage. Will I be happy if they win the cup? I’ll probably be cheering against them if the rumours all pan out.  
I can’t support a team that gives Miller the golden key and drives a player like Horvat out of town. Plus the way they’ve treated Boudreau. 
However I doubt they will win in 2026. Regardless of anything else you need a team with the drive to win. That’s not what the Canucks are building. 
Maybe Horvat will win a cup with his new team. 

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On 1/21/2023 at 8:56 AM, LTC123 said:

If this Penguins Club with a proven history for winning cups wins us a cup in, lets say, 2026, would we all be smiles and giggles and forgiving/forgetting the mistakes, turmoil, disrespect, and embarrassment of 22/23? 



If the Canucks win the cup in 2026 with this management group I will personally eat a penguin raw while Rutherford and Allvin take turns whipping me with a Terrible Towel.

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