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Tortorella's Rant

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Status Updates posted by Tortorella's Rant

  1. lol Sabres with 8 shots after 45 minutes

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pears


      Cody Godson and Connor McJesus anyone?

    3. Heretic


      Did I read that right? 12 shots - for the whole game?

    4. c00kies


      I remember when we played Edmonton a few years ago and they only had 12 shots on net, one in the third period. Of course that only shot was a late goal that broke Lui's shutout.

  2. Miller gonna get shutouts all season long. 82-0!

    1. Keslerific


      you're a bit late on that one haha

    2. Tortorella's Rant
    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      so what you are saying is Lack wont get to play this year. RIP Eddie :(

  3. Watched NHL Classics on TSN this morning. Dat kick save and Bure goal from '94 :')

  4. Get Mark Donnelly a tall beer immediately. That was remarkable.

  5. Can anyone here read Chinese? I need to download something from a friend for school but the page is all in Chinese, lol

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Vomicillin


      Hey Torts, is it database_system.pdf? The file is 248mb!

    3. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      yeah, but that's the 5th edition one, and he was supposed to upload the 6th edition. Either he didn't or I just can't find it cuz it's all in chinese, lol

    4. Vomicillin


      Yup, I downloaded it and see that it is indeed the 5th edition. It's about 1300 pages.

  6. I'll hit you so hard brosef your grandchildren are going to feel it.

    1. -Stammer-


      thanks for sharing.

    2. Amish Rake Fighter

      Amish Rake Fighter

      I'll hit you so hard, your dog will be retarded.

  7. Weird dream last night. Stuck in some city center with lots of other people as we ran for cover from large sausages, cheese strings, and rigotoni falling from the sky.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more


      nothing to be confused about. you're dreaming about having traditional phallic shapes and symbols ('sausages' and noodles) rain down on you. do i need to say more? repressed desire

    3. Wilbur


      I'm sure the Italians always thought they could take over the world with their food, just not in that way.

    4. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Fying spaghetti monster is real yo !

  8. People who take pictures of their screen with their phone, please go play in traffic.

    1. Mr. Ambien

      Mr. Ambien

      if you're like this on Sunday wonder what you're like on Monday

  9. How does a giant wolf spide get in your house? If we weren't careful, it would have carried us away with it..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      I can put a picture later, my brother got one. It must have come through the vent somehow then and not a doorway since all our doors are sliding doors, except for the front door.Or through the window screen and frame because I am absolutely positive it was the spider I saw outside in the garden near my brother's room window a few weeks back; it was massive. And we found it by his room last night.

    3. Heretic


      Wolf spiders are cool. They can capture and eat wasps. Anything that can do that is my friend.

    4. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      I ain't got issues with spiders until they're in my house. Especially when they are the size of your palm

  10. Ray Donovan, Halt & Catch Fire, John Oliver, etc.. lots of good shows on TV lately that have me watching a couple hours a day.

  11. damn kids, turn down that music

  12. lol @ topic posted by BurgerKing

    1. Gyllenhaal


      Not everyone can handle CDC

    2. Caboose


      CDC just too much for some people.


    3. Dion Phaneuf

      Dion Phaneuf

      BK = Angry Whopper?

  13. Comes on to do homework. Two hours later still haven't started. Damn you CDC and FB

    1. c00kies


      I register for classes today. Seems weird to see a status like this, but I guess summer classes exist :P

  14. Dat sweatsuit cocktail by Preston Lacy on Jackass. I wasn't even there in person and still felt like gagging.

    1. euphoria/


      yesss. watch fart mask one with steve-o and preston, it's amazing.

  15. Got an email from Nigeria about making me rich after I help this person by sending them money. Dat scam.

    1. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      miss kady williams, google it, first link, lol.

    2. drummer4now


      I used to get emails like that all the time.. Then I just tweaked my blocked settings and never have I received spam again!

    3. Denguin


      it's real i've done it before now I $$$$$

  16. Big game NHL overtimes are certainly more dramatic though. Score and it's over - go crazy, no more waiting.

    1. Alex the Great

      Alex the Great


  17. Man, those sushi tacos were so good. I wish I could go back in time about 28 hours..

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. nux4lyfe


      Man, the diarrhea that's gonna be comin' out of this guy..

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      So She was Spanish Japanese ? Must of been hot :P

    4. DarthNinja


      ^ here's jor suchi taco mang.

  18. I'm glad Ovechkin explained that "hot stick" celebration. Because to this day I still wouldn't know what the hell that was supposed to be.

  19. Is it Impark policy to have their parking police prey on cars and ticket them literally the minute their stall expires?

    1. Gross-Misconduct
    2. Specter's Vengeance

      Specter's Vengeance

      I don't know what is where you're at but I was a security guard a couple years ago (most eye opening years of my life...) but Impark guys make .50 cents a ticket. I've known guys who will bill you and if you're vehicle was there by midnight they'd ticket you again because it was new day.

    3. Ghostsof1915


      I got a ticket 2 minutes after it expired. The expiry of the day rates pretty much guarantees a cruise around at 6pm.

  20. Black and silver owning both the NBA and NHL finals..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kazmanian Devil
    3. AriGold


      and White Sox ?! Closest to Black and Silver for the MLB.

    4. Plum
  21. Habs PP is useless tonight. They're in trouble..

  22. 100 stats questions to do for hw. Wow, should I just quit my job and cancel any relaxation and social time.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      It really is, Glass :( I should drop this and take up pumping gas for a living like you



      you got me

    4. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      hahah ooooooh buddy I totally did.

  23. Notifications broken? Keeps saying I have them when I've already checked them..

    1. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      Then writing a status... "action failed", even though it worked.

    2. BananaMash
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