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[Rumour] "Teams eyeing down Kesler & Edler" - Ownership prevented Kesler trade

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I don't see Edler or Kesler being moved. MIke Gillis will not trade them. Of course he will sit around and listen. If Edler does get traded another dman is coming back. We can't continue to lose dmans and not really replenish the loss. We already loss Salo got nothing in return, loss Ehrhoff got nothing in return (there goes our lethal power play) we gained Garrison but he's no where near Salo or Ehrhoff, and we can't lose Edler for nothing.

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Edler and Schroeder for Marcus Johansson and a mid pick or b prospect.

Johansson can play either wing or center. Is a play maker and has decent size and is defensively responsible.

Basically a rich man's Mike Santorelli. I think he would fit well.

Washington badly needs a legit top 4 d for now and the future to go along with Carlson, Alzner, and Green.

They have Kuznetsov coming over soon from Russia sometime next year or perhaps even late this year. So they can replace Johansson's spot in the lineup in the meantime with Schroeder who should be better in the East.

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Depending on what we get back for Kes. If we can milk a trade with Florida say,

Kesler + Edler for Gudbranson and Huberdeau, I say do it.

Yeah, get raped again by Florida. Trading Grabner, 1st pick and Bernier for Ballard wasn't enough of a rape I guess.

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Kesler and Hansen for Maatta, Bennett, Sutter, and a 1st (2014). Then trade Edler and Schroeder for Strome and a 1st(2015).

Next years line up:

Daniel Henrick Burrows

Higgins Strome Kassian

Horvat Sutter Santorelli

Sestito Richardson Archibald

Hammer Bieksa

Maatta Tanev

Garrison Stanton

Well Balanced. Plus we get two first rounders this year and next year with a better chance of drafting McDavid . This proposal is if we went in rebuild mode obviously. This way we are stacked at the center position for years, and we have a soild future top pairing of Maatta(PMD,PPQB) and Tanev. I feel confident with that lineup, plus our picks, and prospects going into the future.

That is actually a pretty great proposal!!! Though I am not entirely sure the Edler one would work. I think the team would probably just sign Stastny instead. Though both of em are great!!!
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When gillis talks getting Kesler a winger, its a classic red herring - I think Kesler is gone. And one of the top six 6 and maybe luongo. Can't see this team with the current talent level go 14-4 down the stretch after long periods of losing

I agree. Gillis has to mention that his team is taking a different direction and is going into a rebuild though. It would be a fair way to justify asking the player with a NTC to move as they probably wouldn't want to stick around for that, and instead take a crack at winning a cup with a contender.

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Yeah, get raped again by Florida. Trading Grabner, 1st pick and Bernier for Ballard wasn't enough of a rape I guess.

First off, that is such a disgusting term.

Some of ya'll need to grow up and stop acting like that word is ok to throw around. I got 2 daughters man and I will slap the mouth out of any dude who throws that up in the air in front of them

Secondly stop and be objective. We did NOT throw this away. bernier lasted how long in Florida? And did what in vancouver again? exactly nothing but flaoting between the 3rd and 4th lines. Grabner was buried on our depth charts had done NOTHING and Florida frigging waived him as well. So really it was a 1st for Ballard and that first round pick turned into what again? And has done what in the league again?

Ballard came here and for the next 2 seasons in spite of AV Ballard helped this team to 2 of its best seasons ever.

We did not get owned by Florida in either trade once you open your eyes and look at it. We gave up basically a failed prospect in Grabner a tweener bottom 6 guy in Bernier and a 1st round pick that has done exactly less than Jensen has in the league. In the other trade we gave up Sturm and his 3 bad knees, Samuellson and his destroyed abdominal walls for Booth who had all the promise of the player we needed. he just couldn't stay healthy and hasn't panned out and has been buried by both Av and Torts for whatever reasons.

Florida now has players and prospects we can use, we have players Florida can use. Just because they're our go to team to trade with means nothing. If a trade makes sense, it gets done.

Again though, lay of the "got raped" nonsense. That's a disgusting word.

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Ryan Kesler isn't going anywhere, I can almost guarantee it. If anything, I can definitly see Edler being moved for a player to play with Kesler. Kesler ain't going anywhere.

I fully agree on Kesler!

29 yrs old, playoff beast, heart and soul player, could or should be captain

Blocks shots, fights, hits, scores goals, prevents goals,and wins face offs!

Like we can replace that.

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Yeah and potentially turn out like EDM or FLA. Real smart.

I'm not gonna watch this team tank.

re-tool is the way to go

You need to consider the context of my post, which is that IF we're going to be trading core players like Kes, Edler...etc, then it better be for nothing less than what was mentioned in the post I originally quoted, which was the chance to draft a number one centre or a true number one D-man stud (which I might add we've never had).

Aim high and go big I say.

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trading both or either Kes or Edler a huge step backwards. this team has nobody to replace kesler so if he gets traded we need to get a a GREAT two way center that can kill penalties play on the power play and WIN faceoffs, oh wait we have that in kesler so if he gets traded we need to get the same player back. so it make no sense at all to trade him since anyone coming back would be a down grade at the #2 center position.

Edler is the closest this team has to a #1 d-man he hits has a good shot can skate plays in all situations.

Trade from a position of strength well that rules out skilled centers since we have two on the roster. our d is deep but not with great talent more like average talent.

realistically this team needs 2 top six forwards and a #1 d-man to actually compete in post season.

cap reduction, injuries and overall poor performances this seasons best to wait to the offseason when trade prices drop and the cap goes up.

daily rumors of which NONE have come to pass and the reality of it all is media buzz to try to get interest in there deadline day show when nothing happens.

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Here's a smart idea MG, instead of trading Kesler, trade that plug Edler for a top 6 player for Kesler.

If other teams legit think Edler is a #2 D man, trade him before they actually watch him play.

If you trade Kesler MG, I'm done....

Or move Kes now while his value is at it's hihest and before his body begins to break down even more. Kesler will never be as valuable as he his at this deadline, imo. You want to rebuild the right way? you move kesler this year......now or at the draft. His style of play dictates that hisbody is going to start a big decline soon.

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How about this guys?

Kesler for beau bennet, 1st round pack+ jussi

Then edler to ott for zibenjad+

Future lines of

Jensen zibinejad Bennet

Shinkaruk horvat kassian

Thats pretty intense

the team needs to start moving away from the Zib type players. He gets nullified in the West

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gillis stating that it's hard to find a complementary player for kesler without trading the farm, probably signals that gillis is open to trading Kesler to another team that IS willing to trade the farm for a cup run now. it may signal the start of a new era

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trading both or either Kes or Edler a huge step backwards. this team has nobody to replace kesler so if he gets traded we need to get a a GREAT two way center that can kill penalties play on the power play and WIN faceoffs, oh wait we have that in kesler so if he gets traded we need to get the same player back. so it make no sense at all to trade him since anyone coming back would be a down grade at the #2 center position.

Edler is the closest this team has to a #1 d-man he hits has a good shot can skate plays in all situations.

Trade from a position of strength well that rules out skilled centers since we have two on the roster. our d is deep but not with great talent more like average talent.

realistically this team needs 2 top six forwards and a #1 d-man to actually compete in post season.

cap reduction, injuries and overall poor performances this seasons best to wait to the offseason when trade prices drop and the cap goes up.

daily rumors of which NONE have come to pass and the reality of it all is media buzz to try to get interest in there deadline day show when nothing happens.

Kesler's value is declining and is as high as it will ever be. I agree the Canucks can't trade Kesler unless it is in a package for an elite prospect. Kesler is an elite centre in the league that plays hard minutes but those hard minute catch up. The Canucks are no where near the top teams in the league this season. A big trade is needed.

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gillis stating that it's hard to find a complementary player for kesler without trading the farm, probably signals that gillis is open to trading Kesler to another team that IS willing to trade the farm for a cup run now. it may signal the start of a new era

Could a potential trade be another reason why MRI results are taking this long?

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