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I may have mentioned this book a while back in this thread. I gave it to a few co-workers recently and they loved it. Once I get time I might read it again. 


Year Zero by Rob Reid

Its Sci-fi in the vein of  'hitchhikers guide to the galaxy' with a lot of music references. I found it very funny.


Low-level entertainment lawyer Nick Carter thinks it’s a prank, not an alien encounter, when a redheaded mullah and a curvaceous nun show up at his office. But Frampton and Carly are highly advanced (if bumbling) extraterrestrials. The entire cosmos, they tell him, has been hopelessly hooked on American pop songs ever since “Year Zero” (1977 to us), resulting in the biggest copyright violation since the Big Bang and bankrupting the whole universe. 



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On 9/5/2018 at 7:11 AM, bishopshodan said:

So, I was babbling away about concepts of communication using quantum entanglement and and an idea that aliens could use other dimensions.....


Anyway, @RUPERTKBD chimed in and asked 'have you read the Three Body Problem? 

Now I understand why this book popped into his head with what I was going about. I'm sure he had some chuckles as he read my clumsy ideas about physics. Cixin Liu is an acclaimed Chinese author that lays out so many cool ideas, it had me giddy. 


Rup, I can not thank you enough for suggesting this book. I picked up last week and finished it last night. When I wasn't reading it, I was thinking about it. I can't wait to get into the next one. 


If you like sci-fi and physics I don't know how you could not enjoy this book. A must read on my list.






Do you watch PBS "Space Time" on youtube?

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7 minutes ago, AV's Coin said:

Do you watch PBS "Space Time" on youtube?

Never heard of it.

But with a title like that, I'm guessing I should check it out.


Edit: Just had a look, I can say that I think I will be checking that out. The subjects of the episodes alone have me super interested. Thank you.

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On 6/3/2018 at 1:49 PM, UnkNuk said:

For those who may be interested:


PBS is conducting a survey for "The Great American Read".  They've listed 100 books on their website and you can vote once a day for your favourite book(s) until the survey ends.  And, yes, Canadians can vote.



They announced the results of the survey last night.  And the top five were:


1. To Kill a Mockingbird

2. The "Outlander" series

3. The " Harry Potter" series

4. Pride and Prejudice

5. Lord of the Rings


I've read four of the five but I'm not at all familiar with the "Outlander" series. 


The complete listing can be found here:



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On 10/24/2018 at 2:30 PM, UnkNuk said:

They announced the results of the survey last night.  And the top five were:


1. To Kill a Mockingbird

2. The "Outlander" series

3. The " Harry Potter" series

4. Pride and Prejudice

5. Lord of the Rings


I've read four of the five but I'm not at all familiar with the "Outlander" series. 


The complete listing can be found here:



I watched a little of that.  My wife watched the whole thing. 


I'm disappointed, but not too surprised.  IMO it is beyond sad that LOTR is below Harry Potter.  I haven't read Outlander at all, but I was not impressed with the author's interview in the show.  Maybe the writing is fine, but my first impression was "hack".


Won't let myself get too upset, though.  Hell, if John Scott can get voted to the All Star Game, some crap finding its way onto a list like this can't be surprising.  But, Wheel of Time??? :picard:

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On 11/21/2018 at 11:27 AM, WilliG said:

Gravity's Rainbow. What a cluster&^@# of esoteric references & staggering beauty.

I love me some Pynchon. Mason & Dixon is his best if I'm the one you're asking.


My current book is Foucault's Pendulum, which I'm ~50 pages into. Eco is a great stylist, and I'm fond of the book's major subject: esotericism and the occult. He blends beautifully fringe religious studies with references to more cannonical works, creating a strange, almost pseudo-intellectual plane inside which the book operates. I'm learning lots of new words as I read through it.


e: And for nonfiction I'm trying to wrap my head around Deleuze and Guattari's Capitalism and Schizophrenia. I'm going to have to purchase a guide and review their influences because it's like reading an ancient cuneiform script right now. I'm absolutely lost.

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Just finished "The Monk" by Matthew Lewis.  First published in 1796, it was one of the first Gothic horror novels.  The monk is a young guy named Ambrosio who seems quite saintly but has a dark side to him that leads to problems.


Enjoyable.  Odd in its writing style, but enjoyable.

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4 hours ago, 112 said:

I love me some Pynchon. Mason & Dixon is his best if I'm the one you're asking.


My current book is Foucault's Pendulum, which I'm ~50 pages into. Eco is a great stylist, and I'm fond of the book's major subject: esotericism and the occult. He blends beautifully fringe religious studies with references to more cannonical works, creating a strange, almost pseudo-intellectual plane inside which the book operates. I'm learning lots of new words as I read through it.


His  extensive vocabulary is what put me off Umberto Eco.  I got tired of putting down the book after every page (or so it seemed) and picking up a dictionary. 

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Recently read “Journey Under the Midnight Sun” by Keigo Higashino, English translation of the book is available.


I am a Harry Potter fan, it’s been 6 years since I last read the series as a whole from book 1-7, I am currently re-reading that series again.

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After rereading Sapiens a brief history of human kind by Yuval Noah Harari I am now reading his follow up book Homo Deus a brief history of tomorrow.

He does extrapolate a bit with a minimum amount of data however in his first book he presents history in a way not many historians do.

Well worth reading if you are a history buff.

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The New Science of Giambattista Vico - a work of unrecognized genius in its time and one still under-appreciated today.


e: and I've finally managed to penetrate Capitalism and Schizophrenia. It's brilliant.

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