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Nikolay Goldobin | LW/RW


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3 hours ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:

I'm not really worried about the threat of Goldobin leaving for Russia. His agent has repeatedly said, he is making the commitment to working hard and staying in the NHL. Tryamkin and Burmistrov's situations were a bit different because there were rumours of them not being happy with their ice-time. I'm sure Goldobin wants to play in the top six regularly, but he needs to continue to work hard and the extra ice-time and opportunity will come to him gradually.

a little birdy might have told me ......

or my meds might not be working properly

that he might retire and follow the burm man back to russia


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1 hour ago, 48MPHSlapShot said:

No, he [Goldy] played well, especially in the 3rd.


Being at the game doesn't give you sovereignty over who played well and who didn't.


1 hour ago, samurai said:

It’s my little troll.  Scouts watch games live for a reason. 


3 hours ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:

I'm not really worried about the threat of Goldobin leaving for Russia. His agent has repeatedly said, he is making the commitment to working hard and staying in the NHL. Tryamkin and Burmistrov's situations were a bit different because there were rumours of them not being happy with their ice-time. I'm sure Goldobin wants to play in the top six regularly, but he needs to continue to work hard and the extra ice-time and opportunity will come to him gradually.

For some reason I want to wade into the discussion between 48MPH and samurai because I have thought about this question (watching live vs. watching on TV) a few times in the past. Here are my thoughts. 


1. Obviously some people have a much better eye for the game than others -- live or on TV. Most CDC posters have watched the game a lot, many have a played a fair amount, and many have studied the game -- trying to learn what to look for when evaluating players. I would guess that the average CDC poster has a much more meaningful read on how players have played just from watching on TV than the average person at the game live.


2. With a PVR it is possible to do more at home. I find myself often replaying a play several times to picked who missed a check, who was loafing to get off the ice on a line change, who made a nice pass for a clean zone exit, etc. That is something that is hard to do at the game.


3. However, despite point 2, I personally still get a better sense of the game from being there live. The big advantage is that, at the game, you can decide what to watch and you can isolate on a particular player and see what he is doing with and without the puck. On TV the camera of course follows the puck so you inevitably miss a lot.


4. Scouts watch games live AND they use film, so they get the best of both worlds.


5. But the ability of the viewer (or the scout) is probably a lot more important than whether the person is watching live or on TV.


As for Goldobin against St. Louis, I watched on TV but was not paying a lot of attention to Goldy. I cannot say that he made a major impression. (Unlike Jake, for example, who once again played a very strong game.)


As for going to Russia, I am not worried  but my reasoning is a bit different from that of Vintage (although related). Goldy is 22 and is in his draft +4 year. He probably has a bit of improvement left before hitting his peak performance, but not all that much. It is not like he is 19 or 20. I think this year and next are the make or break years for him. If he plays well enough to stay on the team this year he will stay in the NHL. If he does not play well enough to stay with the team this year or at least make the team out of camp next year, then losing him to Russia (if he does go) is unlikely to be that much of a loss.



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1 hour ago, 48MPHSlapShot said:

You're saying "Believe me about Goldobin because I watched the game in person like scouts do", thus giving yourself "authority". Derp.

My little troll, I didn’t say ‘believe me’ nor did I claim to be an authority, just simply stated that scouts watch games in person for a reason.  For example, live you can watch players away from the puck, on tv you cannot. I watched Goldy every time he was on the ice.  He made one semi nice move in the last 2 minutes of the game otherwise he was invisible. He was -2 last night and had one shot on net - that is called being invisible.  Keep trying though.

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1 hour ago, JamesB said:



For some reason I want to wade into the discussion between 48MPH and samurai because I have thought about this question (watching live vs. watching on TV) a few times in the past. Here are my thoughts. 


1. Obviously some people have a much better eye for the game than others -- live or on TV. Most CDC posters have watched the game a lot, many have a played a fair amount, and many have studied the game -- trying to learn what to look for when evaluating players. I would guess that the average CDC poster has a much more meaningful read on how players have played just from watching on TV than the average person at the game live.


2. With a PVR it is possible to do more at home. I find myself often replaying a play several times to picked who missed a check, who was loafing to get off the ice on a line change, who made a nice pass for a clean zone exit, etc. That is something that is hard to do at the game.


3. However, despite point 2, I personally still get a better sense of the game from being there live. The big advantage is that, at the game, you can decide what to watch and you can isolate on a particular player and see what he is doing with and without the puck. On TV the camera of course follows the puck so you inevitably miss a lot.


4. Scouts watch games live AND they use film, so they get the best of both worlds.


5. But the ability of the viewer (or the scout) is probably a lot more important than whether the person is watching live or on TV.


As for Goldobin against St. Louis, I watched on TV but was not paying a lot of attention to Goldy. I cannot say that he made a major impression. (Unlike Jake, for example, who once again played a very strong game.)


As for going to Russia, I am not worried  but my reasoning is a bit different from that of Vintage (although related). Goldy is 22 and is in his draft +4 year. He probably has a bit of improvement left before hitting his peak performance, but not all that much. It is not like he is 19 or 20. I think this year and next are the make or break years for him. If he plays well enough to stay on the team this year he will stay in the NHL. If he does not play well enough to stay with the team this year or at least make the team out of camp next year, then losing him to Russia (if he does go) is unlikely to be that much of a loss.



Yes, live you can zoom in on one guy.  Last night Jake, Vanek, Brock looked great.  Gudbranson was very good as well.  Van will try to sign him.  Guys last night who showed nothing or looked suspect.  Dowd looks slow and seems to do everything slow.  Gaunce zero offensive game.  Goldy was invisible, I wouldn’t be too high on him.  Troy with some really bad passes.  And erikssson pretty average for the price.  Overall the team played well and the difference was the tending.  I felt it was a game that if Jake and taken it right to the net on a few of the rushes it might have changed the game.  It is the last 2 meters where he doesn’t seem to want to go. 

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16 hours ago, JamesB said:



For some reason I want to wade into the discussion between 48MPH and samurai because I have thought about this question (watching live vs. watching on TV) a few times in the past. Here are my thoughts. 


1. Obviously some people have a much better eye for the game than others -- live or on TV. Most CDC posters have watched the game a lot, many have a played a fair amount, and many have studied the game -- trying to learn what to look for when evaluating players. I would guess that the average CDC poster has a much more meaningful read on how players have played just from watching on TV than the average person at the game live.


2. With a PVR it is possible to do more at home. I find myself often replaying a play several times to picked who missed a check, who was loafing to get off the ice on a line change, who made a nice pass for a clean zone exit, etc. That is something that is hard to do at the game.


3. However, despite point 2, I personally still get a better sense of the game from being there live. The big advantage is that, at the game, you can decide what to watch and you can isolate on a particular player and see what he is doing with and without the puck. On TV the camera of course follows the puck so you inevitably miss a lot.


4. Scouts watch games live AND they use film, so they get the best of both worlds.


5. But the ability of the viewer (or the scout) is probably a lot more important than whether the person is watching live or on TV.


As for Goldobin against St. Louis, I watched on TV but was not paying a lot of attention to Goldy. I cannot say that he made a major impression. (Unlike Jake, for example, who once again played a very strong game.)


As for going to Russia, I am not worried  but my reasoning is a bit different from that of Vintage (although related). Goldy is 22 and is in his draft +4 year. He probably has a bit of improvement left before hitting his peak performance, but not all that much. It is not like he is 19 or 20. I think this year and next are the make or break years for him. If he plays well enough to stay on the team this year he will stay in the NHL. If he does not play well enough to stay with the team this year or at least make the team out of camp next year, then losing him to Russia (if he does go) is unlikely to be that much of a loss.



Some really good points.  

3) I was at the Van vs Calgary game a couple of weeks ago. I did focus on Gaunce whenever he was on the ice. IMHO he made one of the best plays of the night at the 10 minute mark of the 3rd period. He was on the left side, center ice, and fired the puck into the Flames end and then skated full bore across the ice and intercepted the flame player who had picked up the puck. Gaunce knocked the player off the puck and carried, wide, to the net for a scoring op. All this was at top speed. Very impressive. I had PVR'ed the game and replayed it. When I tried to watch this particular play it did not come anywhere close to the reality of what Gaunce did. The camera angle did not pick up his cross ice race to intercept. 


My other comment is that MDZ does or did not look as god a player as many seem to think. He gets caught out of position a lot.  

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Played good tonight, undressed Doughty. I want to see him stay, however I don't want to see him get pushed of the puck easily, and want him to win more puck battles. I like this kid and want to see him here in the long term.

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We should really try Goldobin with Boeser and Gagner. Really liked Goldobin last game in his little time that he got. 10Gp 2g 2a 4pts while playing like under 10 minutes or something like that? Not bad at all. 


I've also really liked his attitude. Hasn't complained once at all, has done everything he's been asked and hasn't complained at all about his minutes or anything like that. I love his humbleness especially in his interviews as well.


But yeah, I'd like to see him play a bit more 5v5.

Edited by Odd.
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On ‎01‎/‎01‎/‎2018 at 7:07 PM, Odd. said:

We should really try Goldobin with Boeser and Gagner. Really liked Goldobin last game in his little time that he got. 10Gp 2g 2a 4pts while playing like under 10 minutes or something like that? Not bad at all. 


I've also really liked his attitude. Hasn't complained once at all, has done everything he's been asked and hasn't complained at all about his minutes or anything like that. I love his humbleness especially in his interviews as well.


But yeah, I'd like to see him play a bit more 5v5.

Ah I was hoping for this kid to do better.  He plays well in the third but he comes out of the gates with no puck pursuit and looks like his head is somewhere else.  Like the last home game when he was playing with the twins he received a pass but had one hand on his stick(the other was adjusting his mouthguard).  Starting to see why SJ parted with him.  Right now he doesn't deserve ice time with Brock. 

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1 hour ago, Tre Mac said:

Ah I was hoping for this kid to do better.  He plays well in the third but he comes out of the gates with no puck pursuit and looks like his head is somewhere else.  Like the last home game when he was playing with the twins he received a pass but had one hand on his stick(the other was adjusting his mouthguard).  Starting to see why SJ parted with him.  Right now he doesn't deserve ice time with Brock. 

I'm wondering if a guy like Goldy needs to have more freedom from the coaches to make mistakes?  It's like he's thinking way too much, and not simply playing.

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7 minutes ago, Alflives said:

I'm wondering if a guy like Goldy needs to have more freedom from the coaches to make mistakes?  It's like he's thinking way too much, and not simply playing.

I think he's got the governer's put on him like Jake did. We tend to micromanage the young guys and let the overpaid vets ride for free.

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Goldobin needs to stop thinking he's an elite skill and just play the game, keep things simple, try to do the little things right. I notice when he gets the puck he tries to do to much, which usually ends up with a giveaway. And he's not a great back checker.

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1 hour ago, Tre Mac said:

Ah I was hoping for this kid to do better.  He plays well in the third but he comes out of the gates with no puck pursuit and looks like his head is somewhere else.  Like the last home game when he was playing with the twins he received a pass but had one hand on his stick(the other was adjusting his mouthguard).  Starting to see why SJ parted with him.  Right now he doesn't deserve ice time with Brock. 

In a recent interview he says he's just an OK skater, but I like the fact that he said himself he is always going 100% even though he might look slow.  He strikes me as one of those guys who will improve as he gets older, but will never be a speed demon.  He's gotta follow the Sedins lead and really use each summer time to improve in small steps

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57 minutes ago, NUCKER67 said:

Goldobin needs to stop thinking he's an elite skill and just play the game, keep things simple, try to do the little things right. I notice when he gets the puck he tries to do to much, which usually ends up with a giveaway. And he's not a great back checker.

He needs a bit of the Virtanen treatment, IMO. 

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4 hours ago, Alflives said:

I'm wondering if a guy like Goldy needs to have more freedom from the coaches to make mistakes?  It's like he's thinking way too much, and not simply playing.

This season is a right off. That removes the pressure to a degree. Let him have 12 - 14 TOI for a 20 games stretch. If he doesn't catch it wont be the end of the world if he goes back to Uitca for a couple of weeks or the rest of the year. 

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17 hours ago, Boudrias said:

This season is a right off. That removes the pressure to a degree. Let him have 12 - 14 TOI for a 20 games stretch. If he doesn't catch it wont be the end of the world if he goes back to Uitca for a couple of weeks or the rest of the year. 

People need to wait until the TDL before expecting this IMO.

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22 minutes ago, aGENT said:

People need to wait until the TDL before expecting this IMO.

March/April has 18 games on the schedule. I guess where Utica is in their playoff drive will play into who plays where. Hoping that Gaudette and maybe Dahlen finish in Vancouver. Heck maybe even EP. Hopefully, contrary to past years, the Canucks actually play their prospects through March to give them the experience that helps them develop. 

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11 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

March/April has 18 games on the schedule. I guess where Utica is in their playoff drive will play into who plays where. Hoping that Gaudette and maybe Dahlen finish in Vancouver. Heck maybe even EP. Hopefully, contrary to past years, the Canucks actually play their prospects through March to give them the experience that helps them develop. 

Played Boeser last year. And that was with the ex coach who's routinely panned for 'not playing kids'.


But yup, that's just shy of your '20 games' you wanted. I see a lot of posters (and talking heads in the press) demanding the Canucks play kids NOW though. Premature exasperation IMO.

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22 hours ago, Alflives said:

It's like he's thinking way too much, and not simply playing.

I don't know, unless I am seeing something else here.  Virtanen looks like he is thinking too hard, Goldobin looks like he is not thinking at all.  I am all for playing the kids but they need to progress not regress and that usually involves working hard in practice something we don't get to see on a day to day basis.  And for god sakes Goblin, keep your mouth guard in your mouth.

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