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[Report] Canucks fire Willie Desjardins

-Vintage Canuck-

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53 minutes ago, alfstonker said:

Linden and Benning - a pair of f-----g cowards.


To force a coach to use the roster Willie has had to use (while pedalling a disneyland delusion to the fans of making the playoffs) then fire him despite his success with the young players is the mark of a pair of gutless cowards. 

Woah, I always had you marked down as a blind homer, so am surprised to see you turn on linden/benning over willie.  Guess, I should revise it to a blind willie supporter. He was out of his depth and isn't really suited to be an NHL coach. He should stick with juniors or the AHL.


Willie was given a talentless roster to work with, but how he deployed that roster is what he was judged on.  Giving megna and chaput prime minutes and pp time is not maximizing the talent on the roster. Sticking with the same pp units despite it not working was just another example of his stubbornness and his unwillingness to make adjustments. Willie made a ton of baffling decisions. Another coach wouldn't get this team closer to the playoffs, but would most likely make better use of what he was given.

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7 minutes ago, 189lb enforcers? said:

5 seasons, 3 coaches, I think.

Should have just listened to Tortz.


This. The core has been stale for some time now, but they are already trying to sell next year as a "rebound year." And yes, the stalest of the core are still on this team. Instead of being known as a "goalie graveyard," Vancouver will soon be known as the "coaches graveyard." A coach would have to be pretty desperate for a job if they want to thrown into this mess. The only way to bring someone in now is sell Travis Green as a "transitioning coach" or bring in an old vet like Crow as a temporary solution, until they hire their real intended coach in the next year or two.

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3 hours ago, WiseOne said:

People seem so convinced this is the right move.  I hope Benning and Linden thought long and hard about this.  Coach is always an easy scapegoat.


Of course it's the right move: AV was the problem so we fired him and brought in Torts; Torts was the problem so we fired him and brought in WD; WD is clearly the problem so we fired him to bring in....


its always the coach's fault :)

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Comes as no surprise,and frankly,I'm relieved....WD's low event hockey and stubborn refusal to improvise was constricting IMO...Anyway,he's a good man and I wish him future success wherever he goes.


I have no idea who they are going to go with next season,but i would be happy with any of Crow,Gallant,or Green...All would be an upgrade on Willie.


Botchford is annoying...Why is he reporting that the owners are rumoured to be firing the whole management group after missing the playoffs 2 out of 3 seasons..This team is precisely where it should be right now (at the top of the draft,acquiring impact players)....

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2 minutes ago, wallstreetamigo said:

You have that completely backwards. Desjardins was focusing solely on the short term and winning. Management and most fans seemed to want a focus on the long game and development. 


holding back the youth and his questionable line deployment is not sheltering the kids to sacrifice wins for better development?  Forcing players to earn ice time buy slowly working there way up the ranks is WIN NOW?  Making offensive guys buy into a defensive first system in order to gain more ice time is WIN NOW?


fans calling for willie to be fired because he rightfully challenged an off side goal isn't short term thinking, i think i have it right, willie was always playing the long game and took a lot of heat from it, because win now


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1 minute ago, EmilyM said:

Isn't it management that has been shoving it down our throats all year up until the last couple weeks that we are going for the playoffs with this barely-NHL calibre roster?

But sure, let's blame it on Willie.

I think quite the opposite,. I was hoping to see greater development, even if it had us in a lesser or greater finishing point.

I haven't cared one bit about standings this year,. and I think the majority would tell you that development should have been better, given the opportunities that presented themselves for players this year.

The first half of the season Desjardins was all about winning, and he succumbed to placement of players when the team succumbed to injuries.. and was still about winning.

Winning,. Is not everything in times of development.

But developing can bring some great surprises.

Babcock is a perfect example of a good Coach in this situation.. and I could care less about the pedigrees of they're prospects..

look what he has done with Kadri.

The whole of TO hated Kadri after last season.

Babcock made him a player through developing him.

... But if there is a lesson in management here, then it's, "you get what you pay for"


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A guy no one has mentioned that the Canucks should at least talk to is Leafs Assistant Coach, DJ King. Great junior resume with three Memorial Cups on it (2 as an assistant in Windsor, 1 as head coach in Oshawa), two years working under the best coach in the game, and most importantly, one of the most inspiring guys around. 
At 39, King is young enough to coach through the rebuild and be a 10+ year type head coach in Vancouver. I firmly believe this rebuild needs a consistent, inspiring voice, who knows how to win - that's King in a nutshell. 
Here a story on him talking to kids.
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10 minutes ago, gameburn2 said:

A lot of us felt the same way.  Goldbobin turns out to be a pretty fair talent.  With WD we might never have seen him -- I don't think he wanted to play Boucher or Goldobin. Next year with Dahlen, Rodin possibly back, and Virtanen here?  WD was not the guy for the change that has to happen next year and the year after.   Sedins are on the way out... even if they last another year the team needs a fresh set of eyes on it.

Their game was basically weak though, that was the point. 


How long would guys like Stecher Bo, Sven have been able to carry on covering for them before their game dived to a slump. People on here don't seem to realise WD deployment of Megna, Chaput, Skille was to protect these youngsters with their compete and work rate to allow them to play and maintain their confidence.


It is no coincidence the team started to dip with the last influx of young players. You can't overload a team with young, light, non physical, inexperienced youngsters without hurting their line mates and team mates. That is what Willie was trying to avoid.

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5 minutes ago, EmilyM said:

How do you define "well before"?
To me it sounds like management didn't have a clue until a month ago
It took until March for reality to sink in to them that we aren't a playoff team.

The TDL was March 1st. By that point they'd already decided to move vets Burrows and Hansen ahead of the TDL. Management knew what writing was on what wall.



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Just now, 4thLineGrinder said:


holding back the youth and his questionable line deployment is not sheltering the kids to sacrifice wins for better development?  Forcing players to earn ice time buy slowly working there way up the ranks is WIN NOW?  Making offensive guys buy into a defensive first system in order to gain more ice time is WIN NOW?


fans calling for willie to be fired because he rightfully challenged an off side goal isn't short term thinking, i think i have it right, willie was always playing the long game and took a lot of heat from it, because win now


Umm that's EXACTLY what it is. 


Willie himself said he iced the rosters he thought gave him the best chance to win. He was clearly all about winning now rather than going through some growing pains.

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2 minutes ago, 4thLineGrinder said:


holding back the youth and his questionable line deployment is not sheltering the kids to sacrifice wins for better development?  Forcing players to earn ice time buy slowly working there way up the ranks is WIN NOW?  Making offensive guys buy into a defensive first system in order to gain more ice time is WIN NOW?


fans calling for willie to be fired because he rightfully challenged an off side goal isn't short term thinking, i think i have it right, willie was always playing the long game and took a lot of heat from it, because win now


And this pretty much hits the nail on the head. Agree 100%

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3 hours ago, wallstreetamigo said:

Definitely partially true. That's the business though. Selling his style and deployment decisions for another year would be tough and I am sure this is as much about resetting fans patience levels than an indictment by management of the total job he actually did. 


Having said that, he had those offensively talented players and CHOSE Chaput, Megna, etc so it's hard to feel sorry for him. 

PP: Tanev and Edler at the points... and the Sedins over and over and over again, usually starting the pp.  Megna and Vey getting more minutes than Horvat on many nights.  Not putting Horvat out in the last minute of a game (happened a lot.)  Not putting Goldobin in with offensive players.  It was as if WD had a death wish.


And... remember all those too-many-men on the ice penalties -- this went on for 2 years lol.  And fans having to watch his neurotic eccentricities... and listen to his interviews.  Worst couch in recent history here.

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Just now, wallstreetamigo said:

Umm that's EXACTLY what it is. 


Willie himself said he iced the rosters he thought gave him the best chance to win. He was clearly all about winning now rather than going through some growing pains.


newsflash, that's what coaches do


willie was a coach,


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31 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

Linden:  "Willie's a competitor,. and he thinks about ONE thing,. and that's WINNING".


I think that says it all folks,. WD's emphasis on winning over the past year has, in the eyes of management, been counterproductive to the pace of development.


Willie supporters will find that a tough pill to swallow. So much for his genious strategy of sheltering young players by overplaying Sedins and the 4th line.


Im just glad I don't need to spend the summer listening to silly reasoning on why we should keep him. Back to the AHL for old Willie.

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