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Is Global War Fast Approaching?


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22 hours ago, Nuxfanabroad said:

This IS the end, my friends. Attack Syria..they're also attacking Russia, China, Iran, etc...


Make peace with your maker. Get the house in order.


I figured(but couldn't really believe!) they'd be this ****ing stupid!

I think you might be OK, lot of these doomsday scenarios are bull$&!#.

Russia is not starting WW3 over Syria.

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9 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

I know it's popular in the west to criticize Putin but in reality the man is scary smart and always seems to be a move ahead.

Putin was a KGB guy, he is not to be underestimated.

He sure does have a tight grip on Russia.

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2 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

Putin was a KGB guy, he is not to be underestimated.

He sure does have a tight grip on Russia.

I agree. I'm not necessarily defending him I'm just saying he is likely smarter than most world leaders. Certainly smarter than leaders in N.A and Europe.

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19 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

I agree. I'm not necessarily defending him I'm just saying he is likely smarter than most world leaders. Certainly smarter than leaders in N.A and Europe.

He is ruthless for sure, but yes I would not go taking him likely.

Teddy, Bibi, Vlad, Iron Lady, Stalin etc. they don’t make them like that too often.


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3 hours ago, kingofsurrey said:

Americans gave Syria plenty of time to move their assets onto Russian bases.


Just another staged PR event here.  Next.....

Reminds me of an episode of the west wing bartletts new doctor goes on a doctors without borders type of humanitarian mission to syria or iran.The doctors plane gets shot down so the plan is to hit a bunch of empty places like radar stations ammo bunkers and intelligence buildings.


Like you said its all pr moves us drops a bomb then they saber rattle.


Guaranteed putin probably sent some guys in and killed the people that did it. 

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^But just in case it does, be ready.^

I was searching for a song and this video popped up. It made me think of this thread. Duck and cover? Seriously?!?!? I say, do cartwheels while reciting the abc's backwards. That would be just as effective.

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  • 4 months later...

Sure hope the Syrian war doesn't flare up this wknd..lots of Russian(RT) reports that the west is preparing a false flag chemical-farce, to use as pretext.


Iran, Saudis, Israel, Syria, Russia, USSA..there's so many players, & assorted agendas/tripwires


Seemorerocks.com has lots of updates.



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I think a lot of people like to use the globalization excuse as a reason as to why a third world war would never happen, but in all honesty, the "powers that be" have always had an obsession with attaining more power, and this is the case in modern day geopolitics.


In the current state of the world, there definitely will be a third world war. The question is, who will take the first shot? Russia is obsessed with European expansion, and they will eventually take a shot. Their work to destabilize the West is likely due to the work towards this endgame. It's the only way they can pull it off with minimal threat. 


China is looking at expansion through taking over Taiwan, and other parts of Asia. Both Russia and China have leadership with unlimited power and opportunities for expansion to further their empires. The question is, when will it happen.


The United States' military industrial complex is itching for war to fund the pockets of the parties involved. Hell, Trump appointed John Bolton as National Security Advisor, who is a known shill for the military industrial complex proves just this. They are itching for a war somewhere, but the question is, where will that war end up. A war will also deflect this whole Russia-Trump issue, so I expect the US to pull the trigger on a war sooner than later, and likely well before the above two situations. 


Something major has been brewing for years and years, and it seems much sooner than later that something will give.


I know this post is a major oversimplification of modern day politics, but the best way to understand the modern world is to break it down to its simplest form.

Edited by Darkstar
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Lets hope not, obviously. But thankfully at least it's not 1944 anymore. This pussy hat generation would never storm beaches or carpet bomb enemy cities if it was necessary to defeat tyranny. Every time the subject of the atomic bombing of Japan comes up, the snowflakes out come in force professing it was the greatest atrocity of all time. Of course, you know, people who think that weren't the ones who would've had to storm an entrenched Japanese beachhead under a hail of machine gun fire. The Reich would only have to deal with an onslaught of trending hashtags.

Edited by Tortorella's Rant
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I find global politics fascinating, and watch as much as I can, where ever I can, it is a true interest of mine.


In saying that, I have come up with a few observations, that I wonder if I have right......take a look and feel free to argue if you care to.


1. Russia's population is 144 million people, where as Europe's population not including Russia is approx. 600 million people

2. Russia's Military might is approx. at the ratio compared to the rest of Europe is somewhat the same as Europe's population ratio.

3. Russia shares common borders with Europe's other allies

4. Trade winds, run normally west to east, (This is an important fact in a nuclear war)

5. Russia's economic ties with the rest of Europe are immense, and Europe's hardships would be Russia's hardship's


6. China, has now become an economic power, with investments in all corners of the world.

7. China has large portion's of their population scattered through the world

8. China has become a broker, and it's voice has risen because of economics, not because of might.

9. China's top 7 trading partners are all democratic (USA, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Germany and Australia)

10 Russia is China's 16th largest trading partner, just ahead of Canada's trade with China who 17th. (For economic perspective)


11. USA's largest trading partner is the European Union, Followed by China, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Germany and South Korea


The largest employer in all 3 countries is the Military and it's supply lines, which in their respective country's, was the way they exerted their

political and economic influence domestically and through out the world. Today, the USA, is pulling back with their economic power, to control China's economic growth and power and to reclaim some of their own economic influence.


Both Russia and North Korea, are making noises throughout the world, to do one thing. Have their economic realities changed.....it is about nothing else, but concessions that they feel could be gained by becoming military powers, which they feel will ultimately give them more economic stability. I think that is very clear...…….


There will be no large wars, created by any of them, as their economics are all entwined with each other...….


Where  the biggest threat will come from, is Islam, and the radicals within it. The exodus from the Arabian peninsula to Europe of refugees, will in the end be Europe's largest problem, as the "dream" will take years for them, and as Europe is experiencing as we speak, is an explosion of Islamic Ideology, and increased birth rates  amongst that part of the population.


Note, there has always been a larger proportional percentage of Muslim's in Europe in comparison to America because of their proximity to the Middle East, and it has been generally a peaceful and productive part of European society, but with the influx of Muslim refugees and the radical portion that came in with the good people, there is a real growing concern amongst the largely Christian and white populations, who have mostly lived in a quiet society since the cold war.


This is where, I believe the unrest will come from, as it has started in Europe but has begun to raise it's head in North America, where the largely white power brokers, are ill at ease with the growing Non-Christian faith.


Iran and Turkey will be the Countries that have large populations and who have ideological governments, who may object to the western world's backlash …………..


I believe most people in the world want piece and worry more about their next meal will come from …., but when push comes to shove, people are greedy and will keep before they will share, and the power brokers are real greedy. In the end I believe in the name of "GOD", Radical Christianity and Radical Islam will start the next war. But it is about the haves and the Have not's.


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15 hours ago, janisahockeynut said:

I find global politics fascinating, and watch as much as I can, where ever I can, it is a true interest of mine.


In saying that, I have come up with a few observations, that I wonder if I have right......take a look and feel free to argue if you care to.


1. Russia's population is 144 million people, where as Europe's population not including Russia is approx. 600 million people

2. Russia's Military might is approx. at the ratio compared to the rest of Europe is somewhat the same as Europe's population ratio.

3. Russia shares common borders with Europe's other allies

4. Trade winds, run normally west to east, (This is an important fact in a nuclear war)

5. Russia's economic ties with the rest of Europe are immense, and Europe's hardships would be Russia's hardship's


6. China, has now become an economic power, with investments in all corners of the world.

7. China has large portion's of their population scattered through the world

8. China has become a broker, and it's voice has risen because of economics, not because of might.

9. China's top 7 trading partners are all democratic (USA, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Germany and Australia)

10 Russia is China's 16th largest trading partner, just ahead of Canada's trade with China who 17th. (For economic perspective)


11. USA's largest trading partner is the European Union, Followed by China, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Germany and South Korea


The largest employer in all 3 countries is the Military and it's supply lines, which in their respective country's, was the way they exerted their

political and economic influence domestically and through out the world. Today, the USA, is pulling back with their economic power, to control China's economic growth and power and to reclaim some of their own economic influence.


Both Russia and North Korea, are making noises throughout the world, to do one thing. Have their economic realities changed.....it is about nothing else, but concessions that they feel could be gained by becoming military powers, which they feel will ultimately give them more economic stability. I think that is very clear...…….


There will be no large wars, created by any of them, as their economics are all entwined with each other...….


Where  the biggest threat will come from, is Islam, and the radicals within it. The exodus from the Arabian peninsula to Europe of refugees, will in the end be Europe's largest problem, as the "dream" will take years for them, and as Europe is experiencing as we speak, is an explosion of Islamic Ideology, and increased birth rates  amongst that part of the population.


Note, there has always been a larger proportional percentage of Muslim's in Europe in comparison to America because of their proximity to the Middle East, and it has been generally a peaceful and productive part of European society, but with the influx of Muslim refugees and the radical portion that came in with the good people, there is a real growing concern amongst the largely Christian and white populations, who have mostly lived in a quiet society since the cold war.


This is where, I believe the unrest will come from, as it has started in Europe but has begun to raise it's head in North America, where the largely white power brokers, are ill at ease with the growing Non-Christian faith.


Iran and Turkey will be the Countries that have large populations and who have ideological governments, who may object to the western world's backlash …………..


I believe most people in the world want piece and worry more about their next meal will come from …., but when push comes to shove, people are greedy and will keep before they will share, and the power brokers are real greedy. In the end I believe in the name of "GOD", Radical Christianity and Radical Islam will start the next war. But it is about the haves and the Have not's.


This is among the best posts I have read on any forum I have been/am a member of. Your ability to think critically then verbalise your thoughts is impressive.

Edited by Ilunga
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On 14/04/2018 at 7:27 PM, Ryan Strome said:

I agree. I'm not necessarily defending him I'm just saying he is likely smarter than most world leaders. Certainly smarter than leaders in N.A and Europe.

Like substitute drama teacher smart?

Edited by Chris12345
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23 hours ago, janisahockeynut said:

I find global politics fascinating, and watch as much as I can, where ever I can, it is a true interest of mine.


In saying that, I have come up with a few observations, that I wonder if I have right......take a look and feel free to argue if you care to.


1. Russia's population is 144 million people, where as Europe's population not including Russia is approx. 600 million people

2. Russia's Military might is approx. at the ratio compared to the rest of Europe is somewhat the same as Europe's population ratio.

3. Russia shares common borders with Europe's other allies

4. Trade winds, run normally west to east, (This is an important fact in a nuclear war)

5. Russia's economic ties with the rest of Europe are immense, and Europe's hardships would be Russia's hardship's


6. China, has now become an economic power, with investments in all corners of the world.

7. China has large portion's of their population scattered through the world

8. China has become a broker, and it's voice has risen because of economics, not because of might.

9. China's top 7 trading partners are all democratic (USA, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Germany and Australia)

10 Russia is China's 16th largest trading partner, just ahead of Canada's trade with China who 17th. (For economic perspective)


11. USA's largest trading partner is the European Union, Followed by China, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Germany and South Korea


The largest employer in all 3 countries is the Military and it's supply lines, which in their respective country's, was the way they exerted their

political and economic influence domestically and through out the world. Today, the USA, is pulling back with their economic power, to control China's economic growth and power and to reclaim some of their own economic influence.


Both Russia and North Korea, are making noises throughout the world, to do one thing. Have their economic realities changed.....it is about nothing else, but concessions that they feel could be gained by becoming military powers, which they feel will ultimately give them more economic stability. I think that is very clear...…….


There will be no large wars, created by any of them, as their economics are all entwined with each other...….


Where  the biggest threat will come from, is Islam, and the radicals within it. The exodus from the Arabian peninsula to Europe of refugees, will in the end be Europe's largest problem, as the "dream" will take years for them, and as Europe is experiencing as we speak, is an explosion of Islamic Ideology, and increased birth rates  amongst that part of the population.


Note, there has always been a larger proportional percentage of Muslim's in Europe in comparison to America because of their proximity to the Middle East, and it has been generally a peaceful and productive part of European society, but with the influx of Muslim refugees and the radical portion that came in with the good people, there is a real growing concern amongst the largely Christian and white populations, who have mostly lived in a quiet society since the cold war.


This is where, I believe the unrest will come from, as it has started in Europe but has begun to raise it's head in North America, where the largely white power brokers, are ill at ease with the growing Non-Christian faith.


Iran and Turkey will be the Countries that have large populations and who have ideological governments, who may object to the western world's backlash …………..


I believe most people in the world want piece and worry more about their next meal will come from …., but when push comes to shove, people are greedy and will keep before they will share, and the power brokers are real greedy. In the end I believe in the name of "GOD", Radical Christianity and Radical Islam will start the next war. But it is about the haves and the Have not's.


You're first part of the post dissects the economical ties between all the powers, then you fail to use that same lens for the Middle East. 


I completely agree with the link you made between the more economic ties an area has the less likely there will be violence.  Sometimes the threat of violence is used to gain economic stability, but nobody will go overboard (total war) because that wouldn't achieve the desired outcome either.  Why is it different for the middle east? 


I would hypothesize that militant radical Islam is a symptom of an area that has very poor economics.  You have immense wealth in a few hands due to oil and then very little else for the rest of the population in terms of economic opportunity.  On going desertification is only exacerbating the problem.  It wouldn't matter what religion was most active there, it would still be a powder keg waiting to blow.


It's tough to find a solution.  Spreading the oil wealth better would help.  It's entirely possible that the region is now overpopulated for its supporting environment so finding a place for immigrants around the world will help too but both are proving easier said than done (and yes, would be easier if greed didn't get in the way).

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9 minutes ago, Wilbur said:

but nobody will go overboard (total war) because that wouldn't achieve the desired outcome either.  Why is it different for the middle east? 

The area is a hotbed of religious zealotry, thus unpredictable. The economics against war are still valid but the people at the top of some of these countries truly believe they are going to a better place after this life, thus nothing to lose.

Reinforces the importance of keeping religion and state affairs separate.

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On 8/31/2018 at 6:55 AM, Tortorella's Rant said:

Lets hope not, obviously. But thankfully at least it's not 1944 anymore. This pussy hat generation would never storm beaches or carpet bomb enemy cities if it was necessary to defeat tyranny. Every time the subject of the atomic bombing of Japan comes up, the snowflakes out come in force professing it was the greatest atrocity of all time. Of course, you know, people who think that weren't the ones who would've had to storm an entrenched Japanese beachhead under a hail of machine gun fire. The Reich would only have to deal with an onslaught of trending hashtags.

Don't underestimate the power of the "isolationists" prior to Pearl Harbour.  Especially when you had an iconic legend like Lindbergh among those championing that cause.    

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On 2018-08-31 at 6:55 AM, Tortorella's Rant said:

Lets hope not, obviously. But thankfully at least it's not 1944 anymore. This pussy hat generation would never storm beaches or carpet bomb enemy cities if it was necessary to defeat tyranny. Every time the subject of the atomic bombing of Japan comes up, the snowflakes out come in force professing it was the greatest atrocity of all time. Of course, you know, people who think that weren't the ones who would've had to storm an entrenched Japanese beachhead under a hail of machine gun fire. The Reich would only have to deal with an onslaught of trending hashtags.

I agree.  The people screaming loudest for war, the 2nd amendment and espousing the greatness of liberty justice and freedom are not the men they were in the 40s.  When confronted with superior force they invariably run away





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4 hours ago, Wilbur said:

You're first part of the post dissects the economical ties between all the powers, then you fail to use that same lens for the Middle East. 


I completely agree with the link you made between the more economic ties an area has the less likely there will be violence.  Sometimes the threat of violence is used to gain economic stability, but nobody will go overboard (total war) because that wouldn't achieve the desired outcome either.  Why is it different for the middle east? 


I would hypothesize that militant radical Islam is a symptom of an area that has very poor economics.  You have immense wealth in a few hands due to oil and then very little else for the rest of the population in terms of economic opportunity.  On going desertification is only exacerbating the problem.  It wouldn't matter what religion was most active there, it would still be a powder keg waiting to blow.


It's tough to find a solution.  Spreading the oil wealth better would help.  It's entirely possible that the region is now overpopulated for its supporting environment so finding a place for immigrants around the world will help too but both are proving easier said than done (and yes, would be easier if greed didn't get in the way).

Mate check out the Oxfam global enequality report. At no point in our history has some much been going to so few, so little going to so many. The greed of those at the top is mind blowing. Here in Aus they have even made many of the average citisens tax collectors. If you work for yourself,

sell a product and earn over 75k you have to collect GST and send it to the tax department.

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4 hours ago, Warhippy said:

I agree.  The people screaming loudest for war, the 2nd amendment and espousing the greatness of liberty justice and freedom are not the men they were in the 40s.  When confronted with superior force they invariably run away





The student leaders of today are not the young men of yesterday either hippy. I will refer you to Mario Savio and quote , when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart that you can't take part when you can't even passively take part. You have to place your body on the gears, on levers and you have to make them stop. You have to indicate to the people who run it, to to the people who own it , the unless you are free the machine will be prevented from working at all.  Today students seem more interested in money than ideals.

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