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[GDT] Vancouver Canucks vs. Vegas Golden Knights | August 29th, 2020 | 6:45pm PT, SNP | R2G3

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2 hours ago, PhillipBlunt said:

Most of the cops I know have the mental fortitude to let the verbal jabs roll off their back. They don’t whip out their pistols if someone calls them a pig. 

Yes, most do. Most cops are great. By why risk it? What’s to be gained? If the cop has already decided to arrest you, giving them attitude and resisting isn’t going to accomplish  anything other than put yourself and the cop in danger. I’m just saying you can’t put all the blame on the cops. Why can’t we have a discussion about proper behaviour when interacting with the cops?

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2 hours ago, Me_ said:




(Probably minus Toffoli)







(Probably plus Toffoli)


I assume no one is concerned, nor questioning whether Markstrom gets signed.

I think he is loyal to this team and will take a sweetheart deal.

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4 hours ago, Quinn Skates said:

First of all, there's no fascism in America. Lol

Secondly, my observation of them as being anarchists and marxists at the same time is accurate as you accurately characterized them.

They are fascists because as you pointed out, they're communists. Communists, socialists and fascists share the common bond of anti- capitalism and anti- liberalism.


Don't be tricked by the name that they use. It's just like the Federal Reserve that is a private corporation and which has nothing to do with the federal government. 


You can't say there is no fascism in America at the same time as describing large numbers of people in America as fascists. I know I'm wasting my time here, but I suggest you go read some things about what fascism is because you clearly don't know. That's okay but unless we have a common framework for what words mean this is just going to go round in circles.


There is no red. They are red because they are blue. Red and blue share the common bond of being colours.

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5 hours ago, awalk said:

Good for them, athletes coming together -- not just black athletes. This is a civil rights issue that affects all of us. Black lives matter.


I maybe inferring incorrectly, but as a Canadian who’s at least 3 generations on all sides including 1/8 Cree, I take offense to the thought that we are bystanders who are being affected by this. I don’t disagree that Canada has its own history to reconcile with, but to assume we are anywhere near as bad as the US is grandstanding bs. I have my own history with being belittled and my own grievances with being ignored, some people on here will know what I mean. I would still rather be a proud flag waving Canadian even in Sweden than anything else. 

As for the stoppage itself, if the players agree to it, who am I to question it? More power to them.

Edited by canuckster19
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10 hours ago, VforVirtanen said:

Wow it is really awful to realize some of the people on these boards who you thought were just mildly abrasive but still decent people and fans are actually right wing doichebags who don’t care about human rights. Genuinely astounded. 

I was happier not knowing. You would think I accidentally stumbled my way into the Alberta message boards. 

Lol, judges some on these boards for being right wing douche bags then goes and stereotypes an entire province. Thumbs up?

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6 hours ago, Me_ said:

Yeah. A teen with an AR-15 who was followed by the bystanders who saw him shoot someone dead.


Then he got confronted and as they tried to restrain him, he turned around, fell on the ground and shot two more people.


He got up and went toward the cops.


Here bud:

Refresh your memory.



No at all getting in to this discussion, but just watching the video... have to wonder how far down the street he would have been allowed to walk with that riffle, had he been black...

Will be interesting to see the court case afterwards... 

The boy had no business, what so ever going around the street with a riffle in the first place...


On a side note, a lot of folks standing with riffles 'protecting property'... if they think they are in their right to do so, why are they covering their faces?

Terrible just terrible....

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10 hours ago, VforVirtanen said:

Wow it is really awful to realize some of the people on these boards who you thought were just mildly abrasive but still decent people and fans are actually right wing doichebags who don’t care about human rights. Genuinely astounded. 

I was happier not knowing. You would think I accidentally stumbled my way into the Alberta message boards. 

Welcome to the wonderful world of getting to know people.

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12 minutes ago, Stelar said:

Lol, judges some on these boards for being right wing douche bags then goes and stereotypes an entire province. Thumbs up?

Sorry to hurt anyone’s sensitive feelings. I thought of all places this message board was a “safe space” to make fun of Alberta. 

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I keep thinking,

What kind of parents let their 17 yr old own a rifle and travel overnight with it to a protest? I know 17 isn't that young but its not that old either. I think he lived at home? and by the looks of it has enough money. Did his parents even have clue? I haven't read much on it..

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The part of all of this that grinds my gears is the folks who decide now is the time to engage in pseudo-intellectual “Debate“ and hair splitting over the organizational leadership of this movement. 

The very fact that this is an enjoyable topic for you speaks to your privilege.”Ah some delightful political sparring over someone else’s problems! Jolly good!” And then the inevitable complaints of censorship when people hold them accountable for their crappy opinions. 


Thus is not a political debate. It’s a social problem, and the team you supposedly love has made their allegiance known on this issue. Maybe you need to think long and hard about that.  


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Just a reminder for anyone saying something like....'but one of the guys going up to the 17yr old had a hand gun'


The 17 year old already had shot some one. This is what some gun supporters have asked for, good people to carry their guns in case a bad guy starts shooting. 


Don't get it twisted. 

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I really think this a step in the right direction for the NHL.


First, it shows people that the NHL stands against racism.  It would not of been a good a look for the NHL if they were the only league to not take a stand against racism.  Games are only postponed by 1-2 days (minor inconvenience).  I'm not sure about you guys, but I was getting tired of the NHL not being socially aware and pretending like nothing was going on around them.


Second, this is good for the Canucks.  Gives Marky some extra rest.  Maybe Myers will be ready for Saturday now!


Lastly, politics has been around in sports for as long as I can remember.  "Keeping politics out of sports" holds true to a degree.  The NHL is standing against racism not posting  as campaign videos for a certain politician or something.  Some things are just too big to be ignored.  Some of the most powerful sporting moments in recent memory are due to politics.




That's my 2 cents.

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