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8 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

Coronavirus - Canada has advised to avoid all travel to Hubei province in China

Mon 27 Jan 2020 22:02:43 GMT

Canada has advised Canadians not to travel to Hubei (Wuhan is a city in this province) citing coronavirus related heavy restrictions on travel.



Coronavirus case confirmed in Germany - its first

Mon 27 Jan 2020 23:23:47 GMT

German media report the first confirmed case

  • man from the district of Starnberg
  • in a clinically good condition and is medically monitored and isolated
Via Süddeutsche Zeitung, a daily newspaper in German


Coronavirus - China railway traffic, passenger flights on the first day of lunar new year down big time y/y

Mon 27 Jan 2020 23:44:38 GMT


FT with the stats snippet: 

  • China railway traffic and passenger flights on Saturday, the first day of lunar new year, both fell about 42% compared with the same day last year
  • China's leaders are bracing for a blow to first-quarter economic growth
  • coronavirus weighs on consumption, travel and manufacturing,
  • financial capital Shanghai has ordered companies not to reopen until February 10
  • manufacturing hub of Suzhou has postponed the return to work of millions of migrant labourers for up to a week



Factoring in their economic issues due to this, ongoing trade disputes and such.


This is going to hurt in more ways than one.


Genuinely worried about the real numbers of infected and casualties as I feel there's a chance it's being wildly understated.

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16 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Factoring in their economic issues due to this, ongoing trade disputes and such.


This is going to hurt in more ways than one.


Genuinely worried about the real numbers of infected and casualties as I feel there's a chance it's being wildly understated.

The economic fallout could be very large. China is the manufacturing hub of the world. Apple makes most of their stuff there at Foxconn and even has a manufacturing facility in Wuhan. If China cannot manufacture, industry elsewhere could halt. They make a hell of a lot more than just the cheap plastic crap found on Wal Mart shelves.


Yeah I hear ya on the second part. Hopefully it's not as bad as some scenarios that are being painted. It's really scary stuff. In 1919 Spanish Flu killed at least 20 million. And apart from the military there was no air travel. Think about that.

Edited by nuckin_futz
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53 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

The economic fallout could be very large. China is the manufacturing hub of the world. Apple makes most of their stuff there at Foxconn and even has a manufacturing facility in Wuhan. If China cannot manufacture, industry elsewhere could halt. They make a hell of a lot more than just the cheap plastic crap found on Wal Mart shelves.

Tinfoil time... Trump found a way to make a campaign promise come through, onto phase 2 of the "bringing back manufacturing jobs" plan! :ph34r:

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Claim: 90,000 people have are affected by the outbreak

Officials in China have reported the illness has killed at least 81 people, and infected more than 2,700 others. Several countries throughout Asia, Europe and North America have also confirmed cases of the illness. Two cases recently appeared in Canada

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Tue 28 Jan 2020 02:16:28 GMT

This is the third different number today!

The most recent one was a lower number via People's Daily:
China's National Health Commission now gives official figure as 4,515 cases and 106 deaths. China reported 1,771 new cases.
Here is the progression:
  • Jan 17: 41
  • Jan 19: 62
  • Jan 20: 201
  • Jan 21: 291
  • Jan 22: 440
  • Jan 24: 830
  • Jan 25: 1,287
  • Jan 26: 1,975
  • Jan 27: 2,744
  • Jan 28: 4,515
Some of the worst hit provinces (People's Daily and CCTV sources so far today) :
  • Hubei 1,291
  • Zhejiang 45
  • Hunan 43
  • Guangdong 42
  • Shanghai 13
Note that the WHO has still not declared the Coronavirus a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. WTF are they smoking there?
Tue 28 Jan 2020 00:53:31 GMT

Some news from the US ICYMI

CDC said as many as 110 potential cases were under investigation



China announces that the 2020 spring semester for schools will be postponed




The number of cases is now 4515. The total number of SARS cases worldwide was 8098.


12 days to go from 41 to 4515. At this pace it would pass the total SARS cases in another 2 days.


Edited by nuckin_futz
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Coronavirus: 6000 medical workers from across China expected in Wuhan by tomorrow

Tue 28 Jan 2020 04:03:04 GMT


Medical professionals in Wuhan and surrounds have been working around the clock, but some relief is in sight

  • Bureau of Medical Administration at the National Health Commission says 4000+ medical staff from across the country have arrived in Wuhan already
  • Another 1800 medical will arrive later today
Heroic efforts by these folks. 
Here are the coronavirus posts as they happened today. Chronology is from the bottom up:



Glad to hear relief is on the way. Can only imagine the original responders/medical professionals are at the end of their rope.

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  • -SN- changed the title to China virus death toll rises to 107, total cases near 4500

First presumptive case of coronavirus confirmed in B.C.


Health officials have confirmed the first presumptive case of coronavirus in B.C.


Provincial health officer Bonnie Henry said the case involves a man in his 40s who lives in the Vancouver Coast Health region. The man recently travelled to Wuhan, China.


Henry said the man is in isolation at his home.


The update comes as China is reporting 25 more deaths from the viral disease, bringing the death toll to at least 106. It includes the first death in Beijing.


Meanwhile, the wife of the first confirmed patient in Canada is isolated in her home as she awaits final confirmation of her own case.


Officials, including the federal health minister, say the risk associated with coronavirus is low.






Some more info from a separate story on the Vancouver case ..........


B.C. reports first coronavirus in Vancouver region

First patient visited Wuhan, China, reported symptoms


B.C. has recorded its first case of novel coronavirus from China, B.C. Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry says.

The patient, a man in his 40s who regularly visits China, is “doing well in isolation at home,” Henry told a news conference at the B.C. Centre for Disease Control in Vancouver Tuesday.


B.C.’s first patient visited Wuhan, the Chinese city where the new virus was first identified, and reported symptoms after he returned to his home in the Vancouver Coastal Health Region.


The man was aware of the risk and “self-isolated” after his return, Henry said. “This person was not symptomatic on his flight, and there is no risk” to other people, she said.


Canada’s Foreign Minister Francois-Phillippe Champagne said Tuesday the federal government is in contact with Chinese authorities and is part of an international effort to control the spread of the new respiratory virus.


Health officials say the world-wide sharing of information and speed of diagnostic tests has improved greatly since the 2003 outbreak of another new viral strain, called severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).


In February 2003, the Chinese government notified the World Health Organization of 305 cases of SARS, with five deaths and 105 health-care workers infected. In the early stages, China provided information to WHO only on Guangdong province, where the virus was believed to have originated, and discouraged news reports of other infection sites in the country.


SARS spread to Hong Kong and from there to Toronto, from people who came into contact with each other at the same Hong Kong hotel. More than 400 Canadians were eventually diagnosed with SARS and 44 died in an epidemic that killed 800 people world-wide.

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18 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:

Coronavirus - Canada has advised to avoid all travel to Hubei province in China

Mon 27 Jan 2020 22:02:43 GMT

Canada has advised Canadians not to travel to Hubei (Wuhan is a city in this province) citing coronavirus related heavy restrictions on travel.



Coronavirus case confirmed in Germany - its first

Mon 27 Jan 2020 23:23:47 GMT

German media report the first confirmed case

  • man from the district of Starnberg
  • in a clinically good condition and is medically monitored and isolated
Via Süddeutsche Zeitung, a daily newspaper in German


Coronavirus - China railway traffic, passenger flights on the first day of lunar new year down big time y/y

Mon 27 Jan 2020 23:44:38 GMT


FT with the stats snippet: 

  • China railway traffic and passenger flights on Saturday, the first day of lunar new year, both fell about 42% compared with the same day last year
  • China's leaders are bracing for a blow to first-quarter economic growth
  • coronavirus weighs on consumption, travel and manufacturing,
  • financial capital Shanghai has ordered companies not to reopen until February 10
  • manufacturing hub of Suzhou has postponed the return to work of millions of migrant labourers for up to a week



they should advise to completely void that country

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4 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

First presumptive case of coronavirus confirmed in B.C.


Health officials have confirmed the first presumptive case of coronavirus in B.C.


Provincial health officer Bonnie Henry said the case involves a man in his 40s who lives in the Vancouver Coast Health region. The man recently travelled to Wuhan, China.


Henry said the man is in isolation at his home.


The update comes as China is reporting 25 more deaths from the viral disease, bringing the death toll to at least 106. It includes the first death in Beijing.


Meanwhile, the wife of the first confirmed patient in Canada is isolated in her home as she awaits final confirmation of her own case.


Officials, including the federal health minister, say the risk associated with coronavirus is low.



build the wall

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12 minutes ago, Squamfan said:

they should advise to completely void that country





Edit: just in case it wasn't clear, I was pointing out the significant typo B)

Edited by Kragar
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Welp got my cases of N95 masks and really limiting my time in Richmond as much as I can. First case is now here and the way our health officials are treating this threat I’m sure we will have more confirmed cases tomorrow. Everyone is coming back from the lunar new year. Party on Wang!

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Article written about a Canadian teacher who lives in Wuhan and has some of the best advice regarding the idea of evacuating people out of the affected region...Don't.


If only the morons in government and Health (the irony) Canada were as intelligent as him.



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We have a dichotomy here.  In China the virus outbreak is considered so serious, they have quarantined huge cities while the WHO has downplayed the risk.   Someone is lying.


China has instituted a travel ban throughout the country.


The question is why has western countries not instituted a travel ban on people from China.   Canada and the United States should institute a travel ban for all visitors from China immediately.   Just on the safe side.   With the first case in Vancouver, it is only get worse in here.

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Why are our officials so spineless at times?  Ban travel to and from China.



Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada's chief medical officer, has said symptoms of the new coronavirus are similar to those of the common flu and it can take up to two weeks for an infected person to start showing signs.

“You're taking a big chance,” Duplessis said in a Skype interview from China. “You put people into a container with recycled air, where even three or four of them might be asymptomatic - the risk is too great.”

China has confirmed more than 4,500 cases of the new virus, with more than 100 deaths. Most have been in the central city of Wuhan where the outbreak began in December.

Duplessis is originally from Espanola, Ont., and he teaches at Wuhan Optics Valley Weiming Experimental School. He said he thinks it's best to wait it out in Wuhan “no matter how difficult that is.”

His advice is to maintain routine.




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