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1 hour ago, bree2 said:

he just can't take responsibility  for anything he does or does not do. he makes me sick and so do all his minions who bow down to him!!!

I know it's old but the below example reminds me of exactly what you are pointing out. 


Trump says if he ends up being wrong about Kim Jong Un, he probably won't admit it and will find 'some kind of an excuse'


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11 hours ago, Me_ said:

So Trump retweeted a Tweet that carried #FireFauci after Dr. Fauci went on CNN on Monday and said more lives could’ve been saved had the USA reacted sooner.


Today Dr. Fauci has doubled down on his view, thereby publicly securing his position; one he has held since 1984 and served under six Presidents.


In that same conference, a frustrated Trump attempted to force feed us some more of his daily concocted sh!t salad.


Now I don’t post footage from Fox News often. But this is worth the watch.


If you don’t want to watch all of it, which l highly suggest you do, then go to the 6:00min mark and listen carefully to THE question Paula Reid from CBS asks. The rest of the room teams up with her.


You can feel the Orange power leave the room. 


They’re finally on to him.


Good god...trump sounds like a mental case lol.


I cannot fathom how so many amurikans still will vote for this donkey.


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6 hours ago, bishopshodan said:

I don't know anything about Dr Shiva.

The quick piece I read said that he is proposing treatment for covid is vitamins he's an anti-vaxxor and goes on about deep state big pharma control stuff?


It may be perceived that spreading this type of info is dangerous.  Suggesting unproven remedies and making people fear the government could be an ugly combination.


Took me 12 seconds on google to find out dr shiva is an idiot just like trump...big suprise.


When President Donald Trump retweeted a call to fire Dr. Anthony Fauci on Sunday night, he jolted a fringe conservative movement that viewed the boost as an acknowledgement of their cause.

And the #FireFauci gang was ready with a replacement: Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai.

Shiva Ayyadurai holding a sign posing for the camera: Shiva Ayyadurai pictured in October 2018. Ayyadurai, or “Dr. Shiva” as his fans call him, claims Dr. Anthony Fauci is a deep-state plant.© Michael Dwyer/AP Photo Shiva Ayyadurai pictured in October 2018. Ayyadurai, or “Dr. Shiva” as his fans call him, claims Dr. Anthony Fauci is a deep-state plant.

Ayyadurai, or “Dr. Shiva” as his fans call him, is a controversial scientist and long-shot Massachusetts Senate candidate who is pushing a variety of claims that range from dubious to medically disputed to outright false. He has argued that a strict vitamin regimen can prevent and treat the coronavirus — an unsubstantiated view at odds with the medical community and existing research. And he claims Fauci is a deep-state plant hellbent on “forced and mandatory vaccines” to support “Big Pharma” — a claim for which there is no evidence.


Yet Ayyadurai, who is not a medical doctor, has the imprimatur of several degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an online fan base among the people leading the movement to oust Fauci, the government’s top infectious disease expert. That includes DeAnna Lorraine, who suddenly ended up in the spotlight after Trump retweeted her call to #FireFauci. Lorraine, a former challenger for Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s seat who has regularly retweeted QAnon conspiracies, is using her newfound perch to stump for Ayyadurai.

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4 hours ago, spur1 said:

The only reason African Americans are more likely to get and die from Covid 19 is because they are more likely to be living in poverty and have poorer health care. This virus sees no colour. 

Virus also kills. 30% more males than females....

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4 hours ago, Dustbin said:

Talk about dangerous advice. Last I heard virtually every Covid patient in New York is given the hydroxy treatment immediately and medical staff  use it commonly as a prophylactic. Pretty obvious this is why hospitalizations are way down below the minimum predictions (15000 instead of 50000 to 100000).


My only hope is that when Covid takes me down I can take hydroxy without having to take a 50 / 50 shot in a blind study. I wonder how hard it is for a Canadian to get it?



Ridiculous post based on nothing.

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2 hours ago, sonoman said:

The dumb orange donkey says stuff he will do all the time that never happens.


1. USA is fine...no one will die.

2. Donkey will put US troops on Canadian border. Never happens.

3. Orange donkey says he will reopen EVERYTHING by easter. Never happens.  The guy is a walking idiot. Honestly, after hearing him speak I am shocked he can even put one front in front of the other to actually walk...and I suspect he poos himself.

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Now I am not saying that God was saying something loud and clear.  But when you literally state that god will keep you safe, and that this is merely a political hoax you kind of invite this level of divine retribution



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3 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Now I am not saying that God was saying something loud and clear.  But when you literally state that god will keep you safe, and that this is merely a political hoax you kind of invite this level of divine retribution



They'll just spin it that god took him to a better place :ph34r:

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Trump cancelling WHO funding?


All nations in the WHO should prioritize the vaccine and cure for WHO sitting nations only.  See how quickly that changes.


As for Trumps statements about a coverup, amazing he states that after knowing for months that Covid could be a potential pandemic yet ignoring the data and downplaying it from day one.

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16 minutes ago, Tortorella's Rant said:

University I'm working at said they don't expect the departments to return for at least four months. I found that hard to believe but he seemed quite certain.

Yep, my daughter is taking summer classes this year and was very pleased to have classes with a really great prof.  The downside she says is that it's going to be all on-line :picard:

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1 hour ago, Kanukfanatic said:

The dumb orange donkey says stuff he will do all the time that never happens.


1. USA is fine...no one will die.

2. Donkey will put US troops on Canadian border. Never happens.

3. Orange donkey says he will reopen EVERYTHING by easter. Never happens.  The guy is a walking idiot. Honestly, after hearing him speak I am shocked he can even put one front in front of the other to actually walk...and I suspect he poos himself.



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14 hours ago, Down by the River said:

Thanks for linking me. 


Like I've said to others, this isn't meant to be an attack on you. It is meant to be an attack on the bloggers that re-post the articles and/or the people initially conducting the work. 


In this case, the fault lies with the person actually conducting the study. 


This is just an abstract... it hasn't even been passed through peer-review and there is no pre-print available where readers can at least examine its methodology. 


The problem with this study is that, as mentioned in the link (which did a good job of noting this), it is not an RCT. You have 1,000+ persons receiving the Tx, but we don't know anything about them. What if they hand-selected people that were younger than the average case. If so, then you would have a lower mortality rate, not due to the HCQ, but due to selecting a biased sample. 





Maybe one of the most damning signs that you shouldn't trust a researcher is someone complaining about "methodologists". Research without methodology is pseudo-science at best. 

Elon Musk didn't discover Hcq. It's been in use for covid for months. Still no study complete by illustrious scientific researchers.  It takes 10 days!  Pathetic , inept, disgusting.


Luckily there are many health professionals who are able to ethically study the treatment without leaving half their patients at risk in a blind study for "science". Many drugs are used "off label" and many drugs in use now have never been proven in a double blind study where people can die for science.


12 hours ago, Kanukfanatic said:

Ridiculous post based on nothing.

If you have a question just ask. 


11 hours ago, sonoman said:

Your source for a dubious pharmaceutical treatment is a fringe economist who is an advisor to Trump?



The guy in charge says the doctors are using it, the doctors say their using it, the patients say they're getting it, stocks are running low, countries are hoarding their suppIies, I don't know what to tell you.




India adopts use of Hydroxychloroquine for prevention of COVID19 in Health workers Hydroxy-chloroquine has been recommended as the use for preventive treatment of healthcare workers and individuals in close contact of coronavirus patients.




Doctors began prescribing off-label use and in doing so are replicating the clinical results in remarkable fashion. One doctor in Monroe, New York has treated in excess of 700 patients. As of this writing he’s lost zero patients to death, zero to intubation, and only two to hospitalization. Another doctor in New York City has treated in excess of 100 patients with zero deaths.



If nothing else get your double blind study done you useless researchers.

Edited by Dustbin
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1 hour ago, Warhippy said:

Trump cancelling WHO funding?


All nations in the WHO should prioritize the vaccine and cure for WHO sitting nations only.  See how quickly that changes.


As for Trumps statements about a coverup, amazing he states that after knowing for months that Covid could be a potential pandemic yet ignoring the data and downplaying it from day one.

Punish places like Taiwan to get at Trump? That doesn't seem right.

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