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4 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

Anti 'mask ?  At least make a point when you post. It will keep the discussion moving forward ......


Do some research. It appears you have been taking far to many mental breaks the last few years.....   Time for mental exercise / stretches  for you. 

Masks are mandatory on transit as per BC provincial health guidelines. Masks are also part of the overall B.C. strategy to reduce Covid transmission in many settings. Is it perfect? No. Is it ‘anti-mask’? No.

You're becoming a caricature of what used to be a sensible position/person. 


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Just now, Sharpshooter said:

Masks are mandatory on transit as per BC provincial health guidelines. Masks are also part of the overall B.C. strategy to reduce Covid transmission in many settings. Is it perfect? No. Is it ‘anti-mask’? No.

You're becoming a caricature of what used to be a sensible position/person. 


So you are anti mask...  interesting viewpoint.  Why is that ? Do you think masks are not effective.. ?

Or do you see mask as infringing on your rights ?

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1 minute ago, kingofsurrey said:

So you are anti mask...  interesting viewpoint.  Why is that ? Do you think masks are not effective.. ?

Or do you see mask as infringing on your rights ?

Please show me where I have ever said/suggested/demonstrated that I was anti-mask. 

I’ll wait.


Seriously though. Maybe take a ‘you’ day and come back sane. 

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Just now, Sharpshooter said:

Please show me where I have ever said/suggested/demonstrated that I was anti-mask. 

I’ll wait.


Seriously though. Maybe take a ‘you’ day and come back sane. 

Oh  i just thought when you don't support a mandatory mask policy in indoor public places in BC..... then maybe you are anti mask...


I am confused by your logic.  Maybe you are just a personal rights  / anti government regulations type....



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Just now, kingofsurrey said:

Oh  i just thought when you don't support a mandatory mask policy in indoor public places in BC..... then maybe you are anti mask...


I am confused by your logic.  Maybe you are just a personal rights  / anti government regulations type....



What public place have you gone to recently that doesn’t have the majority/if not all the people wearing masks?? 

What make-believe maskless community/world do you live in whereby you think jackboot policies are required to ensure that everyone is wearing a mask at all times, everywhere, because they’re not doing so for the vast majority of instances currently?? 

What Covid coloured glasses are you wearing whereby you see nothing but people not already wearing masks??


I’m all around the lower mainland on a daily basis and I can assure you that most people are wearing masks in all sorts of public and private situations. Which public place is the land of masklessness that you’re always talking about?? 

Good grief. 

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On 1/19/2020 at 8:05 AM, Canadian said:

I’ve lived in Wuhan for a decade. This all started as an animal-human crossover about a month ago with immediate quarantines at the source market (they think bat-infected animals).


I’m a little skeptical about the estimated spread numbers simply because there really haven’t been any additional cases nor confirmed human-to-human spread.


Seems much less concerning than SARS or MERS

This has not aged well. 

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11 hours ago, Warhippy said:



That's how science works.  Statements made change daily.  new evidence occurs and processes change.  Only a few people with select ideals are making absolute statements.  That's how numbers get out of control


Exactly...people glom on to someTHING they heard rather than taking all the information out there as a whole and erring on the side of caution, just in case.


I feel that better safe than sorry is the best approach and those seeking immediate relief by taking shortcuts keep setting us back.  We're in for the long haul and it's obvious that setbacks are due to people relaxing things too much.  It's all about balance...can still do "things" just not everything.  With everyone.  Pace ourselves and have patience through this and we'll be better off than if we rush to find normalcy.   New normal for awhile yet it seems.

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3 hours ago, NHL'er said:

This has not aged well. 

Is what it is. At the time, it wasn't reported as being transmissible - lived a month through it in Wuhan when it was just a "suspicious" flu. It's too bad the information wasn't more accessible early, but I don't think it would have made much difference knowing how international the city has become with flights. Countries weren't going to stop all incoming flights on a whim, especially when there are many different outbreaks (plague, H1N1, etc.) that pop up in Southeast Asia each year. Luckily for those of us still inside China (or Wuhan), everything has been back to normal since May due to testing of 11 million people - and haven't had any cases emerge in over four months.

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More than 75 per cent of COVID-19 patients admitted to hospital reported abnormal symptoms three months later

A UBC study following a cohort of 78 ex-COVID-19 patients has found more than 75 per cent continue to experience significant symptoms, including half with irreversible lung scarring



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10 hours ago, Sharpshooter said:

Masks are mandatory on transit as per BC provincial health guidelines. Masks are also part of the overall B.C. strategy to reduce Covid transmission in many settings. Is it perfect? No. Is it ‘anti-mask’? No.

You're becoming a caricature of what used to be a sensible position/person. 



10 hours ago, kingofsurrey said:

So you are anti mask...  interesting viewpoint.  Why is that ? Do you think masks are not effective.. ?

Or do you see mask as infringing on your rights ?

And this is what we call a Karen in her natural habitat.


Jumping to the single most illogical and irrational conclusion.  Throwing out not only a strawman but also a red herring with a non sequitor 


I cannot wait for the follow up to this interaction.

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1 hour ago, debluvscanucks said:

Exactly...people glom on to someTHING they heard rather than taking all the information out there as a whole and erring on the side of caution, just in case.


I feel that better safe than sorry is the best approach and those seeking immediate relief by taking shortcuts keep setting us back.  We're in for the long haul and it's obvious that setbacks are due to people relaxing things too much.  It's all about balance...can still do "things" just not everything.  With everyone.  Pace ourselves and have patience through this and we'll be better off than if we rush to find normalcy.   New normal for awhile yet it seems.

You're exactly right.


80 years ago there were women painting watches with literal radioactive materials.  Frigging cobalt.  Because science said it was safe.  Until their jaws started falling off.  30 years ago it was safe for your parents to chain smoke in a car full of kids.  now it isn't.  people seem to hang up on the most absolute statements in this.  They refuse to then accept that new data comes out.


In April we were sanitizing everything.  Until they said it doesn't really live on surfaces for as long as feared and evidence showed it was not a significant point of transmission.


I hate the term new normal myself; but wearing a mask isn't the worst thing ever and I don't mind telling people to back up off me when needed.  So I'll get by

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1 hour ago, Canadian said:

Is what it is. At the time, it wasn't reported as being transmissible - lived a month through it in Wuhan when it was just a "suspicious" flu. It's too bad the information wasn't more accessible early, but I don't think it would have made much difference knowing how international the city has become with flights. Countries weren't going to stop all incoming flights on a whim, especially when there are many different outbreaks (plague, H1N1, etc.) that pop up in Southeast Asia each year. Luckily for those of us still inside China (or Wuhan), everything has been back to normal since May due to testing of 11 million people - and haven't had any cases emerge in over four months.

Haven't heard from you in a time.  Hope all is well.


Are you still residing over in China?


Can I ask, honestly.  Is there no rates of transmission and new infection?  Or is it possible the numbers are being suppressed?  Honest question as I find it hard to believe that even New Zealand after being case free with zero travel for months and literal fraction of the population/density found new cases over 7 weeks after their last known case; but somehow large densely populated areas in China have had none.


Again, not trying to antagonize, just sincerely curious if you think there's a bit of government number jogging going on or not

Edited by Warhippy
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20 minutes ago, Warhippy said:


And this is what we call a Karen in her natural habitat.


Jumping to the single most illogical and irrational conclusion.  Throwing out not only a strawman but also a red herring with a non sequitor 


I cannot wait for the follow up to this interaction.

I remember you .. you are the poster that did not know how to take 1000% of a number...

That was quite funny actually. 


Looks like you are quite good at using a thesaurus though.... 

Edited by kingofsurrey
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2 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

I remember you .. you are the poster that did not know how to take 1000% of a number...

That was quite funny actually. 


Looks like you are quite good at using a thesaurus though.... 

I really enjoyed your leap from not wearing a mask to being anti government or anti science based in what the other individual would respond too.


That irrational jump towards yet more irrationality was brilliant


Hope all is well in the covid capital of BC.  Surrey being the hotspot and all.  

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27 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

I really enjoyed your leap from not wearing a mask to being anti government or anti science based in what the other individual would respond too.


That irrational jump towards yet more irrationality was brilliant


Hope all is well in the covid capital of BC.  Surrey being the hotspot and all.  

Yes Surrey has alot of Covid cases .  So does Vancouver.   


Of course smaller villages / outposts  have much less covid due to lower population  density...

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3 hours ago, Warhippy said:


80 years ago there were women painting watches with literal radioactive materials.  Frigging cobalt.  Because science said it was safe.  Until their jaws started falling off.  30 years ago it was safe for your parents to chain smoke in a car full of kids.  now it isn't. 

What I take from this example War is that we don't know what we don't know - by that I mean the government (Dr. B specifically) is giving out her recommended health measures based on something we don't know the extent (short term or long term) of.  If your example teaches us anything, it's that we don't know as much as we think we do so we should be playing it WAY safer than we are imo but in fact we (as a society as a whole) are doing the opposite - the economy  (and therefore society in general) is completely much more closer to 'normal' than it is to anything else.  Take education for example - ask anyone here - stawns or Deb who work in schools if there are ANY meaningful (and I do mean meaningful) measures in place to stop the transmission of this virus from becoming an outbreak?  I know for a fact at my nephew's school (where I pick him up regularly) there are essentially no meaningful measures in place.  There are several 'optic' measures in place so it looks like there is something protecting staff/students, but there reality is there are no meaningful measures whatsoever.  IMO, this can be applied to most areas of society where there are very little 'meaningful' measures in place.  And I get it, meaningful measures would mean putting jobs and/or people's conveniences in jeopardy and therefore the government would never authorize these during an election. 


80 years ago as you say people worked with radioactive materials and we learned the hard way this should never have happened.

I hope 80 years from now we don't say the same thing about COVID sadly. 

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59 minutes ago, austy said:

Here in Oz everyone has to vote. Its the law, the penalty is a moderate fine. Not sure why other places make it so hard. Come election day schools become voting centres and usually the kids of the school sell sausages in bread with onions to raise a bit of cash. Instead of voting we say ' im going down to get my democracy sausage' 

Aussie’s always ahead of the curve.

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1 hour ago, austy said:

Here in Oz everyone has to vote. Its the law, the penalty is a moderate fine. Not sure why other places make it so hard. Come election day schools become voting centres and usually the kids of the school sell sausages in bread with onions to raise a bit of cash. Instead of voting we say ' im going down to get my democracy sausage' 

What happens if you don't vote and don't pay fine?

What happens for people with NFA and/or homeless with no ID ect....?

I'm genuinely curious as I've known for a long time that Aus has mandatory voting and always wondered about how effective it really is? 

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