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I love that they describe a vaccine passport as socialism or possibly even communism.

People who have no idea what they are describing but need some vague villain to blame.  Maybe it was the one world government.

I am sure theoretical economic systems described centuries ago are truly what are responsible for the vaccine passport.

Now, these systems are used by dictators to justify their suppression of individual rights, but so does capitalism.  It is the dictatorship that is the problem, not the economic system that has never truly been practiced in any pure form.

Whats next comparing trying to save peoples lives to Nazis?  Oh, wait that may have already been done.

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2 hours ago, JM_ said:

they like to use WW2 analogies. OK here's one. The anti-vaxxers are the same as the ones who didn't want to help the fight in Europe, claiming it wasn't our fight. 

That's the most accurate way to describe it.  I wonder how these clowns would have handled rationing, blackouts, and children being located out of bombing range in the UK.

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15 hours ago, cuporbust said:

It took me awhile and quite a bit of digging but here goes…


My biggest problem with the article is that it cites the same Israeli study that we’ve already discussed but adds nothing new. The whole article, other than a couple of quotes by Martin Kulldorf, is editorializing by the author. He refers to “several other studies that show similar results” but doesn’t name them or provide any links. When you visit Arjun Walia’s (the author)  website you see several links to articles like “Statement of Virus Isolation, Conclusion: the SARS-CoV2 Virus Does Not Exist” so we can pretty much deduce his bias. Just my non-tinfoil hat opinion but fairly certain that the virus is real.


As for Kulldorf himself, he states that he believes that the world should have only isolated and protected the old and at-risk; have no lockdowns, masks or social distancing and let Covid run its course through the rest of society. Sounds like Sweden’s approach. It is worth noting that Covid is no longer just a problem for the elderly as much younger people are dying, many with no pre-existing conditions. Also no mention of long-haul problems for Covid survivors.


So going back to the Israeli study which I still think is interesting, if there are more studies that replicate the findings about better rates of immunity among unvaccinated Covid survivors then that will be a valid argument for having them added to the vaccine passport group. Remember though that the study said the best immunity was in people who had Covid and then vaccinated with at least a single dose.

Edited by 4petesake
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4 hours ago, Hamhuis Hip Check said:

The only ones that are dividing the country are the ones who are fighting anything that could help get us past this pandemic

Holy crap how dense can you get hey? Just complete losers, its literally unbelievable. These people should all get shipped to an island and compete too see who can be the most stupid, selfish, assholish... etc, ect. Hopefully they would just wipe themselves out.

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19 hours ago, Jaimito said:

Good thing almost 76% of entire BC population has a dose. 


People need to speak up against the vocal minority that are causing most the problems. 




You think just people who aren't vaccinated are against the passport.  I know lots of people with both shots who hate the idea of dividing society, me included

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We even had idiots protesting in front of our hospital.  Then we read this.






'We're in big trouble,' says ICU doctor amidst COVID surge in northern B.C.

Doctor haunted by patients crying 'Don't let me die. I'm scared' before they're intubated

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5 minutes ago, stawns said:

Only one element is dividing society, everyone is working together to get out of this mess.  The 20% are CHOOSING to bring the rest of us down

The bottomline is these idiots think restaurants, Canucks games, concerts, etc are essential to their freedom and their rights.  They are so selfish and entitled that they can't see that these things are NOT essential and that they are a privilege of being a contributing member of society. 


After yesterday's protests, I hope they all get covid and goto hell.  I've completely lost all patience with them after hearing of cancer patients that couldn't get to their appointments because these f**ktards were blocking the way. 

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8 hours ago, Whorvat said:

@stawns Go to, throw a gif out there if you have nothing to offer to a discussion, while also thinking you're somehow offering substance to a conversation


@-DLC- Told me derailing threads like this is grounds for warning points, so do that thing you do. Or does that only apply when someone disagrees with you? ^_^


Vax passports are a joke, and anybody that supports them, I know which side you'd have been on in the 1930s.


When has dividing society into 2 classes of people ever worked out well for us as a species?

So stop dividing yourself from society.


I know that means no more playing the victim.


Vaccination passports have been around for over 100 years. This is nothing new.

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2 minutes ago, EOTM said:

So stop dividing yourself from society.


I know that means no more playing the victim.


Vaccination passports have been around for over 100 years. This is nothing new.

I don’t think this poster will be responding any time too soon. :rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, Mossberg said:

You think just people who aren't vaccinated are against the passport.  I know lots of people with both shots who hate the idea of dividing society, me included

Don’t be silly, society is not being divided by having vaxports.  

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