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1 minute ago, samurai said:


Countries may gain time in the short-term as they limit travel to fight the new coronavirus pandemic, but the World Health Organization thinks overall that “it doesn't help to restrict movement," a top adviser to the U.N. health agency's chief said Thursday. Dr Bruce Aylward, who led a WHO team in China during the raging COVID-19 outbreak there last month, said in an interview that travel bans “generally aren't part of the armamentarium you bring to bear on something like this.”"What we found, as a general principle - not a general principle, a pretty robust principle - is that it doesn't help to to restrict movement,” Aylward, a former WHO emergencies chief, said outside a room at agency headquarters devoted to the outbreak. “What you're really interested in is: Where is the virus? The viruses in the cases, the viruses in their close contacts.”


You prefer a ban in the face of actual facts.  


I hadn't seen that, so thanks.


That said, I'm happy to 'gain time in the short term' and slow down the virus so our medical system can make some attempt to keep up. I bet Italy wishes they could 'gain time in the short term' right now.


You'd think people congregating at airports, train/bus stations etc would also fall under 'mass gatherings' that the WHO has also banned. Also can't help with the potential spread away from densely populated areas to more rural ones but hey, what do I know I mean the Province just posted a travel advisory so clearly they're idiots too.

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14 minutes ago, aGENT said:

To talk about all the hockeys going on...







I think this down time will give us all time to sort out all the problems with the team.

With all the lack of hockey and people staying home with Corona virus it should give us all time to put our heads together and see if we can solve salary cap issues, whether or not we should fire Green and start a petition to get LE to retire.  

Silver lining 

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4 minutes ago, aGENT said:

I hadn't seen that, so thanks.


That said, I'm happy to 'gain time in the short term' and slow down the virus so our medical system can make some attempt to keep up. I bet Italy wishes they could 'gain time in the short term' right now.


You'd think people congregating at airports, train/bus stations etc would also fall under 'mass gatherings' that the WHO has also banned. Also can't help with the potential spread away from densely populated areas to more rural ones but hey, what do I know I mean the Province just posted a travel advisory so clearly they're idiots too.

It's not going to matter as the US has crapped the bed.  They are following the same trajectory as Italy, and unless we take drastic measures, we will as well. 


What we need are a mass movement of testing.

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4 minutes ago, erkayloomeh said:

I think this down time will give us all time to sort out all the problems with the team.

With all the lack of hockey and people staying home with Corona virus it should give us all time to put our heads together and see if we can solve salary cap issues, whether or not we should fire Green and start a petition to get LE to retire.  

Silver lining 

I doubt this is down time.  The season is over, imo

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Just now, aGENT said:

I hadn't seen that, so thanks.


That said, I'm happy to 'gain time in the short term' and slow down the virus so our medical system can make some attempt to keep up. I bet Italy wishes they could 'gain time in the short term' right now.


You'd think people congregating at airports, train/bus stations etc would also fall under 'mass gatherings' that the WHO has also banned. Also can't help with the potential spread away from densely populated areas to more rural ones but hey, what do I know I mean the Province just posted a travel advisory so clearly they're idiots too.

I live in Japan - Yokohama/Tokyo.  Millions of people ride the trains each day.  They have taken measures.  Hand sanitizer, asking companies to stagger work times to avoid rush hour.  People to limit their movements and monitor health and hygiene.  To date all those small measures seem to be working.   The trains have not been stopped. On the flip side I was at a very large department store the other day.  In the basement there is a court that sells gourmet food and so forth.  It is small with very low ceilings.  It was absolutely packed with elderly people shopping for an upcoming gift giving day.  I saw numerous people late 80s and early 90s (20 plus).   What the heck?   Didn't get the memo.  These are exactly the people who should not be in a place like that.  In the meantime kids are in lock down.   Business across the board in Japan are reporting 90% drops in revenue.  Companies have started laying people off here.   Lock it down, close it down, ban it are not the way you go about this. 



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12 minutes ago, erkayloomeh said:

I think this down time will give us all time to sort out all the problems with the team.

With all the lack of hockey and people staying home with Corona virus it should give us all time to put our heads together and see if we can solve salary cap issues, whether or not we should fire Green and start a petition to get LE to retire.  

Silver lining 

Exactly, these key issues really don't get enough light. :towel:

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46 minutes ago, EmilyM said:

My stat was sourced from this National Academies paper: The Threat of Pandemic Influenza: Are We Ready? Workshop Summary (2005). Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. pp. 60–61

A more recent report (2018) claimed a lower figure, but it's been contested.

Very uncertain what the actual number is.

yes, because it was a 100 years ago. 

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44 minutes ago, Petey40 said:

Do you guys think the B.C. government is taking the proper precautions? Not trying to talk Ill of them just genuinely curious about the majority of people’s opinions.


Ive been sick with a cold for about a week now, today I started having chest pain and esophagus pain and shortness of breath so I decided to give 811 a call just to be safe. 

They asked me a series of questions mostly consisting of if I’ve traveled anywhere in the last 14 days or if I’ve been exposed to someone who has been travelling. My gf has been working with people who came from Germany France the UK and America this past week so that’s the only exposure I have. They told me to monitor my symptoms and wash my hands and call back if anything gets worse. They’ll only test you if you’ve travelled or been exposed to someone who’s travelled. I guess all we can do is hope that’s enough to contain. 

You just really got watch your symptoms and especially issues with breathing. In my opinion, most likely you will get better even if you did have corona.  But if breathing gets challenging go to the hospital. Not a clinic as they simply are not equipped to deal with those types of situations.


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Just now, Kanukfanatic said:

You just really got watch your symptoms and especially issues with breathing. In my opinion, most likely you will get better even if you did have corona.  But if breathing gets challenging go to the hospital. Not a clinic as they simply are not equipped to deal with those types of situations.


Yeah I’m not really concerned with myself at this point as I think it’s slim chance I have it and if I did I could fight it off. Mostly concerned that even if the odds are slim it is still possible to contract it at this point and I’d rather not spread it to anyone. I’m thinking self isolation for a few days and monitor my symptoms is the best course of action. I’ve got some video games to beat anyway 

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1 hour ago, Kanukfanatic said:

I totally agree with your bolded and was not trying to say covid19 is the flu but I did use the wrong wording I suppose.


My main point was mass social media is creating unnecessary fear and causing anxiety in our young people that is unneeded.


There is a huge difference in being informed and prepared as opposed to be frightened into inaction or taking stupid actions like hoarding toilet paper.


Social media inherently creates anxiety. Everyone posting highlights of their lives, people comparing their own lives (the not so great included) to the highlights of others lives.


Also SM/phones/tech in general being 'artificial' dopamine sources.

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8 minutes ago, Petey40 said:

Yeah I’m not really concerned with myself at this point as I think it’s slim chance I have it and if I did I could fight it off. Mostly concerned that even if the odds are slim it is still possible to contract it at this point and I’d rather not spread it to anyone. I’m thinking self isolation for a few days and monitor my symptoms is the best course of action. I’ve got some video games to beat anyway 

Exactly right.......it's selfish to adopt the attitude of "I'm not going to get that sick".  You are most contagious before you even know you have it, that's when you spread it to everyone.  It takes 12-14 days to show up, we should be having a mandatory two week country wide quarantine

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5 minutes ago, stawns said:

Exactly right.......it's selfish to adopt the attitude of "I'm not going to get that sick".  You are most contagious before you even know you have it, that's when you spread it to everyone.  It takes 12-14 days to show up, we should be having a mandatory two week country wide quarantine

While I agree in theory, in practice it is almost impossible.


I have tons of sick leave so I could do it.  I would not lose pay.


Unfortunately, there are tons of people who get no sick leave and they are paying high rent and mortgages in BC. They simply will not stay home for two weeks because they cannot afford to. They either stay home to get healthy and lose their apartment (or not feed their families) or they go to work knowing they may be sick.


The only way to mitigate this would be for the Feds to pay those workers.  The Feds don't have the billions it would take without taxing us even more.


Crappy situation for sure.


Edit: that is why I disagree it is selfish. It is much more complicated than that.

Edited by Kanukfanatic
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1 hour ago, Shift-4 said:


Hope you feel better soon!

Thanks a lot! I'm slowly developing a cough so I really don't know if I'm supposed to get tested or what? 

Can the government not mail us tests to do at home? I truly don't feel like going to the doctor's office is a good idea and plus I barely have the energy to anyways.. 

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1 hour ago, Petey40 said:

Do you guys think the B.C. government is taking the proper precautions? Not trying to talk Ill of them just genuinely curious about the majority of people’s opinions.


Ive been sick with a cold for about a week now, today I started having chest pain and esophagus pain and shortness of breath so I decided to give 811 a call just to be safe. 

They asked me a series of questions mostly consisting of if I’ve traveled anywhere in the last 14 days or if I’ve been exposed to someone who has been travelling. My gf has been working with people who came from Germany France the UK and America this past week so that’s the only exposure I have. They told me to monitor my symptoms and wash my hands and call back if anything gets worse. They’ll only test you if you’ve travelled or been exposed to someone who’s travelled. I guess all we can do is hope that’s enough to contain. 


Thanks for this info.


I've been battling congestion problems for like a month now, atleast.


I was sick with a cold a little while back but I got over it (besides congestion), then this week it came back again w/ a sore throat & coughing. (I work alot out in the cold, which I imagine contributes considering the congestion problem)


Starting to feel better today than the last few but symptoms still linger & I didn't go to work. Already on a puffer & nasal spray but I got breathing tests & allergy testing coming up soon.


I was kinda wondering there for a minute, but I haven't been in contact with anyone travelling & my symptoms are more cold than flu like. 


That's why I asked earlier if anyone had been tested/called. Curious how that is all handled.


At some point they should ramp this testing up however they can, seems inevitable that more will have this than we'll know about 

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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