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[GDT/PGT] Vancouver Canucks @ Montreal Canadiens | February 2, 2021 | 4 p.m. PT | SNP

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44 minutes ago, Googlie said:

Most noticeable is Myers.  Some plays he takes so long to make a decision that pressure forces him into mistakes.  Ignoring Rafferty's 1 giveaway in one game, Myers and Schmidt are our defense leaders in giveaways, averaging over 3 per 60 mins of ice time. Ollie is next at 2.66, followed by Edler at 1.94.

Somewhat surprisingly, that "clown" (as one poster averred), Chatfield, has 0 (as in zero) giveaways in 6 games  (which might be why he is playing, and OJ is sitting)


In all fairness though, Myers and Schmidt are #s 1 and 2 in blocked shots by defensemen (although the cynic in me thinks that's them blocking the shot taken after their giveaways)

Giveaways are a tricky stat to interpret, compared to other teams we don't really have that many giveaways (actually have more takeaways), but these stats include tiny little plays along the boards. 


There should be a stat for A-grade scoring chances, because when it comes to that we must be up there with Ottawa in terms of gifting A-grade scoring chances away. When it comes to that, the Chatfield play where he tried to skate up the ice as the last man back and got caught wasn't technically a "give-away" but couldn't be more brutal - gifting the opponents a clean cut breakaway. However Chatfield is brilliant along the boards with his stick work which is why he hasn't registered many true giveaways.


In Myers and Schmidt's defence, yes they have had a few giveaways (noticeably Schimdt), but I think Myers in particular has done a brilliant job of limiting the quality of his and hasn't really given up that many great scoring chances or made huge mistakes. Schmidt has at times here and there though.


It's a different conversation when it comes to quality of chances given up and unfortunately there isn't much of a stat for it, but if there was the Canucks would be bottom last. I think Edler is the only one I've seen this season who hasn't really given up any of those. 

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29 minutes ago, NUCKER67 said:

Someone mentioned Miller and his lack of effort at times this season. I was watching him last night and I agree. He just doesn't look like his usual competitive self. Sure, he's still producing around a point a game, but most are probably assists on Boeser's goals. His passing has been awful at times, lots of giveaways, like he doesn't even care. I hope he's not the type of player who is so competitive he'll want out because he doesn't; like the direction of the team, Must be frustrating for him to be on a real good team, having his best year (last season), and then the GM trades away the #1 goalie and room favourite, veteran Dman. Petey looks lost at times, Hughes makes tons of defensive mistakes, They're having to play Gaudette, Virtanen who are young and struggling. If you want to win the Cup, this team doesn't look near ready yet, and too young, and Miller wants to win now. 



I didn't get a chance to watch last night's game but it was disappointing to see the scoreline and the continued criticisms of the play of top players like Miller.


Regarding the loss of Markstrom and Tanev, I would really hope that their loss would not have influenced Miller negatively.  Don't get me wrong, maybe he had a really good relationship with those guys, but the Jets game was an example of how strong the team can be now and in the future with Demko in net.


I think I saw something post-game about Schmidt saying something along the lines of the Canucks needing to simplify their game.  In a nutshell, I think this is true.  Miller is genuinely a very skilled player who can make a lot happen.  This is obviously true of Pettersson and Hughes also.  For whatever reason however, the three of them (in particular) seem to be forcing skilled plays a lot to this season (i.e. trying to be too "cute" with the puck).  Montreal, in particular, seems to have found a way to exploit this.


The team obviously needs the Lotto line to be rolling to have the greatest chance for success.  Maybe they're just forcing plays because of added pressure of being "the guys".  At least Boeser seems to be OK, but I think that's partly because he just generally doesn't get too "cute" in his play.  He's got a world class shot and he has found "simple" ways to exploit that skill (e.g. his move on Hellebuyck).

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 Back to Miller.... don't know if he is stil playing hurt from his wrist injury. Passes aren't crisp, shots go awry, and he isn't taking - or winning - so many faceoffs


Last season, he took just under 80% of line faceoffs vs Petey's just over 20% (778 to 191)

Thus far (but in 3 fewer games) he is 60 to Petey's 50

Maybe a conscious effort to up Petey's skills there - but it's not working.  Miller is at 50% wins (59.2% last year) and Petey at 40% (41.8% last year)


Improved are Gaudette (up from 41.2% to 43.9, and, big improvement, Sutter up from 48.9% to 55.9%

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Big game today!! get back on track.

Demko goes beast bubble mode

play a simple North South game, support down low

chip it out if in doubt

need bodies in front of Price


Go Canucks Go


and stop turning over the puck for #$%& sakes Boys

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1 hour ago, qwijibo said:

We’re just over 2 weeks into the season. Fatigue shouldn’t be that big a factor yet.  Montreal beat up on a Vancouver just as badly in their 3rd meeting at the end of Montreal’s road trip.  I just don’t think Vancouver matches up well against Montreal. 

I would agree. There are lots of other reasons. We definitely have a hectic schedule but everyone plays the same number of games in the season. Other reasons include:


1. Exchanging Tanev for Schmidt. Sometimes it takes players awhile to gel with their teammates and find their best role within the team, this can be especially tough for impact players.  Old, safe Tanev, would probably be better right now but I think it's far easier to transition as a defensive defenceman. I personally think we'll be better off in the long run with Schmidt. You can already see the casual fan turning on him even though he's only been a canuck for 12 games.


1a. This also puts a huge load on Hughes shoulders to not only lead the league in d-scoring but become the number 1 dman playing in all situations, without someone to mentor (Tanev) him. It hasn't worked out well so far with Quinn having different partners, plus him simply playing very poorly in the defensive end. Perhaps it was too soon theoretically to put him in this position but based on team needs going forward perhaps management felt it was a year Hughes could struggle. Add to that Edler is a year older, Hamonic is hurt, and we're playing a rookie every night. Our defence hasn't gelled yet, it could take a while, and I think that's to be expected.


2. Irregular preseason following a good playoff performance. It appears to me this team is struggling to provide a concise direction as a core unit. You have to remember most of our leadership and core is very young. I think they've been doing a pretty piss poor job, including Horvat, Hughes, Miller, and whomever the assistants are. Thus the inconsistency. Sometimes it's hard to match that playoff intensity, and the team is left wondering what is not working. The play all game by Miller was atrocious yesterday. He looked sick or hungover.


3. Hockey. You lose some games, and you win some games. As of Sunday we were 5th in the league, now we're in 9th, albeit with more games played. However, sports are filled with adversity. it isn't that strange to see a team beat a team by 6 goals and then get absolutely owned the next. Especially in this climate. It's about adaptation, determination, and pride. Hockey seasons are very fluid. It's about practice and getting better each day until hopefully you're firing on all cylinders when the playoffs start. I find it hard to label any team 10 games into the year.


Anyway, not sure what to expect tonight. A win would put us at 2-3, not half bad for getting owned so far. I cheer for our young team and realize we could put it together or we could plummet until next year. Either way.


Go Canucks Go!

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2 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

It's going to be really tough again tonight.     Since the season started, our guys have NOT had two days off in a row.  As a matter of fact, many days off they have had have been spent travelling.  I really see the schedule catching up with them right now.


Montreal's had a two and four day "rest" period already.  With another 6 days off coming up.  Seems so unbalanced and unfair right now.  One's set up to fail and the other to succeed. 


They're exhausted I'm sure...not sure how that'll play out.  Dig deep, get some fresh legs in there (yes, Loui)...see where it goes.


All I've got.

I'm going to be positive here. I'm POSITIVE that the team is exhausted. Most here don't seem to want to acknowledge it but to me it's pretty clear. I'm reading that the team isn't trying hard enough, they cough up too many pucks, they're slow to the puck, they aren't hitting, they don't win the puck battles... Petey falls down too much, even Miller is brutal...

All of this is uncharacteristic of the team. The only reason has to be that they are tired. As Deb says, they have not had two days off in a row. They've played more than any other team. And this game will be the 6th game in 9 days. Just brutal. I'm wondering where the energy is going to come from... I know I can't 'do it' 6 times in 9 nights!

 I'm going on a hope and a prayer that the guys will find it. That's my positivity for this game! 

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8 minutes ago, yes we can nucks said:

I'm going to be positive here. I'm POSITIVE that the team is exhausted. Most here don't seem to want to acknowledge it but to me it's pretty clear. I'm reading that the team isn't trying hard enough, they cough up too many pucks, they're slow to the puck, they aren't hitting, they don't win the puck battles... Petey falls down too much, even Miller is brutal...

All of this is uncharacteristic of the team. The only reason has to be that they are tired. As Deb says, they have not had two days off in a row. They've played more than any other team. And this game will be the 6th game in 9 days. Just brutal. I'm wondering where the energy is going to come from... I know I can't 'do it' 6 times in 9 nights!

 I'm going on a hope and a prayer that the guys will find it. That's my positivity for this game! 

Funny, isn't it, though, how Motte, Hoagie and Mcewen don't seem exhausted.   To what do you attribute their exhuberance?

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2 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

It's going to be really tough again tonight.     Since the season started, our guys have NOT had two days off in a row.  As a matter of fact, many days off they have had have been spent travelling.  I really see the schedule catching up with them right now.


Montreal's had a two and four day "rest" period already.  With another 6 days off coming up.  Seems so unbalanced and unfair right now.  One's set up to fail and the other to succeed. 


They're exhausted I'm sure...not sure how that'll play out.  Dig deep, get some fresh legs in there (yes, Loui)...see where it goes.


All I've got.


We are the only team in the NHL with 12 games already, some only have 7 and we play again tonight! 

Especially without proper preseason that seems pretty unfair... (i know, I know, no excuses, bla bla...)


Wonder if they should have more of a regular rotation built in, not just for goalies and rookies. (Like soccer teams do often), just keep players fresh. (Best team any given night might not be just to ice your best players,but to ice your freshest ones)


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I think Miller is stuck in the pressure of being the top guy, & mentally feeling like he has to do more.


I'll say that I'm less worried about that line now, even last night they had a few good shifts & the PP looked good. They just need to execute. 


If there's anyone to talk about it's Hughes, that might've been his worst game of the season. 

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4 minutes ago, Gassy Jack said:

Wonder if they should have more of a regular rotation built in, not just for goalies and rookies. (Like soccer teams do often), just keep players fresh. (Best team any given night might not be just to ice your best players,but to ice your freshest ones)


I think that is the whole idea of the taxi squad (plus, a sop to Canadian teams re difficulty of getting players from US farm teams)

Green has done a decent job changing players (albeit defencemen and 3rd/4th liners) with Gaudette/Virtanen/McEwen/Roussel being interchangeable as forwards and Rafferty/Juolevi/Chatfield/Hamonic and Benn among defencemen 

Some changes were forced on him by injuries/Covid precautions, sure, but I don't see exhaustion as being any excuse.  If that is the reason,  then lack of conditioning is the culprit, not the schedule (see my earlier post re Motte, Hoagie and McEwen)

The test might be if Green has the gumption to swap out players like Miller or Hughes or Petey to rest them if he feels that they are under par.  I doubt it.

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