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Elias Pettersson | Quinn Hughes - Contract Discussion Thread

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1 minute ago, Sean83 said:

Alf, man, believe me the last thing I want to be doing is having to be on here bashing my favourite's team franchise player (on a Friday night no less when I should be having fun) when EVERYTHING ELSE was pointing towards us making a deep run, perhaps even winning the cup this year, after Benning's tremendous off-season acquisitions, trades and releases.  We would have been set, man, set.  Instead, EP is being a selfish clown and this is the scenario we have instead.  With all our new pieces, we can't afford to play EP and QH's game.  We need a rockin' start at training camp and we don't need any more team drama, god knows, after the Luongo/Schneider affair, the Virtanen mess, etc.


If I was JB, Hughes and Petterson would both be on one-way tickets out of town the day before training camp STAT, if not signed, for Eichel and Dahlin so that JB's other moves aren't all going to waste because EP/QH are sitting out until December or January (at least!).  

Ummm you do realize that Dahlin has still not signed his contract either right?  

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12 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Ummm you do realize that Dahlin has still not signed his contract either right?  

OK, I'll be slightly more charitable to your guy.  Maybe he doesn't want to be the sole reason the Canucks win games.  Maybe he wants to see the team put some W's together in the regular season and then he'll sign. That's still him being a dick but at least that's a scenario where he hasn't entirely given up on us.  It's a dangerous game though because what does it do to the team chemistry?  "Hey guys, I finally showed up.  I didn't think you were that good.  Thought I better get in on the action so I don't miss out."  I wouldn't want to play with a guy like that but maybe the team can put that betrayal behind them as part of the larger goal of winning the cup.  It'd be tough to have a really close tight-knit team after shenanigans' like that though. 


Regardless, this whole affair has revealed a ton about EP's character. I also don't really buy his schtick about wanting to "win" because this is not the behaviour of someone that wants to win.  He should be jumping to sign because JB has built a real contender this year.  


P.S.:  Dahlin, Kospiren (SP?) and Brady Tkachuk have revealed a lot about their true character this off season as well.

Edited by Sean83
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38 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

So now we know how Dhailwal is getting all his scoops from the agents:



Not news to anyone paying attention.


Pretty clear he went from being the most informative media person in this market to a complete shill for player agents a few years ago. 

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3 hours ago, khay said:


And just considering the rate at which we hit on the first rounders (only OJ has failed to make it as a regular thus far), that's potentially 8 players to add to the team... the depth would be crazy and we would be able to revamp the entire defence through the draft.

You forgot Virts. He made the team but wasn’t worth a first round pick.

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2 hours ago, Sean83 said:

Alf, man, believe me the last thing I want to be doing is having to be on here bashing my favourite's team franchise player (on a Friday night no less when I should be having fun) when EVERYTHING ELSE was pointing towards us making a deep run, perhaps even winning the cup this year, after Benning's tremendous off-season acquisitions, trades and releases.  We would have been set, man, set.  Instead, EP is being a selfish clown and this is the scenario we have instead.  With all our new pieces, we can't afford to play EP and QH's game.  We need a rockin' start at training camp and we don't need any more team drama, god knows, after the Luongo/Schneider affair, the Virtanen mess, etc.


If I was JB, Hughes and Petterson would both be on one-way tickets out of town the day before training camp STAT, if not signed, for Eichel and Dahlin so that JB's other moves aren't all going to waste because EP/QH are sitting out until December or January (at least!).  


I'd also, if I were JB, I'd be calling up JP Barry and be like "hey, do your clients want to play in the world-class city of BUFFALO? No? Well, you have until the day training camp starts to sign or they're outta here buddy!"

Ummm you do know that Jack Eichel is JP Barry's client right?

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3 hours ago, Sean83 said:

Not sarcasm at all.  I'm an excellent judge of character.  I didn't think much of it prior to this temper tantrum by EP but it's all making sense to me now.  Go back and watch EP's old interviews on Youtube or with local sports media.  There's one in particular with EP and Brock Boesser.  You can tell BB is really a team player but EP is clearly only out for numeral uno.  He's hated being on this team since Day #1.  Just go back and listen to his interviews.  Note the tone of his voice.  He hates Vancouver for some reason and wants out ASAP.  He is downright miserable about being a Canuck.


Before you bash this post, go back and watch some of his Canucks promo stuff.  Does any of it send a message to you of a guy who wants to be here even one iota?


Quinn, I can understand.  He just wants to go play with his bros in New Jersey.  He's not self-entitled or "crap doesn't stink" kind of guy like EP is.


Also of note, Sidney Crosby and Connor McDavid complain not one iota about having to play in cities not anywhere near world-class like Pittsburgh and Edmonton.  Meantime, we're stuck with this selfish clown.


The fact that neither one is even close to signing with us lends great credence to my thoughts, unfortunately. 


Either way, I wish it weren't so, as we could have won a cup with these 2, but they don't want to be here like, at all.  So, alas, we are screwed (like usual for Canucks fans). 


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If the “rumour” 8x8 for Hughes is true. You can pretty much kiss Boeser and Motte goodbye. Possibly Horvat as well.


Ideally, you would go 6x4 for Hughes and 6.5x3 for Pettersson. Petey gets 500k less than what Barzal got, due to not playing a full season. 

Both would still be RFAs after those contracts expire. While Pearson’s, Myers’, Poolman’s and Dickerson’s salaries are off the books.

Edited by shiznak
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6 hours ago, Gawdzukes said:


Exactly. I can tell you first hand as an athlete you want the coach to pick the best team possible at any competitive level. This goes triple for a superstar phenom playing professional for millions.  You want to win at almost any cost. If your inferior skilled buddy doesn't make the team so be it. That's life. You move on, you're still friends, and he can still play hockey on another team.


What a childish notion. Obviously spoken by someone with zero knowledge of sports whatsoever. 

How many times do I have to say that this isn't about Dahlen... So who is the child bringing up irrelevant issues? 

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I need to head to bed but I just wanted to apologize for my frustration.  I take all of it back.  I think losing the cup in 2011 the way we did left such a huge mark on me that it's not easy not to be pessimistic.  Not that they care, but I want to apologize for jumping all over EP and QH.  I know that HF Boards is a cespool of negativism against us but the negativity is so strong there that it's hard not to be drawn into it. 


So, sincere true apologies to EP and QH for my being a jerk towards them.  They've done more for this franchise than any 2 players since the Sedins and more than I could possibly ask for so soon.  So, I will from now on, believe in them, maintain an optimistic outlook and trust in them that they will not let us down.  Please know that it's hard to place this trust given the tragedies that have befallen our team since it's inception really but I will do so in the hopes that true belief and true fandom will help the Canucks reach the next level.


No more negativity from me.  Ever.  I do admit that I will be so much happier when this contract nightmare is over though and we can focus on Canucks winning games and actual hockey.  It's like my nephew always tells me, "you have to believe in me."  So, that's what I'm going to do and I just hope that we don't all get hurt again. 

Edited by Sean83
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2 minutes ago, Sean83 said:

I need to head to bed but I just wanted to apologize for my frustration.  I take all of it back.  I think losing the cup in 2011 the way we did left such a huge mark on me that it's not easy not to be pessimistic.  Not that they care, but I want to apologize for jumping all over EP and QH.  I know that HF Boards is a cespool of negativism against us but the negativity is so strong there that it's hard not to be drawn into it. 


So, sincere true apologies to EP and QH for my being a jerk towards them.  They've done more for this franchise than any 2 players since the Sedins and more than I could possibly ask for so soon.  So, I will from now on, believe in them, maintain an optimistic outlook and trust in them that they will not let us down.  Please know that it's hard to place this trust given the tragedies that have befallen our team since it's inception really but I will do so in the hopes that true belief and true fandom will help the Canucks reach the next level.


No more negativity from me.  Ever.  I do admit that I will be so much happier when this contract nightmare is over though and we can focus on Canucks winning games and actual hockey.  It's like my nephew always tells me, "you have to believe in me."  So, that's what I'm going to do and I just hope that we don't all get hurt again. 

Do you need a snicker?

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49 minutes ago, shiznak said:

If the “rumour” 8x8 for Hughes is true. You can pretty much kiss Boeser and Motte goodbye. Possibly Horvat as well.


Ideally, you would go 6x4 for Hughes and 6.5x3 for Pettersson. Petey gets 500k less than what Barzal got, due to not playing a full season. 

Both would still be RFAs after those contracts expire. While Pearson’s, Myers’, Poolman’s and Dickerson’s salaries are off the books.

lol 6.5x3 for pettersson? keep dreaming he'll sit out the season before signing anything more than 1 year for 6.5mil. 1 year 6.5mil? maybe coz he's gonna cash in on arbitration at 8+ if he have just an *avg point per game season.. and he can keep doing it till he becomes a free agent lol. leaving our only option to trade him and the return will probably be abysmal unless it's a sign and trade deal as he can keep going the arbitration route and the team we attempt to trade him to is guaranteed nothing.


Miller will be long gone before boeser and horvat is gone from the team. it's pretty much a foregone conclusion he'll not be re-signed once his contract expires as he wouldn't be able to afford him nor should we give him the big contract he'll probably be looking to cash in on his possible last payday. Horvat isn't going to be getting much of a raise on his next contract if anything maybe 6.5 max 7. if anything Benning would have to move Miller next off season just so he can keep boeser and only because he added 2.4mil of dead cap with more bad contract he signed in previous seasons buyout.

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40 minutes ago, wai_lai416 said:

lol 6.5x3 for pettersson? keep dreaming he'll sit out the season before signing anything more than 1 year for 6.5mil. 1 year 6.5mil? maybe coz he's gonna cash in on arbitration at 8+ if he have just an *avg point per game season.. and he can keep doing it till he becomes a free agent lol. leaving our only option to trade him and the return will probably be abysmal unless it's a sign and trade deal as he can keep going the arbitration route and the team we attempt to trade him to is guaranteed nothing.


Miller will be long gone before boeser and horvat is gone from the team. it's pretty much a foregone conclusion he'll not be re-signed once his contract expires as he wouldn't be able to afford him nor should we give him the big contract he'll probably be looking to cash in on his possible last payday. Horvat isn't going to be getting much of a raise on his next contract if anything maybe 6.5 max 7. if anything Benning would have to move Miller next off season just so he can keep boeser and only because he added 2.4mil of dead cap with more bad contract he signed in previous seasons buyout.

Bridge deal, less term = less money. Find me a player who signed a bridge deal worth over 8M. Especially a player, who has yet to play a full season.


We’ve seen this dance before, with Boeser. A lot of people on here thought he was getting well over 7m+, but end up with a bridge deal at 5.7M. At that time of his deal, Boeser averaged .83 points per game. That isn’t too far off, what Pettersson currently averages.


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7 hours ago, Jester13 said:

I'll add to this and say that IF - and this is a far-reaching if - Petey is refusing to sign because of Dahlen, then not only is his agent not doing his job, but I also don't want Petey on this team. 


Good thing Timrafan is just plain wrong with his pseudo-psychology. 

I never said Perey is refusing to sign becuse of Dahlen.

Do you read my posts or?


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