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[Rumour] Bo Horvat Trade/Contract Talks


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Just now, stawns said:

At that point, what difference is a 3C going to make?  With Horvat gone, they might as well clean house.  

Lol like I said BB gone and Myers,plus buyout or trade Pearson we have money to resign Kuz,get a RHD and 2c so the 3c will help .



Quick turn around and holes filled.

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1 minute ago, cripplereh said:

Lol like I said BB gone and Myers,plus buyout or trade Pearson we have money to resign Kuz,get a RHD and 2c so the 3c will help .



Quick turn around and holes filled.

I don’t think they’ll get much, if any cap space from any of those deals……..all will have similar;at cap coming back, if they can trade them at all.


My guess is both Pearson and Myers’s are here until their contracts expire

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4 minutes ago, cripplereh said:

Lol like I said BB gone and Myers,plus buyout or trade Pearson we have money to resign Kuz,get a RHD and 2c so the 3c will help .



Quick turn around and holes filled.

I find it funny that some fans think this will be a quick turnaround  like it is an NHl game. There is no quick fixing this mess. The faster some accept this, the less painful it will be when it happens.

Edited by Canuckfanforlife82
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21 minutes ago, grandmaster said:

The dogs in this forum are out of control. No respect or appreciation for our players. Really is pathetic.

Name one achievement he accomplished for the organization so we could appreciate him.


Naslund and Henrik would deliver when the team need them the most, can you say the same about Horvat? Besides that bubble Playoffs he is pretty much a non-factor in his career as a Canuck.

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56 minutes ago, Darius said:

If im in game 7 in any round of the stanley cup i cant think of a situation where id want Miller on the ice over Bo.  Not one.  Whether they are up by one, down by one, or tied.  Miller and his brain farts would make me highly nervous.  


In a way its the same reason flames fans think a guy like Kadri is an upgrade over gaudreau.  Little johnny will rack up more points but who would you rather have out there when the screws are being put down and the game / series is on the line.



This is exactly it. A super dumb give up that results in a goal against in an important situation is like 15 goals against. It's simply unacceptable for someone who is considered a top player. And let's not make any bones about it. Miller doesn't simply just give away goals and not try he actually makes it look like an artform. Absolutely freaking atrocious really.


It's one thing to give away a lead or not score simply because you've maxed out your skill but to lose games because of lack of effort and loyalty to your teammates is disgusting.

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It’s really sad and tragic all that good will and hope from a year ago has been dashed with haunting memories of the previous short sighted moves from Benning/Aquilini’s “vision” it’s more of the same. We had a opportunity to turn the page and make culture changes like trading Miller last TDL or summer.


Now we are losing the captain and stoic home grown Canuck over a guy who had a good year and doesn’t conduct himself as a mature leader. This is on JR/PA and once again Aquilini for not making the tough choices because now it’s come home to roost. 

The bright spot in all this is, it’ll force the team to rebuild as we don’t have much of a choice. We might lose the core that Benning built but it was never a finished product or good enough to win. So this is on Bennings cap short sighted plan, Aquilini’s impatience to build a proper deep team and the current managements decision (could be once again FA’s mandate) to double down on Bennings roster. And that’s why we are where we are. No long term plan, vision and a very apathetic fanbase. 

Take a bow, YOU DONE f**kED IT UP 

Edited by EP Phone Home
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2 minutes ago, Kenny Powers said:

With the cap projected to increase by only $1M, I wonder if teams will less inclined to wait on trades, as less relief is coming in the off-season 

I think you're right.


Only desperate and/or actual legit contenders are going to be making splashy moves - everyone else is going to be very, very careful of the long-term financial considerations of any potential deals. 

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1 minute ago, stawns said:

I don’t think they’ll get much, if any cap space from any of those deals……..all will have similar;at cap coming back, if they can trade them at all.


My guess is both Pearson and Myers’s are here until their contracts expire

Yes but if we get this years cap on players then they become ufa we are done and get cap space if they are the Pearson type players.


That way come summer we have the money to get a couple ufa's.

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7 minutes ago, Gurn said:

Kesler scored  104 one year, and won the Selke the next, so we've been close.

Kesler had 104 points?  Did I miss that year?  I think you are thinking about Naslund, I don't believe Kesler ever got more than like 70-80 points...

Edited by Elias Pettersson
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2 minutes ago, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

I find it funny that some fans think this will be a quick turnaround  like it is an NHl game. There is no quick fixing this mess. The faster some accept this, the less painful it will be when it happens.

I find it funny that we have seen it happen and people still think it can't.

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1 minute ago, EP Phone Home said:

It’s really sad and tragic all that good will and hope from a year ago has been dashed with haunting memories of the previous short sighted moves from Benning/Aquilini’s “vision” it’s more of the same. We have an opportunity to turn the page and make culture changes like trading Miller last TDL or summer.


Now we are losing the captain and stoic home grown Canuck over a guy who had a good year and doesn’t conduct himself as a mature leader. This is on JR/PA and once again Aquilini for not making the tough choices because now it’s come home to roost. 

The bright spot in all this is, it’ll force the team to rebuild as we don’t have much of a choice. We might lose the core that Benning built but it was never a finished product or good enough to win. So this is on Bennings cap short minded plan, Aquilini’s impatience to build a proper deep team and the current managements decision (could be once again FA’s mandate) to double down on Bennings roster. And that’s why we are where we are. No long term plan, vision and a very apathetic fanbase. 

Take a bow, YOU DONE f**kED IT UP 

Very well said, and it should force a rebuild. But it won't, probably just more bandaids, and stupid, desperate moves. 

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2 minutes ago, jyu said:

Bo has been casted as a defensive centerman but in truth, he is an offensive 2C.


He is a responsible player at both ends of the ice. But he has limitations at both ends of the ice, preventing him from becoming a first line center. He does not possess high end offensive skills, i.e., maintaining puck possession, cycling the puck, making plays, etc. Nor does he possess elite defensive skills like reading the play develop to cut the passing lane, blocking shots, creating turnovers, physicality along the boards, etc.


I see him as a better player than RNH but below Kadri. Considering that, the fair value for him is probably 6.5 mil. 


On this team, Brock Boeser, whose contribution is far below Horvat's, is making 6.6 mil. So the Horvat camp's starting point was probably around 7 mil. Whether we re-signed Miller or not, the negotiation wasn't going to end well with the two sides that far apart; re-signing Miller made things harder capwise but may have also caused some emotional damage.


I think the right team for Bo is a team that already has a dominant 1C, like Colorado. He could put up points on the PP while being freed up to score against secondary defenders. He could give you 70+ points under the right circumstances.


This in my opinion is a spot on assessment

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8 minutes ago, Provost said:

… and if they had have made him the priority and signed Bo before this year he could probably have been had for $7 million x 8 years.


They decided Miller was more important, and it seems to me they likely didn’t really want Bo as it is easier to move him than take the C away to change the leadership dynamic on the team.


 Bo leaving doesn’t bother me as much as a complete lack of faith that the team brass can articulate and execute on some sort of solid vision for the team.  They keep changing their messaging when they can’t get things done.



Management gave Petey two new wingers to form a #1 line and also got a completely new 4th line, all for free.  One of those players on the 4th line even has more goals than Boeser and Garland.


They now need to work on the 2nd and 3rd lines.  And the defence.  This was never gonna get fixed in one offseason.  Trading BO for assets, freeing up cape space and picking up some new players next offseason is the next goal.

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14 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Miller was a force at centre last year. Had his best year ever at centre. There is no reason he can’t get back to that level with better wingers and a better defensive structure. Trading Horvat frees him up to be the defacto 2C.  And allows us to hopefully pick up a top prospect that can play with Miller.  Miller and Podkolzin had good chemistry last year. Maybe that can happen again next year. If we can get a Fabian Lysell type player who is fast as hell and great defensively then that would be a perfect winger for Miller.  


There is still hope for us.  Just because Horvat is traded it’s not the end of the Canucks.  We survived a Bure trade, a Linden trade, a Luongo trade.  I am sure we can survive a Horvat trade. 

One positive of Horvat trade may be that Podz would get a call up. The kid scored 14 goals, has a good shot and is decent along the boards. 


Maybe we should bring Podz up to play with Miller and Garland?







The team will take a step back with Horvat gone but yeah, we will survive.


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5 minutes ago, EP Phone Home said:

It’s really sad and tragic all that good will and hope from a year ago has been dashed with haunting memories of the previous short sighted moves from Benning/Aquilini’s “vision” it’s more of the same. We have an opportunity to turn the page and make culture changes like trading Miller last TDL or summer.


Now we are losing the captain and stoic home grown Canuck over a guy who had a good year and doesn’t conduct himself as a mature leader. This is on JR/PA and once again Aquilini for not making the tough choices because now it’s come home to roost. 

The bright spot in all this is, it’ll force the team to rebuild as we don’t have much of a choice. We might lose the core that Benning built but it was never a finished product or good enough to win. So this is on Bennings cap short minded plan, Aquilini’s impatience to build a proper deep team and the current managements decision (could be once again FA’s mandate) to double down on Bennings roster. And that’s why we are where we are. No long term plan, vision and a very apathetic fanbase. 

Take a bow, YOU DONE f**kED IT UP 

I don’t think there was anything short sighted about Benning’s moves, not as far as the long term plan goes.  Given that they bulk of hi9s contracts expire in the next year or two, he clearly understood that the core that would compete was going to be around Petey and Hughes.  I have no doubt that he would have moved Miller and signed Horvat and built around Petey and QH.


Thjere’s a reason that all his “horrible” signings expire soon

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