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[Rumour] Bo Horvat Trade/Contract Talks


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1 hour ago, The King of Kings said:

Lots of people think it's terrible to giveup the 2nd though, even we all know the dickenson deal is necessary in order to land the Bear deal.

It's not ideal, but I don't mind stillman.  He's a work in progress but he's young and has room to develop.  It's unfortunate that he's become the convenient whipping boy here, as he's getting better with each game

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Bo is by far my fav player. He has been ever since his rookie start scoring that goal that won the game with the twins.   However, however, part of me wants him to leave.   He deserves so much more than this team can offer.  The owner and management don’t deserve him 

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4 hours ago, Angry Goose said:

Lets say this happen. Would u do:


to FLA




to VAN




Lundell takes 2C vacancy w/ Miller and Lysell on his wing.  Or Podz or Hoagie.


Then u try to trade for or sign a UFA LD (Meyers MUST be moved after his signing bonus) like Graves, Orlov, etc. (open to ideas).


Your top 4 D


xxx Carlo

OEL Bear


OEL assumes PP1 Bear PP2. 


Canucks lose Bo and Hughes but gain their 2C and the defence becomes a bit more balanced.  OEL is good enough to still be an effective PP1 player.


And if they get say Trotz or someone a bit more defensively minded……

Oh man, I hope they don’t trade Hughes. He and Petey are the untouchables. 

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10 minutes ago, sassbs said:

He deserves so much more than this team can offer.  The owner and management don’t deserve him 

that is the only positive that I see in Bo leaving.


Draft picks and prospects are a bit of a box of chocolates as you never now what you're going to get but Bo has the heart of a Canuck which is hard to replace.

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5 hours ago, N4ZZY said:

Well, if he goes on a slump, then he'll come cheaper :P


The last place I want to send Bo is to Boston. No way. I can't see him in Bruins colors. 


Why would you say that it's obvious that he doesn't want to be here anymore? 


I hope if Bo goes he wins a cup, I wish him success......but not in Boston, nope, never.

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2 minutes ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

There's really no untouchables on this team. Besides if you gut the team and it's not rebuilt fast enough. Do you think Petey and Hughes will want to stay?

This. It's important for JR et all to keep up the optics. But absolutely, every player should be considered as a trade asset at this point. 

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10 hours ago, eeeeergh said:

There's some things they can try that could go a long way


Horvat out, #1 RHD in would be a big move if they can swing it

Boeser out, kapanen in would make our penalty kill better, and give miller a defensive oriented winger


im torn between wnating them to just rip it all down and rebuild through futures, or surround petey and hughes with good players

Now that petey's line is one of the, if not the best in the nhl, i think there may be something worth building around

I am with you and I think it will depend on the trading partners and what they are willing to deal. It is going to be a process and I think they should be patient and make the deals as they present themselves. The only pressing issues is Bo and Miller because of their current contracts. 

As the injuries pile up and the trade deadline nears, the urgency to make deals will become more and more pressing. 

I do think though that tearing it down to the studs and keeping Hughes, Petey and maybe Demko is the way to go though.

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VAN has been clawing and struggling away for a decade, trying to be a good team again. I guess getting so close in 2011 will do that. They need smart people in place forecasting the direction of the team, understanding that they had their chance and they need to rebuild the prospects etc. The Canucks haven't had a Top 3 picks in almost 25 years, because they keep "going for it".


They would've already gone through the rebuild and would probably be a Cup contender today. But no, they continue year after year chasing 2011. 


It will take years to get great again, but the payoff is worth it. Aqua is so short-sighted. 


Trading Bo doesn't mean they're rebuilding either. It just means they couldn't keep him because of their incompetence. They'll still try to make the playoffs without him.


Round round we go.

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10 hours ago, Kenny Powers said:

I originally thought the headlines were posturing from the team, but don’t they usually make statements like “we’re confident we’ll get a deal done.” ?


If negotiations are truly over, let’s stockpile defence, futures and cap space, in as many deals as we can make.  if we can trade Miller too, aim for two packages of a 1st, useful roster player and A/B prospect. 

Change the team leadership so anyone that wears a letter leaves it all on the ice (Schenn, Petey, Hughes). 


make a decision on the coaching staff in the New Year, so we can build a new identity/system / chemistry ASAP.  I can watch us lose if there’s a coherent plan. 

This sums it up nicely. I don't mind losses when they played a hard fought game for 60 minutes. At least fans can feel they got their moneys worth when they go to a game. When the effort is not there, you feel like you got ripped off. 

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17 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

We've been crying for big changes for years.  Now that it finally seems to be happening people are crying that it's BO and it should be Miller, blah blah blah.  At the end of the day, this core needed to be changed.  If it's BO and Boeser so be it.  Roll with the punches and see what happens.  

Its exactly how I have been feeling this season. Enough of 'he's my chum and I like him'...

We need change, any change... 

Some feel we'll regret letting Bo, amd we maybe will, but under Bo's leadership we haven't blown any houses down, so.....

Hope he isn't the only move though, as would like see a few more moves. 

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6 hours ago, stawns said:

2-3 years?  Don't fool yourself, we're looking at 8ish years

Probably true but also incredibly slim odds that this group can pull off a retool effectively either. Teams can be rebuilt in hockey in several years or at least get a great start if it's done right. I preferred keeping Horvat in the summer and giving it two years but honestly I don't think it matters anymore. These guys can't count to 82.5 correctly anyway. At that point it makes more sense to get the assets we can and start building for when Miller's contract off the books. Hmmm 8 years, coincidence that JT's contract ends then. If necessary we can dump Petey an Demko too. At least we'd have some cap space for once lol. 


As you can see I'm out of ideas, just like our management group. Purgatorium Incorporated.

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3 hours ago, RinkonRenfrew said:

At the start of the season, i was expecting us to be in a wildcard spot and PA to trade a second early in the season for some defensive help. 

i wish we just gave Abbotsford our second and brought up Brisebois. Bear is okay, might even help us get the 15th pick in the first round next draft. 

He's been an interesting player. Nice guy too on After Hours but it's not like he's helping us do anything but finish just outside the playoffs. Bear is also a UFA anyway so who even knows if we can or want to re-sign him.


Yet another brain dead move by this group.


Stillman for a second, and a couple of bucks to sign Bear. :sick: Absolutely horrific.

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Just now, coryberg said:


Hmmm, thanks. Doesn't make it much better but I guess it's something. With how crappy the team is it's hard to tell what we got there. Really didn't need a 3rd pairing D though we could have just played Burroughs.


That Stillman trade though. Gawd was that stupid.

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