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[Report] Canucks fire Travis Green, name Bruce Boudreau as head coach

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1 minute ago, Alflives said:


Wisebrod that too?  He gets axed but this Gear guy stays?  Interesting.  

Gear was only recently promoted.


He’s not responsible for the current mess as he isn’t involved in trades, hirings, or the draft.

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9 minutes ago, nux_win said:

Why not?  Hughes is one of the best offensive D-men out there.  Myers and OED are decent skaters and passers for their size.  And we've got Schenn the offensive dynamo (OK, maybe that's going a bit too far but even he can score).  Offence shouldn't be the problem.  Defense however...  In any case, I think we can still do well with the current line-up with a bit better organization.  I don't have anything against Green but I think the coaching change should help the team.  We'll see.  GCG!

Stas don't bear this out, though .....



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Thank goodness Benning and Weisbrod are out.


Ideally a new President is appointed and can spend the rest of the season finding a new GM.


The Boudreau hiring seems kind of like a stopgap as a GM is going to want to be able to select their own guy.  

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Not rushing the GM hire is the best thing they could do.


They need to take their time there and evaluate all potential candidates. Also weighing the option of hiring a President to conduct the GM search.


A knee jerk GM hire would have set us back even further. Hopefully the next news we hear is that they’re conducting a search for the next POHO.

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