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[Report] Canucks name Jim Rutherford as president & interim GM

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4 hours ago, JayDangles said:

Just jumping in. I seem to remember Horvat publicly endorsing Green last spring before his contract extension. Whether he felt pressured to do so because he knew Green was going to stick around I don't know. But when the captain is standing up for the coach the GM is going to listen.


I don't really remember any player endorsing Green cause I am still wondering what was the justification for re-signing a coach with such a mediocre record.  As for Horvat, if he ever did such a stunt: I am not sure, what  compelled him to do so ?   Anyways, it was fairly obvious (from my POV), that most of the players had grown tired of his antics.

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Wish I could share in the enthusiasm for this hiring, which seems fairly widespread on these boards. Haven't delved too deeply into Rutherford's managerial-history, but much of what I recall not too fond of.


Feel like this guy is part of the OBC in a pretty corrupt,(rigged?) entity, the NHL. But posted yest, it's the Aqua's coin/team, & sure hope they are 100% trusting(& with good reason) in this guy.


Of course I'd rather see the Canucks win, than see my doubts justified. Positively, hope this here naysayer's post is proven absoLUTEly wayyy off base!

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12 minutes ago, EternalCanuckFan said:

There has been a lot of talk about Rutherford being a "consensus builder".  It will be interesting to see how many more changes may be made by Rutherford - is he just going to bring in people who agree with him or is he going to present and implement a vision that the whole organization can understand and work towards?

Who he hires will, say alot about JR's plan moving forward but his hiring confirms FA's, intention to go all in with this core.   Hope we don't see a Gillis 2.0 scenario, if this gamble doesn't pan out and they have to re tool or re build.

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Once a canuck always a canuck, Allstars in the community over allstars on the ice. This is what i feel like has been prioritized over winning. Ruthless rutherford will clean house and turn us into a winning hockey club first and foremost. Hopefully this means hanging onto players for dear life because of silly non on ice reason's is over. 

IF you were jimmy, And see this kid sitting on the bench, While your two team leaders are out there winning the game at such a crucial time..
I'm talking to lou about barzal. Both could maybe use a change depending on how the rest of the year plays out

I really don't think horvat, hogs, podz, hughes, OEL moves. Everyone else is open season. Alot depends on how we are looking come TDL. 

Edited by Mustard Tiger
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1 minute ago, Mustard Tiger said:

Once a canuck always a canuck, Allstars in the community over allstars on the ice. This is what i feel like has been prioritized over winning. Ruthless rutherford will clean house and turn us into a winning hockey club first and foremost. Hopefully this means hanging onto players for dear life because of silly non on ice reason's is over. 

IF you were jimmy, And see this kid sitting on the bench, While your two team leaders are out there winning the game at such a crucial time..
I'm talking to lou about barzal. Both could maybe use a change depending on how the rest of the year plays out

I really don't think horvat, hogs, podz, hughes, OEL moves. Everyone else is open season. Alot depends on how we are looking come TDL. 

Petey and Boeser for Barzal and Dobson. Would ya? 

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1 minute ago, Mustard Tiger said:

I'm talking to lou about barzal. Both could maybe use a change depending on how the rest of the year plays out

You mean a Pettersson for Barzal trade?  That would be wild. 


I get this feeling that other GMs respect and work better with Rutherford, than they did with Benning. 

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30 minutes ago, EternalCanuckFan said:

There has been a lot of talk about Rutherford being a "consensus builder".  It will be interesting to see how many more changes may be made by Rutherford - is he just going to bring in people who agree with him or is he going to present and implement a vision that the whole organization can understand and work towards?

Just win baby! It worked for the raiders lol

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4 hours ago, 48MPHSlapShot said:

Depending on the return, I think I'd be okay with that. Petey seems like a bit of a headcase. It's not just that he's in a bad slump. It's his demeanor. He always looks like he's morbidly depressed. I just don't see how we're supposed to build around a guy that's that emotionally fragile.

Guys on Sportsnet 650 today were saying Brock might be first up in the crosshairs. Another indictment on Benning might be this signing in hindsight. That qualifying number is gonna be a huge gut check for management. I've always been a bit unsure about Brock's top end potential but I Love him as a player and teammate.


On a side note I'm really noticing how Brock and J.T seem to be really dialled and tight of late. I was wondering if there may have been some bad vibes between those two in the past but it seems during Brock's last two PP goal cellies that they are pumped playing for each other. Kind of leads back into what you're saying about Petey. I hope he feels connected with the rest of the team because loners are always seen as awkward dressing room/team guys (Dougie Hamilton).

Just saying.

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1 hour ago, Maniwaki Canuck said:

This wouldn't totally shock me, although the return probably would.

We need more depth, especially on the back end. Rutherford will assess and make a move for better or for worse I suppose. This team currently built won't be the same in months to come. I'd swap Petey for another top pairing righty in a heartbeat (unless he thickens up into Mats Sundin style and makes me regret it for the rest of my life hehe).

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Just now, Pickly said:

Petey and Boeser for Barzal and Dobson. Would ya? 

It's such a big change, Would be hard at first. Alot depends on how this season plays out. I want to give everyone a fair assessment now that we have all NHL level coaches and looking to be front office now as well before going for that deal.

Both will be RFA's as well. I wouldn't say no but its sitting on the back burner till the offseason

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10 minutes ago, NUCKER67 said:

You mean a Pettersson for Barzal trade?  That would be wild. 


I get this feeling that other GMs respect and work better with Rutherford, than they did with Benning. 

Yes. It's only fair imo to give everyone some time now that we have all NHL staff, But if things with ep don't pick up by seasons end... I'd say open season

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