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(Rumour) Nux have given permission for Boeser’s agent to talk to other teams


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This debate about who is better, Bo or JTM is silly. 
Bo is definitely the more valuable player.  Trading Bo puts us in full rebuild. JTM would need to be out second line centre as we have no other options, or in other words full tank. 
‘JTM was the better scorer last year because he abandoned all though of D. Bo at least plays both sides of the puck. JTM coasts and watches D especially after he is the one who lost the puck with a crazy stupid pass at an inappropriate time.  
Another look is that trading Bo means we are in full rebuild as we turn into a team with one NHL centre in EP and one decent rookie depth centre in Aman. Trading JTM does not necessitate a rebuild as we can cover and even really need to lose an expensive winger.
‘Now, rebuilding is what is needed and I think both should probably go as much as hate to lose Bo. By any equation of where this team should go it should not involve JTM but probably will.  

Edited by DrJockitch
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8 hours ago, N4ZZY said:

Why would that be incentive to stay? 


I would say because it means they are the focal point of the team and will get paid like core players. At this point, that is the only way to sell them a future in Vancouver.


If Mgmt commits to selling the other pieces and spends money and trades wisely, the team could be competitive in EP/QH/TDs' 27 - 32 year old range. But mgmt has to start at this TDL.



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8 hours ago, N4ZZY said:

Yeah, unfortunately, but that's like 2-3 years wasted if management can't sell their plan to them. 


We waiting another 10 plus years before maybe we have a competitive team? What the hell is wrong with the owners that they would allow their "beloved" team to be run to the ground like this???


If this is how they think they do business, it's a shitty way of doing business. 


Not really.


If we have to trade Petey/Hughes that return is gonna be insurmountable.


if you continue to draft high, free cap and garner picks it shouldn’t take that long.  

The biggest thing is committing to the plan. 

It’s when you take shortcuts like Benning and perhaps PA/JR that you run the risk of wasting years, like we have already. 

The way we’ve been running the team is already a shitty way of doing business. 

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5 hours ago, mll said:

He signed as a free agent with Edmonton.  His contract was terminated by SJS for material breach and he actually changed agents then.  In the prior off-season SJS had given his camp permission to look for a trade and when that failed they demoted him to the AHL at the start of the season.


That is right, although it did get the ball rolling for him signing in Edmonton at least.

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13 hours ago, bigbadcanucks said:

I hope they're all here to do a scouting report on JT Miller.  Oh wait, probably not a good night for opposing team scouts to be watching Miller. Slop, slop, slop.  That's what they're seeing with Miller.

I'm so disgusted with Miller and his lack of on ice effort. If anyone recorded the game, go back and watch how far away Miller starts gliding to the bench for a change. I know lots of players never hustle to the bench for a change, but he legit stops skating in the offensive zone, when our bench is in the defensive zone. It takes him 5 seconds to even get close enough for the next player to jump on. If it was me waiting to come on I'd be screaming at him to hurry the F*** up!

This lack of effort screws over the new line coming over the boards and often leads to odd man rushes.



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Minnesota fans seem to love the idea of Dumba for Boeser straight up. This is a win-win

If Dumba can get 30+ games alongside Hughes:
1. He is a great fit and we sign him longer term, like 5x5, then move Myers at the deadline (retained)
2. He is a great fit and we move him for a first at the TDL
3. He isn't a great fit, in which case we maybe get a 2nd for him at the TDL and clear a tonne of cap.

Minnesota gets much needed secondary scoring (their 4th highest scoring winger has 8 points) and with Addison playing well they are super deep on the right side. 

Dumba will get an awesome opportunity to play with Hughes or OEL, so its a win for him. Boeser gets to be close to family and establish himself as a potential star in his home town. 

I think the players and the teams both win. If they could somehow take Myers off of our hands (even at 50% retained) to fill the RHD spot I'd be super happy. 

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12 minutes ago, JayDangles said:

I'm so disgusted with Miller and his lack of on ice effort. If anyone recorded the game, go back and watch how far away Miller starts gliding to the bench for a change. I know lots of players never hustle to the bench for a change, but he legit stops skating in the offensive zone, when our bench is in the defensive zone. It takes him 5 seconds to even get close enough for the next player to jump on. If it was me waiting to come on I'd be screaming at him to hurry the F*** up!

This lack of effort screws over the new line coming over the boards and often leads to odd man rushes.



I've noticed this too. He's not the only one either, Brock was doing it until he got his entitled a$$ woken up this past weekend. You're right it only takes a couple of guys having slightly slack game, it doesn't have to be much but it shows. 

Last nights come back win was no real cause for celebration. In fact I'm sure management isn't slowing down on their thoughts of changes to come. Last night debacle is more proof this team needs a good old fashioned shake up.


I don't know what's with Miller but I'm sure there's a good shot of ego entitlement there too. 


The team defense was beyond description in the first period. Martin struggled for sure but when you looked at the player positioning around the goal Martin didn't stand a chance on two of those goals.  


They keep talking team leadership and accountability. Instead of finger pointing the needs to be some introspective thinking taking place. 

That doesn't seem the case does it?


Final thought on last nights disaster. It was bad hockey and was a boring game until all the lax defense being played by both teams. Vancouver it lucky Montreal had an epic collapse. I thought only Vancouver lost 4 goals leads.


If any one is all jacked up about that game don't be. This team needs surgery. 


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3 minutes ago, aqua59 said:

I've noticed this too. He's not the only one either, Brock was doing it until he got his entitled a$$ woken up this past weekend. You're right it only takes a couple of guys having slightly slack game, it doesn't have to be much but it shows. 

Last nights come back win was no real cause for celebration. In fact I'm sure management isn't slowing down on their thoughts of changes to come. Last night debacle is more proof this team needs a good old fashioned shake up.


I don't know what's with Miller but I'm sure there's a good shot of ego entitlement there too. 


The team defense was beyond description in the first period. Martin struggled for sure but when you looked at the player positioning around the goal Martin didn't stand a chance on two of those goals.  


They keep talking team leadership and accountability. Instead of finger pointing the needs to be some introspective thinking taking place. 

That doesn't seem the case does it?


Final thought on last nights disaster. It was bad hockey and was a boring game until all the lax defense being played by both teams. Vancouver it lucky Montreal had an epic collapse. I thought only Vancouver lost 4 goals leads.


If any one is all jacked up about that game don't be. This team needs surgery. 


Agreed on all points.

I'm very surprised that Miller was given such a vote of confidence by management and signed long term. Anyone who knows hockey knows this type of player is an absolute cancer when things aren't going right. I've played on so many different teams and I have encountered Miller players so many times. Great hockey players that will break their back for their team. BUT the second things aren't going right, they become horribly selfish, prone to outburst, quitting on plays etc. Then if you try and call them out and try to hold them accountable, they only get worse. The whole team suffers around players like this. 


How could all the great new hockey minds in the front office not see this. I made numerous posts warning about signing Miller and called for him to be traded. I called it, and I definitely don't claim to be as smart as an NHL GM.


I'm just tired of seeing the same issues from the same players over and over. Sorry, rant over.


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6 hours ago, DrJockitch said:

This debate about who is better, Bo or JTM is silly. 
Bo is definitely the more valuable player.  Trading Bo puts us in full rebuild. JTM would need to be out second line centre as we have no other options, or in other words full tank. 
‘JTM was the better scorer last year because he abandoned all though of D. Bo at least plays both sides of the puck. JTM coasts and watches D especially after he is the one who lost the puck with a crazy stupid pass at an inappropriate time.  
Another look is that trading Bo means we are in full rebuild as we turn into a team with one NHL centre in EP and one decent rookie depth centre in Aman. Trading JTM does not necessitate a rebuild as we can cover and even really need to lose an expensive winger.
‘Now, rebuilding is what is needed and I think both should probably go as much as hate to lose Bo. By any equation of where this team should go it should not involve JTM but probably will.  

Yep. This


JTM should not be on this team. We lose Bo. We likely lose Petey and Hughes as well is my gut. The ineptitude of this management team, and owner is beyond belief for me. I can't watch bad, and piss poor management, and meddling ownership, and a bad on ice product. I've watched the last 8 years, and if they had some sort of damn plan then, things would be different. But no. They couldn't make up their mind then, and they still can't seem to make up their mind now. LOL What? 


Just make a decision and move forward. Fans are suffering the worse here, seeing their beloved team and players treated like $hit. 


The Canucks are a toxic organization. And would be shocking to hear that players don't want to be a part of that culture? If the organization is toxic, it tends to begin at the top. Who's at the top? None other than Francesco. The man's got to go. His business dealings are shady at best, his acquisition of the Canucks controversial. Has there been anything this man has done that has been ethical? It reeks of organizational unhealthiness and toxicity. They are dysfunctional; the rest of the league knows it. The entire city here knows it. 


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46 minutes ago, JayDangles said:

Agreed on all points.

I'm very surprised that Miller was given such a vote of confidence by management and signed long term. Anyone who knows hockey knows this type of player is an absolute cancer when things aren't going right. I've played on so many different teams and I have encountered Miller players so many times. Great hockey players that will break their back for their team. BUT the second things aren't going right, they become horribly selfish, prone to outburst, quitting on plays etc. Then if you try and call them out and try to hold them accountable, they only get worse. The whole team suffers around players like this. 


How could all the great new hockey minds in the front office not see this. I made numerous posts warning about signing Miller and called for him to be traded. I called it, and I definitely don't claim to be as smart as an NHL GM.


I'm just tired of seeing the same issues from the same players over and over. Sorry, rant over.


Agreed on what you're saying. i also don't understand how management with all their "diverse" hockey minds, could not see that Miller is not the kind of player you win with. And now they're going to regret it. Some GM's and Presidents just can't cut it in a Canadian market, and neither of these two guys in Rutherford and Allvin have ever managed in a Canadian city where hockey is king. They've made some questionable decisions with the roster and their timing as well. Extended Boeser, not canning Boudreau, they don't seem to have communication in their organization down pat, toxic culture, etc. 


Miller's got to go, but I'm sure Rutherford and Allvin will triple down on their decision to sign him to a 7 year deal. Yeah, I'm saying it right now, that's not going to age well, and it will be disastrous for this franchise. Would not be surprised if attendance tanks even more. Fans need to start voicing their displeasure at where it's going to hurt Francesco the most. $$$. You don't want to hear us? Fine. We'll force your hand by not attending, or watching games. I can still get news via Twitter on here on these boards (does he get money from us engaging here?). 


How deplorable is it when Seattle, a second year team, has 15 f*(&&*(^^%% wins and here we are, toiling. 




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59 minutes ago, N4ZZY said:

Agreed on what you're saying. i also don't understand how management with all their "diverse" hockey minds, could not see that Miller is not the kind of player you win with. And now they're going to regret it. Some GM's and Presidents just can't cut it in a Canadian market, and neither of these two guys in Rutherford and Allvin have ever managed in a Canadian city where hockey is king. They've made some questionable decisions with the roster and their timing as well. Extended Boeser, not canning Boudreau, they don't seem to have communication in their organization down pat, toxic culture, etc. 


Miller's got to go, but I'm sure Rutherford and Allvin will triple down on their decision to sign him to a 7 year deal. Yeah, I'm saying it right now, that's not going to age well, and it will be disastrous for this franchise. Would not be surprised if attendance tanks even more. Fans need to start voicing their displeasure at where it's going to hurt Francesco the most. $$$. You don't want to hear us? Fine. We'll force your hand by not attending, or watching games. I can still get news via Twitter on here on these boards (does he get money from us engaging here?). 


How deplorable is it when Seattle, a second year team, has 15 f*(&&*(^^%% wins and here we are, toiling. 




New teams are way better then in the past.


I miss that when a team comes in took them 5 years or so to be competitive.

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1 hour ago, JayDangles said:

Agreed on all points.

I'm very surprised that Miller was given such a vote of confidence by management and signed long term. Anyone who knows hockey knows this type of player is an absolute cancer when things aren't going right. I've played on so many different teams and I have encountered Miller players so many times. Great hockey players that will break their back for their team. BUT the second things aren't going right, they become horribly selfish, prone to outburst, quitting on plays etc. Then if you try and call them out and try to hold them accountable, they only get worse. The whole team suffers around players like this. 


How could all the great new hockey minds in the front office not see this. I made numerous posts warning about signing Miller and called for him to be traded. I called it, and I definitely don't claim to be as smart as an NHL GM.


I'm just tired of seeing the same issues from the same players over and over. Sorry, rant over.


Miller in my mind would be included in the major surgery. He should be.

Remembering his on ice argument with Luke Schenn early in the campaign spoke volumes to me. 


Seeing the points in the standings also speaks volumes.  Vancouver is bad but the teams the are mired with in the standing are just as bad and there's more of them than I thought there'd be. Vancouver is down right lucky they're no lower in the standings. 

Calgary, Edmonton, Nashville were supposed to be much better than showing and that could possibly be giving some Vancouver fans false hope. 


The sobering reality is Vancouver let in 6 goals last night. If I'm correct ,I believe Vancouver has let in 18 goals in their last 4 games.


Past Petey who in the forward group is playing hard defense, not Miller. I was a Miller advocate but no longer simply because as you point out, lack of effort and commitment. 


I blame Jim Benning for a lot of this mess but no one can blame the man for the present lack of effort on this team. 


"F" failing grade for team defense! 

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7 hours ago, D.B Cooper said:

Please show me one post where I’ve ‘hounded’ him.  


2 hours ago, canuck73_3 said:

You may not have but many did.

No body “hounded “ Boeser ,   but many here , even before Dukes death thought Boeser should be traded before he re-signed.


His play was off then,  he should have been moved closer to home..  

and he still should be.  

 I even said he shouldn’t be re-signed, and be let go..  his 7.5 QO was too much,.  So was giving him 6.5 for 3 years.

Ive even stated that in cases of bereavement, their should be an amendment in the CBA that either team or player can call for a moratorium on a new contract being signed.


Life is Life.       Business is Business.. 


when the two conflict , accommodations should be made.



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Every time I hear about the "country club mentality" I think of Miller giving up on plays and walking to the bench.  Boeser guilty of it too.  That lack of urgency on defense from our forwards.  If things don't go well then; it's someone else's problem or Demko will deal with it has to stop


Looking forward to a cleaned house in the near future

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Don't know if this was mentioned, but did anyone else notice when VAN called a timeout near the end of the game, Jason King was going over the game plan with the stars on the PP, and Miller looked annoyed and argued back something to King, as if he disagreed with the plan. I think they scored?


Boeser looks faster, playing physical, maybe giving full effort since I can remember. I like this new Brock if it continues.  Also makes me think his value is slowly going up and if he's still paying really well by the TDL, they might get a real nice return.

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