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Status Updates posted by Nuxfanabroad

  1. So I thought about $tatu$

    Thought I'd give an update

    & though I'm nobody's poet

    Felt it rhymed pretty great...


    Yes I like Pina Coladas

    Gettin' caught in the rain...

  2. I put my hand upon her lever

    Said let it rock & let it ROLL!

    I had the 1 armed, bandit fever

    It was an arrow thru my heart & my soul...


    Sweet..Utube has Dire's Making Movies(full album) up again. Missus will be getting tired of this played high, next few days

    1. chon derry
    2. Nuxfanabroad


      CD, His tune Midnight Blue was pretty cool. Also decent cover of Tin Soldier

  3. Bullet train from Kurashiki to Osaka.


    Just got back from this small town in Okayama. Beautiful little village w/ a canal(& boats they pole-push around). Guess it's a mini-Venice?


    Now COVID is flaring up again..over 1,000 last wk in Tokyo. Prob last overnight trip in a longgg while to come...

    1. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      Dayum.  Bad news if it gets out of control with the aging population for sure.  Stay safe.

  4. Draft Lotto Idea: 3 yr cycle


    -top-5 pick(team wins again) move 1 slot back

    -top-3 pick(repeated) move 2 slots back


    Back to normal 2 drafts after you've won a top-3 or 5 pick(reset).

    Basically an additional rule to prevent teams from repeated draft lotto-success.

    1. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood

      But you don't win a top 5 pick. You lose a top 3 pick to fall backer into spots 4 and 5.


      Why should the Canucks be moved one spot back for falling from 2nd to 5th in 2016 and 2017?



      Let's face it,

      the Canucks have not had too much luck at the draft.Even this Lotto draft system has brutalized them,so it would be nice to get a top 3 pick and get to keep him.

      A 1OA pick in a great draft year would be one our few franchise players over the fifty years in the league.Think back on how many franchise players we have had,pretty scary results from the draft.

      WE ARE DUE.

  5. Is frugality a sin or virtue?!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nuxfanabroad


      Cos' fool & his money aren't smart

      Would appear graspin' on is an art

      My fingerprint-dime

      With head countin' time

      Won't split up, 'til death do us part!

    3. 48MPHSlapShot
    4. goalie13
  6. Is it bad luck to be superstitious?!(askin for a friend)


    Read that recently...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. c00kies


      Luck is just the perception of chance. Chance and probability exist, whereas luck is made up like a social construct to explain things that seem unfathomable.

    3. chon derry

      chon derry

      @smithers joe  walk under a black cat  ,does this mean dont cross a ladders path...….

    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      not if it is falling at the time, while supporting a can of white paint. if the paint is green, you can pretend your part of the grass. hard to white wash it any other way. cheers chonsy.

  7. Wanna spend my 20,000th post in a meaningful way.


    Maybe a hardy YEEHAW when we wrap up a SC win in early Oct?!


    Be cool if it was indeed 50 yrs from the day the Canucks got officially rollin'...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wilbur


      For 20K, go to the Youtube thread and post this:


      Save 20,001 for when the Canucks hoist the cup :towel:

    3. coastal.view


      post on the race protests

      or covid

      these are 50 and 100 year events

      what could be more important

      or worthy of your milestone?


      for the record

      for my 7,780 post

      i disparaged anson carter's suggestion

      that his lack of a nuck renewal contract

      was based on race issues

      (so was on race, but not really in line with the race protests)


    4. Nuxfanabroad


      Also spent a post in that lame thread..but now must be Strategic, eh?!

  8. All this news is happenin'..nuthin' goin' on

    Virus is a'cookin' - so test for watcha' got

    All started back in ___(?), they're leadin' like Pol Pot!


    Nobody told me there'd be days like these!(x3)

    Strange days indeed! x2


    Now hopin' draft or tradin', no one makes a move

    24 feel winners, 7 gotta' lose

    Stanley needs engravin', so get this in the groove!

    (repeat chorus)

    Most peculiar 'Nuckers...ROLL!!!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JM_


      we've been good, the wife and I have been doing great, we love spending time together so for us its been good actually. Our big worry is her parents who are both in high risk groups. 


      I wanted to ask - are there good skiing ares near Osaka? we want to go for another trip to Japan once the world settles down but want to make it a winter ski trip this time. Last time we did Tokyo which was great but we'd like to see more of the country this time. 

    3. Nuxfanabroad


      Yes..also concerned for my wife's folks. This whole global-sh**show has sure made people look hard at what's important in life, hasn't it?


      Skiing? Still haven't been in Japan..heck 1990 was my last experience! I heard Biwa Valley is alright. But this Kansai Area(perhaps comparable to Lower Mainland in scale) often has winters too warm. Be hard to time that.


      Better to separately hit the famous ski destinations: Hokkaido, Nagano, or perhaps Yuzawa, Niigata. These mtn resorts are also famous for the quality of their food staples/cuisine.


      Then hit Kansai for the sights: Osaka, Nara, Kyoto & Kobe are truly places of history, beauty & more. Have always enjoyed how different each city is from the other 3. I've taken the economy route..getting to know the region with backpacked bentos, riding on two wheels. Can't imagine a better country in the world for cyclists.

      Rent bikes in Kyoto, & you & your missus will have a time. Then of course, try a nice onset resort(pricey, but memorable). Peace

    4. JM_


      That sounds fantastic. We were looking at some self-guided walking tours for part of it as well. You have to walk a place to get to know it.



  9. Did we somehow LOSE the JT Miller deal?!

    Looking at the trade thread on that other site, their Neg Nellies apparently want it portrayed as such.

    The mental gymnastics they perform to downgrade JB's absolute larceny, is both astounding & ludicrous.


    Over there, it seems there is ZERO appreciation for what I felt was a pretty entertaining season from our guys.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nuxfanabroad


      But then consider a guy like Taylor Hall will prob get 8, 9 mill, on the UFA market.


      The next 3 yrs, JTM could very well outproduce Hall!


      His contract is almost comparable to a superstar kid on 3 yrs of ELC(w/bonuses)

    3. Herberts Vasiljevs

      Herberts Vasiljevs

      Probably the worst human being I've regrettably met in my lifetime so far is an HF poster. They are destructive to no end.

    4. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood



      I'd say Tampa actually ended up losing the trade, considering they traded our first round pick to NJ for Blake Coleman

  10. Norah Jones is pure class.


    Discovered her "home concerts" yesterday on Utube. Tryin' to help folks keep spirits up.


    Ravi Shankar's girl is amazing.

  11. Pretty women out walkin' with gorillas down my street

    From Japan, I'm dreamin' while my coffee goes cold

    Look over there>


    There's a lady that I used to knowww

    She's married now or engaged or sumthin' so I am told...


    Is she really goin' OUUUT with him?! Is she really gonna' take him home tonite?!...

  12. Sometimes I get so blue


    People say, I'm just a fool

    All the world, even you

    Should learn to love

    The way I do


    I was blind, can't'cha see?

    Through the long, lonely night

    Heaven knows, I believe

    Won't you take, a chance w/me?


    Long live Roxy Music!

  13. Move Florida mangy Cats to Quebec, pls. They don't deserve a franchise..effin' joke

  14. Coronavirus in Japan.


    They just announced all schools closed until end of school year(end-March)


    Missus says we'll have to close our kid's English school for the month, as well.


    Brace yerselves CDC'ers, for a wave of insane Trade Props. As STYX sang, "Too much Time On My Hands"!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Whorvat


      Should already be cancelled, IMO

    3. NewbieCanuckFan


      Quoting Styx? I checked out on that a long time ago after the Kilroy was here album.:lol:

    4. Rick Blight

      Rick Blight

      I'm glad they are treating this like a serious threat and taking the necessary precautions. Hope you and your family are doing the same and I hope you guys stay safe Nux.

  15. Nash just got injured..BJ's have TEN guys out!


    Torts should take a page from ol' Roger's book. Next stoppage, look up at the HawkeyGawds & start waving a white towel!


    Would Battman fine him for protesting at the Heavens?!

    1. Nuxfanabroad


      Unbelievable..now with a 'tender out, EBUG is getting ready(in case Korpi goes corpse-mode)

    2. Quantum


      Should've traded for Baer when they had the chance earlier today.

    3. coastal.view


      and they likely will still make the playoffs :P

  16. True confession:


    Like this Mangiapane kid. Think he's a true gamer. Hope he gets outa' stinky Cowtown, sooner than later.

    Gotta' feeling he'll nab some really big goals in his career.

  17. & somewheres out there..Mike Babcock is sipping a cool one, w/contemplative smirk.


    Hey Mitchy..make a list of all the various coaches who have(or will) failed you!


    Remember you lil' idiots singin' Bon Jovi on bench, after criminal Kadri ran Daniel?!


    I do!

  18. LOL..Mighty Fleas coughing up 30 shots, only halfway thru.


    Their D's like us :^)

    1. Nuxfanabroad


      So they run the backup over?! Drama in Hogtown...

    2. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      Our D is far better than their group.  Muzzin is the only guy they have who is capable of playing any defense.

  19. MAN! The eastern Conf is tough biz


    CBJ has been workin their tails off, more battered than pinatas. 11 games over .500, yet don't think they'll make it in...(gp is high)


    IF they did, Torts deserves COTY

    1. coastal.view




    2. Nuxfanabroad


      We best leave Colon Campbell's e-mails outa this!

    3. coastal.view



      good one

  20. Yeah..Laffs, hate to say I 'Told ya so'..but what a debacle.


    In my Oct(Save The Laffs) thread, I said their fans would go meltdown-mode, turning on their own, unlikeable cast.


    Well go over to their HFLaffs page. It's happening precisely as called.


    The meltdown game(HNIC in Nov?) happened just before Babcock was gassed, vs Pitt. History is already repeating for Keefe. Dubas BOTCHED this team, to epic proportions.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Pears


      Remember when a good chunk of people were saying we need someone like Dubas and following the Shanaplan was the way to go?

    3. Tre Mac

      Tre Mac

      The only time I'll watch Sportscentre is the day they officially get eliminated.  

    4. Shift-4
  21. BwaHaha! The Maple Fleas are pondering to trade NEXT yr's 1st!..so claims Bobby Mac.


    Imagine wanting to do a yard sale, but overnight a sinkhole ATE the front yard! :^)

    1. Alflives


      Dubas is seriously all in.  They will have nothing coming up over the next decade except fir craperolla.  Their support players will continue to be terrible UFAs, and not very good ELCs.  This makes my cry with happiness. :lol:

  22. Vegas looks nasty-tough. We NEED the big Russki!

  23. "It's no measure of one's mental health to be well-adjusted in a profoundly sick society."




    (as I get older, love this quote more)

    1. NewbieCanuckFan


      In an insane world...it was the sane choice...





  24. A little history unfolding...


    With 2 more shots, Carey Price will have faced 20,000 for Habbies.(1st intermission now)


    Quite the number, to hold a .918 career %

  25. Injuries!!!


    Kadri, Seth Jones, McD(albeit, seems shorter term)


    Some big names dropping, could spice up TDL. Ottawa should benefit here, with values rising.

    1. Nuxfanabroad


      Now hearing Kuch & Cirelli(TBay)? Hmm...

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