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Are the Canucks ok with Lack and Markstrom moving forward?

yes we can nucks

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Why is everyone so worried this season is a write off. I realized that 2 months ago when we played teams like Anaheim sanjose and chicago. Even if we made the playoffs we would be out first round. We don't have a good enough team. Finally MG saw this and didn't get rental players at deadline. Now we have shedded a ton of cap, can tank for a high draft pick, and come back next year with a healthier team (Daniel, henrik, santorrelli) and an actual prospect filled farm team. Everyone needs to relax it's better for the team in the long run. Give the young guys some experience

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Lack is experiencing the hockey version of shell shock, poor guy is thrown to the wolves with no warning at all. Might make him better, but it could also make him worse. This guy couldn't even speak into a camera at the start of the year, now he is taking the blame for the loss. Man he looked so dejected during his interview. Crowd should chant his name to get his spirits up.

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As was seen tonight versus the Islanders, this team is NOT ok with Lack and Markstrom.

This is Gillis's fault, he has left the team without a reliable starter.

I can understand him trading Schneider to pick up a prospect... although he should have been able to trade Luongo long before that.

But to trade Luongo, and not get a starter in return... Complete stupidity.

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I remember when Schneider got lit up in his first season opener as the Canuck's starter.

Of course, lots of people could be heard prattling that he wasn't ready for the pressure that came with the job - that he was going to crack, etc.

I also remember plenty of meltdowns with Luongo between the pipes.

Eddie's a quality guy, with a solid game, and a great head on his shoulders.

This happens to every single goaltender.

Eddie is going to be just fine.

Showed a lot of character taking responsibility for a loss that wasn't really his fault.

I didn't see him take a single penalty.

He might have made a save or two more, but he might also have faced a powerplay or two less...

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Ok, so Lack's been lit up for 5 goals and 6 goals in 2 of his last 3 games. Even if he wasn't responsible for all those goals, you have to be concerned about his psyche if this goes on. He hasn't got the safety net of a veteran backup to settle him down or to back him up. And he doesn't even know what REAL pressure is yet ... not having played a single playoff game yet.

And then we've got Markstrom as the backup, who Torts said 'isn't ready'... well that's just great!

I have said till I'm blue in the face... it's not the same being a starter as it is being a backup. People were too quick to throw away Luongo, blaming him for team meltdowns and 'inconsistent play'. I'm hearing a different tune now with Lack.

Oldnews, you 'remember plenty of meltdowns with Luongo between the pipes'. Maybe it's because he played 500+ games with the Canucks? Lack has played 29. He's going to have a lot more, I'm sure. Funny how when it was Luongo though, it's all people remember. But when it's Lack (or Schneider), well...'this happens to every single goaltender'.

I'll say again, I'm worried about the team going forward with two rookie netminders.

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Ok, so Lack's been lit up for 5 goals and 6 goals in 2 of his last 3 games. Even if he wasn't responsible for all those goals, you have to be concerned about his psyche if this goes on. He hasn't got the safety net of a veteran backup to settle him down or to back him up. And he doesn't even know what REAL pressure is yet ... not having played a single playoff game yet.

And then we've got Markstrom as the backup, who Torts said 'isn't ready'... well that's just great!

I have said till I'm blue in the face... it's not the same being a starter as it is being a backup. People were too quick to throw away Luongo, blaming him for team meltdowns and 'inconsistent play'. I'm hearing a different tune now with Lack.

Oldnews, you 'remember plenty of meltdowns with Luongo between the pipes'. Maybe it's because he played 500+ games with the Canucks? Lack has played 29. He's going to have a lot more, I'm sure. Funny how when it was Luongo though, it's all people remember. But when it's Lack (or Schneider), well...'this happens to every single goaltender'.

I'll say again, I'm worried about the team going forward with two rookie netminders.

Why worry about the inevitable...

Q increase in empty seats.

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What got us to this point in time is that the majority of people convinced themselves that losing the cup was all on Lu, and not the team in front of him. Gillis totally bought into this. It's like he reacts to what he sees online. LOL He signed Dane Fox after a twitter account was harassing the official Canuck account to sign him. Makes you wonder what we could convince him to do by making false twitter accounts.... hmmm.

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I like Lack as a Goaltender. But annointing him the starter, without a competent backup to share the load is just asking for trouble. (I like Markstrom too.)

I'm surprised Gillis didn't pick up a journeyman, vet, who he could at least throw in as a backup.

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I like Lack as a Goaltender. But annointing him the starter, without a competent backup to share the load is just asking for trouble. (I like Markstrom too.)

I'm surprised Gillis didn't pick up a journeyman, vet, who he could at least throw in as a backup.

I think it showed once again that trading Lui at that time wasn't in MG's plans, but much like the Schneids trade, it sounds like it happened very quickly and MG has simply decided to roll the dice on the two young goalies. Not necessarily a bad thing at this point in a wasted season if you're trying to get as high a draft pick as possible.

But once again MG seems to be flying by the seat of his pants on these crucial organizational decisions, which is why I don't want him making the big trades at the draft.

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to answer the op question nope.

lack might turn out to be a good starter but he's not ready right now few goalies with a hand full of nhl games are. being thrown to the wolves will either ruin him or make him better but history would say it will ruin him.

feel bad for the guy he went from no pressure back up to the go to guy is less than 1 NHL season, in a crazy market and its usually the goaltender fault even when no one else shows up a tough way to build confidence.

good job GM Aquallini

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I'm ok with our tandem.

I think when we emerge on the back end of the rebuild Lack or Markstrom will be a solid starter.

It's time to be realistic with the expectations of this current group.

Kesler (wants out) Higgins (good 7th forward) Hansen ( checker ) is our top line.

Sedin ( 33 ) Burrows ( hate to say it he's done) Jensen ( 20 yr old rookie who hasn't dominated minors yet ).......awful.

Matthias ( 4th liner in Florida ) Booth ( no hands no vision inconsistent ) Sestito ( ummmmm.....waivers)

This is arguably the worst group of top 9 forwards in the entire league......Nice work Gillis!

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