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Jake Virtanen | #18 | RW


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I haven't really followed up with McDavid since the injury but its possible that he may miss the WJC, it will be a huge blow for Canada. We need him in there, its been a while since we won.

He is expected back a week or two before the roster cut off

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You can watch Hitmen highlights here:


His assists in the Hitmen win over Red Deer were really nice.

The first one was all him. Streaking down the wing and then making a nice dish out in front of the net.

The second was just a beauty pass from the wall to the front of the net.

He clearly has passing ability to along with his scoring ability. You don't make plays like that if you don't.

Edited by DeNiro
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Hi guys. Just wondered how Jake was doing and came across quite a bit of sentiment that the Canucks should have gone with Nylander. As I live in sweden I read an article by the sports editor of the largest paper in sweden just yesterday imploring people to get out and see this kid while they have the chance! He is on a bad team but putting up some numbers. And to make a small world smaller ; I am his systers teacher. She will win Wimbledon!

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Hi guys. Just wondered how Jake was doing and came across quite a bit of sentiment that the Canucks should have gone with Nylander. As I live in sweden I read an article by the sports editor of the largest paper in sweden just yesterday imploring people to get out and see this kid while they have the chance! He is on a bad team but putting up some numbers. And to make a small world smaller ; I am his systers teacher. She will win Wimbledon!

I have always thought, and still do think, that we should have drafted Nylander over Virtanen, but Virtanen is doing quite well in his own right. Last season in junior he showed everyone he's one of the best scorers in that league, and this season he's showing he can pass just as well with some really nifty playmaking and very accurate passes. He will be a very skilled top line winger in the future, probably not as big and physical as say Cory Perry but he looks like he'll be a 2nd line winger at worst, hopefully for us he pans out to be a first line winger.

That being said Nylander has looked amazing right now and definitely the better of the two. Over a point per game, looks like he's carrying MODO right now but I guess you'd watch the games so would have more of an idea of how he's played.

Nevertheless, Virtanen is a good pick for the Canucks and will be a cornerstone of this team's future.

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I remain personally of the opinion I would have taken Nylander. But I am in NO way disappointed with our pick. It certainly has less risk. A guy with Virtanen's size, explosive speed and strength will have a guaranteed role and create mismatches other teams cannot handle. Plus he can score.

Nylander is also an explosive athlete. And brings uber skills. I think those will trump size concerns. I am pretty sure he will be a good NHLér. But it does temper projections as to just how effective he will be? He could break out and be Claude Giroux. I'm a risk taker. I would have gone based on that hope. the fact its within his upside. But he could also be Cliff Ronning. Nothing wrong with that. But probably only really effective when carefully paired with the correct line mates, rolled into specific situations. And some smaller guys who are expected to be playmakers never seem to quite navigate as well, dealing with the speed and size of the NHL game. I guess all I am saying is there is more risk.

Sure it didn't in 2011 but we aren't talking about a 2011 team when we're talking about Virtanen. Virtanen won't play with the Sedins, Burrows, Edler, Hamhuis type of players, he's going to play with players like Horvat, Shinkaruk, Jensen, McCann, Cassels, Kassian, Vey, Tanev.

Every team has an identity, it looks like our identity once the Sedins, Bieksa, Burrows retire is a physical, fast team with skill. Benning drafted Virtanen and McCann with his 1st 2 picks as a Canucks' GM. That tells me he wants a fast team, a hard team to play against and a physical one with a good amount of skill. Something like the Boston Bruins he left IMO.

It's clear where he wants to go with this team, we'll probably expect a type of player like that when he uses his 1st rounder in the 2015 NHL Draft.

I personally don't buy this identity theory. Particularly that we will look exactly like the big bad Bruins.

Dorsett for example is tough, but isn't big. He was brought in because TL/JB said we wanted to be a 4 line team. He's here because he fore-checks, harrasses and pressures like a wolverine on a bone. Every shift! Its puck pressure beyond anything that makes for his existence.

Benning drafted Virtanen and Tryamkin.

He also picked 170 something lb Gustav Forsling, and traded for Vey. Nor is Vrbata a physical presence.

There are elements of size, speed, puck handling, scoring, pressure, vision to vastly varying degrees amongst his acquisitions.

I am convinced he is team building based on having ALL necessary elements in our toolbox.

Because the Bruins do value skill as well.

Just because their identity was built around guys like Chara and Lucic, doesn't mean they don't have smaller skilled guys in their lineup.

See Griffith and Khokhlachev as their examples this season.

And Krecji! And Marchand...

They have guys to intimidate. Guys to win board and net battles. Chara to smother anything that moves.

Plus guys who run around. Handle the puck. Play keep away and snipe goals...

The Hawks are not a big team and in terms of physicality and style of play. Most Hawks fans joke that we are the softest team in the league, and hitting is just not in their game. Bickell is the only one on our team with some decent size and a physical game (even that seems like a stretch lol) but most of the fans want him gone. This whole size vs skill debate is stupid, it changes every year based on the fans perception of the team that won the Cup. When the Ducks won it was all about physicality. When the Wings won, it was all about skill. It changes every year. The only sustainable formula for success is that you build a puck possession team and you don't need a big hulking center like Kopitar to achieve that goal. A guy like Giroux is a fabulous player who would excel on any team (in any conference) with his skill, speed and 2 way play.

Imo the Canucks didn't draft Virtanen because he was a couple of inches taller than Nylander, they drafted him because they liked him better than Nylander. Saying something like Nylander is small so the Canucks did not want him is an insult to a GM like Benning.

You should be embarrassed to have Toews as your namesake?

If there is a bigger, faster & stronger defensive forward than Kesler in the league, it's Toews. And he is dwarfed by Hossa who for years was even more imposing. But is just losing a step now. Forget that they can also score and play offense; their biggest impact is the brute athleticism which they use to handcuff opposing teams.

And just because Seabrook is not a scrapper, doesn't mean his near 225 lb frame is easy to push out of the crease for offensive position. These guys all have size and reach, can protect the puck and pin people effectively out of board battles. Saad is not small either.

They have strategic size in all the right places.

Yes. But players with those attributes combined.

Yeah so?

We had a pretty good line once;

Mogilny = speed and snipe

Ronning = quickness, dangle and dish

Momesso = clear the net, take up space, get tap in and bang in rebounds

All that counts is that each creates a match up problem for their opponent.

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Virtanen has yet to score with that wicked snapshot or slapshot this season, he is definitely due. He also missed a couple breakaways and a penalty shot earlier in the season so his goal total could be alot higher, no panic here.

I'm dying to see a laser go in.

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Hi guys. Just wondered how Jake was doing and came across quite a bit of sentiment that the Canucks should have gone with Nylander. As I live in sweden I read an article by the sports editor of the largest paper in sweden just yesterday imploring people to get out and see this kid while they have the chance! He is on a bad team but putting up some numbers. And to make a small world smaller ; I am his systers teacher. She will win Wimbledon!

Virtanen is better

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Hi guys. Just wondered how Jake was doing and came across quite a bit of sentiment that the Canucks should have gone with Nylander. As I live in sweden I read an article by the sports editor of the largest paper in sweden just yesterday imploring people to get out and see this kid while they have the chance! He is on a bad team but putting up some numbers. And to make a small world smaller ; I am his systers teacher. She will win Wimbledon!

Please don't take this personally but... FFS...

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I remain personally of the opinion I would have taken Nylander. But I am in NO way disappointed with our pick. It certainly has less risk. A guy with Virtanen's size, explosive speed and strength will have a guaranteed role and create mismatches other teams cannot handle. Plus he can score.

Nylander is also an explosive athlete. And brings uber skills. I think those will trump size concerns. I am pretty sure he will be a good NHLér. But it does temper projections as to just how effective he will be? He could break out and be Claude Giroux. I'm a risk taker. I would have gone based on that hope. the fact its within his upside. But he could also be Cliff Ronning. Nothing wrong with that. But probably only really effective when carefully paired with the correct line mates, rolled into specific situations. And some smaller guys who are expected to be playmakers never seem to quite navigate as well, dealing with the speed and size of the NHL game. I guess all I am saying is there is more risk.

I personally don't buy this identity theory. Particularly that we will look exactly like the big bad Bruins.

Dorsett for example is tough, but isn't big. He was brought in because TL/JB said we wanted to be a 4 line team. He's here because he fore-checks, harrasses and pressures like a wolverine on a bone. Every shift! Its puck pressure beyond anything that makes for his existence.

Benning drafted Virtanen and Tryamkin.

He also picked 170 something lb Gustav Forsling, and traded for Vey. Nor is Vrbata a physical presence.

There are elements of size, speed, puck handling, scoring, pressure, vision to vastly varying degrees amongst his acquisitions.

I am convinced he is team building based on having ALL necessary elements in our toolbox.

Yeah, I think the core will be more tougher and our skilled players will be better well rounded than the Sedins but we'll have the skill pieces in Shinkaruk, Forsling, Subban. You don't typically see a GM go with a guy like Stewart in the 7th round but he's a tough hitting defenceman and Benning wants role players when he drafts. Pettit is another example, I sort of see a Boston model.

Vrbata is more suited for the team of today, the skilled puck possession team. Virtanen, McCann, Tryamkin, Pettit, Stewart show me a big tough team but then Forsling and trading for Vey mix in some skill. It's quite unique what he is doing and I like it.

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looks like he is working on his complete game rather than jus being a pure sniper. Great news to hear, he will be a interesting pick in the future. Could be a top 6 in the nhl never know. Or could be a 2nd line guy on canucks still he has a bright future lets hope he develops the right way.

Sounds like a lock in the top-6.

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Hi guys. Just wondered how Jake was doing and came across quite a bit of sentiment that the Canucks should have gone with Nylander. As I live in sweden I read an article by the sports editor of the largest paper in sweden just yesterday imploring people to get out and see this kid while they have the chance! He is on a bad team but putting up some numbers. And to make a small world smaller ; I am his systers teacher. She will win Wimbledon!

Nylander's back after sustaining a neck injury from a hit by Kempe. He scored a goal in open ice, but flubbed the shootout.

For all this 'no vision' talk, Jake is on-pace for 52 assists, which would have led his team last season. He's proven he can score, he's proven he can fly, he's proven he can hit, he's now working on his playmaking and defense. He's really rounding out to be one of the best prospects of the draft, whereas Nylander and Ehlers are still working on one-dimensional offense and puck-hogging. I do not doubt for one millisecond that we made the right call. One hit from Jake and those guys will snap in two.

I'm not sure why the pundits praise Benning's decisions literally everywhere else, but then are disappointed that we picked an obviously better overall prospect last draft. Hey, either you trust him or you don't.

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Hi guys. Just wondered how Jake was doing and came across quite a bit of sentiment that the Canucks should have gone with Nylander. As I live in sweden I read an article by the sports editor of the largest paper in sweden just yesterday imploring people to get out and see this kid while they have the chance! He is on a bad team but putting up some numbers. And to make a small world smaller ; I am his systers teacher. She will win Wimbledon!

That's what I don't get about this whole Nylander vs Virtanen "argument".

Sure Nylander is more skilled, I don't think anyone's arguing that. But Virtanen isn't without skill which is what it really sounds like a lot of these guys are "arguing".

Using an EA sports level of quantifying ( :rolleyes: ) sure, in his prime Nylander may turn out to be say a 92 for skill to Virtanen's say 88 but that's hardly a night and day scenario and Virt has a hell of a lot of other attributes that theoretically should more than make up the difference. THAT's why we drafted him.

Because he's still very (albeit less) talented but he's far, FAR less one dimensional.

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Nylander's back after sustaining a neck injury from a hit by Kempe. He scored a goal in open ice, but flubbed the shootout.

For all this 'no vision' talk, Jake is on-pace for 52 assists, which would have led his team last season. He's proven he can score, he's proven he can fly, he's proven he can hit, he's now working on his playmaking and defense. He's really rounding out to be one of the best prospects of the draft, whereas Nylander and Ehlers are still working on one-dimensional offense and puck-hogging. I do not doubt for one millisecond that we made the right call. One hit from Jake and those guys will snap in two.

I'm not sure why the pundits praise Benning's decisions literally everywhere else, but then are disappointed that we picked an obviously better overall prospect last draft. Hey, either you trust him or you don't.

I love this word. It reminds me of Tortorella a little bit. :lol:

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