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Jake Virtanen | #18 | RW


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when you create your own discussion community you can incorporate those rules. If that time ever comes I'll be sure to join and not follow said rules.

See my post again.

I added a few more points that should contribute to your sarcastic remark. :)

Btw, your sarcasm is adorable.

Edited by Herberts Vasiljevs
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I don't see the big issue in discussing who we should have drafted at that same spot.

I was a big McCann fan going into the draft, and I was really happy to see us get him with our second pick. I love reading a debate regarding the three players taken after him as well..

That being said, if there's a thread created specifically to argue players we should have taken, that would serve purpose as well

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I don't see the big issue in discussing who we should have drafted at that same spot.

I was a big McCann fan going into the draft, and I was really happy to see us get him with our second pick. I love reading a debate regarding the three players taken after him as well..

That being said, if there's a thread created specifically to argue players we should have taken, that would serve purpose as well

Me neither.

Just not in thread created for the prospect that we ended up drafting.

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I think it's time that a mod steps in here to settle the score.

This is getting ridiculous.

Any "SHOULDA DRAFTED EHLERS" or "SHOULDA DRAFTED NYLANDER" type post should result in something like a warning or a part-time ban. This is the Jake Virtanen thread, not that dreadful draft thread which was a complete argumentative sh*t show for three months. Now that the draft's over, people are now using this thread to ride Nylander and Ehelrs' coattails. If that "Burrows? Do We Really Need Him?" thread from 2009 has been inflated numerous times, a draft thread from a few months ago sure as hell can.

I hate coming to the CDC home page to see that somebody posted in the Virtanen topic, hoping that it's going to be an update about his play from Calgary or something like that, but then to my surprise (sarcasm), it's yet another claim that we drafted the wrong player.

I'm not trying to go all elvis15 on people here, but come on...

It's WAY easier to take HFBoards more seriously than CDC. The mods there make warning posts in threads where posters are going off topic. For example, if posters keep entertaining the idea of trading Kassian in a Luca Sbisa appreciation thread, the mod will make a post saying that the next poster to talk about trading Kassian again will receive a ban. Yes, there are idiots and parasites all over - that's unavoidable. But when people in power (like mods) let idiots do their daily deed, that induces a culture where idiocy becomes a normality, thus these idiots think it's okay to act like idiots. I like the no BS philosophy that HFBoards abides by. If the mods here on CDC took this sort of thing more seriously, the "Jake Virtanen" thread would seem more like the Jake Virtanen thread (not the 2014 NHL Entry Draft thread).

There are a lot of knowledgable fans on this board, but it's hard to provide voice of reason when anytime you want to contribute to a certain discussion regarding hockey, you're going to run into a bunch of idiots who spew their verbal diarrhoea and aren't contributing to the discussion at hand, and there's nothing being done about it by those of higher standing (the mods).


I'm on your side but...

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Not sure if posted but:


Somebody recorded almost all of Jake's shifts in the recent Giants game.

-Kid's fast. Very fast. Noticeable pretty much every shift.

-Likes the Stamkos spot on the pp. Almost scored when goalie screened.

-Comes in from the right side with authority. Linden-like.

-Likes the wraparound. Worked once this game when goalie dealing with other traffic.

-Nice, accurate shot, quick release. 2nd goal was a right-side over the shoulder snipe from a backdoor play.

-Not a pile of physical play this game, but showed strength and pushback when needed. Was knocked down once.

-Defensively okay, but not selke-worthy. Will block a shot when needed. Didn't run over-commit positionally, offensively or defensively.

-Seems to see the ice well. Didn't hog the puck or get tunnelvision as what was reported of him.

-Drives the play well and catches the odd defender flat-footed. But if he's going to wind up the neutral zone he better keep his head up. Seen a lot of guys get clipped bigtime on that play at the NHL level.

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Nice highlight pack

What stood out to me was that he should have had atleast 3 assists in the first period alone if his line mates could finish but I guess that's junior for ya

No, that's the Hitmen for ya. Tambellini is one of their best offensive talents (behind Jake of course). Before that it was Greg Chase. And despite being awful last year, Fazleev is still one of their higher scoring players, which is mostly due to minutes rather than ability. The Hitmen need a decent 1C so bad it's not even funny.

Watching this just made me feel bad for Jake. You can see that he knows it's going to be another year with these goofballs and it looks like it's already bugging him. It's not that he isn't trying, but you can see that he just has SO much more to give when he's just gently coasting around and still outpacing everyone else on the ice. If I were the Canucks I'd be applying some serious pressure to get him on another team that's gearing up for a run.

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His team looks pretty awful.

I really like the way the Giants play - forechecking hard, finishing every check, playing determined.

Calgary seems to just kind of do fly-bys and rely on Virtanen a lot when he's on the ice. I'd love it if he was traded to a team that plays a better and more disciplined system.

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His team looks pretty awful.

I really like the way the Giants play - forechecking hard, finishing every check, playing determined.

Calgary seems to just kind of do fly-bys and rely on Virtanen a lot when he's on the ice. I'd love it if he was traded to a team that plays a better and more disciplined system.

I post a fair bit on HF Boards but have followed this thread for a few months cause I enjoy the variety of opinions and insights many of you guys have. I finally had to sign up cause this post is spot on re: the environment that Jake is playing in right now. Seems he is forced to do too much himself and that isn't the best way for him to be developing at this point, considering he had much the same situation on the 2nd line last year. I would love to see him moved to a team like Kelowna before the TDL as I think he could thrive in an environment and with players like that. Just my meagre two cents anyway. Edited by uselessstats
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That highlight pack was really nice. He makes a couple of silly plays taking shots off the halfwall but 9/10 times he makes the smart play and cycles down. Really impressed with his ability to drive the play and change angles in order to complete a pass or get a shot on net.

On another note, Sanheim is going to be a really special OFD. The way he walks the line is so smooth.

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