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Is anyone else getting sick of losing out to the coilers?


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1 hour ago, Toews said:

Canucks had lukewarm interest in Eakins at best. Caggiula is at best a middle 6 forward. I wish people would stop overreacting either here or on Twitter. 


Get over it.



Edit: That last part isn't directed at you OP but just in general. I am not trying to be rude.

I believe that the Canucks looked at Eakins and decided, correctly, that he was not ready to be an NHL coach.


As for Caggiula, looking at his age, his trajectory, and his size, he in unlikely to ever be an NHL regular. I would have been happy to sign him -- a free lottery ticket. He just finished the equivalent his draft+4 year and did not look at all like a potential NHL player for the first three. Right now, this year, Boeser is probably better in his draft+1 year than Caggiula, who is almost 3 years older. And those three years make a huge difference.


I will, however, be unhappy if Edmonton takes Dubois ahead of Vancouver in the draft, which could happen.

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Relax.  Caggiula is only 5-10 180 pounds. He's capable, but really suited for a bottom 6 role. His size means NHL defenders are going to push him around. Keep in mind he was playing on a loaded line with Boeser this year.


The Canucks have several bottom 6 candidates already. We don't need those players, we need top-6 forwards.

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5 hours ago, YOWnuxFAN said:

Seriously. We were in the running for Shultz, Dallas Eakins, Caggiula and it also looks like we'll lose Dubois to them. It's getting ridiculous.


I don't know if I'm more annoyed that we are losing out or that they will likely mess up this kid's development like they've done to so many others (including Shultz).


end rant.

Yer not gonna last, bud.

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Good God.  Dallas Eakins sucked as an NHL coach. Justin Schultz hardly plays defence.The draft lottery is pure luck and odds. Now Caggulia?  Who cares. The guy probably won't amount to anything. He's an undrafted FA who CHOSE to sign in Edmonton. It's not like the Canucks lost out on him. It was his decision after all and it was clear the Canucks made an honest effort to sign him. The only thing the Oilers have going for them is a new rink, Mcjesus, and hope which they have been hanging onto for a decade. I still think another 2 or 3 years until they are a playoff worthy team let alone a contender.

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i really don't care about edmonton and their "good fortunes". all of those guys you listed, did not work out in edmonton. there's way too much talk about caggiula. i mean, good luck to the guy, but he's not a guy who will help turn this franchise around, no matter how much some of you guys watched him in college hockey-- there's no guarantee, so why set youselves up for disappointment



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6 hours ago, Lui's Knob said:

People are sick of losing. The cup playoffs may have a new team that has never won the cup that will before Canucks do. Then the draft where for the first year of the lottery we are one of 2 teams who drop multiple spots. We lose out on gamebreakers like laine and Matthews. Then it seems we'll lose Green from Utica who should be retained. The team also has had a downward spiral for a few years and it looks to continue. Then a player who would of had good development here goes to Edmonton where it snows 9 months of the year. 


Fans have had enough.

Not exactly sure what your second point means, but get over yourself. 


Yeah we dropped multiple spots in the draft, but do you know who else did? That's right, Edmonton. 


Also, damn Green for being interested in a promotion. Damn the team for allowing a guy to leave, if he gets said promotion. Damn promotions! 


As far as Cagguila, Edmonton does have a guy named Connor. Edmonton probably sold the kid with the "you can be what Andrew Shaw is to Toews, with McDavid". Sold. 

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8 hours ago, theilluminati said:

Is anyone else getting sick of people whining and complaining about a team that hasn't made the playoffs in 10 years and is still losing despite the numerous 1st overall picks.? I could see if the Oilers were suddenly a dominant team then maybe you could be "annoyed"...but they aren't...so basically anyone railing against the Oilers the last few years is unhappy with the management of a team they don't even cheer for...just stop for a second and think about that...why in the name of Baby Jesus does anyone care what another teams owners/management has done...especially Canuck fans who have only benefited from the Oilers futility these last 6-7 years...I swear most Canuck fans don't know whether they are coming or going...

People are "whining and complaining" because the Oilers keep getting lucky. Look at McDavid last year. They're losing even with all their talent and are getting even more amazing prospects, meanwhile Canucks can't seem to catch a break here... except for maybe the signing of Tony Stecher and Garteig. People aren't mad that the Oilers are so bad, they're mad that they keep getting good picks for doing nothing.

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I think it is unfair to crucify Eakins this way.  Has been very solid in the AHL and was given the pre McDavid Oilers.  Can't judge the guy for not being able to put out a tire fire when he was only handed a can of gasoline.  Even with McDavid and a very well regarded coach they were the second worse team in the league.  He made the dumb choice of going to the Oilers and it set his career back 10 years.  


Schultz has been in and out of Pens lineup even with injuries and suspensions.  These free prospects are overvalued by fans because they are free.  Older men dominating in younger leagues will fool you sometimes.  Dane Fox anyone.

I have been to Edmonton, I have unfortunately lived in Edmonton and don't understand why someone would choose living there if given a choice.  Edmonton is very lucky that these types of recruiting efforts tend to happen in the spring and not February.  


To give credit where credit is do though they have a great fan base that has supported this moribund team very well despite being consistently awful, not something we can say.  They really do deserve the new stadium I just find it horribly inappropriate to spend tax money on these type of projects.


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10 hours ago, YOWnuxFAN said:

Seriously. We were in the running for Shultz, Dallas Eakins, Caggiula and it also looks like we'll lose Dubois to them. It's getting ridiculous.


I don't know if I'm more annoyed that we are losing out or that they will likely mess up this kid's development like they've done to so many others (including Shultz).


end rant.

Both Shultz and Eakins picked the oilers and it ruined both their careers respectively. They both joined the team after they had drafted Yakupov who was compared to the likes of Bure, Gaborik etc. Joining a team with eberle, hopkins, hall..future looked promising but we all know it went south real fast when nothing happened up and until the oilers won the Mcdavid sweepstakes.


peter chiarelli and todd mclellan only joined the oilers because of Mcdavid not because of Edmonton, hall, eberle, hopkins or anybody else.


same thing with this college phenom, he was probably promised if he worked hard he would be able to play with Mcdavid. its obvious that this management will probably clean house and everybody is tradeable except for Mcdavid. 

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Last time I checked we hold a pretty good record against the coilers. So, no I'm not sad of 'losing' to them. They got Dallas Eakins and ran him out of town with their underperforming team, the got Schultz and look how he has turned out. They have multiple number one picks and there is talk how they need to be moved out because they aren't that good or the team needs a change. How often do you see or hear anything like that about a number one pick? Caggiula signed with them, ok but he has proven nothing and is still just a prospect.The lottery sucked a lot this year but what are you going to do? Nothing much really.


I go on love the Canucks whether they are good or horrible because that's what you do when you're a fan. I'll want them to beat Calgary and Edmonton all the time because they are our rivals.


Do I mind 'losing' to the coilers? No, because they are the laughing stock of the league for how poorly they manage things, and the total joke their franchise has been for over a decade, even with the gifts they've been handed. They crow about McDavid and how good they're going to be.....they should after they've picked 1st for how many years with how many other top 5 and top 10 picks? We complain about the nucks mismanaging talent and such but it's nothing like the coilers.

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10 hours ago, jmahyoung said:

Relax.  Caggiula is only 5-10 180 pounds. He's capable, but really suited for a bottom 6 role. His size means NHL defenders are going to push him around. Keep in mind he was playing on a loaded line with Boeser this year.


The Canucks have several bottom 6 candidates already. We don't need those players, we need top-6 forwards.

Why do people keep quoting his size and weight to call him a failure already. There are lots of players his size who are successful in the NHL. 

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8 minutes ago, Stelar said:

Why do people keep quoting his size and weight to call him a failure already. There are lots of players his size who are successful in the NHL. 

Not a failure, just want to make assurance that we didn't miss in anything.  I personally don't think we did at all.

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I don't want free agents like Caggiula signing for the Canucks.  This kid obviously wants to spend the next 3 years surrounded by losers, collecting big pay checks, winning nothing.  I can't fault him for it, but I don't want him on my team.  If you could play for any of the 30 NHL teams and choose EDM, then that says a lot about you.  Now let's move on.

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