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Olli Juolevi | #48 | D


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2 minutes ago, TheGuardian_ said:

Not a team full of garbage players, just a team not as good as 29/30 other NHL teams

Prospects - Pettersson less than 5 NHL games


Leipisic - 6/7 year pro - 3rd pro contract next year 


Goldoblin -  5 year pro 


Roussel is just starting his 7th year, is he still a prospect?


lol, couple of old prospects I guess. Well, I just meant I think Pettersson, Leipsic and Goldobin will make the team.


Juolevi, Sautner, Biega, Gaudette, Archibald, Motte, Gaunce, Demko and Granlund won't IMO

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Just now, NUCKER67 said:

lol, couple of old prospects I guess. Well, I just meant I think Pettersson, Leipsic and Goldobin will make the team.


Juolevi, Sautner, Biega, Gaudette, Archibald, Motte, Gaunce, Demko and Granlund won't IMO

Granlund makes the team, I think Archbald does because he has size and dances, Biega and Guance, the rest are waiver eligible.


Leipsic is just Vey, maybe not even as good, Vey bounced off a lot guys he tried to check, Leipsic just avoids the hitting.

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33 minutes ago, Major Canucks Fan said:

So here is another post about Juolevi. I am not ready to say that he is the next canucks savior after watching one game of him live against the calgary ahl team but I will say this. In the return in the game against Calgary we could have really used him. Think about the most important function of a defender. The idea is simple, get the puck up to the forwards as efficiently as you can, try to minimize dangerous chances against you in high scoring areas, and dont' make a lot of mistakes turning the puck over because they get magnified. If you are to ask what advanced stats measure it is those three things essentially for a defenceman that drives play for his team. If you accomplish all three then you are a decent defenceman in the NHL. I gurantee you all NHL coaches will agree on this point. Don't believe me, see Chris Tanev. I scouted Tanev when he came up at rookie camp and that was the thing that struck me. He was incredibly efficient on this particular play, something I call escapability. In puck retrieval situations, if he is the first guy going  back into the zone with a forechecker on him, how many times does the puck escape the zone. The measure of a great d man is on that one play actually. If you have a d man that when someone is on his ass and he manages to somehow get that puck out, preferably on a forward's stick more times than not, that is an insanely valuable defenceman. 


What I saw from a lot of nucks dman which included such board favorites as ashton sautner was that he wasn't great at that one particular play. Sure he can knock people down in  meaningless positions. And sure he looks like he is imposing his "will" on the game but those are meaningless as they don't drive play. The way I count it is simple, if he caused a zone exit how many other times did he cause the puck to stay in the zone because he couldn't "escape". That ratio is super important. In many instances I was thinking he was better off just letting the other guy overplay the forecheck and tip the puck to his partner. Raw eyes overrate body to body contact. Remember it is far easier to overcome with the stick check than body because the stick is frankly longer. See Lidstrom if you don't believe me. 


Now there are deficiencies in Juolevi's game, he needs to be faster is one of my own observations. Not that much faster but just a step. He looks like he has closed the gap so that the guy can't turnstile him like they used to do but if he just gets one step faster he might be able to strip the puck. And of course as I mentioned he needs to be stronger. The other area that he could use some work is to get his shot through but I am sure that will come so I wouldn't worry about it. 


You have a lot of great points. I have seen the same in Juolevi. And I agree that Sautner was being too aggressive on some plays. I think on Sautners part tho is that they have told him he needs to play that way to be effective, I remember him saying as much last year. I feel like he's now over exagerating that part of his game as that's what made him noticable last season. I hope he eventually rounds out his game, I love his physical play. But as you said he needs to learn when and where to use that muscle.


On a side note. I see you're fairly new to CDC. So welcome on board! With your background in scouting I will be looking out for your posts. Always need another knowledgable guy around here.



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14 hours ago, Smashian Kassian said:

I still think he can be a powerplay defenseman. 

He could certainly be a good secondary guy (say to Hughes...) on the 1st PP or a guy on the 2nd PP as he's good at reading the play, making smart passes, moving the pucks up to forwards etc but he's not an offensive D man. He's a solid, 2 way, PMD.


The ability to be the 'safety valve' guy on the PP and create offense by making smart plays is not the same thing as a dynamic, offensive, power play  defenseman/PPQB (Hughes).


For some reason, some people, got it in their heads that he was the latter. He is not. 

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3 hours ago, bree2 said:

we are not a garbage team,  yes he had back surgery but it was not life threatening just a common surgery. he did  rehab all summer . his first game alone proved he was better than some on the team.  why shove him in Utica when he could quite likely make the team . see this is exactly what some on here said about Boeser, put him in Utica  without even playing a game.  Boeser needed no time in Utica!

Agreed. The problem is casual fans of the sport, thing D are supposed to be all dangle and flash. They don't appreciate a guy who very much like Tanev, is not that flashy type of player. He is super calm and controlled, and people say he is just acting cocky, which makes no sense to me.


There is a reason OJ is one of the top50 prospects. People also don't realize. He was like 4 days I think before he would have been ineligible for the 2016 draft.


One trend ie noticed is the bigger the spotlight the better he is. WJ Last year in the playoffs put up the most minutes and points when his team

was decimated with injury.


His former gm from London, was on a Toronto radio last week. Was asked about Evan and OJ. Said he put those to together OJ"s D+1.year   because he wanted Evan to soak up Ollis calm among other things. He said most in their D+1 year would have had a bad attitude about being put on the 2nd. paring.


 He went on to say. He still believes OJ is the best D from that draft and said he thinks he will end up being the best Defensively. With the ability to get between 40 to 50 points based on our young talent. Cheers


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4 hours ago, bree2 said:

we are not a garbage team,  yes he had back surgery but it was not life threatening just a common surgery. he did  rehab all summer . his first game alone proved he was better than some on the team.  why shove him in Utica when he could quite likely make the team . see this is exactly what some on here said about Boeser, put him in Utica  without even playing a game.  Boeser needed no time in Utica!

It's nice when a prospect lives up to CDC's insane expectations. 

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2 hours ago, youngguns19 said:

There is a reason OJ is one of the top50 prospects. People also don't realize. He was like 4 days I think before he would have been ineligible for the 2016 draft.


Im pretty sure his birthday is in May putting him almost 4 months from the cut off, glad to hear his coach still believes in him though. 

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IMO Olli will be sent to Utica before the start of the season even if he earns a spot on the team. I actually think he would be better off long term getting big minutes in all situations in Utica vs limited playing time in Vancouver. If he is deemed so much better than most of the other D-men then; yes, he should make the team outright. While I thought he played quite well in his first game, the one tonight will give a better indication of where his development is at as he will be facing a mostly veteran squad from LA.

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14 minutes ago, Kootenay Gold said:

IMO Olli will be sent to Utica before the start of the season even if he earns a spot on the team. I actually think he would be better off long term getting big minutes in all situations in Utica vs limited playing time in Vancouver. If he is deemed so much better than most of the other D-men then; yes, he should make the team outright. While I thought he played quite well in his first game, the one tonight will give a better indication of where his development is at as he will be facing a mostly veteran squad from LA.

So true. Tonight will show where he is with his development. 

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19 minutes ago, Kootenay Gold said:

IMO Olli will be sent to Utica before the start of the season even if he earns a spot on the team. I actually think he would be better off long term getting big minutes in all situations in Utica vs limited playing time in Vancouver. If he is deemed so much better than most of the other D-men then; yes, he should make the team outright. While I thought he played quite well in his first game, the one tonight will give a better indication of where his development is at as he will be facing a mostly veteran squad from LA.


4 minutes ago, rekker said:

So true. Tonight will show where he is with his development. 

It should. Sounds like the ice is crap though lol. might make it a little challenging to showcase anything. Will see how it plays out.

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8 hours ago, NUCKER67 said:

Boeser came in and blew everyone away with his ability. Juolevi hasn't (yet).


Just to add - Pettersson has impressed a lot with the few games he's had, so he will make the team, similar to Boeser.


My guess is, out of the prospects, Pettersson, Leipsic and Goldobin will all make the team out of camp. 

Which to me means Archibald and Gaunce get waived and Motte and Gaudette go down with them.  That would bring us to 13 forwards assuming no injuries.  


My issue with this is Ericksson and Gagner make the team.  Unless Gaudette gets a few points between now and Saturday.  

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3 hours ago, Bure_Pavel said:

Im pretty sure his birthday is in May putting him almost 4 months from the cut off, glad to hear his coach still believes in him though. 

Could be right. I heard a 4 and for some reason thought it was days. Either way, I do know he was the youngest in the draft. Watch me be wrong on that too lol. Cheers


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9 hours ago, NUCKER67 said:

Boeser came in and blew everyone away with his ability. Juolevi hasn't (yet).


Just to add - Pettersson has impressed a lot with the few games he's had, so he will make the team, similar to Boeser.


My guess is, out of the prospects, Pettersson, Leipsic and Goldobin will all make the team out of camp. 

You realize his surgery cost him a summer of training right? Even the informal scrimmages they had before the prospect game he was non-contact. 

Leipsic and Goldy are not prospects. They are both waiver eligible. Leipsic has never made a team out of camp and it was one of yor post i believe you had him on the 1st and Jake on the 4th. Leipsic is a dime a dozen. Hence why he has never stuck with any club he played for.


Not sure what your definition of a good D is? But the less you hear their name 5on5 the better, OJ is a high iq player who when played with layers that can think as fast as he can is one of his strong points. He is calm out there, doesn't take stupid chances and does all the little things that great D do. Think Tanev with a chance to get you 40 -50 points.  As his former London coach said Not a flashy guy. Until you look at his line at the end of the game, and he has 2 points great underlying stats. This coming from one of the best Scouters of talent in the CHL. Who still said he is the best D of his class. A guy like serg. sure fun to watch. But as Hunter put it, Olli in that same position would have gotten just as many and played D  too.


If you define  D who wows the crap out of you. You won;t like OJ. If you  like a guy who will eat up minutes keep the puck our\t of our end, Plus put up Decent points. I will take OJ  every time. . 


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I'm gunna stand up for Olli. Bad play on the Kopitar goal obviously. Disappointing effort gliding at the end, and looked like he was caught in quicksand.


Kovalchuk turned on him quick on another play where Olli was caught reaching rather than maintaining body position, but in OJ's defense he made a nice through the legs pass to JV and JV lost it with Gudbranson-like puck control. And it left Olli out to dry. That one I chalk up as a learning moment for a young D entering the league. 


Otherwise I thought he had a good game. He was taking the extra second to make a good pass, even if it meant taking the hit to make the play. He's was clearly one of the better passers on the blueline. He had a nice pinch in the zone to maintain possession. He was just playing his game, smooth, calm with the puck, making the right plays. These things seem unimportant as they aren't flashy in a game but they are really so important for defenseman. 


I liked OJ's first period. He had a few moments in the beginning of the second (The Kovalchuk play + the Toffoli's 2nd goal) where you might take issue but I thought after that he rebounded and was making more good plays in the 2nd.


In the third I think he just ran out of gas, again. I only saw the third against Calgary but he looked out of gas there too.


I think his biggest problem right now is conditioning. And you gotta think that played a part on the Kopitar goal. He's just behind everyone else. He could stand to get a bit quicker aswell, but he's quick enough now to play (IMO) if only his conditioning could allow him to maintain it over the course of a game. 


He needs to go to Utica and get his conditioning up. But I personally don't think he's that far away. Once the conditioning issue is resolved he'll be here sooner than later if he can keep doing some of the things he did tonight. 

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There were good and bad parts to his game tonight. Overall this preseason  I've seen enough to stay hopeful that there is some quality potential in him, just will take time.. Can't rush it. The surgery was a little set back and some time in Utica will do him good. Our defense will certainly go through its cycle of injuries like it does every year. We will see more OJ throughout the season for sure.

Edited by Kushman
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"He looks like an NHL defenceman to me."

- Corey Hirsch


This was after the first period tonight.  He most certainly will be and is likely close, and will probably be on the team at some point this year, maybe sooner than later.  The problem now though is whether they are willing to keep and develop him up here while putting another on waivers.  This team desperately needs puck movement from the back end.

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3 hours ago, Hutton Wink said:

"He looks like an NHL defenceman to me."

- Corey Hirsch


This was after the first period tonight.  He most certainly will be and is likely close, and will probably be on the team at some point this year, maybe sooner than later.  The problem now though is whether they are willing to keep and develop him up here while putting another on waivers.  This team desperately needs puck movement from the back end.

They also need Ds who are actually aware of what is happening around them. MDZ, Gudy and Juolevi were all at sea in that respect. I mean Juolevi has an excuse but these other 2 are gash and need to be on their way. That is my early opinion and we will see if things improve in the regular season.


I can't understand how we have sent Sautner down and kept Pouliot and MDZ other than the fact they are vets. If it was up to me and McEneny was fit I would have both out and insert McEneny and Sautner. If we can't have a creative D at least we can have one that helps the goalie.

Oh and once more Biega demonstrates just how underrated he is by many of our fans.

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