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Canucks slow starts are a failure of coaching


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33 minutes ago, Hectic said:

I'm confused. Don't you guys want the Canucks to lose so we get a high draft pick? Isn't this exactly what you asked for?



WELL said but too bad they didn't do better at losing in the last two drafts when the talent was better than ever.   

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There's only so much a coach can do.

It's a personnel issue not necessarily coaching.


Fire the coach! that's what everyone always goes to. Willie isn't great but isn't bad, (good but not real good).


I'd rather take it on the chin this season, get a top 5 pick and hopefully get that 1st line center of the future that we so desperately need and come back next year with way more talent.

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2 minutes ago, DIBdaQUIB said:

Offensive D talent is part of the problem but lots of teams don't have top offensive d men and they still generate far more quality offensive pressure than we are.


I think it is part talent, part system combining for an overly restrictive playing style that stymies the offense.  You can see how our forwards are always hanging back in the O-zone for fear of getting caught.  We are a one-shot and fall back team. 


I don't really see us lacking in generating though. There are many reasons why other teams score more. Maybe they got forwards that can turn pucks over on the forcheck. Maybe a ripper from the point. Guys strong enough to play in front of the net. guys who can make plays in front of the net. We are lacking so much of these things. However, the one thing we do have "Sedins" need that point to open up the box in front of the goal. Otherwise they go around in circles in the corner until someone knocks them off the puck or a d-man bounces one off the back boards and into the neutral zone. 



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3 minutes ago, DIBdaQUIB said:

Offensive D talent is part of the problem but lots of teams don't have top offensive d men and they still generate far more quality offensive pressure than we are.


I think it is part talent, part system combining for an overly restrictive playing style that stymies the offense.  You can see how our forwards are always hanging back in the O-zone for fear of getting caught.  We are a one-shot and fall back team

Good assessment...Theres been a lot of games where we have had a lot of shots,but 99% of them are perimeter and ineffectual....Its almost as if the Canucks are trying to employ a Daryl Sutter type system,except we don't have the personnel to pull it off.

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It doesn't look like they've quit on their coach to me. 


We're a team in transition and what's happening now is not that unexpected to me. We're slow, we're old, and we lack quality. Seems pretty simple to me.


Everything else just doesn't matter.




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1 minute ago, Honky Cat said:

Good assessment...Theres been a lot of games where we have had a lot of shots,but 99% of them are perimeter and ineffectual....Its almost as if the Canucks are trying to employ a Daryl Sutter type system,except we don't have the personnel to pull it off.


How do most teams keep the puck in the zone?! Aggressive Dman pinching. Can Gudbranson and Tryamkin, Edler or Tanev effectively do that. Absolutely not. Ste Cher is about the only guy who can effectively do that and you can see him building confidence in doing that all the time. Still, pretty hard to score with 1rookie who can pinch.

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2 hours ago, LaBamba said:

if you know so much about coaching, tell us what WD is doing wrong systematically. 


You can't cycle without a threat at the point. We can't run and gun with 4 top 6 forwards. And we aren't big enough to dump and chase. 


For how talentless this team is on paper I am absolutely shocked that we are competitive at all. 


People are acting like giving Jake 5 more minutes of ice time would be the difference maker in our season. Or icing the forth line too much is why we can't score. What a joke. I believe WD will be fired, however who ever comes in is going to have just as much poop to work with. When he can't get it done we are looking at you Jim. 

You are correct. However sometimes it doesn't take to much to change a team that is losing but competing into a team that is winning. 

For example if Lou starts to put it together and rodin comes back and does well .......then who knows. Add a few wins in a row and now you have a team with some confidence. 

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Just now, LaBamba said:


How do most teams keep the puck in the zone?! Aggressive Dman pinching. Can Gudbranson and Tryamkin, Edler or Tanev effectively do that. Absolutely not. Ste Cher is about the only guy who can effectively do that and you can see him building confidence in doing that all the time. Still, pretty hard to score with 1rookie who can pinch.

....Hutton is trying,but unfortunately he's getting burnt a lot this season..

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1 minute ago, LaBamba said:


How do most teams keep the puck in the zone?! Aggressive Dman pinching. Can Gudbranson and Tryamkin, Edler or Tanev effectively do that. Absolutely not. Ste Cher is about the only guy who can effectively do that and you can see him building confidence in doing that all the time. Still, pretty hard to score with 1rookie who can pinch.

Miller tried to pinch the other night and it almost cost us a goal. 

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2 minutes ago, Honky Cat said:

....Hutton is trying,but unfortunately he's getting burnt a lot this season..


Man, PK Subban gets burned. Hutton can move around really well he just really lacks a shot. Kinda like Hammer. The guy could waltz around that ozone like a boss but be can't make the goalie make a save. 

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10 minutes ago, LaBamba said:


I don't really see us lacking in generating though. There are many reasons why other teams score more. Maybe they got forwards that can turn pucks over on the forcheck. Maybe a ripper from the point. Guys strong enough to play in front of the net. guys who can make plays in front of the net. We are lacking so much of these things. However, the one thing we do have "Sedins" need that point to open up the box in front of the goal. Otherwise they go around in circles in the corner until someone knocks them off the puck or a d-man bounces one off the back boards and into the neutral zone. 



WE are lacking but also not deploying those who do have those skills i.e. Horvat.  WD is determined to play him in a defensive, shut down role even with a guy like Sutter on the team.  Bo has shown he has strong offensive skills and is a net-driver.  

On the PP...why not park Bo in front or Tryamkin?  WD just appears to be so conservative that he is unwilling to try any bold or new ideas that could shake this team out of its lethargy. 


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True, we don't have the offensive fire power from our D end, and overall we lack skilled offensive players. 


The big red flag for me on the whole WD sucks campaign is really pretty simple.

Proven players, guys we know can bury the puck, aren't getting it done. WD is not getting the most out of his forwards. They've either stopped trying (Eriksson) or they just don't care (Sutter), others are just getting old and slow.... Baer and Granny aren't getting it done offensively. Are they too concerned about getting benched to take an offensive chance, or are they just really not very good? I dunno...


Bo's deployment is frustrating. Are they really still trying to protect him, not put too much pressure to score on the kid? Really, still? Okay then.


I don't expect WD will be fired this year, but they probably promote Green in the summer and let WD take a walk.


It's not all on him, but he's obviously not getting the most out of his players.


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11 minutes ago, DIBdaQUIB said:

WE are lacking but also not deploying those who do have those skills i.e. Horvat.  WD is determined to play him in a defensive, shut down role even with a guy like Sutter on the team.  Bo has shown he has strong offensive skills and is a net-driver.  

On the PP...why not park Bo in front or Tryamkin?  WD just appears to be so conservative that he is unwilling to try any bold or new ideas that could shake this team out of its lethargy. 



Sure, but I mean really man, is this why we are the lowest scoring team in the league by a long shot? Cause I don't. Bo can't play 60mins. 

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5 minutes ago, LaBamba said:


Sure, but I mean really man, is this why we are the lowest scoring team in the league by a long shot? Cause I don't. Bo can't play 60mins. 

No, but this team is playing a tight defensive structure and a few more goals would mean a few more wins. Thus the goal to be in the hunt of the playoff would be in sight.

WD repeats the same mistakes over and over. He shows 0 creativity. Gets out coached continually.

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12 minutes ago, LaBamba said:


Sure, but I mean really man, is this why we are the lowest scoring team in the league by a long shot? Cause I don't. Bo can't play 60mins. 

A little change can sometimes lead to a big difference in the outcome...the Butterfly effect.::D 


Success breeds success...right now they are continuing to do the same things over and over and expecting different results.  It's not working.

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1 hour ago, LaBamba said:


This is all a bunch of opinionated rubbish. 


The Sedin's cycle lives and dies by who is at the point. If they can't stretch that box out in front of the net they are done. We are playing a D 1st system BECAUSE WE HAVE D 1ST D-MEN!!!!! Do you think we would be playing this system with 6 PK Subbans? 


You are blaming WD for playing more structured? I'm 100% positive Linden and Benning both ASKED WD to play a more structured system. This is well documented on more than 1 occasion. He had to do what he is told. Regardless, how can you use this theory last night for example? The team had plenty of SOG. What else can you possible ask for? 







I love it when you trash people for having an opinion, thats kind of the point of CDC :rolleyes:


We haven't seen the twins and loui together long enough to say the cycle is dead. 


Yes we do have 2 D guy that can jump up, Hutton and Stecher. No one has more than 1 Subban.


Yes, lots of SOG, not screened, no traffic, that pretty much any NHL goalie can stop. If we don't get traffic in front of the net this team cannot score. 





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A dump and chase system does not work with the bodies this team has.


Yet WD insists on this style, regardless of the results.  He is pounding square pegs into round holes, just like the slow kid at preschool.


This is Torts all over again.


This team, from what I, a small time, armchair fan sees, is a puck possession quick pass tape to tape kind of team, generating goals on the rush and quick sneaky shots from all over.  Instead, WD has a small team chipping and chasing.




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