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Elias Pettersson | #40 | C

-Vintage Canuck-

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5 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Where was any player (other than the goalie) from the opposing team?  Pettersson doesn't panic though, and just shoot.  He has nerves that kid.  Really like this pick. 

He beats that one defender back but then the D doesn't even try and stay on him, lol. He just peels off and goes for the guy with the puck.

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7 minutes ago, N7Nucks said:

Yeah he's likely not getting that kind of time and space in the NHL. Although you do see instances where guys have all day in and around the net. So who knows. Lol.

It is preseason remember. There's gonna be that kind of sloppy play in any league.


Still like to see those silky smooth mitts though.

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On 2017-09-07 at 4:43 PM, RetroCanuck said:

Considering how light he is, he's still putting up points against men. He could be NHL ready next season with his skills but man does he need some muscle/size. Heres hoping he's on an intense training program all year and works his butt off

No I don't think so - he has more space, time and they play a lot less aggressive 


he will need AHL time to get use to this change of style or he will have a hard time adjustaing to the difference in physicality 


at least thats my opinion 

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On 9/7/2017 at 1:46 PM, N7Nucks said:

Losing the lottery might be the best thing that could have happened to us. This kid looks more and more like a stud every day. I gotta be careful I don't get too ahead of myself. Anything can happen, but I am very happy with Pettersson as a player.

I think, even if we won the lottery, this was still JB's pick. Might have traded the first overall for some other picks / prospects and moved back a couple of spots to still take Pettersson.


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2 hours ago, AlwaysACanuckFan said:


Love Pettersson. Love the pick. Hate this approach to his contract (if Jim is actually being honest here--my hope is that he's just covering for the Pettersson camp wanting to wait on the deal).


Signing him this year is not rushing him.


Actually, it would give the Canucks greater flexibility to take their time with his development.


I've gone into detail on this before (earlier in this thread) and won't re-state everything. Long story short: due to Pettersson's birthday and age, a 2017 contract can slide (and effectively extend his 3-year ELC to as long as 5 years), a 2018 contract can not slide (and starts burning years immediately).


If JB doesn't want to rush things, why not choose the option that allows the team to take their time with Pettersson's development, extend his ELC as long as possible, and delay him hitting RFA status potentially a year earlier than necessary.


The option that allows all the above is signing Pettersson in 2017. 


If I were JB, I'd be "rushing" Pettersson to put pen to paper this year. And then I'd definitely take my time handling his actual development.

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It just so exciting to have a player like this In our system. I wanted Van to take him with the 5th selection and glad they did. He has the potential to be the superstar player we desperately need. Now if we could somehow draft Rasmus Dahlin we're set. 

Edited by Kungfudru
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11 minutes ago, SID.IS.SID.ME.IS.ME said:

Love Pettersson. Love the pick. Hate this approach to his contract (if Jim is actually being honest here--my hope is that he's just covering for the Pettersson camp wanting to wait on the deal).


Signing him this year is not rushing him.


Actually, it would give the Canucks greater flexibility to take their time with his development.


I've gone into detail on this before (earlier in this thread) and won't re-state everything. Long story short: due to Pettersson's birthday and age, a 2017 contract can slide (and effectively extend his 3-year ELC to as long as 5 years), a 2018 contract can not slide (and starts burning years immediately).


If JB doesn't want to rush things, why not choose the option that allows the team to take their time with Pettersson's development, extend his ELC as long as possible, and delay him hitting RFA status potentially a year earlier than necessary.


The option that allows all the above is signing Pettersson in 2017. 


If I were JB, I'd be "rushing" Pettersson to put pen to paper this year. And then I'd definitely take my time handling his actual development.

I'm sure JB would prefer to sign him this year, for the reasons you mentioned. And I believe your hope is correct; by taking the heat himself for the non-signing he avoids alienating Pettersson from the team and the fans. It's almost certainly Pettersson/his agent who refuses to sign now, because why would he want to sign now? What benefit would he get from signing this year?

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15 hours ago, WeneedLumme said:

I'm sure JB would prefer to sign him this year, for the reasons you mentioned. And I believe your hope is correct; by taking the heat himself for the non-signing he avoids alienating Pettersson from the team and the fans. It's almost certainly Pettersson/his agent who refuses to sign now, because why would he want to sign now? What benefit would he get from signing this year?

There are at least two very good reasons that this is going down the way it is.  The first reason is as you and Sid stated - it's in Pettersson's interest to sign next year.  The other reason is that he needs a development year in a strong league that has a lower rate of injuries than the NHL or AHL.  If JB plays along with this idea, he gains loyalty from the Pettersson camp, which is what you want long term.

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15 hours ago, SID.IS.SID.ME.IS.ME said:

Love Pettersson. Love the pick. Hate this approach to his contract (if Jim is actually being honest here--my hope is that he's just covering for the Pettersson camp wanting to wait on the deal).


Signing him this year is not rushing him.


Actually, it would give the Canucks greater flexibility to take their time with his development.


I've gone into detail on this before (earlier in this thread) and won't re-state everything. Long story short: due to Pettersson's birthday and age, a 2017 contract can slide (and effectively extend his 3-year ELC to as long as 5 years), a 2018 contract can not slide (and starts burning years immediately).


If JB doesn't want to rush things, why not choose the option that allows the team to take their time with Pettersson's development, extend his ELC as long as possible, and delay him hitting RFA status potentially a year earlier than necessary.


The option that allows all the above is signing Pettersson in 2017. 


If I were JB, I'd be "rushing" Pettersson to put pen to paper this year. And then I'd definitely take my time handling his actual development.

You've covered all the reasons right there, and for sure its Jim building some loyalty with Pettersson and I'm sure they want to use a good year in Sweden to get the most they can in ELC bonuses when he does sign. Sure its better for the Canucks to pressure to sign now, but Jim's shown he's willing to take an approach thats good for the player too. I'm fine with it, I think it helps to create a team where elite players want to be.  


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