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Putting another rumour to bed, breach of contract, and how it pertains to Eriksson.

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Arrow 1983

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3 hours ago, Arrow 1983 said:

Your scenior would put Eriksson in breach of contracts most contracts have communicate cluases between employer and employee. So this likely didn't happen his agent would inform him of this cluase 

Key words are "most" and "likely".  You're just making assumptions at this point.  


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4 hours ago, Arrow 1983 said:

You are talking to a contract specialist I know how to phrase my words


4 hours ago, Arrow 1983 said:

Your scenior would put Eriksson in breach of contracts most contracts have communicate cluases between employer and employee. So this likely didn't happen his agent would inform him of this cluase 



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5 hours ago, Arrow 1983 said:

You are talking to a contract specialist I know how to phrase my words

If your a specialists then you know almost ever contract has a loop hole or clause to protect the person or company offering the contract.

also this is why I think the Nhl  contracts should have a clause that says if the player doesn't reach agreed apon points in one season over agreed apon time.

Say Loui agreed to put up atleast 35 points a season and has a three season grace period to get there.

Where if he doesn't the team has the option to terminate his contract. 

It would protect the owners and keep players honest.

Edited by RowdyCanuck
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24 minutes ago, RowdyCanuck said:

I think the Nhl  contracts should have a clause that says if the player doesn't reach agreed apon points in one season over agreed apon time.

Say Loui agreed to put up atleast 35 points a season and has a three season grace period to get there.

Where if he doesn't the team has the option to terminate his contract. 

It would protect the owners and keep players honest.

Very strange if so... The coach decide how the team plays. 

Dump the puck and chase it may not be the best for some players. Changing lines isn' t ultimate either. 

So in this case, Green can play Loui in positions Loui have much harder to produce points. 

Do you want legal procedures to decide every time if the player or the coach is right?


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6 minutes ago, Timråfan said:

Very strange if so... The coach decide how the team plays. 

Dump the puck and chase it may not be the best for some players. Changing lines isn' t ultimate either. 

So in this case, Green can play Loui in positions Loui have much harder to produce points. 

Do you want legal procedures to decide every time if the player or the coach is right?


Loui hasn't played good under two coaches now....

Iirc Boston played the same style when he put up points...

Also Jake bounced around too and he put up more points...so that doesn't really hold much water...also I think Loui is better fitted for the east not to write the east off or anything but smaller/softer players do better there and it's easier to get the goals his used to scoring too. 

Loui has to earn his spot and he hasn't. Plain and simple.

legal procedures  to determine if a player or coach are right? What you mean....I'm saying if they put a clause were a player agrees to put up so many point and has a set number of season to do so is just like if you hire a contractor and they give you a set time frame/budget to get it done and if not they can be fired. It would get rid of the floaters like Loui......also it wouldn't be a judge ruling on the contract....it would be the GM so if the player role changes then it's up to the GM to decide....wouldnt that make the league more competitive? Also look at how many players have career years in the final year of their contract....it would force players to keep trying and also if the team isn't a fit then the player isn't stuck in that place...it gives a player a way out without all the drama like we have now

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2 hours ago, RowdyCanuck said:

Loui has to earn his spot and he hasn't. Plain and simple.

Agree totally... What I don't like is fans that spread hate that cause hate beside the forum. The hate creeps into every corner of the net and into the schools where children should have a nice and friendly environment. 


legal procedures  to determine if a player or coach are right? What you mean....I'm saying if they put a clause were a player agrees to put up so many point and has a set number of season to do so is just like if you hire a contractor and they give you a set time frame/budget to get it done and if not they can be fired. It would get rid of the floaters like Loui......also it wouldn't be a judge ruling on the contract....it would be the GM so if the player role changes then it's up to the GM to decide....wouldnt that make the league more competitive? Also look at how many players have career years in the final year of their contract....it would force players to keep trying and also if the team isn't a fit then the player isn't stuck in that place...it gives a player a way out without all the drama like we have now

As I understand it players earn their final year/years of a contract. Take Luongo as one example. You got a lot of different reasons why a player don't match the fans expectations but match the managements expectations. Cap space etc...  And how do you force an aging player to produce when the body is falling apart? 

It's never the players fault what happens. The managent hires a player and then the coach provide environment/support/motivation/demand and so on... And when it doesn''t work anymore. Management find another player. 

But let the management do the talking and support your players instead. 

The players need their fans behind them. And if Loui play one season more, do you really think the team benefits from fans booing and torch a shirt with his name and number on? 

The whole team feel  bad when something like that happens because they know they could be the next target of the hating fans. 


Regarding Loui, why do you think he is a floater? 

Other fans think he's doing a good job at the level Green plays him. 

Don't let either interviews or Louis 6 millions disturb your thoughts. 


Edited by Timråfan
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6 hours ago, janisahockeynut said:

Yes, but as a public figure, he is totally aware of the ramifications and its results

Tell that to the GM instead. Loui is a player and Benning is a GM. Very different responsibilities. 

Benning get paid to be a diplomat and a leader. 

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3 hours ago, RowdyCanuck said:

If your a specialists then you know almost ever contract has a loop hole or clause to protect the person or company offering the contract.

also this is why I think the Nhl  contracts should have a clause that says if the player doesn't reach agreed apon points in one season over agreed apon time.

Say Loui agreed to put up atleast 35 points a season and has a three season grace period to get there.

Where if he doesn't the team has the option to terminate his contract. 

It would protect the owners and keep players honest.

While the idea is good for the clubs, I don't think the players union would ever agree to such performance related contracts... There is no guarantees in sports. 

But could imagine them saying good, but then if a player produces over X points, he should be allowed to renegotiate his contract, as he is not paid, what he could get on the open market...

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12 hours ago, SilentSam said:

It happened last year with Gagner,. I think it happened with someone else the years before.??

Benning has stated before that those situations will happen and have.

Eriksson should not feel at all privileged, this season especially.

Gagner didn’t get beat out of a roster spot so much as he just mailed it in.

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9 hours ago, RowdyCanuck said:

Loui hasn't played good under two coaches now....

Iirc Boston played the same style when he put up points...

Also Jake bounced around too and he put up more points...so that doesn't really hold much water...also I think Loui is better fitted for the east not to write the east off or anything but smaller/softer players do better there and it's easier to get the goals his used to scoring too. 

Loui has to earn his spot and he hasn't. Plain and simple.

legal procedures  to determine if a player or coach are right? What you mean....I'm saying if they put a clause were a player agrees to put up so many point and has a set number of season to do so is just like if you hire a contractor and they give you a set time frame/budget to get it done and if not they can be fired. It would get rid of the floaters like Loui......also it wouldn't be a judge ruling on the contract....it would be the GM so if the player role changes then it's up to the GM to decide....wouldnt that make the league more competitive? Also look at how many players have career years in the final year of their contract....it would force players to keep trying and also if the team isn't a fit then the player isn't stuck in that place...it gives a player a way out without all the drama like we have now

I like the concept, but it wouldn't work.  Hockey is a team sport.  If those stipulations were put in, a lot of players would just play for themselves trying to get points.  You'd have to put in a lot of different stipulations in too, it wouldn't be just the points.  It'll be TOI, PP Time, SH Time, linemates, etc. etc.  Opening up a big can of worms.  Plus you have to put in clauses for injuries too.  These contracts you want would be like the NFL, and as far as I know, the NFLPA is the worst out of all of the major sports.

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